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> An example of fair use is right in front of you. Stephen used a portion 
>of a
> published work of Motley's, verbatim, for the purpose of commenting on 
> Motley had used another's published work before that, in his post, also
> verbatim. I'm now "sampling" both of you and reusing your work in this 
> that I am about to publish. Somebody will undoubtedly reuse my creative 
> as a part of subsequent comments. In no case did anyone seek permission 
> the publisher of the various pieces before doing this. And they don't 
> to, because of Fair Use.

  There is one important difference in this example and the sampling of
music for production of other music: an artist is trying to make a
living from the original music and the person doing the sampling
(copying) is also trying to make money. If the copier doesn't make any
money or doesn't reduce the amount of money the originator can make from
his creation, then I have no beef.
