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Re: re[2]: Cables have direction/direction my ass

You're a smart man Dean.


On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 09:58  AM, Dean Stiglitz wrote:

> i'm no electronics whiz, but correct me if i'm wrong here:
> when a guitar string is vibrating (oscilating), the "signal" 
> (electrical current) swings back and forth between positive and 
> negative...the positive and negative may not be exact mirror images of 
> each other, but very, very close.  the result at the end of the chain 
> is a speaker diaphram oscillating inward and outward in correspondence 
> to the vibrating string (save for any fx or processing in between).  
> there is never a flow of current leaving the guitar pickup that is not 
> compensated for by an equal, opposite current (at least when averaged 
> over time)....the speaker cone does not walk across the floor.
> the illustration would be more like holding a streched out slinky in 
> both hands...moving one hand will cause a "wave" that goes to the other 
> hand, and then bounces back to the source...as opposed to having a ball 
> of string in one hand and feeding it to the other hand.
> since the flow of electrons is bidirectional, and the negative current 
> affects the sound just as much as the positive current, i can't imagine 
> any reason that an electrical cable would have a directional bias...if 
> it's more effecient, distortion free, or magical in one direction, when 
> the flow of electrons is reversed (when the string goes to the other 
> side of the pickup), it would follow that the extra directional "magic" 
> would not be applied.  if you reversed the cable, the benifits of the 
> directional cable would still apply to the signal in an equal way (as 
> the neg part of the waveform is not discarded, but vibrates the air in 
> the opposite direction).
> i could imagine that there might be differances in cable direction with 
> a dc current (is spidf a dc current...i think so...that might explain 
> the audiophile analysis provided).
> deknow