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Further on the (goddess) repeater sequencing thang...

><smile>   Thanks Mark, you're too kind!   Yes, I like the pitch function
>a whole lot.  You can also record a loop as it's being pitched which is
>also way cool!  -Anyway, nick away!, K?   I'll try to download your tune if
>the links will be nice and show up for me.   <smile>  Have an awesome
Your welcome


One Question on this technique... I tried it at home using my groovebox drummachine external sequencer... I found it pitched ANY repeater track that was curently selected, NOT only if the pitch button was pressed, as it says in the manual, but all the time??? Am i doing something wrong?
To clarify whats happening, if I am sending midi on the right channel, it pitches WHATEVER track is currently selected at all times, where I took it to be that it would ONLY pitch a track IF the pitch button was pressed and that track selected... Therfore you cannot actually overdub anything onto a track that you DO NOT want pitched/sequenced... so whassup wiv that???
Mark Red
         mark red