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Re: [LOOP] Re: talkative audiences

On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, mark wrote:

> I have a totally different issue.  I don't care if people are talking 
> during my music.  A lot of the time it's ambient and meant to be part 
> of the enviornment.  If it's dancy, it's usually loud enough that I 
> can't hear people anyway.  No, people talking to each other isn't my 
> issue.
> My issue is that people talk to me.
> Now, most of you know that I'm so nice and friendly that it's hard to 
> resist having a nice chat with me.  I'm a prince of a guy, what can I 
> say?  But while I'm playing?  It's pretty incredible.  Pretty much 
> every show someone will come up to me and actually start to engage in 
> conversation right in the middle of a piece.  So very weird.  At my 
> last gig I actually had to turn my back on a guy and pretend I couldn't 
> hear him over the music.  I'm thinking of starting to wear DJ 
> headphones partially for the monitors, but also to stop people from 
> asking me about what synth module I'm using while I'm using it.
> Does anyone else have this problem?  It never used to happen when I was 
> doing group orientated pop/rock type music.

Yes, I had the owner of an art gallery we were playing at decide he wanted 
to talk to me over the music while we were playing. Asking me to explain 
the history and origins and usage of a theremin while I'm trying to 
*play* it for an art show opening at his gallery was something of a 
mood-breaker. We keep the volume low enough at such shows to make people 
talking to each other in the gallery easy, but talking to us as 
performers feels like clumsily "breaking the fourth wall" of television 
or film. 

Subscape Annex