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Re: Syncing two EDPS

marcus kirby wrote:
Would I just need a midi through box?

Electribe to EDP1
EDP1 Out to EDP 2
EDP 1 Through to Moog MP201

(assuming you still need the Moog)

I think my issue is that I need them to be on separate midi channels. Basically, I need one controller to control both edps, and I don.commt think my behringer or anything else does that.

Put both EDPs on one channel, but use the Source# param to
check them to work in different ranges.


On Jun 15, 2011 9:29 AM, "andy butler" <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk <mailto:akbutler@tiscali.co.uk>> wrote:
 > Can't you just midi sync the EDPs ?
 > A splitter after the Electribe?
 > params
 > SYNC = In
 > 8th/Cycle = length of bar
 > OR
 > the edp looptimes can be shown as slightly different,
 > and they'll still be in sync, as the syncing action
 > chops the loop slightly.
 > I'd guess actual beat length is .505 (or so)
 > and the edps should stick to that.
 > andy
 > marcus kirby wrote:
 >> Here's my current setup:
 >> Electribe midi out -> Moog MP201 Midi in -> CV Gate on/off to EDP1 and
 >> EDP2 Beat Sync.
 >> EDP one ranges anywhere from .50 to .51 when trying to catch the beat,
>> which is fine when it's just one EDP. But when two start going together, >> I'll have one at .51 and the other at .50, which makes EDP2 slightly off
 >> sync.
 >> Is there a better way to sync the two?