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Re: unsub ;)

At 9:31 AM -0700 7/6/99, Michael P. Hughes, PhD wrote:
>For those that don't remember me (and you'd be entirely at liberty to do
>so), I used to be at Glasgow, had the email address pycraft@, and spent my
>time putting volume pedals in hardwired feedback loops around my 32-sec

Hey, welcome back Mike!

>Good to be back; nice to know nothing seems to have changed! BTW, I've
>updated my Loopers of the World entry... it's been embarrassing me for
>years, so I've finally done something about it.

We're still around to embarrass you, so it's ok.

>PS Kim, I see on the LD wwwpage that you harbour distain for digests; is
>this why the LD digests appear (to MS Outlook anyway) an a seres of
>attachments rather than a contiguous EMail?

The digest comes in standardized MIME digest format. Most typical mail
programs offer several options for how you view MIME digests. (I have
Eudora set to see it as one long text file.)  MS has a knack for completely
screwing up anything that's a standard, so god knows what they do with it.
Outlook seems to be one of the more notorious examples of this. I'd say,
get a real mailer. :-)


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com