Please support Looper's Delight
Looper's Delight has become very popular, and that means it has become very expensive to run. We depend on donations from our many generous users to help pay the bills and keep Looper's Delight alive. Donations are where we get most of our funding. (No, the ads you see do not pay very well, but they help make up the rest of the funding.) Any monetary support you can offer is very much appreciated. The looping community thanks you in advance for helping to keep this resource alive on the net! Thanks!!
One Time Donation
If you just wish to donate today, thanks! Just click here:
Recurring Donation Subscriptions
Many people have asked for this option so that they don't forget to support Looper's Delight. Setting up a donation subscription makes supporting LD very convenient. This is a big help for me also, because it means regular money coming in to pay the bills for the site. Even if you set up a recurring payment of just a few dollars a month, it will help in keeping Looper's Delight alive. Just fill out the form below with the amount you want to donate and how often you wish to pay, and click the button. PayPal will take care of the rest.