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Eventide DSP7000, DSP7500 and Orville Processors

This page needs more stuff! Any Eventide users out there want to help out? If you are interested, want to provide a review, or have any information on using the Orville for looping, please contact me.

Eventide processors are expensive, but they do a lot besides looping! The looping related features are quite extensive. Read Italo's article below for detailed information about all they can do.

Looping Functions of the Eventide DSP7000, DSP7500 and ORVILLE - by Italo De Angelis

Search the Looper's Delight Mailing List Archives for Eventide Commentary

Looper's Delight Eventide DSP4000 page

Looper's Delight Eventide H3500 page

Orville User Comments on Harmony Central

DSP7000 User Comments on Harmony Central

Eventide's Orville page

Eventide's DSP7000 page

Eventide's DSP7500 page

Eventide's main Harmonizer page

Eventide Home page

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