----- Original Message -----
From: mark francombe
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: semi OT - Guitar Synths
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2010 11:56:32 +0200
All this talk of tracking and how good one git synth is to another... is just so weird... I have been using the usually critisised GR30 git synth since it came out.. I dont have the cash to simply upgrade cos they write 33 on the end, and certainly no cash for the VG series (Altho I have drooled over them I have to admit.)
I love the glitching, crikey, I have a midi pickup (GR) installed into my baritone guitar and its a helluva delay on the lower notes before you hear anything.. higher up is tracks flawlessly and I can even play a few er.. "licks"!
But... with all guitar synths you just HAVE TO adjust your playing style.. I mean if you switch to playing a keyboard, you are adjusting your playing style... and you have to think the same on a git synth. BUT.. there is something nice about tracking problems too..
The same guitar has an fernandez sustainer installed, and when I switch it over to the harmonic setting (where a guitar sound will normally sound like feedbacky ebow.. a midi guitar sound will not seamlessly take on more octave harmonics, it will search a bit for them before it locks on.. this sounds great.
If I had any cash at all, I would snap up a Korg XG15 which I had during the 80īs.. Twas TERRIBLE at tracking.. OMG.. but I loved that.. I often had it turned on as I played chords.. it would warble all over the place, occasionally hitting the right note almost like a free jazz sax solo.. cool as fuck..
BTW, I have my GR30 permanently going thru an AirFX... that seems to do the trick for me, it dirtys up the sound of the korg and puts some life into the sound as I wiggle my toes over its XY beam...
On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Louie Angulo <louie.angulo@googlemail.com> wrote:I have the graph tech installed on my fernandes sustainer nd it tracks way better than the GK synth pickups plus having the piezo option on the electric is also nice!2010/6/15 andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk>
William Walker wrote:
The Sonuus tracks really well, ...downside is that it doesn't track so fast.
triple yuck I'll keep waiting.....
did you try the Axon system yet?that's useful to know, unfortunately both my electric guitars have tuneamatics.
Tuneamatic style bridges are somewhat notorious for having vibration issues that can interfere with stable tracking.
Sometimes I think about trying the graphtech ghost transducers.
I'm not that captivated by the idea of synth sounds, but
maybe if the note value was used to control other stuff,
like filter or ring mod frequency.
mark francombe
twitter @markfrancombe
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