Doesn't it work for you to run the D-TAR's effect send (actually:
"Channel effects loop send") to the looper's Audi Input and the
looper's Stereo Audio Output to the D-TAR's Stereo Input Jack? Judging
by the manual that seems to be the way to go.
Greetings from Sweden
Per Boysen internet music hub
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Louie Angulo
<> wrote:
> Hi gang,
> is ther a way to use the D-tar solstice s effects loop with a stereo looper?
> in the back it has one send and one return but it also has chanel insertion
> jacks
> how would you conect them then?
> here is the manual
> thanx a lot!
> Luis