Result for query 'cycloops'
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Wellcome CYCLOOPS, March 12, 2001
Wellcome CYCLOOPS 10:
Subject: Wellcome CYCLOOPS 19:
Wellcome to "CYCLOOPS" among DJ loopers !!!
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 26:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 54:
> Subject: Italian Cycloops
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> >As I am experimenting Cycloops, It works also great with jazz music, not 40:
> >In comparison with DJRND2/3, Cycloops new features are the automatic 45:
> >Cycloops clowns turntables in realtime, so the DJ could use it as a
Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Italian Cycloops
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 24:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops
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>As I am experimenting Cycloops, It works also great with jazz music, not 37:
>In comparison with DJRND2/3, Cycloops new features are the automatic 42:
>Cycloops clowns turntables in realtime, so the DJ could use it as a
Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 41:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 23:
> I don't know Cycloops, I didn't check it out at Frankfurt. This is the
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 59:
dont you know that Emanuel _IS_ the engeneer behind Cycloops ?
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops
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Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Italian Cycloops 20:
where the review was asking him if they had tried the Cycloops or not.
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Re: Italian Cycloops, April 22, 2001 295:
Re: Italian Cycloops, April 22, 2001 297:
Cycloops, April 21, 2001 299:
Italian Cycloops, April 22, 2001
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 44:
>I don't know Cycloops, I didn't check it out at Frankfurt. This is the
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 35:
>I don't know Cycloops, I didn't check it out at Frankfurt. This is the
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 52:
Subject: Italian Cycloops
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As I am experimenting Cycloops, It works also great with jazz music, not 24:
In comparison with DJRND2/3, Cycloops new features are the automatic 29:
Cycloops clowns turntables in realtime, so the DJ could use it as a
Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 28:
> Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops
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Re: Italian Cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: Italian Cycloops 21:
I don't know Cycloops, I didn't check it out at Frankfurt. This is the very
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Cycloops 10:
Subject: Cycloops 26:
UVÁDÍ NOVÝ SAMPLER "CYCLOOPS". Že je to tak malinko lepší?! Tak konec žertík? a honem do poznávání.
200104/msg00446:Italian Cycloops + answer to DJLatino
Italian Cycloops + answer to DJLatino 10:
Subject: Italian Cycloops + answer to DJLatino 22:
> where the review was asking him if they had tried the Cycloops or not.
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Cycloops review 10:
Subject: Cycloops review 19:
Cycloops review, May 27, 2001
Win a Cycloops ! 10:
Subject: Win a Cycloops ! 19:
Win a Redsound Cycloops DJ looper at
CYCLOOPS - DJRND3 User's Manual, July 06, 2001 432:
Win a Cycloops !, July 03, 2001
Currently i'm set up with a Pioneer DJM600, 2 12's, just sold my kaoss pad, wait-listed for a Red Sound Cycloops, many external effectors. If anyone on the list has used a Cycloops what did you think?
Currently i'm set up with a Pioneer DJM600, 2 12's, just sold my kaoss pad, wait-listed for a Red Sound Cycloops, many external effectors. If anyone on the list has used a Cycloops what did you think?
CYCLOOPS - DJRND3 User's Manual 10:
Subject: CYCLOOPS - DJRND3 User's Manual 27:
Btw I was thinking about Cycloops : Could you add the "jogwheel
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200107/msg00365:RE: Any dj's using loops live (The Rest Of You Can...)
CYCLOOPS djstore review, August 28, 2001
CYCLOOPS djstore review 10:
Subject: CYCLOOPS djstore review 21:
Here is another review on Redsound Cycloops DJ looper
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where the Redsound Cycloops is in demo
> SU200, KORG ES-1, ZOOM ST-224, AKAI S20 ... or even Redsound Cycloops or
200110/msg00664:Re: Looper development and production costs?
> or dl-4 or Cycloops. The fact that there are quite a bit of differences 89:
> Cycloops, which is a cool new looper well aimed at that market. In
200110/msg00656:Re: Looper development and production costs?
RC-20 or the boomerang or dl-4 or Cycloops. The fact that there are quite 83:
you see that? I see a lot more discussion among dj's about the Cycloops,
> > SU200, KORG ES-1, ZOOM ST-224, AKAI S20 ... or even Redsound Cycloops
> Cycloops), to pierwszy na 39:
Cycloops in auction 10:
Subject: Cycloops in auction 19:
For those interested in a second hand Cycloops unit,
roadstead roadsteads ( ) Sound C-Loops Sound Cycloops, it first on? 44:
Red Sound C-Loops (dawna nazwa Red Sound Cycloops), to pierwszy na
Cycloops in auction, December 10, 2001
> > Red Sound C-Loops (dawna nazwa Red Sound Cycloops), to pierwszy na
> Red Sound C-Loops (dawna nazwa Red Sound Cycloops), to pierwszy na
Red Sound C-Loops (dawna nazwa Red Sound Cycloops), to pierwszy na
200201/msg00372:Re: cycloops (and digressions)L.A.
Re: cycloops (and digressions)L.A. 10:
Subject: Re: cycloops (and digressions)L.A.
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Re: cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: cycloops 23:
> just messing with a cycloops... nice to see something a little
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Re: cycloops 10:
Subject: Re: cycloops
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Re: cycloops (and digressions) 10:
Subject: Re: cycloops (and digressions)
Re: cycloops, January 12, 2002 514:
Re: cycloops (and digressions), January 14, 2002 576:
cycloops, January 12, 2002 684:
Re: cycloops (and digressions), January 14, 2002
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cycloops 10:
Subject: cycloops 19:
just messing with a cycloops... nice to see something a little different! i
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Re: cycloops (and digressions) 10:
Subject: Re: cycloops (and digressions)
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Emmanuel's technology also appeared in the Cycloops from Red Sound.
200306/msg01052:Re: Frippertronics and Soundscapes
products, which were used for the RedSound Cycloops.
200308/msg01327:Re: Narrowing the field (Re: Currently available looper music webpage)
It looks suspiciously exactly the same as the Red Sound cycloops. (except 21:
Cycloops. These may not exactly be your cup of tea or they may be exactly
> Cycloops. These may not exactly be your cup of tea or they may be
200404/msg00099:Gibson has been bought up by fender?
> Cycloops. These may not exactly be your cup of tea
that I guess some of the technology was licensed to the Cycloops.
or Cycloops? Used PCM-42? Boomerang? EDP's been around forever,
or Cycloops? Used PCM-42? Boomerang? EDP's // 25:
RC-50? Never used a DJRND2 nor Cycloops. Boomerangs have (to my ears) a 122:
> Cycloops? Used PCM-42? Boomerang? EDP's been around forever, and you
There is also a yellow 'caution' sticker on the sub-group button of the Soundbite channel, although I will occasionally want to feed this back into itself. Don't forget the old cliche though, it's not the size of the rig that's important, it's what you do with it that counts.While I'm here, 2 questions to the group. 1. There seem to be very few users of the EHX 2880. Why is this ? it seems reasonably well featured for the price, and there are lots of 16-second delay devotees around, so is the 2880 really that bad ? It seems impossible to get hold of one to demo in the UK, please someone let me know their views on this.2. Has anyone carried out a modification on the Redsound Soundbite (prev known as Cycloops) to feed out the sample buttons to 6 footswitches on the floor ? It should be reasonably easy to do this, but before I invalidate the warranty, I wondered if anyone has any
Cycloops foot controller, May 31, 2007
Cycloops foot controller 10:
Subject: Cycloops foot controller 18:
2. Has anyone carried out a modification on the Redsound Soundbite (prev known as Cycloops) to feed out the sample buttons to 6 footswitches on the floor ? It should be reasonably easy to do this, but before I invalidate the warranty, I wondered if anyone has any tips. I've tried putting the thing on the floor to use, but my toes aren't dainty enough to hit the buttons properly.Yup, someone seems to have done just that, see this thread :</daviD>"Simulating the true styles and making carefully. Many colours a lot, selected freely by you !"
Bought myself a Redsound Cycloops - stereo sampling in a tiny
>Bought myself a Redsound Cycloops - stereo sampling in a tiny
200711/msg00123:Re: FlyLoops and electronic instruments
Actually, doesn't the Redsound Cycloops do this? Stephen?
Re: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 10:
Subject: Re: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 19:
would have one as 4beat one as 8 one and16 and one 32 but thats just me) plus a load of other cools stuff... the only thing i was wondering was, does it function like a normal looper with one button push starting record then the next stopping it when ever i want to begin looping, or is it more like the kaossicators looper when everything is goverened by bmp and that has to be set first...this is less intuitive for me as a musician but i can see how it would work for a dj. anyone else got anything to add, likes , dislikes etc... are the bigger cycloops and soundbites battery powerable? cheers Phill Have you played Fishticuffs? Get fish-slapping on MessengerThis might be the right time for me to post an old review I did of
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Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 10:
Subject: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 30:
anyone else got anything to add, likes , dislikes etc... are the bigger cycloops and soundbites battery powerable?
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RE: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 10:
Subject: RE: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 27:
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:43:32 -0700From: stevoj@yahoo.comSubject: Re: Cycloops / Soundbite MicroTo: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.comphillip wilson <> wrote:
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Re: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro, April 14, 2008 910:
Cycloops / Soundbite Micro, April 14, 2008 913:
RE: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro, April 15, 2008 915:
RE: AW: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro, April 15, 2008
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200804/msg00345:RE: AW: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro
RE: AW: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 10:
Subject: RE: AW: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 23:
phill> From:> To:> Subject: AW: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:20:44 +0200> > > So im now looking at buying a soundbite micro as this has four sample> slots and you can set the reletive times to each > > Have you given the KP3 Kaoss a thought?> > Rainer> Try Messenger on your mobile. Text MSN to 63463 Now.
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AW: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 10:
Subject: AW: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro
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Re: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro 10:
Subject: Re: Cycloops / Soundbite Micro
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Summary for query "cycloops":
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