Result for query 'dd20,dd-20'
Archive Top | Looper's Delight Home | Looper's Delight Mailing List Info
my Ibanez DD200, I turn "hold" on and of with a pedal, and with my
>my Ibanez DD200, I turn "hold" on and of with a pedal, and with my
Boss DD-20 was Re: two new cool products announced, January 17, 2003
200301/msg00605:Boss DD-20 was Re: two new cool products announced
Boss DD-20 was Re: two new cool products announced 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 was Re: two new cool products announced
200301/msg00682:Boss Announces Their Ultimate Delay Pedal
200301/msg00600:RE: two new cool products announced
200301/msg00620:Re: two new cool products announced
Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet?, February 07, 2003 507:
Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet?, February 07, 2003 864:
Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet?, February 10, 2003
200302/msg00344:Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet?
Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet? 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet? 57:
DD-20 at all for that. It's amazing what talent gets wasted in the Roland
200302/msg00260:Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet?
Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet? 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet? 27:
Subject: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet?
Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet? 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20: anyone tried it yet?
200303/msg00214:Re: slightly ot: the quest for a groovebox
200304/msg00093:Re: Line6 Echo Pro---Pros and Cons
the new Roland DD-20 looks like the perfect looping solution for a tiny
Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 20:
Has anyone looped with the Boss DD-20? They advertise
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 27:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20
Boss DD-20, April 23, 2003 449:
Roland DD-20, April 03, 2003 720:
Re: Boss DD-20, April 23, 2003 1408:
Re: Boss DD-20, April 23, 2003
Roland DD-20 10:
Subject: Roland DD-20 21:
> > the new Roland DD-20 looks like the perfect looping solution for a
200304/msg00108:Re: Line6 Echo Pro---Pros and Cons
The DD-20 could be a nice unit when it comes out, but
200304/msg00099:Re: Line6 Echo Pro---Pros and Cons
Thank you, Eric. I'll definitely audition the DD-20. 20:
the new Roland DD-20 looks like the perfect looping solution for a tiny budget.
Re: 1st boss dd-20 online review 10:
Subject: Re: 1st boss dd-20 online review 45:
> was checking and saw the first boss dd-20
on a slightly differant topic, Im thinking of the new BOSS DD-20 delay,
DD-20 (functionality, the warp and god knows what settings that ive hread 35:
>Looping is fun! I started looping last night with the new boss dd20. I 39:
>loops. The dd20 is a very nice unit for those who want a dedicated delay
> on a slightly differant topic, Im thinking of the new BOSS DD-20
Re: 1st boss dd-20 online review, May 09, 2003 1354:
Re: 1st boss dd-20 online review, May 09, 2003 1473:
1st boss dd-20 online review, May 09, 2003
200305/msg00152:Re: Intro/ zoom bfx 708 II (other options)
2. new boss dd-20 (is this the right #? i think it does 23 sec of delay
Re: 1st boss dd-20 online review 10:
Subject: Re: 1st boss dd-20 online review
Looping is fun! I started looping last night with the new boss dd20. I 24:
loops. The dd20 is a very nice unit for those who want a dedicated delay
> DD-20 (functionality, the warp and god knows what 46:
> the new boss dd20. I 53:
> >loops. The dd20 is a very nice unit for those who
1st boss dd-20 online review 10:
Subject: 1st boss dd-20 online review 19:
was checking and saw the first boss dd-20 review:
Boss DD20 ?, June 17, 2003
Boss DD20 ? 10:
Subject: Boss DD20 ? 21:
Has anyone here tried the new Boss DD20 pedal ?
more dd20 ?? 10:
Subject: more dd20 ?? 21:
> It appears that the Boss DD-20 will meet my immediate 25:
Is the loop mode on the DD20 true stereo? That'd be a major point in it's
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 25:
> No Feedback control on the DD20 when doing SOS.
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 19:
This made me wonder about the Boss DD-20. Anyone use it? I'm mostly 24:
it warrants dragging out the Repeater rack and the DD-20 might just do
200307/msg00398:Re: What loopers have feedback control?
>> OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
200307/msg00412:Re: What loopers have feedback control?
>>> OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
Re: More DD-20 questions... 10:
Subject: Re: More DD-20 questions... 20:
> OK, what if I took a DD-20 and used it in delay mode in the effect
200307/msg00414:Re: What loopers have feedback control?
>>> OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 21:
I use the DD20 and the RC20 together which makes a nice looping rig 26:
while the original is playing on the DD20. I does not compare to the 27:
EDP/Repeater combo I use for solo playing but in a group setting the DD20
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 20:
> why are you looking at the dd-20 as a "looper" ... boss makes a pedal in
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 35:
>Subject: Boss DD-20 38:
>This made me wonder about the Boss DD-20. Anyone use it? I'm mostly 43:
>warrants dragging out the Repeater rack and the DD-20 might just do what
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 19:
Right, but I was told that the DD-20 was a sound on sound looper only. 26:
> why are you looking at the dd-20 as a "looper" ... boss makes a pedal
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200307/msg00395:Re: What loopers have feedback control?
> OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
Re: more dd20 ?? 10:
Subject: Re: more dd20 ?? 19:
> Is the loop mode on the DD20 true stereo? That'd be
Re: boss dd-20 faults, July 11, 2003 310:
Re: more dd20 ??, July 15, 2003 486:
Re: boss dd-20 faults, July 11, 2003 487:
more dd20 ??, July 14, 2003 491:
boss dd-20 faults, July 11, 2003 548:
Re: More DD-20 questions..., July 12, 2003 612:
Re: boss dd-20 faults, July 11, 2003 796:
Re: Boss DD-20, July 04, 2003 808:
More DD-20 questions..., July 12, 2003
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 31:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 40:
> > No Feedback control on the DD20 when doing SOS.
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 19:
why are you looking at the dd-20 as a "looper" ... boss makes a pedal in 30:
Subject: boss dd-20 faults 37:
> > on the floor might be better. I'm thinking of maybe the Boss DD-20 but
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200307/msg00617:Re: How Many Delays, synced and unsynced
DD20. I like using the unsynced loops with my drummer because his timing 27:
changes when distracted and I can kill them quick if needed. The dd20
200307/msg00394:What loopers have feedback control?
OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
200307/msg00399:Re: What loopers have feedback control?
>>> OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 28:
> > No Feedback control on the DD20 when doing SOS.
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 25:
> > why are you looking at the dd-20 as a "looper" ...
200307/msg00525:RE: (affordable) stereo (live) looping?
It appears that the Boss DD-20 will meet my immediate 29:
any mention of an "undo" feature for the DD-20, and
More DD-20 questions... 10:
Subject: More DD-20 questions... 19:
OK, what if I took a DD-20 and used it in delay mode in the effect loop
on the floor might be better. I'm thinking of maybe the Boss DD-20 but
200307/msg00396:Re: What loopers have feedback control?
> OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: boss dd-20 faults 23:
> on the floor might be better. I'm thinking of maybe the Boss DD-20 but
200307/msg00478:Re: (affordable) stereo (live) looping?
I'm looking into maybe using the Boss DD-20. It's stereo, has like 23
>on the floor might be better. I'm thinking of maybe the Boss DD-20 but
200307/msg00620:Re: How Many Delays, synced and unsynced
> RC-20 then into the Boss DD20. I like using the unsynced loops with 45:
> them quick if needed. The dd20 works great for on the fly looping
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults
Re: boss dd-20 faults 10:
Subject: Re: boss dd-20 faults 21:
No Feedback control on the DD20 when doing SOS.
200307/msg00397:Re: What loopers have feedback control?
> OK. DD-20 doesn't have it. What loopers do?
200308/msg00126:Re: Digitech 2120's Looper (was Re: DigiTech DigiDelay pedal--cool!)
> products. Like the Loopstation or DD-20. Mostly I get pissed because
200308/msg00121:Digitech 2120's Looper (was Re: DigiTech DigiDelay pedal--cool!)
products. Like the Loopstation or DD-20. Mostly I get pissed because
station, but it has now been replaced by a DD-20!
station, but it has now been replaced by a DD-20!
> station, but it has now been replaced by a DD-20! 25:
What are the differences between the DD-20 and the DD-6?
the DD-20. So, if you're in the throes of GAS, check out:
Boss RC-20, DD-20, DD-6
200312/msg00442:Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question
Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question 25:
but I saw the review of the Boss DD-20 in the latest Guitar Player magazine and 37:
- just squawky glitches when you change the time. The DD-20 is looking pretty
can the dd-20 overdub? 41:
>would rule. But - they want you to buy the DD20 - which is more akin to 46:
>So - in the looping area ALONE - the DD20 lets you do:
200312/msg00077:Re: A few questions for stompbox loopers
I'm asking because i'm currently running two loopers (either a Boss DD-20,
would rule. But - they want you to buy the DD20 - which is more akin to the 34:
So - in the looping area ALONE - the DD20 lets you do:
200312/msg00087:RE: question about stopbox loopers
>I'm asking because i'm currently running two loopers (either a Boss DD-20,
200312/msg00434:Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question
Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question 35:
Subject: DD-20 Review in Guitar 43:
but I saw the review of the Boss DD-20 in the latest Guitar Player magazine
200312/msg00425:DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question
DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question 10:
Subject: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question 26:
review of the Boss DD-20 in the latest Guitar Player magazine and wonder:
200312/msg00089:RE: question about stopbox loopers
Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question, December 31, 2003 689:
DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question, December 31, 2003 747:
Re: DD-20 Review in Guitar Player--and a Question, December 31, 2003
200312/msg00079:Re: A few questions for stompbox loopers
DD-20, DD-6 or RC-20, depending on my mood) in series and i'm curious on
>can the dd-20 overdub?
200312/msg00076:A few questions for stompbox loopers
I'm asking because i'm currently running two loopers (either a Boss DD-20,
Playing the Pitch of the DD-20 10:
Subject: Playing the Pitch of the DD-20
Playing the Pitch of the DD-20, January 01, 2004
200402/msg00253:Re: 16 second delay reissue a reality
Boomerang, Boss RC-20 (and to an extent DD-20) and the Line 6 DL4 all offer
200402/msg00259:Re: 16 second delay reissue a reality
>Boomerang, Boss RC-20 (and to an extent DD-20) and the Line 6 DL4 all
200402/msg00260:Coming EH & Need for EDP Marketing
> >Boomerang, Boss RC-20 (and to an extent DD-20) and the Line 6 DL4 all
> question that he had already acquired the Boss DD-20 Giga Delay.
DD-20: looper 10:
Subject: DD-20: looper 19:
does anyone here utilise the Boss DD-20 as a polymetric layered ambient
They are usefull in an nonsynced way. I prefer the Boss DD20.
question that he had already acquired the Boss DD-20 Giga Delay.
Re: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie
200403/msg00347:Please help...Which Looping Pedal?
I am looking at the Akai Headrush, the Line6 DM-4, the Boss DD-20 and the 30:
Seems like the DD-20 is too limited as far as number of looping tracks as
200403/msg00349:Re: Please help...Which Looping Pedal?
You can kinda do it with the DD-20, but you have to set a delay time first, 35:
> I am looking at the Akai Headrush, the Line6 DM-4, the Boss DD-20 and the 48:
> Seems like the DD-20 is too limited as far as number of looping tracks as
200403/msg00102:new age sludge (was: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie)
new age sludge (was: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie) 10:
Subject: new age sludge (was: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie) 34:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie
The Boss DD-20 Giga Delay ($200 + $19 for wall wart) from :
200403/msg00354:RE: Please help...Which Looping Pedal?
> I am looking at the Akai Headrush, the Line6 DM-4, the Boss DD-20 and the 61:
> Seems like the DD-20 is too limited as far as number of looping tracks as
Help w/DD20-newbie begs 10:
Subject: Help w/DD20-newbie begs 20:
I have seen several posts w/re the DD20. They conatin info w/regard to how to loop using the SOS and and other delay times on the memory patches. All of the posts are written from and to folks who seem to be loop savvy. 22:
I am a looping dumbass (my stupidity plays over and over and over...) Would someone be so kind as to offer a bare bones "how to" for ways to do some simple looping w/the DD20?
Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!!, March 30, 2004 36:
Help w/DD20-newbie begs, April 01, 2004 119:
RE: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie, March 06, 2004 197:
Help w/DD20-newbie begs, March 31, 2004 198:
Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie, March 06, 2004 263:
RE: Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!!, March 30, 2004 329:
new age sludge (was: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie), March 06, 2004 482:
RE: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie, March 06, 2004 582:
Re: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie, March 06, 2004
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Help w/DD20-newbie begs 10:
Subject: Help w/DD20-newbie begs 21:
1. Wire up yer ol' DD20 22:
2. Power up yer ol' DD20 36:
simple looping w/the DD20?
200403/msg00355:RE: Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!!
RE: Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!! 10:
Subject: RE: Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!! 30:
>>Subject: Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!!
200403/msg00353:Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!!
Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!! 10:
Subject: Blackface/Re: jokiing. i thought. + DD20!!
200403/msg00362:Re: Please help...Which Looping Pedal?
None of them do that. The DD-20 KINDA can. You have to loop via delay 26:
DD-20, you will have to take your hands off it. The Maneco loopers aslso
RE: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie
Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie
200403/msg00363:Re: Please help...Which Looping Pedal?
> None of them do that. The DD-20 KINDA can. You have to loop via delay 39:
> DD-20, you will have to take your hands off it. The Maneco loopers aslso
RE: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie 27:
Subject: Boss DD-20-Frome a newbie
200404/msg00416:Re: EH 16sec delay reissue update
> understand; i believe the DD-20 was an "happy accident".
200404/msg00395:Re: EH 16sec delay reissue update
> understand; i believe the DD-20 was an "happy accident".
200404/msg00394:Re: EH 16sec delay reissue update
reasons which i do not completely understand; i believe the DD-20 was
200404/msg00403:Re: [LOOP] Re: EH 16sec delay reissue update
> > understand; i believe the DD-20 was an "happy accident".
Re: DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 continued 19:
Just a note on the DD-20/RC-20 thang, 25:
with my purchase than I was with the DD-20 I bought last 69:
source there is a tap tempo button on the DD-20 too . . . and
Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 23:
trying to get a complete picture of what the DD-20 does, and how, and etc., and
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20
200405/msg00308:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 21:
>Okay, you win. The DD-20 is no Eventide -- though I don't
200405/msg00299:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 23:
>> Now isn't this exactly what we've been discussing re. the DD-20? 29:
>>on the DD-20?
200405/msg00320:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 30:
the DD-20 is gonna be my baby, or actually a pair of DD-20s, so that makes
200405/msg00168:Re: trying to find the right looping tool (another question)
>If you want a pedal for Frippertronicising, buy a Boss DD-20. 200 47:
Disgusted, I bought one of those DD20s a month or so ago and have
Re: DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 continued 31:
> Just a note on the DD-20/RC-20 thang, 37:
> with my purchase than I was with the DD-20 I bought last 81:
> source there is a tap tempo button on the DD-20 too . . . and
RE: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20 20:
Eric's trick should work great. The DD-20 comes with 4 memory slots and a
200405/msg00176:Re: trying to find the right looping tool (another question)
feedback percentage you had it set to. the DD-20 juggles 2 independent
200405/msg00245:Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...)
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...) 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...)
DD-20 Info? 10:
Subject: DD-20 Info? 21:
DD-20 and it's Sound-On-Sound mode specifically. So far, no dice. 26:
only let you use the one slapback delay while looping, while the DD-20
200405/msg00338:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 22:
> >Does the DD-20 have a reverse function for a loop?
RE: DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: RE: DD-20 continued 19:
I don't own a DD-20, but my friend does, and after reading Eric's post 50:
>Subject: DD-20 continued 56:
>more questions) re. the DD-20: 57:
>* The DD-20 comes with 4 memory slots and a current setup slot. They can 85:
>polyrhythms. It seems the DD-20 would help me do more of that AND pass 89:
>that the DD-20 has only TWO places to the right of the decimal point
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Anyway, the DD-20 does have really excellent footswitches IMO. Quiet
Anyway, the DD-20 does have really excellent footswitches IMO. Quiet
RE: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20 19:
I spent a few minutes with the Boss DD-20 a few months back before I
asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 27:
Now isn't this exactly what we've been discussing re. the DD-20? If I 28:
understood previous threads correctly, the DD-20 CAN have one loop going, 31:
back and change the first loop, and 2) the length limit on the DD-20 is 34:
the DD-20?
right now, but the spirited discussion about the dd-20
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 22:
delays besides looping. Anyway, I'm now intrigued by the DD-20 thread and 54:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 61:
> and gotten myself a Boss DD-20 to replace it. So far, 88:
> very little help on the web about the DD-20 -- especially 106:
> for the DD-20 (or the RC-20, for that matter) will definitely
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200405/msg00354:Re: OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL (gear lists)
got the second DD-20 and $47 in change. 2 loopers -- both
200405/msg00327:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 19:
Does the DD-20 have a reverse function for a loop? Can you overdub in
in to the slightly cheaper (new) DD-20 with it's 5-year 87:
the DD-20 has proved useful (so far) for me. If one
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...), May 21, 2004 64:
Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL), May 24, 2004 66:
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20, May 23, 2004 70:
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20, May 20, 2004 72:
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20, May 23, 2004 74:
Re: DD-20 continued, May 21, 2004 75:
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20, May 24, 2004 243:
asynchronous loops and the DD-20, May 23, 2004 244:
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20, May 24, 2004
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200405/msg00329:Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL)
Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL) 10:
Subject: Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL) 42:
These are limitations. A DD-20 can nowhere near do what an
200405/msg00272:Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...)
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...) 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...) 39:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...)
200405/msg00353:Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL)
Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL) 10:
Subject: Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL)
right now, but the spirited discussion about the dd-20
200405/msg00152:Re: trying to find the right looping tool
if you want a pedal for Frippertronicising, buy a Boss DD-20. 200 bucks
200405/msg00306:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 21:
Okay, you win. The DD-20 is no Eventide -- though I don't 41:
>I get the impression that the DD-20 is more constrained than that.
DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: DD-20 continued 23:
has generated more questions) re. the DD-20: 24:
* The DD-20 comes with 4 memory slots and a current setup slot. They can be 43:
so I can switch between them for wicked cool polyrhythms. It seems the DD-20 46:
decimal point). It appears that the DD-20 has only TWO places to the right of 58:
Keep those important facts on the DD-20 coming - I think
Im gonna say check out the DL-4 and the DD-20 if you want evolving loop
200405/msg00344:RE: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL)
RE: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL) 10:
Subject: RE: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL) 22:
exactly are you bringing out to gigs now? RC-20, (2) DD-20, small amp in
200405/msg00362:Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL)
Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL) 10:
Subject: Re: the asynchronous DD-20 (and OTHER THOUGHTS ON GEAR IN GENERAL) 21:
exactly what I needed to get a clearer picture of what the DD-20 can/can't
200405/msg00321:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 29:
kill the first, then start over again. The DD-20 is well suited to that 35:
my "JiggaDelay" (the name I coined for any future DD-20-based looping
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 continued
200405/msg00260:tap tempo delay w/ flying saucers (DD20 vs. DL4??)
tap tempo delay w/ flying saucers (DD20 vs. DL4??) 10:
Subject: tap tempo delay w/ flying saucers (DD20 vs. DL4??) 28:
another one for delays. but the dd-20 looks interesting. or 31:
this has talked about yesterday, but dd20 vs. dl4? or is
RE: DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: RE: DD-20 continued 22:
RC-20 and then go back to the DD-20 and change to another mem. slot. I 23:
realized that this could go on for hours using both. The DD-20 does reset
200405/msg00330:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 23:
>Does the DD-20 have a reverse function for a loop?
RE: DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: RE: DD-20 continued 21:
i've been following this DD-20 thread with interest. I have been a long 28:
this dual loop function of the DD-20 sounds very interesting, but I have a 29:
question. How exactly does the DD20 implement the delay time? For 37:
2. when you start playing into the DD20, is the delay time already set, 65:
> I don't own a DD-20, but my friend does, and after reading Eric's post 104:
> >Subject: DD-20 continued
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in to the slightly cheaper (new) DD-20 with it's 5-year 56:
the DD-20 has proved useful (so far) for me. If one
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 23:
and gotten myself a Boss DD-20 to replace it. So far, 50:
very little help on the web about the DD-20 -- especially 68:
for the DD-20 (or the RC-20, for that matter) will definitely
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Re: DD-20 continued 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 continued 26:
time) to record the whole thing. When the cycle on the DD-20 completes I
200405/msg00255:Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...)
Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...) 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...) 30:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20/RC-20 (actually DL4...)
200405/msg00303:Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20
Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: asynchronous loops and the DD-20 23:
>>> Now isn't this exactly what we've been discussing re. the DD-20? 34:
I get the impression that the DD-20 is more constrained than that.
up a DD-20. So my asynchronous looping "career" has officially begun.
200406/msg00441:Re: Retraction and apology to LD and Vox (Re: Vox Tonelab for looping)
>>> the boss DD-20 does tap and oscillation as well. Probably the best
up a DD-20. So my asynchronous looping "career" has officially begun.
200406/msg00437:Re: Retraction and apology to LD and Vox (Re: Vox Tonelab for looping)
> > the boss DD-20 does tap and oscillation as well. Probably the best
200406/msg00436:Re: Retraction and apology to LD and Vox (Re: Vox Tonelab for looping)
> the boss DD-20 does tap and oscillation as well. Probably the best
up a DD-20. So my asynchronous looping "career" has officially begun.
200406/msg00439:Re: Retraction and apology to LD and Vox (Re: Vox Tonelab for looping)
time, and sounds good to my ears. If you want more functions, a DD-20 is a
200406/msg00435:Re: Retraction and apology to LD and Vox (Re: Vox Tonelab for looping)
the boss DD-20 does tap and oscillation as well. Probably the best delay
of the other comments that have been posted here about the DD-20, one
side of my rig) a DD-20. I've got so much to learn as it is (the
200408/msg00079:Re: Comparison of some looping pedals
though. The two loops on the Boss DD-20 is a bit of a kludge.
John had one of all three of the loopers (to near loopers) of a DD-20, 30:
Steve Rothery had a DD-20 and a RC-20 and he put those beasties to
For Sale: Boss DD-20, near new! 10:
Subject: For Sale: Boss DD-20, near new!
For Sale: Boss DD-20, near new!, November 29, 2004
So. Does anyone know if the Boss DD-20 has better headroom than the 'rush?
So. Does anyone know if the Boss DD-20 has better headroom than the 'rush?
loopers include a Boss DD-20 & RC-20, a DL-4, an octave pedal and a
> loopers include a Boss DD-20 & RC-20, a DL-4, an octave pedal and a
overdub while it's fading. If you can swing it get a DD20 to use in 22:
(acoustic guitar into dd20, into Ultrasound amp, into 20xl via amps 32:
plays away. The Looper" mode (Sound on Sound mode) on the dd20 is
FS: Boss DD-20, December 07, 2004
FS: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: FS: Boss DD-20 20:
While others are selling there there Boomerangs and Repeaters I figured I'd take the opportunity to remind folks that I've got a Boss DD-20 up on eBay too.
DD-20 giga-delays. What an upgrade! The Headrush doesn't have much headroom, has 30:
resulting glitch is harsh. With just one DD-20 you get signifigantly more
That's why I like the DD-20 Gigadelay. Cheers, James
before I returned it to the store in exchange for a DD20. I was so happy 42:
compact rig (just some pedals and and amp). The DD20s worked well 52:
but one DD20. I found an old SKB pedalboard that has spaces for 56:
The DD20 is still pretty cool though. There's a lot you can do with it
200502/msg01005:Re: Re: ending ambient pieces when playing LIVE shows
the discussion about the DD20 almost makes me wish I'd gotten that
200502/msg00128:Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 10:
Subject: Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
200502/msg00098:Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or?
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or? 10:
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or? 22:
> competition, I see the Boss DD-20 boasts 23 sec. delay time w/ sound on
> Ahem! Ahem! About the DD-20 . . . 45:
> ....But, in my opinion the DD-20 is really quite a bit more than just
Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 34:
using the Boss DD-20? 37:
Suggestion: One of my favorite basic things to do with a DD-20 was to
200502/msg00118:Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 10:
Subject: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 19:
anybody got anything to add re; DD-20 or the Akai E2 Headrush, any
>I whole heartedly agree. I really like my DD-20 a 32:
>> Ahem! Ahem! About the DD-20 . . .
200502/msg00133:RE: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
RE: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 10:
Subject: RE: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 21:
I have an RC-20, a DD-20 AND a DL4 in my rig currently. And while they are 25:
ambience in the DL4, then use the record mode on the DD-20 to produce a 27:
first "saved" patch on the DD-20 and solo over and along with what I've 49:
Subject: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 51:
anybody got anything to add re; DD-20 or the Akai E2 Headrush, any
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Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or? 10:
Subject: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or? 24:
competition, I see the Boss DD-20 boasts 23 sec. delay time w/ sound on
200502/msg00102:Line 6 -DL4 or Boss RC-20 or real delay unit?
sound--and lots of folks like the DD-20--as always, hear it before you buy 38:
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or? 43:
> serious competition, I see the Boss DD-20 boasts 23 sec. delay time w/
200502/msg00107:Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or?
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or? 10:
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or?
200502/msg01015:Re: Re: ending ambient pieces when playing LIVE shows
> the discussion about the DD20 almost makes me wish I'd gotten that
Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 28:
Subject: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 32:
> using the Boss DD-20?
Boss DD-20 resources tips? 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 resources tips?
Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 20:
using the Boss DD-20?
> can,t help but notice the dd20 going a lot cheaper else where,seems to
200502/msg00121:Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 10:
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 22:
anybody got anything to add re; DD-20 . . . 26:
that's all ancient history). My opinion on the DD-20 is that I liked it better 34:
material over time. The DD-20 has great sound quality (on or off) 39:
Example: The DD-20 has 4 memory locations that you can store preset 42:
slot) in sequence. The one neat trick of the DD-20 is you can switch 67:
There are also some tap-tempo capabilities to the DD-20 but I haven't
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can,t help but notice the dd20 going a lot
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2, February 05, 2005 144:
Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips?, February 14, 2005 401:
Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips?, February 14, 2005 403:
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2, February 06, 2005 417:
RE: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2, February 05, 2005 518:
Boss DD-20 resources tips?, February 14, 2005 540:
Looking to buy Boss Dr. Sample and DD-20, February 08, 2005 724:
Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips?, February 14, 2005 726:
Boss DD-20 resources/tips?, February 13, 2005
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200502/msg00120:Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 10:
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 20:
>anybody got anything to add re; DD-20 or the Akai E2 Headrush, any users
Another advantage of the DD-20 over the RC-20 is that you can actually hear
Suggestion: One of my favorite basic things to do with a DD-20 was to
I whole heartedly agree. I really like my DD-20 a 29:
> Ahem! Ahem! About the DD-20 . . .
output split to a DL4 and a DD20 with their stereo outputs split to two
200502/msg00231:Looking to buy Boss Dr. Sample and DD-20
Looking to buy Boss Dr. Sample and DD-20 10:
Subject: Looking to buy Boss Dr. Sample and DD-20 23:
Ahem! Ahem! About the DD-20 . . . 28:
or Headrush were. In fact, I traded in an RC-20 in on a DD-20 -- which 46:
But, in my opinion the DD-20 is really quite a bit more than just "a delay
Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 resources/tips? 23:
using the Boss DD-20? 25:
Suggestion: One of my favorite basic things to do with a DD-20 was to
I had a question about the DD-20 that didn't seem to be answered in 50:
> Ahem! Ahem! About the DD-20 . . .
200502/msg00144:Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 10:
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 19:
I vote for the DD-20 - I got two of 'em! You might even consider two for 26:
yet in the DD-20, they were fun in small doses in the DD-6). I use the 27:
DD-20 30:
applications. Set the DD-20 for maximum feedback, then hit the "off" pedal, 35:
now that I have two DD-20s, I find the DD-20 to be so far superior in sound 39:
two reps. The DD-20 (as mentioned) will "honor it's level of feedback" when
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200502/msg00124:Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2 10:
Subject: Re: Line 6 -DL4 or Boss DD-20 or Akai E2
size=4>bought a DD20 Giga Delay *and* the RC20yesterday form Guitar
> bought a DD20 Giga Delay *and* the RC20
bought a DD20 Giga Delay *and* the RC20
After tons of reading, I went and bought a DD20 Giga Delay *and* the RC20 41:
ideas on what I could do? I'm thinking of returning the DD20 and possibly
I can't say whether the DD-20 or DD-6 would work. I suspect the DD-20 24:
practically an evangelist for the DD-20 (*not* a bad thing; he 26:
considering replacing my DL-4 with it). On paper, the DD-20 would 31:
> Thanks a lot for the response. I was wondering, what about the Boss DD-20
bought a DD20 Giga Delay *and* the RC20
> ideas on what I could do? I'm thinking of returning the DD20 and
10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>My goof ! I meant that the DD-20 has
200504/msg00263:Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 27:
Here's how I'd do this on the DD-20: 48:
memory slot 3. Just remember that the DD-20 has only 4 memory slots and one
200504/msg00391:Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 29:
Okay, enough debate. I found the DD-20 at 42:
So, I called them up. They told me that the DD-20 is backordered (you guys
200504/msg00258:Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 35:
Station seems to be much more of a looper (the DD-20 has looping as more of 54:
disapointment. I owned an RC-20 and traded it in on my first DD-20 withing a 59:
loops. I'l explain . . .The one really neat trick of the DD-20 is it's 64:
delay (we're still talking about just one DD-20 mind you) the shorter delay 70:
digital readout will do enough decimals. The DD-20 has five memory
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200504/msg00256:Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 39:
> > more of a looper (the DD-20 has looping as more of 64:
> I owned an RC-20 and traded it in on my first DD-20 76:
> The one really neat trick of the DD-20 is it's 86:
> DD-20 mind you) the shorter delay KEEPS repeating 99:
> The DD-20 has five memory banks/slots that you can
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200504/msg00251:Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 44:
display. Anywho, I am back down to just one DD-20 now. I've figured out more 46:
other "toys."I've not touched the DD-20 in over six months. I haven't 54:
Thanks very much for the response. I'm torn between the Boss DD-20 and the 58:
more of a looper (the DD-20 has looping as more of an afterthought, yes?).
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Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 29:
collecting my notes on the DD-20 in order to add a description to the Loopers 39:
resonance. No big whoop. But man, the DD-20 is one fine little
200504/msg00285:help with a description of the Boss DD-20
help with a description of the Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: help with a description of the Boss DD-20 24:
appears on p. 21 of the manual. If some of you DD-20 owner/operators could look 26:
DD-20's "seamless switching" feature allows you to create a phrase in
200504/msg00281:Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!
Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 21:
Another really versatile way to use both outputs of the DD-20 would be to 42:
Subject: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 46:
that would catch your attention. Here's the straight dope: Set the DD-20 to 58:
the DD-20." The real world is nipping at my heels, tripping me up and keeping
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200504/msg00250:Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 22:
The pedals are lightweight, convenient and tough as nails. Plus, the programmable timing settings on them are amazingly accurate (hardly any drift between them when you are running more than one). Essentially I had one set for short delays, another for long delays and another for reverse and some of the other weird "modes" it has. They all synched perfectly -- to my ears at least. Just set up the long delays so that they are mathematical multiples of the shorter ones in the LED display. Anywho, I am back down to just one DD-20 now. I've figured out more convenient ways to take my EDPs "on the road" so I sold off two of them to buy other "toys." 24:
I've not touched the DD-20 in over six months. I haven't decided if the last remaining one is something I should hang on to (for it's convenience and portability) or sell off to acquire some other gadget I'd use more often. Since it's battery operable it might be a kick to take it (and a pignose amp or something) camping in the woods this summer. I dunno.
200504/msg00246:Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 19:
I say get the DD-20 as it's the only one of those 55:
> Boss DD-20 63:
> in that respect the DD-20 78:
> the DD-20 is concerned. At least not when used 83:
> references to the DD-20, so I decided to get
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Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20, April 22, 2005 57:
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?, April 19, 2005 62:
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?, April 19, 2005 194:
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?, April 20, 2005 196:
Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!, April 22, 2005 199:
Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20, April 23, 2005 202:
help with a description of the Boss DD-20, April 22, 2005 203:
Boss DD-20, April 19, 2005 204:
Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!, April 21, 2005
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 52:
Subject: Boss DD-20 55:
collecting my notes on the DD-20 in order to add a description to the Loopers 65:
resonance. No big whoop. But man, the DD-20 is one fine little
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200504/msg00276:Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!
Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 22:
that would catch your attention. Here's the straight dope: Set the DD-20 to 34:
DD-20." The real world is nipping at my heels, tripping me up and keeping me
200504/msg00244:Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 40:
Boss DD-20 47:
DD-20 is in the running. 57:
the DD-20 is concerned. At least not when used exclusively for looping. 60:
references to the DD-20, so I decided to get proactive and make this post.
200504/msg00262:Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 22:
Okay, enough debate. I found the DD-20 at
200504/msg00247:Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 28:
get the DD-20 as it's the only one of thosedevices that does stereo 36:
Have you actually used the DD-20? It is the cheapest and therefore has a
200504/msg00249:Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 22:
Has anyone posted any mp3s or anything that uses the Boss DD-20 as the 27:
capabilities of the DD-20 would be most appreciated.
Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 22:
my notes on the DD-20 in order to add a description to the Loopers Delight web 32:
whoop. But man, the DD-20 is one fine little looper.
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200504/msg00261:Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 22:
but frankly, be it DD-20, DL-4, Rang, XL-20.... a cycle is a cycle. It's the 23:
feedback knob on the DD-20 that set's it apart from most of the other 50:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6
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Re: Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20? 19:
My only complaint with the DD20 is that I can't seem to get enough 23:
DD20 (right) and the DL4 is always louder than the DD20. This tends to
200504/msg00260:Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
200504/msg00295:Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20
Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20 26:
a song-oriented looper could set up a chain of SOS settings on the DD-20 and 44:
the Boss DD-20 55:
appears on p. 21 of the manual. If some of you DD-20 owner/operators could 57:
this: "The DD-20's "seamless switching" feature allows you to create a
200504/msg00286:Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!
Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 28:
Miko and I suggested: Set the DD-20 to "Pan" delay, be sure the unit is set to 39:
input or a stereo input to the DD-20. In "Pan" mode, the DD-20 reduces the input
200504/msg00254:Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 37:
> I say get the DD-20 as it's the only one of those 50:
> Have you actually used the DD-20? It is the cheapest
200504/msg00290:Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!
Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!
200504/msg00282:Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay!
Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 Seconds of Delay! 34:
Another really versatile way to use both outputs of the DD-20 would be to 55:
Subject: Boss DD-20 Upgraded to 46 60:
dope: Set the DD-20 to "pan" delay, and plug into both outputs with the unit 71:
the DD-20." The real world is nipping at my heels, tripping me up and
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200504/msg00289:Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20
Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: help with a description of the Boss DD-20 22:
...but I'm having trouble understanding the "Hint" which appears on p. 21 of the manual. If some of you DD-20 owner/operators could look at this, perhaps you can tell me if it's saying anything other than this: "The DD-20's "seamless switching" feature allows you to create a phrase in sound-on-sound mode, then switch to another delay mode as the sound-on-sound mode continues to play back. You can now solo over the looped playback with the newly selected delay added to your signal. However, once you go to a new delay mode you can't go back into sound-on-sound mode.
200504/msg00257:Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
200504/msg00255:Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20?
Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 10:
Subject: Re: Any work done with the Boss DD-20? 22:
It would be very nice to have stereo, but the Loop Station seems to be much more of a looper (the DD-20 has looping as more of an afterthought, yes?). 30:
Neither device was a total design success in my opinion. The lack of feedback control on the former was an unforgiveable mistake and a real disapointment. I owned an RC-20 and traded it in on my first DD-20 withing a very short period. Also, the stunted maximum delay time (at an indivisible prime number of 23 seconds) of the later was an assinine blunder at best. If it was only a second longer at 24 it could at least be evenly divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 allowing easier setup of multiple layers of short and long loops. I'l explain . . . 32:
The one really neat trick of the DD-20 is it's ability to set up one delay in a preset bank (say one second at 98% feedback) and another (at say at sixteen seconds with 100% feedback). You can start playing on the first delay seting up a rhythmic figure with a one beat-per-second pace and when you step/switch to the next bank with the longer delay (we're still talking about just one DD-20 mind you) the shorter delay KEEPS repeating what was last played into it just as long as the feedback will allow it to go. This shorter delay can act as a rhythmic guide to set up a sixteen beat (4/4, four-bar) phrase in the second longer delay. Get it? Plus, you don't have to stick with even numbers. You can do it in fives or threes or sevens -- you just have to do the math and hope that the rather limited digital readout will do enough decimals. 34:
The DD-20 has five memory banks/slots that you can store delay settings to and step/switch through in series. This is pretty darn cool if you ask me. It will also do tap-tempo stuff if you don't want to play to a numerically preset delay time. It's just a little harder to make it all work with multiple pedals if you do though. Another caveat: the manual was a little hard for me to figure out at first. I had no end of grief trying to figure it out.
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Re: Boss DD-20 rewiev 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 rewiev 38:
Subject: Boss DD-20 rewiev 56:
site, looking for the Boss DD-20 rewiev, but I did'nt find it.
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Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 43:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review 25:
Sorry for the emphasis, but I just grabbed a DD-20 (based on some of the
200505/msg00652:Re: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times
Re: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times 10:
Subject: Re: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times 30:
As for the DD-20, have fun. They're cheap these days
It looks like the DD-20, 31:
to..... 2 has the same DD-20 or RC20XL limitations, 38:
of the mono and midi limitations..I prefer the DD-20 and the repeater I own.
Yeah! That's what you can do with one DD-20! Fer instance, store memory 47:
turn it off by going to a third memory slot. (The DD-20 supports two memory 61:
you've got two pairs of audio going down. And buy yourself another DD-20,
200505/msg00655:Re: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times
Re: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times 10:
Subject: Re: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times 19:
Did I miss something? I didn't see Ted's DD-20 settings. A repost, perhaps, 27:
Subject: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times
Thanks, Ted. I still dig your cd!! I'd like to do a project with you. It's just finding the time. Could you send me your DD-20 preset times? Hope you're well.
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review 22:
>DD-20 too. I almost sold it on eBay. 58:
that the DD-20 only accepts input while your foot is on the pedal. Lift
Boss DD-20 rewiev 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 rewiev 36:
looking for the Boss DD-20 rewiev, but I did'nt find it.
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 41:
I could select a single keyboard and put the DD-20 between this board and 45:
can mute channels that I don't want to record to the DD-20.
200505/msg00245:ODG: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
ODG: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: ODG: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 80:
Predmet: Re: Loop Station, DD-20 103:
found the DD-20 at 169:
They told me that the DD-20 is backordered (you guys glut them out or
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review 24:
i am using my DD-20 for vocal things mainly - trying around, sometimes
200505/msg00347:Re: Placing a Looper in the Signal Chain... was: Boss DD-20
Re: Placing a Looper in the Signal Chain... was: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Placing a Looper in the Signal Chain... was: Boss DD-20 55:
DD-20) 67:
I could select a single keyboard and put the DD-20 between this board and 73:
don't want to record to the DD-20.
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 41:
Subject: Boss DD-20 62:
I could select a single keyboard and put the DD-20 between this board and 66:
can mute channels that I don't want to record to the DD-20.
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20
It's just finding the time. Could you send me your DD-20 preset 30:
The DD-20 settings I usually use are fairly simple: 43:
I never worked much with the tap-tempo mode on the DD-20. 47:
My only real basic gripe with the DD-20 was that they should've
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review 35:
> that the DD-20 only accepts input while your foot is on the pedal. Lift 50:
This is really cool! I wish I had known this before I submitted the DD-20
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
ODG: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: ODG: Boss DD-20 review 34:
10.0pt;color:navy'>I have DD-20 already one year, and I think that I don´t use 74:
Predmet: Boss DD-20 review
RE: Boss DD-20 rewiev 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20 rewiev 45:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 rewiev 56:
Subject: Boss DD-20 rewiev 71:
Every day I check the LD web site, looking for the Boss DD-20 rewiev, but I
200505/msg00348:Flame Tracer Re: Digitech JamMan???
> The Boss DD-20 will get two asynchronous loops going quite easily. By 47:
> asynchronous loops at a time. Since the DD-20 costs under $200 in US 53:
> to 46 seconds per loop. And the DD-20 stays in amazing sync with itself.
200505/msg00666:Re: Ted's DD-20 Delay times; "beg the question";
Re: Ted's DD-20 Delay times; "beg the question"; 10:
Subject: Re: Ted's DD-20 Delay times; "beg the question"; 35:
> PS I am SOOO close to buying a DD-20, but I hate to
Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 review
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review 29:
grabbed a DD-20 (based on some of the great things said here) and I'm 37:
DD-20 too. I almost sold it on eBay.
Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times 10:
Subject: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times
200505/msg00657:Ted's DD-20 Delay times; "beg the question";
Ted's DD-20 Delay times; "beg the question"; 10:
Subject: Ted's DD-20 Delay times; "beg the question"; 19:
The DD-20 settings I {Ted} usually use are fairly simple: 32:
I never worked much with the tap-tempo mode on the DD-20. 41:
PS I am SOOO close to buying a DD-20, but I hate to have to sell my DL-4 to
RE: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20 45:
Boss DD-20 49:
DD-20. That kills the stereo advantage, but makes short work out of the
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20
Re: Boss DD-20 review, May 17, 2005 89:
Re: Ted Posts his DD-20 Delay times, May 22, 2005 97:
Re: Boss DD-20 review, May 18, 2005 99:
Re: Boss DD-20 review, May 18, 2005 282:
RE: Boss DD-20 review, May 19, 2005 283:
RE: Boss DD-20 review, May 18, 2005 305:
Boss DD-20 review, May 17, 2005 308:
Re: Boss DD-20 rewiev, May 26, 2005 315:
Re: Boss DD-20 review, May 18, 2005
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20 review 32:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
RE: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20 review 37:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review 55:
> that the DD-20 only accepts input while your foot is on the pedal. Lift 70:
This is really cool! I wish I had known this before I submitted the DD-20
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
200505/msg00247:Re: ODG: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4?
Re: ODG: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 10:
Subject: Re: ODG: Loop Station, DD-20 or Line6 DL4? 25:
My DD-20 is already on it's way and will finally arrive on Tuesday (almost
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
I'm down for one of those DD-20's also...
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
The Boss DD-20 will get two asynchronous loops going quite easily. By 32:
asynchronous loops at a time. Since the DD-20 costs under $200 in US 37:
to 46 seconds per loop. And the DD-20 stays in amazing sync with itself.
with my DD-20 instead.
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 24:
DD-20. That kills the stereo advantage, but makes short work out of the problem.
Re: Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20
Re: Boss DD-20 review 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 review
200506/msg00488:RE: Definitive List of Every Looper Ever Made
> Boss Giga Delay DD-20
here's my setup: the original signal come from the send (fx loop )of my preamp and goes to the left input of the stereo input of the ultralink , from the 6th channel as a splitter , it goes to a DD20 then return ( only the delayed signal ) in the right input of the stereo input of the ultralink , then it goes from the first and 2nd channels as a splitter to two differents effects who return in channels 3 and 4 as a mixer , so I can send to the effects the dry or the wet or both signal from the stereo input ( each channel has a panpot so you can choose what signal you want to split from the stereo input ) , channels 3 and 4 are mixed and go back to my preamp by the left output of the ultralink but I send from the right output this signal also to a second delay who is return in the channel 5 as a mixer ( delayed signal only ).
200506/msg00395:RE: Mathematics, Prime Numbers, & Looping with the EDP
with two Boss DD-20 pedals. Because the DD-20 "only" goes up to 23 67:
DD20s handle the bigger numbers. One suggestion for others on this
Boss DD-20 review posted at last, June 27, 2005
from the 6th channel as a splitter , it goes to a DD20 then return ( only the
200506/msg00394:Re: Mathematics, Prime Numbers, & Looping with the EDP
with two Boss DD-20 pedals. Because the DD-20 "only" goes up to 23 43:
DD20s handle the bigger numbers. One suggestion for others on this
200506/msg00143:two Boss DD-20s and an output secret
delayed output of DD-20 #1 into the input of DD-20 #2, and vice 31:
Here's the long skinny: Each DD-20 has two inputs and two 34:
of DD-20 #1 into my usual mixer/amp/speakers. I plugged the other output 35:
into the second input of DD-20 #2. One of the outputs of #2 went to the 36:
mixer/amp/speakers, and the other output of #2 went to the second input of DD-20 52:
Now here's an output secret for all you DD-20 owners: you 53:
probably know that the DD-20 has four output modes (stereo +4 dB, effect/direct 56:
the DD-20 is on at that moment! Which means you can customize the output mode 60:
Now I must go pester Mr. Kim about posting my DD-20 review on
200506/msg00480:No feedback control? (was RE: Digitech Jamman color) Also SamKlavier
That DD-20 is looking better and better . . .
Boss DD-20 review posted at last 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 review posted at last 19:
I just got the word from the Kimster: the Boss DD-20 write-up I did a few
200507/msg00065:RE: Acoustic questions and "Hello!"
while ago, and I was thinking the DD-20 was more like $225, but the DD-20 is 35:
Matthew. I'd only add that, for looping tools, the Boss DD-20 blows the
200507/msg00631:Re: hi, new to looping and soundscapes
soon. My budget approach is to use two Boss DD-20 digital delays (about
34: 49:
ik> I lost my manual from DD20and I would like to know how I can set mode
200507/msg00063:Re: Acoustic questions and "Hello!"
Matthew. I'd only add that, for looping tools, the Boss DD-20 blows the Headrush
200507/msg00501:Re: Drum-machine tips and other LD additions
There's a new section for the Boss DD-20 Giga Delay, with 2 nice reviews,
200507/msg00067:RE: Acoustic questions and "Hello!"
> tax) a little while ago, and I was thinking the DD-20 was more like 42:
> $225, but the DD-20 is definitely a step up, in features, and if he
200507/msg00564:Re: Digitech Jamman - ready to mod !
from what i know about the DD-20 that click knob is probably a pot
find the manual for the DD-20. You've got to fill out a bit of user 29:
> I lost my manual from DD20 and I would like to know how I can set mode
mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-font-weight:normal'>I lost my manual from DD20
200507/msg00566:Re: Digitech Jamman - ready to mod !
/>potentiometer... that DD-20 is a Boss product...I'll let y'all know 30:
monospace;">> from what i know about the DD-20 that click
200507/msg00580:RE: Digitech Jamman - ready to mod !
from what i know about the DD-20 that click knob is probably a pot
200507/msg00081:Roland EV-10 and RAD-50 Re: Acoustic questions and "Hello!"
Nice reply, Brian - you covered a lot of good ground for Matthew. I'd only add that, for looping tools, the Boss DD-20 blows the Headrush away at the same price point. Matthew should take a few minutes to scan the Loopers Delight web site, particularly "Tools of the Trade" for more hardware info.
200508/msg00652:Re: flexible looper in small package
> > the Boss DD-20. I believe creative spirit is the
200508/msg00631:Re: flexible looper in small packag
mentions in his first paragraph and the Boss DD-20. I believe creative
Boss DD-20. For the first looper, I'm thinking about the Digitech 65:
loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a super-cheap amp
> > loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a super-cheap amp
Boss DD-20. For the first looper, I'm thinking about the Digitech 47:
loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a super-cheap amp
> loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a
> * Boss DD20 99:
I love the DD-20 mainly because I can get 2 loops of 128:
> Pedal)=>DD20=>(Out)
> > loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a super-cheap amp
Boss DD-20. It has stereo to begin with. Buy two - they're cheap. Read all
* Boss DD20 76:
Both the RC-20 and the Jamman seem to be loopers "only", while the DD20 79:
RC-20 (while the DD20 is still cheaper). Pros/Cons of RC-20 (XL) vs. 80:
Jamman? Pros/Cons of DD20 vs. DL4? 85:
> > loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a super-cheap amp
I read about the DD-20 extensively. How does the Decay work when 25:
> Boss DD-20. It has stereo to begin with. Buy two - they're cheap. Read
200508/msg00644:Re: flexible looper in small package
> the Boss DD-20. I believe creative spirit is the
Boss DD-20. For the first looper, I'm thinking about the Digitech 62:
loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a super-cheap amp
> RC-20 (while the DD20 is still cheaper). Pros/Cons of RC-20 (XL) vs.
Any users here?* Or I could use the Bad Horsie II. This is not very flexible,but very cool...Amp modeling:* Behringer's X VAmp. Nice package for my application.Relatively cheap. Are there any alternatives? (Korg Pandora series?)Looping/Delay:I believe I need two devices here, one of which could be my DL4,although it takes up lots of real estate...devices I thought about:* Boss DD20* Boxx RC-20(XL)* Digitech JammanBoth the RC-20 and the Jamman seem to be loopers "only", while the DD20(and also the DL4) are delays with loop capabilities. I think aboutcombining one of each group...price-wise, the Jamman is cheaper than theRC-20 (while the DD20 is still cheaper). Pros/Cons of RC-20 (XL) vs.Jamman? Pros/Cons of DD20 vs. DL4?So one possible signal chain might be:(Guitar)->Machine->WD10->Jamman->XVamp=>MicroMod=>KP2=>(VolumePedal)=>DD20=>(Out)Any thoughts about
> > > loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go
> > loop)->MicroMod->KP2->DD20/DL4. Or I could go with a
200509/msg00672:RE: loop devices and amps for busking
Boss Gigadelay DD-20 49:
So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm
200509/msg00681:Re: loop devices and amps for busking
>DD-20 eat 45:
>Boss Gigadelay DD-20 51:
>So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm not
200509/msg00676:RE: loop devices and amps for busking
me--probably something about the batteries voiding. I'll get a DD-20 to 63:
Boss Gigadelay DD-20 69:
So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm not
200509/msg00669:REQ: loop devices and amps for busking
Boss Gigadelay DD-20 32:
So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm not
Boss DD-20: again, a delay with thrown-in looper. 50:
loopers and am close to decide on the RC-20XL and the DD-20, if that
> Wouldn`t the DL-4 and DD-20
200509/msg00670:Re: REQ: loop devices and amps for busking
> Boss Gigadelay DD-20 39:
> So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but
200509/msg00674:Re: [LOOP] REQ: loop devices and amps for busking
> Boss Gigadelay DD-20 60:
> So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm not
200509/msg00671:Re: loop devices and amps for busking
Batteries last for a long time in the LoFI LJ. Wouldn`t the DL-4 and DD-20 43:
Boss Gigadelay DD-20 49:
So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm not
200509/msg00017:Re: overcoming fixed feedback ratios for e.g. DL4
-> Aux 2 -> Arion Stereo Delay -> RC20XL -> DD20 GigaDelay ->
As an aside, a garbage bag twist tie (or two) worked into the strings near the bridge gives a wonderful steel drum sound.I think Max Valentino is on this list, but you can look in this thread on TalkBass for an overview (scroll down and find Max's post).<>I haven't tried it myself. S'pect I will, now that you reminded me.On Sep 30, 2005, at 10:40 AM, Paul Mimlitsch wrote: Maybe someday just guitar and edp, who knows?Since moving to a new town (Evergreen, Co.) and getting involved in the local music scene (mostly through the extensive open mic circuit in the Denver area), it's been a necessity to scale things down and travel light. Been using just an acoustic archtop guitar and << volume pedal to DD20 to RC20xl >> setup to good effect. One benefit of this streamlined, lack of outboard effects setup, is that it forces you to really explore the various "natural" sounds (musical and non musical) that you can get from just an acoustic guitar. It's a lot more intimate and seems to draw people in more. Liking it more, now (old age factor?), than playing "electric". Although, when you strap on the electric and get that distortion driven, effects laden, wall of sound thing going ... man that's nice :).PS: any tips/ links to info on "processed acoustic guitar"? I've seen players using all sorts of alligator clips and doodads attached to strings to get different sounds but not clear on the actual process....
to DD20 to RC20xl >> setup to good effect. One benefit of this
> Wouldn`t the DL-4 and DD-20
200509/msg00677:Re: REQ: loop devices and amps for busking
static loops. I use mine after the DD20 in order to capture rythmic 21:
snippetts from the DD20. Has a semi usefull loop fade function but
> and << volume pedal to DD20 to RC20xl >> setup to good effect. One
a DD-20 for loopers for my main signal path.
200510/msg00013:Re: REQ: loop devices and amps for busking/slightly way off topic...
HiI'm trying to find out which battery-operated loop devices and amps exist.(I mean portable and independent of wall outlet... for busking!)From I collected:Line6 DL-4Boss Gigadelay DD-20Akai E2 HeadrushElectro-Harmonix 16 Second Digital DelayPeavey PVDJ Boomerang BoomerangSo far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm notsure about the others.Maybe it could make sense to add this criterion (battery-operable or not) tothe "Tools of the Trade" pages?Are there any other battery-operated loop devices?I'm not mentioning the Boss RC-20 and RC-20XL because they don't allow tocontrol Feedback: it's always at 100%, right?In this vein I'd be interested in experiences of other musicians on thislist with battery-based looping, including
No mention about the DD-20 Gigadelay ? 35:
of the RPTR (buss 1-2) and of the DD-20 (buss 3-4) .
200510/msg00015:Re: loop devices and amps for busking
>DD-20 64:
>> Boss Gigadelay DD-20 70:
>> So far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm
> No mention about the DD-20 Gigadelay ?
200510/msg00023:the DFX-94 Re: REQ: loop devices and amps for busking/slightly way off topic...
HiI'm trying to find out which battery-operated loop devices and amps exist.(I mean portable and independent of wall outlet... for busking!)From I collected:Line6 DL-4Boss Gigadelay DD-20Akai E2 HeadrushElectro-Harmonix 16 Second Digital DelayPeavey PVDJ Boomerang BoomerangSo far, I know the DL-4, Gigadelay DD-20 are battery operable but I'm notsure about the others.Maybe it could make sense to add this criterion (battery-operable or not) tothe "Tools of the Trade" pages?Are there any other battery-operated loop devices?I'm not mentioning the Boss RC-20 and RC-20XL because they don't allow tocontrol Feedback: it's always at 100%, right?In this vein I'd be interested in experiences of other musicians on thislist with battery-based looping, including portable amps...E.g. Gary Lehmann seems to be experienced in this? youBernhard
200511/msg00530:Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00581:New here and looking for a looping device
are out of my price range, so I took a look on the Boss DD20, which
200511/msg00588:Re: AW: New here and looking for a looping device
> The DD20 seems to be a fine tool, plus it offers several delay 86:
> alone, or with a combo of, say, a DD20 and a Virtualizer. In most 129:
> are out of my price range, so I took a look on the Boss DD20, which
200511/msg00529:RE: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00542:Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00546:yes, DFX Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00541:RE: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00587:AW: New here and looking for a looping device
The DD20 seems to be a fine tool, plus it offers several delay 61:
alone, or with a combo of, say, a DD20 and a Virtualizer. In most of my 95:
are out of my price range, so I took a look on the Boss DD20, which
200511/msg00545:Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00598:Re: New here and looking for a looping device
is long enough and stop. I will test the Boss DD20 soon, which includes
200511/msg00534:RE: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00516:It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00538:Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00537:Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00558:Boomerang didn't come back, just kept flying Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00544:Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00548:Re: It's that time again! 2005 Biennial Looper's Survey
200511/msg00589:Re: AW: New here and looking for a looping device
no feedback control, while the DD20 offers this in the delay mode. I 28:
A friend of mine owns a DD20 and I will soon have the chance to try it 37:
like the DD20, the possibilities would be even bigger and the whole 49:
>The DD20 seems to be a fine tool, plus it offers several delay 87:
>alone, or with a combo of, say, a DD20 and a Virtualizer. In most of my
200511/msg00582:Re: New here and looking for a looping device
I rather like the DD20 myself. I also own and use 2 Echolpleses in my s 24:
and a GR-1). However, the DD20, while small, is stuffed with enough 27:
the big rack of gizmos behind (or most of it) the DD20 is what I take 31:
an impromptu gig with, the DD20 is what I'd choose. Add an Ernie
200511/msg00599:Re: New here and looking for a looping device
A very intriguing device! Too bad you can’t control the feedback with a foot pedal, or at all in “looping” mode.Let us know what you think of it...dcOn Nov 28, 2005, at 12:33 AM, Janosch K. wrote:I will test the Boss DD20 soon, which includes 23 seconds delay and a 23 second looper, so I can get familiar with the differences between the two ways and see which one of them works better for me.
200512/msg00032:Re: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
> feedback on a new & improved DD20. 28:
Or, better yet, put the brains/functionality of the DD20 and/ or RC20xl
200512/msg00031:RE: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
> idea...? (Goal: access the feedback knob on the Boss DD20 with my
200512/msg00022:Re: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
> idea...? (Goal: access the feedback knob on the Boss DD20 with my foot:)
idea...? (Goal: access the feedback knob on the Boss DD20 with my foot:)
200512/msg00019:Re: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
> an idea...? (Goal: access the feedback knob on the Boss DD20 with
200512/msg00033:Re: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
> possible with the DD20 or not. Maybe we should just 52:
> feedback on a new & improved DD20.
200512/msg00024:Re: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
possible with the DD20 or not. Maybe we should just 41:
feedback on a new & improved DD20.
doing a similar upgrade on the Boss DD-20. In this case, I've been 33:
DD-20 and check a few things, then report back to him. He's socked
200512/msg00020:Re: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
get a DD20. Anyway, there is a device, it's called the "3rd Hand" and
200512/msg00023:Re: Pedal to turn hardware knobs...
> an idea...? (Goal: access the feedback knob on the Boss DD20 with
200601/msg00608:Re: On the progress of compiling a laptop-based (looping) setup
>outputs of the ADA8000 leading to a, say, Boss DD20, which in turn return 227:
>guitar, voice and the DD20...
200601/msg01111:Re: LONG LIVE the EDP and the LOOPERLATIVE was: edp R.I.P...long live the looperlative
Or, for the same money (less?) you could do the dual DD-20 route too...
200601/msg00104:AW: Guidance In Buying First Loop Machine - the short version
money toward a dd-20. i'm happy with my other fx - i really just wanted 62:
a cheap way to get into looping and another $100 for a dd-20 will give 64:
if i already had a dd-20, i'd probably have kept the g2 and programmed
Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 19:
Well, after researching analyzing the kind suggestions from fellow mailing list members, I bought my first looping device: the Boss DD-20. I've only had it for several days, but I'm like a kid in a candy store with it, fooling around with its myriad possibilities. One question though: it has a plug-in for a control pedal, but it appears that the pedal in question is for changing tones only. I'm interested in hooking up a volume pedal to it, as I'm very keen on utilizing volume swirls with my guitar. Will a volume pedal work with the DD-20? Thanks in advance.
200601/msg00201:Re: Guidance In Buying First Loop Machine
30-40 seconds long. The DD20 is NOT the machine for this kind of looping. 38:
grasping how the DD20 works. Think of it as a very long digital delay. Most 49:
"thicker" with the new sounds without sounding sludgy or distorting. The DD20 is 53:
and more people. Just remember that the DD20 has a delay of up to 23 seconds, so 62:
DD20, you can crank this up to 23 seconds, and continue to layer sounds upon 66:
There are limitations to the DD20, to be sure. You can't have 70:
another at 12.8, for instance. Read through the review of the DD20 on the
> Hey Douglas! Are you still "cross-connecting" your two DD-20's, or
> On the other hand, I think you'll love the DD-20. When you can afford 25:
Hey Douglas! Are you still "cross-connecting" your two DD-20's, or
200601/msg00602:On the progress of compiling a laptop-based (looping) setup
outputs of the ADA8000 leading to a, say, Boss DD20, which in turn return 193:
guitar, voice and the DD20...
> On the other hand, I think you'll love the DD-20. When you can afford
200601/msg01137:Re: DD-20 Stuff (was Zoom G2 - first impressions)
Re: DD-20 Stuff (was Zoom G2 - first impressions) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 Stuff (was Zoom G2 - first impressions) 21:
> > Hey Douglas! Are you still "cross-connecting" your two DD-20's, or 36:
picked up a second DD-20. It's finally gotten shipped back here, and 49:
In the pedalboard I mentioned above, I've got both a DD-20 and a 51:
cross-connect a second DD-20 on there, I can still use the DL-4 for
Re: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 24:
> I'm expecting a DD-20 here soon, too, and I plan to patch a stereo 40:
>> DD-20. I've only had it for several days, but I'm like a kid in a 46:
>> with the DD-20? Thanks in advance.
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RE: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals, January 10, 2006 174:
Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals, January 10, 2006 347:
Re: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals, January 10, 2006 1061:
Re: DD-20 Stuff (was Zoom G2 - first impressions), January 27, 2006 1250:
Re: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals, January 10, 2006
RE: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 10:
Subject: RE: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 39:
Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.comAsunto: Boss DD-20 and Volume 42:
pedal work with the DD-20? Thanks in advance.
On the other hand, I think you'll love the DD-20. When you can afford
200601/msg00135:Re: Guidance In Buying First Loop Machine
Bill, but I'm surprised Rainer's chart missed some of the DD20's features. To 25:
1) The DD20 is stereo, both in and out. Depending on the 26:
setting, the DD20 will either generate a stereo spread from a mono signal 29:
2) The DD20 has a reverse delay. You can't 32:
3) Ostensibly the DD20 has 23 seconds of delay time, but I and at least one 35:
4) No, the DD20 won't save audio, although it will save five 38:
If you want the DD20 to function as a looping device, you just 41:
DD20 does have a Sound-On-Sound function, too. And it's CHEAP! Under $200 per
200601/msg01174:Re: LONG LIVE the EDP and the LOOPERLATIVE was: edp R.I.P ...long live the looperlative
money (less?) you could do the dual DD-20 route too...--m.-- _______"You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike..."
200601/msg01106:Re: LONG LIVE the EDP and the LOOPERLATIVE was: edp R.I.P ...long live the looperlative
> It's either the Looperlative or a pair of DD20s and a pan pedal for me.
200601/msg01104:Re: LONG LIVE the EDP and the LOOPERLATIVE was: edp R.I.P ...long live the looperlative
It's either the Looperlative or a pair of DD20s and a pan pedal for
Re: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 and Volume Pedals 19:
I'm expecting a DD-20 here soon, too, and I plan to patch a stereo 34:
> DD-20. I've only had it for several days, but I'm like a kid in a 40:
> with the DD-20? Thanks in advance.
> adopter! the original, no undo) and a DD-20 as the looping part of my 57:
> of feedback capability (which I've been using the DD-20 to cope with) as
DD-20 digital delay or Boss RC 20XL.
early adopter! the original, no undo) and a DD-20 as the looping part of 32:
been using the DD-20 to cope with) as well, especially on the RC-50, for
DD-20 lately,this could share the same boss 9v power 32:
1/2 speed, but Ive heard the DD-20 sounds great and it
Union. But hopefully he'll get his money tomorrow!) If the DD-20 82:
for me. Well, except for the DD-20 maybe. But that's my opinion --
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 20:
DD20. I never have to think about the hardware when I loop with a DL4, 27:
I've only ever used the DD20 a couple of times, and found it a much more
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200602/msg00137:Godin-istas Unite! (was Vortex and acoustic guitar)
Club 50 watt 2x12 tube guitar amplifier with a Boss GT-3 and a Boss DD-20
200602/msg00159:Re: Godin-istas Unite! (was Vortex and acoustic guitar)
>Boss DD-20 Delay Modeler and an RC-20XL Loop Station (hopefully to be
200602/msg00843:Boss DD-20 + JamMan go together like...??
Boss DD-20 + JamMan go together like...?? 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 + JamMan go together like...?? 22:
hava a line on a used Boss DD-20 GigaDelay. My question is, are these
RE: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: RE: DD20 or DL-4 40:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 44:
DD20. I never have to think about the hardware when I loop with a DL4, thus 50:
I've only ever used the DD20 a couple of times, and found it a much more
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Yeah, and the DD-20, like Fabio says -- I forgot. You should read the 20:
two DD-20 reviews on the tools page. They have pretty much convinced 61:
>> DD-20 digital delay or Boss RC 20XL.
200602/msg00910:Re: Anyone have any tech docs on on the RC-50 yet?
No word on documentation but my hopes for a controllable feedback took a dive today. I spoke to the Roland Looper Product Specialist and asked him about feedback. He didn't even know what I was talking about. I explained and he says he hasn't heard about anything like that and this is a "pure looper". I mentioned the feature on the DD-20 and he said "yeah but that's a delay pedal". I fear the worst.
Re: DD20 or DL-4, February 28, 2006 967:
DD20 or DL-4, February 28, 2006 1029:
Boss DD-20 + JamMan go together like...??, February 21, 2006 1128:
DD20 or DL-4, February 28, 2006 1334:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, February 28, 2006 1351:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, February 28, 2006 1514:
RE: DD20 or DL-4, February 28, 2006
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 19:
> Stuart, are you sure you're not mixing up the DD-20 with the RC-20?
Union. But hopefully he'll get his money tomorrow!) If the DD-20 45:
for me. Well, except for the DD-20 maybe. But that's my opinion --
adopter! the original, no undo) and a DD-20 as the looping part of my 41:
of feedback capability (which I’ve been using the DD-20 to cope with) as
everything shifting against each other and therefore not just coming back around each time the same ie; in the same sync, only fading out and with new layers being added. The Boss DD-20 is very hip for doing two layers of different lengths against each other. You can set it up, for example, with a 23 second loop and an 18 second loop, both set to fade out slowly, then switch back and forth and add layers to each one, one at a time. It comes from the factory so that switching loops goes from 1 to five and back around again erasing the third to last loop recorded each time you switch to another loop, however, you can get it to switch just between two and niether of them gets erased as you go back and forth. Many a late nite hour spent in this endeavor at my place. Good for putting off the nieghbors if not the immediate family too!
DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: DD20 or DL-4 21:
about the DD20 - got mine last Saturday). 37:
DD20: 65:
I'm fairly new to the DD20, so can't say that much about it. I couldn't 84:
> Boss DD-20 are $200 at the corner store. That's as much as I
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 21:
>I've only ever used the DD20 a couple of times, and found it a much 27:
Stuart, are you sure you're not mixing up the DD-20 with the RC-20? 28:
The DD-20 is the Boss GigaDelay 23-second digital delay, and it won't
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200602/msg00911:Re: Anyone have any tech docs on on the RC-50 yet?
"pure looper". I mentioned the feature on the DD-20 and he said "yeah
200602/msg00157:Re: Godin-istas Unite! (was Vortex and acoustic guitar)
>Boss DD-20 Delay Modeler and an RC-20XL Loop Station (hopefully to be
> DD-20 digital delay or Boss RC 20XL.
DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: DD20 or DL-4 22:
Both the DL-4 and the Boss DD-20 are $200 at the corner store. That's as
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 20:
>>Stuart, are you sure you're not mixing up the DD-20 with the RC-20?
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 27:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 32:
>>Stuart, are you sure you're not mixing up the DD-20 with the RC-20?
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200603/msg00022:Re: Vedr. Re: Do I need that EDP?
The DD20 has a "sounnd on sound" mode that lets you record one looped 26:
> Maybe you can tell me how dd-20 can make sound on sound, when its a 44:
hi ! Maybe you can tell me how dd-20 can make sound on sound, when its a delaypedal ? Rune f Christophe <> skrev: What I do is split the signal with an ABY box before it hits the looper and then the straight guitar signal and the output from the looper into a mixer and then to the amp.Just another idea!Chris-------------- Original message ----------------------From: "joe rut" > hmmmmm..indeed. That sounds like something worthy of my looking into. Thanks.> > Joe> > Stan Wrote:> > hmmm...missed that original post.> > i am an OLDSCHOOL tube amp guitar player-and have always had a hellofa time> > tryin to get these looper thanggs in the signal path and
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 19:
Definitely. The DD-20 has a a digital readout and a knob that lets you 26:
> intuitive,is the dd-20 better in this department? 48:
> > > Is DD-20 "sound on sound" in stereo?
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 22:
No. I meant the DD20. I ruled out the RC20 because it does not have
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 31:
> Is DD-20 "sound on sound" in stereo?
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
hi ! Maybe you can tell me how dd-20 can make sound on sound, when its a delaypedal ? Rune f Christophe <> skrev: What I do is split the signal with an ABY box before it hits the looper and then the straight guitar signal and the output from the looper into a mixer and then to the amp.Just another idea!Chris-------------- Original message ----------------------From: "joe rut" > hmmmmm..indeed. That sounds like something worthy of my looking into. Thanks.> > Joe> > Stan Wrote:> > hmmm...missed that original post.> > i am an OLDSCHOOL tube amp guitar player-and have always had a hellofa time> > tryin to get these looper thanggs in the signal path and
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 19:
Is DD-20 "sound on sound" in stereo? 26:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 33:
> No. I meant the DD20. I ruled out the RC20 because it does not have
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
....still waiting for my dd20...on back order...sigh
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006 224:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006 500:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006 920:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006 1011:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006 1013:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006 1155:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006 1519:
Re: DD20 or DL-4, March 01, 2006
200603/msg00019:Re: Vedr. Re: Do I need that EDP?
looper (the early one - no undo function) and that into a DD20 Giga Delay 36:
stereo) The 4 stereo outputs from the DD5 and DD20 go to a stereo mixer 40:
to opposite sides (i.e., dry DD20 to the left and dry DD5 to the right). 46:
bypasses the RC20/DD20 combination since I usually have them doing 50:
the DD20.
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 24:
>about the DD20 - got mine last Saturday). 29:
There's one extra feature I'd like to add for the DD-20, though. If 37:
here. I like the DD-20 (it's great for exceptionally clean loops, as 44:
I finally consider the DD-20 just as "neat", it's a more subtle box
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: DD20 or DL-4 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 or DL-4 22:
intuitive,is the dd-20 better in this department? 43:
> > Is DD-20 "sound on sound" in stereo?
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
I'm a fan of the Boss GigaDelay DD-20
200604/msg00356:digitech digidelay/loop trade thanks!
wanted to say that i got a new digitech digidelay on fri (sent back the boss dd20) am liking the digidelay, i find that i rarely use over 4 sec loops and have been enjoying the things it can do. mostly use the tape delay setting -which can give some fun weird quasi old echoplex like sounds (think old tommy bolin) and fun playing w/ the 4 sec of digital delay. must say that i had a used one of these a few yrs ago, and that one must have been broke b/c it didn' t do the sample and hold at 100% feedback. that is a most fun aspect to the little pedal. also wanted tosay thanks to the folks i traded cds w/: douglas baldwin luis angelo michael 'nemoguitar' klobuchar been most fun listening to the stuff they create loop wise (and inspiring)..... i've also been going through all my loop cds and will post something later when i have a
Actually, I run a Boss RC-20 into a DD-20 with the feedback set high, 21:
than 23 seconds), then shut of the DD-20 and let it fade over multiple 42:
> I'm a fan of the Boss GigaDelay DD-20
boss dd20- underwhelmed... 10:
Subject: boss dd20- underwhelmed... 18:
last week, i tried out a boss dd20 for 2 days and was underwhelmed. i would say that if you're looking for your 1st looper it would be a good purchase. also if you need live looping option for guitar it would be good w/ the foot controls thing, but i just found for my own needs (and i didn't really need one, just wanted to try it out)-it seemed redundant as to what my dod d-12 can do (along w/ my digitech rp100, & ibanez de-7 give me)... i thought that the best things on the dd20 where the basic delay (and the 23 sec is good), and i liked what the sound on sound could do, but i wished there was more manipulation options in that mode. the tape echo was ok, and the dual delay gave some interesting results. i thought all the other options (there are 11 modes) seemed gimmicky-like they needed to add things to make it worth the 179 or 225 cost.
AW: boss dd20- underwhelmed..., April 04, 2006 1352:
boss dd20- underwhelmed..., April 04, 2006
AW: boss dd20- underwhelmed... 10:
Subject: AW: boss dd20- underwhelmed... 19:
Scott Hansen wrote something about the DD20, to which I want to add: 21:
I think the DD20 has a huge potential for anyone with embedded programming 41:
I still have to combine both the DD20 and the DL4 for a mini looping rig...
200605/msg00844:Re: Jeff Kaiser & Co. hit New Mexico
> Factory, Boss DD20) helped modify his sound, but he did great things
Yes, Jeff, I'm STILL awake...I thought this was a veyr good explanation, but then I'm the guy with three Lexicon Vortexes who got rid of his Digitech Jamman and bought to Boss DD-20 GigaDelays.I use the feedback control on the two DD-20s to create "inifinite" loops...with the knob cranked full stop, I get repeats for as long as the thing is on...
200605/msg00140:Re: Beginner - what should I buy?
recomend the Boss DD-20.
I played with the E-Bow and my DL4 and DD20 and boy does that make some cool noise! Drone-y loops and great sustain. Nice.
> something like a DD-20. I haven't touched a hardware looper for a long
200605/msg00843:Re: Jeff Kaiser & Co. hit New Mexico
> Factory, Boss DD20) helped modify his sound, but he did great things
Factory, Boss DD20) helped modify his sound, but he did great things
200605/msg00846:Re: Jeff Kaiser & Co. hit New Mexico
> Factory, Boss DD20) helped modify his sound, but he did great things
200605/msg00147:getting started/what to buy/ loop things/ budgets
dear getting started- i have mostly experience w/ the low end stuff. i started w/ a digitech rp100, it has 2 sec of delay, i really experiemented a lot w/ it. then added a dod d-12, it has 12 sec of delay or 4 banks of 6 sec samples. i used those 2 in conjunction forever, still use them actually. i have added between those a zoom g2 (5 sec, can't manipulate delay, but effects options are very good for price) and i also have a digitech xdelay (4 sec of delay-which gives me more options).... i have also used a boss dd20, i didn't love it, but if you are preforming live, it would be a very good option w/ the foot options....and it has many delay options and sound on sound..... if you are looking to perform live singer songwriter stuff w/ looping, the things i've seen: 1. howie day on carson dailey used a line 6 delay modeler (14 sec of loop time), i have not used one, much
Jamman, 2 DD-20's, an old TEAC Reel, old cassettes that I used in the 80's
> > I played with the E-Bow and my DL4 and DD20 and boy does that make
200605/msg00095:Re: OT: Digitech EX-7 Expression pedal for sale
I too recently purchased one of these and like it. Works great with the roland dd-20 and a loop station!
I played with the E-Bow and my DL4 and DD20 and boy does that make some cool noise! Drone-y loops and great sustain. Nice.
200605/msg00537:Digitech Time Machine replacement questions
at the Boss DD-20 in a store the other day, but it didn't look like 43:
considering the new EH box, but I really like the DD-20's delay 45:
the DD-20 looks like it's perfect, except that it can't hold the loop 56:
wrong about the DD-20 not being having a "hold" setting?) I've been
I played with the E-Bow and my DL4 and DD20 and boy does that make some
played with the E-Bow and my DL4 and DD20 and boy does that make some cool
I think MIDI sync is very important in this box. I believe it will help sell more LP1's but I purchased mine (next batch) not only to get in on the ground floor of the development and to help a budding new developer but also for exactly what this box is currently doing. I have two EDP's which I love and will not part with. I also have a Repeater, an EH16 reissue, a RC-20, a RC-20xl, a new Jamman, 2 DD-20's, an old TEAC Reel, old cassettes that I used in the 80's along with an old Boss Rackmount Delay which I could set for near infinite delay. I started looping before I ever heard the term and became enamoured with the sounds. I now feel that looping for me is an extension of instrument and self and I find it hard to play without it when working on small pieces. It helps me develop faster and smarter so to get back to the MIDI sync issue yes it is important but it is a bonus as this box is it's own instrument like the others and it's personality will grow over time just like the EDP or any other of these loopers I listed as it is still the individual who gives live and use to the tool. Where's my tea! thanks for listening.
200605/msg00198:Re: MaxMSP looping - was: Re: Did a quick Mobius gig today :-)
something like a DD-20. I haven't touched a hardware looper for a long
> > > I played with the E-Bow and my DL4 and DD20 and
DD20 and boy does that make some cool noise! Drone-y loops and great
DD20 and boy does that make some cool noise! Drone-y loops and great
the Feedback on my DD-20 Giga Delay.
> the Feedback on my DD-20 Giga Delay.
200606/msg00071:AW: Software vs Hardware, Laptop vs Oldskool
with the other option (as mentioned) to have a DD20/OD-2 as a fallback
200606/msg00067:Software vs Hardware, Laptop vs Oldskool
minimum hardware setup in the laptop rig (like a Boss DD20 and OD2) to
> the Feedback on my DD-20 Giga Delay.
DD-20 (of which I have two, BTW). Although, in true "robbing peter
my favorite processors and the Boss DD-20 Giga delay
200607/msg00939:AW: how do you correct a bad loop on stage, etc
That's what I'm planning to do, my case a DD20 and a Boss OD-2 33:
to the DD20 and the return of the DD20 to an active channel on the 34:
interface. Then make sure to power down the DD20 when not in a case of
200607/msg00641:AW: Tony and Rainer make weird noises.
DD20, Vortex, RSP-550, a bunch of ModFX.
2 EDPs and a Boss DD-20 GigaDelay for the live stuff.
200607/msg00690:AW: Firewire/USB 2.0 Adaptors for M-Audio Firewire Solo
reliability and thus want to keep a DL4 or DD20 hooked to an in/out pair
200607/msg00643:AW: Tony and Rainer make weird noises.
RC20, DD20, Vortex, RSP-550, a bunch of ModFX.
200607/msg00636:Re: Tony and Rainer make weird noises.
me. Roland D50, guitar through an RP2000, Morpheus, GR50, DL4, RC20, DD20,
Boss-dd20 Qestion 10:
Subject: Boss-dd20 Qestion 20:
I just got a used DD-20 and ive been fooling around
dd-20 26:
> 2 EDPs and a Boss DD-20 GigaDelay for the live
Re: Boss-dd20 Qestion 10:
Subject: Re: Boss-dd20 Qestion 23:
> I just got a used DD-20 and ive been fooling around
Re: Boss-dd20 Qestion, July 31, 2006 880:
Boss-dd20 Qestion, July 31, 2006
200607/msg00710:Re: Tony and Rainer make weird noises.
GR50, DL4, RC20, DD20, Vortex, RSP-550, a bunch of ModFX.
> DD-20 (of which I have two, BTW). Although, in true "robbing peter to
> my favorite processors and the Boss DD-20 Giga delay
I bought a DD-20 but just haven't put it to much use yet--
Have a Boss DD-20 currently on pedal board feeding into an RC-20xl. Also have a EDP Pro Plus somewhere in the bowels of the UPS warehouse in the next town over, theoretically on it's way here.
looper in the market (DD20)! And the way I got it, the ad wasn't publicised
200607/msg00642:Re: Tony and Rainer make weird noises.
RC20, DD20, Vortex, RSP-550, a bunch of ModFX.
Boss RC20 XL and Boss DD20 GigaDelay
10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy'>DL-4, RC-20, DD-20, Vortex
> setup. It might be e.g. VF-1, DL4 and DD20.
thinking, Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great looper! (except it doesn't
200608/msg00456:Re: EXPLAIN your 10th Anniversary Birthday 30 second tune
Mine was just an imporovvised recording with a DD20 loop and some sparse 382:
is from my Adrenalinn, the ModFX Philter and a DL4 and DD20. One of them
not really, i suggest to them the boss DD20 or line 6 DL-4 mainly
Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, I wouldn´t consider 78:
thread, thinking, Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great looper! (except
not really, i suggest to them the boss DD20 or line 6 DL-4 mainly
200608/msg00732:Re: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync)
Re: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync) 10:
Subject: Re: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync) 23:
> I've build a small device to midi sync BOSS DD-20, but experience
Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, I 101:
thinking, Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great looper! (except it
200608/msg00410:Re: EXPLAIN your 10th Anniversary Birthday 30 second tune
Mine was just an imporovvised recording with a DD20 loop and some sparse
> I ask this because I'm reading this thread, thinking, Boss DD-20! Boss 20:
DD-20! Makes a great looper! (except it doesn't 23:
I'd like to second the DD20 recommendation. Having played around a little 39:
setup. It might be e.g. VF-1, DL4 and DD20.
Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, I wouldn´t 110:
thread, thinking, Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great looper!
Hi ! Is it possible to use a expression-pedal with the dd-20 for the feedback as with the line 6. How long samplingtime has it (dd-20) ? best regards Rune F mark sottilaro <> skrev: The JamMan sadly doesn't have feedback like theoriginal.The DD20 does and yes, it works in loop mode too. It's my tiny looper of choise over the DL-4 for thatexact reason (also stereo!)--- Ritchie wrote:> Hi all,> > I'm looking for a portable looper (one I can throw> in my bag and use for > teaching also) as I already have a Repeater and> laptop setup plus others. > I'd like it to be able to have feedback control and> long loop/delay times >
> >> Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, I wouldn´t consider using them as 128:
> >> Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great looper! (except it
The DD20 does and yes, it works in loop mode too.
Re[2]: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync), August 29, 2006 329:
Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync), August 28, 2006 354:
Re: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync), August 29, 2006
200608/msg00721:Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync)
Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync) 10:
Subject: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync) 24:
I've build a small device to midi sync BOSS DD-20, but experience
>> > >> Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, I wouldn´t 200:
>> > >> Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great
200608/msg00409:Re: EXPLAIN your 10th Anniversary Birthday 30 second tune
Mine was just an imporovvised recording with a DD20 loop and some sparse
200608/msg00733:Re[2]: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync)
Re[2]: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync) 10:
Subject: Re[2]: Ableton Midi Clock ? (DD-20 midi sync)
Good point about the DD20/DL-4. Can't go wrong with 21:
into a guitar amp and put the DD20 in it's effect loop 35:
> not really, i suggest to them the boss DD20 or line
200608/msg00039:RE: OT: New Nylon String Through my Laptop system....
I also use 2 Boss DD20's and a LoopstationXL along with a Digitech Jamman.
> > > >> Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, I wouldn´t 191:
> > > >> Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great
200608/msg00020:Loooong, stereo, analog/tape style hardware delay... such a thing?
I know the DD-20 has enough delay time, but there's no filtering or EQ
effects boxes - the Pod, Fireworx, Vortex, (hell, the EDP), DD20, etc -
200608/msg00026:Loooong, stereo, analog/tape style hardware delay... such a thing?
Basically, use two devices, a loong delay (like a DD20), here called "1" 42:
would the DD20 do the trick for you?
> > >> Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, I wouldn´t 181:
> > >> Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great
Also, the DD-20 and LINE 6 DL4, 145:
thread, thinking, Boss DD-20! Boss DD-20! Makes a great looper! (except
200609/msg00676:Re: Belated Results: 2005 Looper Survey!
> 9) Boss DD-20 - 33 devices
200609/msg00300:The Tech 21 MIDI Moose, and my simple-minded approach to looping
help in phase two. And yes, a simple DD20 or Digitech PDS/RDS or whatever
200609/msg00674:Belated Results: 2005 Looper Survey!
9) Boss DD-20 - 33 devices
200609/msg00424:Re: ? re: really "weird" solo loopers...
200609/msg00419:Re: ? re: really "weird" solo loopers...
200610/msg00301:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
about the DD-20, you both contributed to give me a clearer idea on what
200610/msg00310:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
> about the DD-20, you both contributed to give me a clearer idea on what
200610/msg00299:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
Then the DD-20 (I looper that I own and love) will not
200610/msg00352:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
DD-20. 41:
I am going to try out both an RC 20 XL and DD-20 which
200610/msg00068:Shopping for a looper again... RC-50?...
RC-50, RC-20XL, DD-20, 87:
and the DD-20 have a 91:
But the DD-20, which I am leaning toward on account of the price (Boss has
200610/msg00356:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
> DD-20. 67:
> I am going to try out both an RC 20 XL and DD-20 which
200610/msg00296:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
I would seriously consider the DD-20 for 28:
sync" to describe the DD-20 being set to a specific delay length equal to, or in 35:
DD-20 is its numerical readout for delay length: up to 9999 milliseconds (9.999 72:
DD-20 is superior to a "true" looper like the Boss RC-20 because, in addition to 73:
being able to end a loop suddenly, the DD-20 can fade out over as long or short
200610/msg00348:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
I am going to try out both an RC 20 XL and DD-20 which I have seen at a
200610/msg00071:Re: Best Looper (was: random effects)
Great chart, thanks! Also, could you add the Boss DD-20? (technically a
200610/msg00340:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
Man, I'd love for my DD-20 to have MIDI sync, but I 42:
> wrote that the DD-20 *could* run in "virtual sync"
200610/msg00326:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
wrote that the DD-20 *could* run in "virtual sync" with a drum machine, you 25:
> Then the DD-20 (I looper that I own and love) will not 34:
"perfectly forever." For you, the DD-20 won't work "at all" as a syncing 62:
engineers to design, but man, a DD-20 with MIDI sync would cause my poor
200610/msg00272:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
I'm a big fan of the Boss DD-20. If set to maximum delay, it will 31:
You can overdub as much as you like with the DD-20. You can even create 32:
phrases of two different lengths if you like. Read up on the DD-20 at 37:
I use the DD-20 for very precise time changes, and it's never given me a
200610/msg00278:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
In fact, DD-20 was another option I was considering. I'll definitely 54:
I'm a big fan of the Boss DD-20. If set to maximum delay, it will repeat 62:
You can overdub as much as you like with the DD-20. You can even create 63:
phrases of two different lengths if you like. Read up on the DD-20 at 72:
I use the DD-20 for very precise time changes, and it's never given me a
200610/msg00363:Re: Suggestion about looping gear
> > DD-20. 85:
> > I am going to try out both an RC 20 XL and DD-20
200611/msg00118:Re: Boss RC-2 Shipping Now...Just Recieved Mine
use the DL4 and DD20 for. One question I have is based on the strange procedure
>I've got one connected to the feedback knob on a DD-20 delay; bit of 32:
Hand to simultaneously control feedback on two DD-20's.... :P
I've got one connected to the feedback knob on a DD-20 delay; bit of
200612/msg00164:Re: loopers little nuisances Re: Question about looping software
> tempo delays with the DL4,the DD-20 seems much
200612/msg00140:stanosaur/krispen thanks/black box thanx.../time stretch
gemini 1224 sampler had a pitch slider, if you sampled something w/ it all the way to left you could speed it up decent enough (sort of chipmonk sound) or if it was all the way to right you could slow it down for deep warble...i think it was made to be kept in center and i found that in center the amt of shift high or low wasn't so much.... -boss dd-20-if you set the delay at certain time and use the slow adjusting of time you can get a warble, the problem is it takes forever to move the time a sec w/ the ms settings, if you use the fast time movement option (push button down and twist) it gives a strange warble sound, which i'm not sure is a true time stretch, but its an interesting sound and i've been messing w/ it a lot in these last 2 weeks.... those are my limited experiences and most of the stuff i use is on the budget end.... s---
200612/msg00154:loopers little nuisances Re: Question about looping software
tempo delays with the DL4,the DD-20 seems much better
200612/msg00021:boss DD-20 (out w/ old, in w/ new)
boss DD-20 (out w/ old, in w/ new) 10:
Subject: boss DD-20 (out w/ old, in w/ new) 18:
well a quick post: i'm in the process of selling a lot of my gear, moving away from my rack stuff entirely (my dod d-12, sold most of stuff a few months ago) and have decided to go w/ a pedal set the DD-20 last week, just hooked it up last night, and have played w/ it a bit, and will say that i'm liking it alot. love the mangling of sound that is possible... and i haven't even played much w/ the other delay options, mainly just using the standard digital delay....easy to use, small package... so far very happy.... i'm hoping the batteries last awhile, but i'll probaby get the ac adaptor for it so i don't have worry about unplugging it like i usually do.... s---
lot out there vs. when i 1st started looking...and i will have to say that i've been very happy w/ the boss dd-20, for me its perfect, i can keep it on my table for easy hand manipulations, has plenty of delay time, you can modulate it...just works perfect for me...the other scary thing is i've been happy w/ my minimal set up of zoom g2-digitech synth wah-boss dd20 that i've been using for the last few has worked for when i play through my amp and direct recording (which i've been doing not very much of)...oh sure, i'm debating a few items to buy w/ the money i made from selling the old gear....but i'm pretty happy w/ things as of late, i must be getting mature or something......or older for sure.... oh well---happy looping and holidays to all.... s--- ps-listened to the warren sirota part 1 mp3 from the 06 loopfest---some very lush sounding stuff.... __________________________________________________Do You
had a quick question: does anyone have/ use the maudio black box? it has a short delay of 2.5 sec that can be used as a looper (demoed by r. linn on the web from a namm show-and i thought his demo was quite impressive) and has the beat synched effects. reviews on h-c have been mixed (as usual) some like, some dislike... the thing a few said was: effects sounded too weird/too electronic for "normal use", which sounded like the perfect thing for many folks on this list.... just curious if anyone has used it, and their thoughts..... thanks, s---- ps-been using my new dd-20 more, and will say that i'm liking it more and more.....and the reverse is quite fun to mess w/ too....
boss DD-20 (out w/ old, in w/ new), December 04, 2006
200612/msg00039:Re: semi-OT: m-audio's Black box?
> ps-been using my new dd-20 more, and will say that
Check out the DD-20 too, that's a good pedal IMO.
200701/msg00127:Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20
Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20 21:
> For Per Boysen: I have some Boss DD-20 updates for your comparison
hi, finished some recent recordings that i decided to call "Transition" due to gear changes and all... so decided to offer it up as a cd trade for anyone interested... recordings are my 1st attempts w/ my boss dd-20, using guitar (my modified headless beast w/ feedback microphone), keyboards (for sounds/noises) and radio (my john cage influences)..... thought the stuff sounded decent since i hadn't recorded anything since oct, recordings were done during dec 06-jan 07..... working on making cover/package this weekend......and assembling... if interested, please send your snail mail address to: (put "cd trade: transition" in subject).... i like hearing what other folks do out there (on cd) b/c i don't sit at a computer much and listen to music.....
200701/msg00126:Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20
Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20 19:
For Per Boysen: I have some Boss DD-20 updates for your comparison chart of
And my social security number is....Yes, I'm an idiot. I hope all you cyber-stalkers aren't paying attention. --- King Never On Jan 24, 2007, at 9:00 PM, Matthew F. McCabe wrote:Scott,Count me in. Matt McCabe18904 Moon Ridge RdHidden Valley Lake, CA 95467Send your address and I'll drop my latest CD in the mail to you.Matt---King Never On Jan 19, 2007, at 2:52 PM, scott hansen wrote:hi, finished some recent recordings that i decided to call "Transition" due to gear changes and all... so decided to offer it up as a cd trade for anyone interested... recordings are my 1st attempts w/ my boss dd-20, using guitar (my modified headless beast w/ feedback microphone), keyboards (for sounds/noises) and radio (my john cage influences)..... thought the stuff sounded decent since i hadn't recorded anything since oct, recordings were done during dec 06-jan 07..... working on making cover/package this weekend......and assembling... if interested, please send your snail mail address to: (put "cd trade: transition" in subject).... i like hearing what other folks do out there (on cd) b/c i don't sit at a computer much and listen to music..... thanks, happy looping.... s---- Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20, January 05, 2007 964:
Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20, January 04, 2007 1161:
Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20, January 04, 2007
DL4>Chorus>vol pedal>DD-20>RC-20>vol pedal>amp 99:
loopers up, so that say the DL4 can go to one amp, and the DD-20/RC-20 can
200701/msg00129:Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20
Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20 10:
Subject: Re: Looperchart: update for Boss DD-20
200701/msg00604:Damage Control Delay/Looper Pedal
- very nice looking delay functions (meant to be a DD-20 killer I think)
Scott,Count me in. Matt McCabe18904 Moon Ridge RdHidden Valley Lake, CA 95467Send your address and I'll drop my latest CD in the mail to you.Matt --- King Never On Jan 19, 2007, at 2:52 PM, scott hansen wrote:hi, finished some recent recordings that i decided to call "Transition" due to gear changes and all... so decided to offer it up as a cd trade for anyone interested... recordings are my 1st attempts w/ my boss dd-20, using guitar (my modified headless beast w/ feedback microphone), keyboards (for sounds/noises) and radio (my john cage influences)..... thought the stuff sounded decent since i hadn't recorded anything since oct, recordings were done during dec 06-jan 07..... working on making cover/package this weekend......and assembling... if interested, please send your snail mail address to: (put "cd trade: transition" in subject).... i like hearing what other folks do out there (on cd) b/c i don't sit at a computer much and listen to music..... thanks, happy looping.... s---- Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
200701/msg00609:Re: Damage Control Delay/Looper Pedal
> - very nice looking delay functions (meant to be a DD-20 killer I
200702/msg00791:multi button control pedal for dd20?
multi button control pedal for dd20? 10:
Subject: multi button control pedal for dd20?
> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 giga 79:
> with the DD-20,
200702/msg00529:RE: show me yours and i'll show you mine...
DD-20, which has the ability to create 2 stereo loops of 11.5 sec's each.
200702/msg00534:Re: show me yours and i'll show you mine...
> - From there, the audio signal is processed by the Boss DD-20, which
multi button control pedal for dd20?, February 24, 2007
my old loop setup is here: handmade guitar w/ egg shaker mic in the center for feedback effects- digitech rp100 zoom g2 digitech digidelay to either direct or my amp this is when i was moving away from my rack setup (hard to believe i used to have a 4 space rack setup w/ stuff before it).... my new setup is: roctron silver dragon-zoom g2-digitech rp150 -boss dd20-out to either digital recorder or marshall 10 watt amp (which i usually run clean) simple setup works for me. man looking at some people's setups w/ the pedals after pedals, whooooa, i know for me
>> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 giga 91:
>> with the DD-20,
BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 giga delay 45:
Jamman or not - does anyone know? You could do this with the DD-20,
decent. i would think that if the x-delay is placed before the boss rc-2, you could do crazy delay maniplations and then capture them to the rc-2 to play over, etc..... s---- ps-i should qualify that my xdelay is put away now in favor of using a digitech rp150 (which has 5 sec of delay) and my boss dd20. the rp150 is their new multieffects box, not a delay persay, but is handy. i was playing around w/ the analog delay on it the other night and it gets some nice twisted sounds....
200703/msg00474:RE: Looping in OZ :: RC-## question
plus a DD-20 as well.I am not sure if i want to keep
> > >> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 243:
> > >> with the DD-20,
I did some cool looping numbers using my DD20. I even did a cover of
>>>> The three pedals I've looked into are:>>>> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 giga>> delay>>>> I thought the BOSS was it, but now I'm thinking that 36:
>> it doesn't allow>> this thing that I described. I can't tell if you can>> do this with the>> Jamman or not - does anyone know? You could do this>> with the DD-20,
200703/msg00552:Boss DD-20 Delay/Looping Pedal For Sale
Boss DD-20 Delay/Looping Pedal For Sale 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 Delay/Looping Pedal For Sale 19:
I have listed my DD-20 dual delay pedal on eBay at this link:
kept my DD-20 Gigadelay. I really like it AND it's 183:
> > >> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 195:
> > >> with the DD-20,
200703/msg00412:Re: Time Factor (was looping pedal with decay?)
I really like the DD-20 as well,i am curious about the 22:
might replace my DL4 and DD-20,having midi and being 35:
> kept my DD-20 Gigadelay. I really like it AND it's 215:
> > > >> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 229:
> > > >> with the DD-20,
200703/msg00154:Re: Introducing myself :: Rob McDade (South Australia)
My set up revolves around the BOSS DD20 which I bought for its delay 55:
thru the DD20. 56:
Despite its limitations at 23 seconds - the DD20 does give me quite a 62:
standard digital delay pedal!). Switching the DD20 delay on and off - 74:
after the output of the DD20 so I can fade out using my foot - while 88:
complicated signal flow using both DD20 and RC side by side.
> > >>> > >> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 giga> > >> delay> > >>> > >> I thought the BOSS was it, but now I'm thinking that 49:
> > >> with the DD-20,> > >> but I can't tell if you'd be able to set a> > >> loop/delay time up with> > >> your foot or not (versus having to set it to a
200703/msg00153:Introducing myself :: Rob McDade (South Australia)
My set up revolves around the BOSS DD20 which I bought for its delay 39:
thru the DD20. 40:
Despite its limitations at 23 seconds - the DD20 does give me quite a 46:
standard digital delay pedal!). Switching the DD20 delay on and off - 58:
after the output of the DD20 so I can fade out using my foot - while 72:
complicated signal flow using both DD20 and RC side by side.
200703/msg00440:Re: Looping in OZ :: RC-## question
plus a DD-20 as well.I am not sure if i want to keep
Boss DD-20 Delay/Looping Pedal For Sale, March 21, 2007
> digitech rp150 (which has 5 sec of delay) and my boss dd20. the rp150 is
> dd20-out to either digital recorder or marshall 10 watt amp (which i
are:>>>> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 120:
this>> with the DD-20, >> but I can't tell if you'd be
> > >> BOSS RC20xl, Digitech Jamman, and BOSS DD-20 giga 164:
> > >> with the DD-20,
200704/msg00262:new loop music from scott hansen on myspace
just uploaded some new loop based music on at: finished some recordings after 2 months of working on them....since my last project that i wanted to trade w/ folks i think i only had 3-4 takers, i'll just put a sampling of the new music up for online listening/consumption... gear is my mutant headless guitar w/ microphone in it--rocktron silver dragon--zoom g2-- digitech rp150--boss dd-20--direct to my fostex mr8 digital recorder... i tried something new w/ these recordings-usually in the past when i mixed down to my cd recorder i used the "natural" mastering effects button that the fostex has, but this time around i decided to not use it-to my ear it seemed like it was squishing (or squashing) the sound a bit (a real technical term i know)... 19:
bulk of the material was using the dd20 as my looper (the digitech and zoom each has 5 sec of delay, just didn't use them as much)... s---
As Rainer said, the DD-20 is a great delay but limited as a looper. Imo, 28:
multiply it several times etc. So I'm probably going to replace my DD-20 by
Guitar into Zoom G2.1u into Boss DD20 62:
Guitar into Zoom G2.1u into Line6 DL4 into Boss DD20 and back into Line6
the delay tap feature on the DD-20 much more accurate 46:
> > The DD20 has a looper mode which sucks 48:
> Really? Why do you think that? I think the DD20's
> - I own a Boss DD-20. Do you think it's worth to add the DL4 to a setup
Guitar or Mandocello into either Traynor YCV20WR or Ultrasound AG50DS amp. (Vol. Pedal > overdrive > DD20 Giga Delay > RC20xl Looper) pedal board in effects loop of amp.
- Boss DD20 44:
For small and portable set-up, i replace the RPTR with the DD20. 50:
from Aux 3/4 -> DD20 -> stereo channel mixer.
> The DD20 has a looper mode which sucks 25:
Really? Why do you think that? I think the DD20's a pretty capable
> - I own a Boss DD-20. Do you think it's worth to add the DL4 43:
I'm somewhat confused regarding DD-20 or RC-50...or are you thinking about 44:
using DD-20 plus RC-50 plus DL4? 46:
The DD20 has a looper mode which sucks but great delay (due to its length 48:
out how to combine both the DL4 and the DD20 for greatest effect. I 50:
think a DL4 in addition to a RC50 and a DD20 would make that much sense,
- I own a Boss DD-20. Do you think it's worth to add the DL4 to a setup or
Personally, I tried something simliar with a Line6 DL4 and a Boss DD20 and 33:
The Boss DD20 is set up so it sends the dry signal to the left output and 36:
(Left): Soundsource->DL4->DD20->Mains 37:
(Right): DL4->DD20->Volume Pedal->Back to DL4. 39:
The fun here is that the DL4 (in looper mode) and the DD20 (in normal delay 42:
and has an additional delay, with the DD20, you can do unrounded multiply 46:
(currently, mainly the DD20) also adds to the fun - and if I want the whole
Pedals in Effect Loop: Boss DD-20 Delay, Digitech Chorus Factory, Boss RV-5 Reverb
microrig (guitar->Zoom G2.1u->Boss DD20). 123:
tracks to which I can copy loops which I record in the DD20 is
200706/msg00730:Re: still on the interface quest...
> spare EDP (or DD20 or DL4 or Repeater) you have connected to the
200706/msg00351:Re: short review: Korg KP3 Kaoss Pad
> microrig (guitar->Zoom G2.1u->Boss DD20). 171:
> tracks to which I can copy loops which I record in the DD20 is
200706/msg00729:Re: Re: still on the interface quest...
preset, thus muting computer output and bring in e.g. a spare EDP (or DD20
200706/msg00487:Re: Looping with the KP3 Kaoss Pad (video)
>This is me playing guitar into Zoom G2.1u into Boss DD20 into Korg KP3. 25:
>Use of loopsamples from the DD20 and the KP3 is explained in the video.
200706/msg00323:Loopscape with Voice, some efx and RC50
--- Boss DD20 Gigadelay--- Boss RC50 Loopstation.
200706/msg00438:Looping with the KP3 Kaoss Pad (video)
This is me playing guitar into Zoom G2.1u into Boss DD20 into Korg KP3. 30:
Use of loopsamples from the DD20 and the KP3 is explained in the video.
200706/msg00500:AW: Looping with the KP3 Kaoss Pad (video)
in the video) is to create a basic loop in the DD20 (great if you want e.g. 47:
DD20's display (caveat: its bpm display only displays integer number, so a
Zoom G2.1u and a Boss DD20 has hipped me to letting loops run for hours,
Seeing Ted Killian post on the same day that someone mentioned the Moog Ring Mod reminded me of this. I had a device built by artist Tim Kaiser ( which was, sort of, inspired by Ted's comments on the DD-20 on the tools page (although it has little in common with those). What it is is two PDS-1002s and a PDS 20/20, modified (via trim pot) for longer delays, and wired in parallel with a pretty clever, Kaiser-designed, interface. It's a looping device in the "latching delay" fashion. The three delays can be independently latched, mixed (along with the dry), and do pitch effects with the delay time. (The footpedal also controls the latches.) The 1002s have some sort of pre/post gain thing -- it doesn't seem to make much difference in practice. The 20/20 can do some very strange modulation effects (the extended delay times seems to really wig it out).
200707/msg00253:AW: Cellphone looping - did somebody do that so far?
with a phone version of a DL4 or DD20...
- Add Boss DD-20 delays + feedback control (analog, digital, pan, tape
200707/msg00210:HsAcNoStEtN late posts, thanks, signing off..
future plans is to try to update some songs to my myspace site-want to do some of my acoustic singer-songwriter things -they are short songs, and have some acoustic looping bridge 2 songs together...not sure when i'll get to that....but its on my mind.... my setup (A LATE POST)-gtr--rocktron silver dragon--zoom g2--digitech rp150--boss dd20--to either digital recorder or my marshall 10w amp....mostly use the dd20 for short looping or the rp150 if i want to do mangly time stretching w/ lots of digital sound...not great but works, about the only thing i miss is my reverse options from my old dod d12, but i'm surviving... happy looping, s---
200707/msg00720:AW: what gear to aquire? - other .02$
* Make two setups, one very simple one (guitar floorboard into DD20 or DL4)
Seeing Ted Killian post on the same day that someone mentioned the Moog Ring Mod reminded me of this. I had a device built by artist Tim Kaiser ( which was, sort of, inspired by Ted's comments on the DD-20 on the tools page (although it has little in common with those). What it is is two PDS-1002s and a PDS 20/20, modified (via trim pot) for longer delays, and wired in parallel with a pretty clever, Kaiser-designed, interface. It's a looping device in the "latching delay" fashion. The three delays can be independently latched, mixed (along with the dry), and do pitch effects with the delay time. (The footpedal also controls the latches.) The 1002s have some sort of pre/post gain thing -- it doesn't seem to make much difference in practice. The 20/20 can do some very strange modulation effects (the extended delay times seems to really wig it out).
200708/msg01225:worlds largest collection of loopers ;)
> DD-20, an ancient boss DD3, & this RC-2 he bought in a moment of
200708/msg00581:Re: Repeat something exactly twice, then stop
> I have a Boss DD-20, which can repeat something after a 15-second delay, 39:
> I had thought that I could use the DD-20's stereo delay as two mono
> and DD-20 are using AUX send/return (stereo). A very
jam-man, a DL4, an echo-pro, a boss DD-20, an ancient boss DD3, & this
Current setup - For every live song I play I currently have progammed a "patch" in a hardware midi patchbay containing all the required progam changes, transposes, keyboard solits etc. This way you can quickly change your setup with the push of 1 button. All the audio is routed and mixed with normal analog mixer. My TC D2 and DD-20 are using AUX send/return (stereo). A very straigthforward and traditional setup in other words.
200708/msg00579:Repeat something exactly twice, then stop
I have a Boss DD-20, which can repeat something after a 15-second delay, 33:
I had thought that I could use the DD-20's stereo delay as two mono delays:
200708/msg00332:Re: Fripp - sound?New soundscape to download
If you don't have a zillion dollars to spend, then I'd suggest one of the Roland GR synths, some kind of delay/loop pedal (Boss DD20 is a good choice) and an multi-effect with some nice reverbs. Someone suggested the VH-1 and that's a good choice. The Behringer Virtualizer is a cheap solution. The Vortex is a great choice too.
AW: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: AW: Boss DD-20 sos 19:
> and what about pitch shifting capabilities on the dd20? 27:
The Repeater can do both. The DD20 can do neither of them. In fact,
Stephen;Aside from the issue of not being able to see the LED's in the sunlight, beware that you may experience a shutdown due to heat build up in the pedals. I had both my DD20 and RC20xl shut down when playing in the sun even though it was a cool day. You can tell it's about to happen when the LED on the DD20 starts going all black. Both pedals recovered when cooled down and work fine (though I've since moved to using an RC50 for looping and haven't put the DD20 and 20xl through any hard testing to see if the heat caused any long lasting damage - ie: are they more susceptible to heat now????).- Paul << >>On Sep 30, 2007, at 2:25 PM, Stephen Scott wrote:Here's a thing. Did a lovely open air gig today at Will Gile's Exotic Garden in Norwich, great fun, played a good set.BUTI was set up on the balcony of the house, spouting out my sounds across the lovely garden, it never occurred that when the sun came out, I wouldn't be able to see any of my LEDs on my RC20, soundbite sampler or guitar FX. Big problem, had to try to create shades while playing. I usually have the opposite problem, and often need to set up a little light so I can see the controls.... and the cats! At one point I had two moggies climbing between my legs and across my pedal board, and one perched atop the mixer.Playing there again next Sunday; must pack sunshade (but will this encourage rain?) and pepper Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with Yahoo! Autos.
200709/msg00845:Re: AW: Quasi Digital/Analog Modular Looper?
> This actually gets me a little confused...the Gigadelay (Boss DD20)
200709/msg00843:Re: Re: AW: Quasi Digital/Analog Modular Looper?
This actually gets me a little confused...the Gigadelay (Boss DD20) has a
Re: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 40:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 41:
As an owner of a DD20 who has not entirely warmed to it yet, I 49:
do this with the DD20 (and with about any other looper, if you can>
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 sos 23:
but I would prefer a hardware solution. It seems the DD-20 has much to
Boss DD-20 sos, September 27, 2007 304:
Re: Boss DD-20 sos, September 27, 2007 483:
Re: Boss DD-20 sos, September 27, 2007 581:
Re: Boss DD-20 sos, September 27, 2007 582:
Re: Boss DD-20 sos, September 27, 2007 970:
Re: Boss DD-20 sos, September 27, 2007 1165:
AW: Boss DD-20 sos, September 28, 2007 1170:
AW: Boss DD-20 sos, September 27, 2007 1190:
Re: Boss DD-20 sos, September 29, 2007
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
AW: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: AW: Boss DD-20 sos 19:
You can do this with the DD20 (and with about any other looper, if you can
Boss DD20 : 21% 157:
Boss DD20 : 64%
Re: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 18:
hey guys!and what about pitch shifting capabilities on the dd20?non of the hardware loopers i have can affect picht...thanks!raul.2007/9/28, Kevin Cheli-Colando < 23:
something obvious, am I? So I guess the answer is YES. Thanks for the tips, this makes the DD20 much more interesting to be sure. Thanks
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 22:
> As an owner of a DD20 who has not entirely warmed to it yet, I have
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 18:
As an owner of a DD20 who has not entirely warmed to it yet, I have to ask this question. How do you manage to freeze a loop at 100% feedback and then solo or play over it without incorporating it back into the loop if you want to open it up again and add more to it later? 20:
ThanksKevin> You can do this with the DD20 (and with about any other looper, if you can> accept that "<100%" is preset one value) when in delay mode. The SOS mode> sucks, anyway, but the delay modes are great (also for looping).
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200709/msg00847:Re: DD-20 (was Quasi Digital/Analog Modular Looper?)
Re: DD-20 (was Quasi Digital/Analog Modular Looper?) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Quasi Digital/Analog Modular Looper?) 18:
The DD-20 has 4 user preset, each preset contains the following settings: 23:
If the delay types of slot 1 and 2 are of the same "family", you can even use 2 loops in parallel. This is an undocumented feature of the DD-20 ;)
Re: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 18:
thanks rainer,lazy me. afterwards i read the LD review about the DD20,and there it was clear that it couldn't do either.anybody wants to sell me his PDS/RDS? ;-)thanks!raül. 20:
> and what about pitch shifting capabilities on the dd20?> non of the hardware loopers i have can affect picht...First of all, by "pitch shift" do you mean what DnB guys refer to as 21:
"pitching" (which I tend to call varispeed, i.e. you change playback speedand pitch changes accordingly) or as a pitch shift effect (pitch changes,playback speed stays the same)?The Repeater can do both. The DD20 can do neither of them. In fact,
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Re: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 18:
I use mine in a loop with a volume pedal in front (and one of those pedal-to-knob rigs attached to the feedback knob/post). Works pretty well, esp. since I’m unwilling to waste any time trying to wade through all the various and mostly counter-productive modes and settings. I just wanted a simple delay-line looper, and this set-up provides it. Too bad my DD-20’s stereo seems to have crapped itself back to mono... dcOn Sep 27, 2007, at 1:53 PM, Kevin Cheli-Colando wrote:As an owner of a DD20 who has not entirely warmed to it yet, I have to ask this question. How do you manage to freeze a loop at 100% feedback and then solo or play over it without incorporating it back into the loop if you want to open it up again and add more to it later? I know you can set up a loop and advance forward and then play in another bank but I was under the impression that the first loop was then locked with whatever settings it had when you moved on. I feel like I may be missing something obvious, am I?
Re: Boss DD-20 sos 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 sos 20:
something obvious, am I? So I guess the answer is YES. Thanks for the tips, this makes the DD20 much more interesting to be sure. ThanksKevin
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RE: dd-20 10:
Subject: RE: dd-20 33:
Subject: AW: dd-20 93:
1. Delay-oriented: Boss DD-20 Gigadelay 118:
the DD20, and I use one myself in my microrig (Zoom G2.u into DD20), and 126:
those of the DD20 for "interesting delay sounds". Perhaps just go to a 142:
> Betreff: dd-20 145:
> a few folks have recommended the dd-20 for me as a good one
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Re: dd-20 vs. DL4 10:
Subject: Re: dd-20 vs. DL4 23:
DD-20,but not so accurate with the DL4.I tried setting 27:
delay model.With the DD-20 it functions with every
Re: dd-20 10:
Subject: Re: dd-20 21:
the dl4 w/ expression pedal into the dd20 and have not run out of really 33:
Subject: AW: dd-20 39:
>1. Delay-oriented: Boss DD-20 Gigadelay 50:
> Betreff: dd-20 53:
> a few folks have recommended the dd-20 for me as a good one 84:
> Keep in mind, though, that the looper mode of the DD20 sucks.
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: AW: dd-20 10:
Subject: RE: AW: dd-20 25:
> I've only used my dd-20 very briefly so far, but 39:
> Subject: Re: AW: dd-20 60:
> > those of the DD20 for "interesting delay sounds".
The DD-20 is something I've frequently used. 101:
on another DD-20.
> Can the feedback on the DD20 be adjusted with another pedal or does it
200710/msg00408:46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!)
46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!) 10:
Subject: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!) 25:
review/description of the Boss DD-20 on the Looper's Delight web site, you'll
Re: AW: dd-20 10:
Subject: Re: AW: dd-20 36:
> those of the DD20 for "interesting delay sounds".
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
DD-20 Tempo bug or feature 10:
Subject: DD-20 Tempo bug or feature
The DD-20 is something I've frequently used. 39:
Loop Mode reminded me too much of the RC-20 -- which I owned for less than a week and took right back to Guitar Center for refund/trade-in on another DD-20.
Re: DD-20 Tempo bug or feature 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 Tempo bug or feature 22:
might have to update the DD-20 entry on the LD "Tools" page.
mination comes from above. It's > just so damn short if you want to overdub > > I use it on both voice and instruments. I also use a Boss digital delay on the > voice, which I play around with when my hands are free. > > Am now waiting for my Lexicon Vortex which I got off ebay to arrive!!! > > thanks anyone > > scott > > > Le 11 oct. 07 à 16:32, tEd ® KiLLiAn a écrit : > > > Hi there! > > On Oct 11, 2007, at 7:14 AM, Moore, David W Civ 86 MXS/MXMTA wrote: > > > If I set a Gigadelay to 100% feedback, then everything I play > will get > repeated for forever! Unlimited looping! 46 seconds is long > enough too! > > > The DD-20 is something I've frequently used. > > I've owned up to 3 of them at a time and I still own one. > > To my knowledge, the maximum delay time is 23 24:
seconds. > > Unless Boss has upgraded the memory on the things, I suspect it still > is. > > You might want to check, if this is important to you, before you buy. > > On the other side, it is a useful pedal indeed. > > Like you said, I too use the Delay Mode at (or near) 100% feedback > instead of the Loop Mode. > > Loop Mode reminded me too much of the RC-20 -- which I owned for less > than a week and took right back to Guitar Center for refund/trade-in on another > DD-20. > > Having lops that at least have the possibility of decay and change seems > a lot more musically useful and normal. > > There's my 2 cents. > > Good luck and welcome aboard. > > tEd ® KiLLiAn > > > > Different is not always better, but better is always different" > > > > &g
> > Can the feedback on the DD20 be adjusted with
AW: dd-20 10:
Subject: AW: dd-20 76:
1. Delay-oriented: Boss DD-20 Gigadelay 101:
the DD20, and I use one myself in my microrig (Zoom G2.u into DD20), and 109:
those of the DD20 for "interesting delay sounds". Perhaps just go to a 125:
> Betreff: dd-20 128:
> a few folks have recommended the dd-20 for me as a good one 159:
> Keep in mind, though, that the looper mode of the DD20 sucks.
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DD-20 Tempo bug or feature, October 20, 2007 327:
Re: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!), October 12, 2007 328:
46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!), October 11, 2007 329:
Re: DD-20 Tempo bug or feature, October 22, 2007 424:
Re: dd-20, October 25, 2007 559:
Re: AW: dd-20, October 26, 2007 563:
RE: AW: dd-20, October 28, 2007 571:
Re: dd-20 vs. DL4, October 27, 2007 702:
RE: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!), October 12, 2007
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200710/msg00432:RE: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!)
RE: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!) 10:
Subject: RE: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!) 33:
Subject: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!) 43:
If you read my review/description of the Boss DD-20 on the Looper's
Hello Ted, or anyone else savy to this questionWhen going through the DD 20 in delay mode (100% or near) can you cut off your input at some point, meaning can you get some loops (delays) going and then hit the pedal again and play over the delaying loops dry? BTW I was at a small experimental gig in the local art museum which featured Keith Rowe last night. Not a looper per se, but a pretty big guy in the electro acoustic field. He lives here now in West France. Just thought I'd mention it.Thanks for any info. Still looking for the right pedal. Was leaning towards a used boomerang, but they've been going quite dear on ebay of late. Don't really fancy the rc 20 stuff. Not sure I really want to bridge out to the laptop set up either, afraid I'd or someone else would spill beer all down it's front. Sticking with my Headrush for the mo, until illumination comes from above. It's just so damn short if you want to overdubI use it on both voice and instruments. I also use a Boss digital delay on the voice, which I play around with when my hands are free. Am now waiting for my Lexicon Vortex which I got off ebay to arrive!!!thanks anyonescottLe 11 oct. 07 à 16:32, tEd ® KiLLiAn a écrit :Hi there! On Oct 11, 2007, at 7:14 AM, Moore, David W Civ 86 MXS/MXMTA wrote: If I set a Gigadelay to 100% feedback, then everything I play will getrepeated for forever! Unlimited looping! 46 seconds is long enough too! The DD-20 is something I've frequently used.I've owned up to 3 of them at a time and I still own one.To my knowledge, the maximum delay time is 23 seconds.Unless Boss has upgraded the memory on the things, I suspect it still is.You might want to check, if this is important to you, before you buy.On the other side, it is a useful pedal indeed.Like you said, I too use the Delay Mode at (or near) 100% feedback instead of the Loop Mode.Loop Mode reminded me too much of the RC-20 -- which I owned for less than a week and took right back to Guitar Center for refund/trade-in on another DD-20.Having lops that at least have the possibility of decay and change seems a lot more musically useful and normal.There's my 2 cents.Good luck and welcome aboard.tEd ® KiLLiAnwww.tedkillian.comDifferent is not always better, but better is always different" Flux Aeterna: Also check out the 1st set of BEMF (Boise Experimental Music Festival) CDs at: Ted Killian's "Flux Aeterna" is also available at: Apple iTunes, BuyMusic, Rhapsody, MusicMatch, MusicNet, DiscLogic, Napster, AudioLunchbox, Lindows, QTRnote, Music4Cents, Etherstream, RuleRadio, EMEPE3, Sony Connect, CatchMusic, Puretracks, and Viztas. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Blah, blah, blah. So???
Can the feedback on the DD20 be adjusted with another pedal or does it
You'll be happy with the DD-20, i'm sure.
Lexicon Jamman : 30% Lexicon Vortex : 36% Headrush : 17% 2290 : 6% DL4 : 42% Boss RC series : 30% Boss DD20 : 21% 44:
Headrush : 62% 2290 : 50% DL4 : 70% Boss RC series : 72% Boss DD20 : 64% Digitech Jamman : 56%
RE: AW: dd-20 10:
Subject: RE: AW: dd-20 19:
I've only used my dd-20 very briefly so far, but here's a stupid question; 32:
Subject: Re: AW: dd-20 51:
> those of the DD20 for "interesting delay sounds".
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200710/msg00447:Re: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!)
Re: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!) 10:
Subject: Re: 46 Seconds from the Boss DD-20 (Was Newbie!)
200710/msg00498:RE: Advice on live looping software
and I chose to purchase a Boss DD-20 Gigadelay. Although I don't think
of my dl4 into a dd20, lotta fun.Here are
the DD-20 (giga delay) has been widely recommended by folks on L-D. I'm
dd-20 vs. DL4 10:
Subject: dd-20 vs. DL4
200711/msg00482:Re:What would it take?(wasRe: RC-50 and Speed Control)
found in the Roland Varios and V-Synth (I own one). Boss DD-20: excellent
a DL4 or RC2 or something...but not as good as with a DD20.
True, if you already have a DD20, DL4, Repeater, D2 and bix mixer in your
200711/msg00497:Re: TC Electronic D-two: how to emulate an analog delay?
> frequency. For example, the DD-20's analog delay can emulate this
200711/msg00360:for sale BOSS DD-20 Giga Delay Twin Pedal
for sale BOSS DD-20 Giga Delay Twin Pedal 10:
Subject: for sale BOSS DD-20 Giga Delay Twin Pedal 18:
this is in mint condition. still in the box and works very good. I am looking to get other instruments with this sale. who ever gets it will have a good instrument. I am asking $200. I will take care of the H/S. I bought it new. you have to mail it to me by a cerified mail with either cash or money order or bank check...the cerified mail is to make sure I get it and I will mail it right out to you. these are some of the things the pedal can do. DD-20: GIGA Delay Features The BOSS DD-20 Digital Delay offers more User memory and the longest delay of any effect pedal - And with a choice of 11 modes - including new Smooth and Twist” delays and sound-on-sound recording - up to 23 seconds! Delay time can be quickly set using the push-button knob or via tap tempo.this Twin Pedal raises the bar for new push-button knob for setting delay time in fine or coarse adjustments I can be reached at
200711/msg00506:Re:TC Electronic D-two: how to emulate an analog delay?
I remember you have a DD-20 as well isn't it? Than you probably know what 21:
I mean with the DD-20 "analog" delay. BTw: I do have a DD-20 but I'm 23:
from my FC-300. I was hoping the D-Two could do the DD-20 type of delay
the Boss DD20 (€225) and also a bit with the Line6 DL4 (€319). As the 60:
DD20) with two metal footswitches (DL4-style) and five knobs on top. There 140:
it just clear it. Disappointing. Not even ugly artifacts as with the DD20. 174:
with the E1 Headrush (owned one), the DL4 and the DD20 (have both). 189:
Direct comparison with the E2, DD20 and DL4: 199:
DD20: 238:
DD20 (long delays and two of them), SMM (long loop time, varispeed
for sale DD-20 Giga Delay twin pedal, November 10, 2007 415:
for sale BOSS DD-20 Giga Delay Twin Pedal, November 10, 2007
200711/msg00513:Re: Re:TC Electronic D-two: how to emulate an analog delay?
delays from the DL4 and DD-20 is something i am trying 50:
> I remember you have a DD-20 as well isn't it? Than 51:
> you probably know what I mean with the DD-20 52:
> "analog" delay. BTw: I do have a DD-20 but I'm 55:
> the D-Two could do the DD-20 type of delay but
Roland GR-20Lexicon VortexLexicon VortexLexicon VortexLexicon MX200Boss DD-20 GigaDelayBoss DD-20 GigaDelay...and then off to the mixer ...I have another Vortex and a Lexicon 110 as "backups", along with a "retired" GR-1 that I will eventually figure out how to bring backinot the fold. Over the past two years, I have been experimenting with using expression pedals and various A/B switching pedalson the Vortexes, I think with some modest success.
200711/msg00358:for sale DD-20 Giga Delay twin pedal
for sale DD-20 Giga Delay twin pedal 10:
Subject: for sale DD-20 Giga Delay twin pedal 18:
grw20022 <> wrote: this is in mint condition. still in the box and works very good. I am looking to get other instruments with this sale. who ever gets it will have a good instrument. I am asking $200. I will take care of the H/S. I bought it new. you have to mail it to me by a cerified mail with either cash or money order or bank check...the cerified mail is to make sure I get it and I will mail it right out to you. these are some of the things the pedal can do. DD-20: GIGA Delay Features The BOSS DD-20 Digital Delay offers more User memory and the longest delay of any effect pedal - And with a choice of 11 modes - including new Smooth and Twist” delays and sound-on-sound recording - up to 23 seconds! Delay time can be quickly set using the push-button knob or via tap tempo.this Twin Pedal
200711/msg00493:Re: TC Electronic D-two: how to emulate an analog delay?
For example, the DD-20's analog delay can emulate this very well. I was
200711/msg00510:Re:TC Electronic D-two: how to emulate an analog delay?
delays from the DL4 and DD-20 is something i am trying 36:
> I remember you have a DD-20 as well isn't it? Than 37:
> you probably know what I mean with the DD-20 38:
> "analog" delay. BTw: I do have a DD-20 but I'm 41:
> the D-Two could do the DD-20 type of delay but
looper in contrast to the DD20 or the DL4 which are delays with a loop 30:
time, many minutes. the DD20 and DL4 have less than a minute each.
200711/msg00551:Re:TC Electronic D-two: how to emulate an analog delay?
> delays from the DL4 and DD-20 is something i am trying
conjunction with the DD20 and the RC20 I'm not sure I'm a traditional
DD20: 30:
how many DD20 users use SOS mode more than the other modes?
> On the Boss DD-20 I don't like that it has
> On the Boss DD-20 I don't like that it has
font-family:Arial'>I also use an RC-20 and a DD-20... 41:
them have controllable feedback. Well, the DD-20 does have some sort of control
On the Boss DD-20 I don't like that it has
D-12 would do (great for drones, etc), but is usable.The thing i like about the zoom g2-is it does have 3 options of delay, so if you don't have a lot of gear, you can set 3 different delays and get some great whacky ambient things going-is it as good as the high end gear?-doubtable, but i've not played w/ that, so it's the low-cost alternative. i actually think the effects & amp models are better than the RP150s, and i think the auto wahs and ring mod are great. the thing the rp150 has over the g2 is a passive volume can be used to access volume swells, whammy effect, etc, where the zoom you have to use the zoom passive volume pedal. I really only use 2 settings on the zoom-like the clean sound, and the basic "santana" preset which models an early boogie amp (crunchy sound). but i occasionally like to use the extreme digital distortions-they have their setup is: guitar-rocktron silver dragon (tube preamp)-zoom g2-digitech rp150-boss dd20-out to 20:
either digital recorder or marshall 10 watt for the boss dd20-i have my likes/dislikes about it. wish it would stretch the delayed source material better like my old DOD d12, it just kind of warbles it, occasionally i like the tape simulations -works better than using my old tascam 4track w/ the 20 sec loop tape, and when recording i like the ping pong delays, and occasionally use the reverse delay. but when using the standard setting, what you put in is what you get out, it stays pretty true.I will also say that i like the easy/convenience of my setup vs. my old 4 -space rack of doom that had pedals before it (boy that was a space hog on my recording desk area), and when i want to plug in my new casio keyboard it works fine for that also....about the only thing i really miss is having access to playing samples backwards like the 6 sec samples would do in reverse on the dod d12, but the dd20's reverse delay gives me a close feeling of 21:
2 cents for the day....s---ps-i will also say that i've been recording some stuff again, after taking most of the yr off, and did a track that had both the boss dd20 & digitech rp150 going at the same time-and there was some interesting things you could do w/ both going at once....
>Take a look at the Boss DD-20. 22:
Thanks Ted. I actually use the Boss DD-20, but 32:
The DD-20 may make it onto the pedalboard 41:
DD-20 (it really is a cool little box). But I'm
DD-20 does this very nice as well,although i am quite 30:
features of the DL4 and the DD-20 combined plus midi
What I am mostly posting about is the fact that I sometimes use a Boss DD-20. 52:
After having had a pair of DL-4s, an RC-20, I sort of gravitated to the DD-20 for my quick "special-ops" on-the-fly gig-rig for where I didn't want (or need) to take the whole big rack thing along. 58:
What I DO wish were different about the DD-20 are just a few little details. 62:
2. I also wish it had an assignable socket for an EV-5 pedal instead of just an external momentary switch (I'm an old guy and not too limber any more, I hate bending over from the waist on stage to tweak knobs on the floor - argh!) that could be used to alter loop volume or feedback level or even loop time (I love the glitchy effects the DD-20 makes when tweaking the loop time a little on an already existing loop).
200712/msg00494:Re: The Lessismore syndrome sucking energy loop
> added to it? Use the G2.1u and the DD20 (currently,
AW: DD-20 micro delays 10:
Subject: AW: DD-20 micro delays 19:
Thanks, Michael for that interesting info on the DD20. I truly believe the 20:
DD20 does a lot more than the people at Boss intended it to do ;).
Re: AW: DD-20 micro delays, December 11, 2007 31:
(DD-20) WHAT DON'T YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR LOOPER(S), December 29, 2007 38:
DD-20 micro delays, December 10, 2007 946:
AW: DD-20 micro delays, December 11, 2007
200712/msg00326:Re: Re:How do you chain your Effects?
setups (like in my small instrument into Zoom G2.1u into Boss DD20,
> Thanks Ted. I actually use the Boss DD-20, but currently
200712/msg00346:Re: How do you chain your Effects?
21:> wrote: My chain is as follows:Guitar (Acoustic/Electric/MIDI-out) => GR-20 => GR-20 Stereo Out =>Lexicon Vortex #1 => Vortex #2 => Vortex #3 => Lexicon MP200 => Boss DD-20 GigaDelay #1 => DD-20 #2 => Vortex #4 => Mixer => PA
Re: AW: DD-20 micro delays 10:
Subject: Re: AW: DD-20 micro delays 25:
Thanks, Michael for that interesting info on the DD20. I truly believe the 26:
DD20 does a lot more than the people at Boss intended it to do ;). 30:
Well, I must say DD-20 is unbelievable good as a first hardware looper. 31:
Pity there is no DD-50 (or RC-50 based on 3x DD-20
Delays: 2 Boss DD-20 GigaDelays, in sequenceExamples can be found in several places, including the usual suspects (iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Emusic, MySpace, all under "usr/sbin") as well as the following websites:
200712/msg00693:Re: AW: Battery-Powered Looper...?
purchasing the DD-20. Haven't touched that mode in a long time. 38:
certainly not complaining. Just when you thought you knew the DD-20
200712/msg00316:RE: How do you chain your Effects?
RC20xl -> Ibanez Chorus -> Adrenalinn -> DD20 -> RSP550 -> back to the
200712/msg00480:Lester Ismore - or is it not? (and things sucking creative energy etc.)
added to it? Use the G2.1u and the DD20 (currently, a SMM w/Hazari and a
DD-20 does this very nice as well,although i am quite 43:
features of the DL4 and the DD-20 combined plus midi
200712/msg00486:RE: Lester Ismore - or is it not? (and things sucking creative energy etc.)
added to it? Use the G2.1u and the DD20 (currently, a SMM w/Hazari and a
Take a look at the Boss DD-20.
On my DL4 I wish there was more time available and I wish the switches, both internal and external were more robust. I replaced all switches connected to the board and external metal swtiches on the unit. On the RC50 I wish there was a dedicated guitar and instrument OUT instead of only instrument In. And the Mic out was an XLR. They way Roland did it to my mine was not professional.On Dec 29, 2007, at 4:32 AM, Jeff Duke wrote:Rick and all,On the DL-4 I wish that it had more delay time in the regular models at leasts as much as the looper,in lieu of that I wish it had variable feedback on the looper, I love your 1/4 time switch idea. More sound manglingoptions!On the Boss DD-20 I don't like that it has1- no expression pedal control2- no feedback on the looper3,4- no forward, reverse, half speed, double speed switchs5- except for some tricks talked about on this list you can't go back and forth between ( i wish all of the presets)two or more presets, modifying them as you go.6- I wish that you could stop, start the playback of a loop with the push of a button (no stutters on this one)That said the two of them together are a blast. Good topic Rick!Jeff Original Message ----- From: "Rick Walker" <>To: "LOOPERS DELIGHT (posting)" <>Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 1:53 AMSubject: WHAT DON'T YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR LOOPER(S) I"m being approached continually by newbies and askedabout my recommendations about what to buy when gettingstarted with live looping.I have my own personal favorites in different price ranges (and I'm mostlytalking about hardware here, though do alert people to how many options areavailable through cool new software solutions).One thing I thought might be valuable as a resource is to find outwhat people DON'T like about their favorite loopers and what,in a perfect world, the loop manufacturers would add to anexisting looping pedal (or software solution).It's nice to know what the drawbacks are in a pedal when you are tryingfigure out if you want to buy it or not.I'll start off by listing one of my favorites stomp box loopers:The Line 6 DL-4 Delay Modeller/Looping pedal (street price $250):WHAT I DON'T LIKE ABOUT THE LINE 6 DL-4:I love this pedal but wish to hell that it was a true stereo pedal rather thana sum to mono pedal that purports to be stereo.Additionally, I wish it had midi synchronization.I know that all units that do midi synchronization cost a lot more, soit makes me wonder. Does adding midi sync capability trulyadd that much to a floor model live looping device?And one last wish: I think it would be cool if it had a 1/4 time switchas well as a 1/4 time switch for the loops (which would allow one todo things that are 4 times as fast or 4 times as slow depending onhow one started recording (in 1/4 time bandwidth or full time bandwidth)I know that this would add so many artifacts that the loop would soundreally weird and non-naturalistic: That's why I wish it had such a featurewhich seems not too difficult to program.Now the Line 6 people have, in the past, been completley uninterested inadding features for the sake of the looping community. The live loopingcommunity is just a small fraction of the people who buy thispedal (mostly for it's digital modellings of all the cool delay units of yesteryear).Still, this is what I"d add.What do you all think about your favorite pedals limitations?-- No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.17.11/1200 - Release Date: 12/27/2007 1:34 PM Sean
DD-20 micro delays 10:
Subject: DD-20 micro delays 19:
I've just discovered two interesting features of the DD-20
On the Boss DD-20 I don't like that it has
200712/msg00337:Re: How do you chain your Effects?
Beware. This man uses 4 Vortexes (Vortices?) !!!!Dennis Moser <> wrote: My chain is as follows:Guitar (Acoustic/Electric/MIDI-out) => GR-20 => GR-20 Stereo Out =>Lexicon Vortex #1 => Vortex #2 => Vortex #3 => Lexicon MP200 => Boss DD-20 GigaDelay #1 => DD-20 #2 => Vortex #4 => Mixer => PA The loop is always wet. No, I take that back ... it's totally soaked.DennisOn Dec 10, 2007 5:48 PM, Buzap Buzap <> wrote: Hi folkssince I've been discussing about effects lately: how do you actually chain your effects? I usually do it
200712/msg00325:Re: How do you chain your Effects?
My chain is as follows:Guitar (Acoustic/Electric/MIDI-out) => GR-20 => GR-20 Stereo Out =>Lexicon Vortex #1 => Vortex #2 => Vortex #3 => Lexicon MP200 => Boss DD-20 GigaDelay #1 => DD-20 #2 => Vortex #4 => Mixer => PA
200712/msg00467:Re: TC Electronics G Sharp, and LESSISMORE
Tomorrow I plan to spring a little DD-20 and ebow on them for some
200801/msg00350:RE: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
200801/msg00367:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
De : "Rainer Thelonius Balthasar Straschill" <> Date : 12 janvier 2008 01:19:34 HNEC Objet : Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup This makes me wonder...who does have the most simple looping setup? Possible metrics for that: * least number of devices * least size/weight * most simple with regard to processing possibilities Instruments do not count, amps count. Ah, and it has to have a looper in it!Something I'm playing with these days :Casio SK1 ("the" instrument :) + Marshall Shredmaster distortion pedal + Boss DD20 (using the aux send of a mixer, this is quite important)...</daviD>"Simulating the true styles and making carefully. Many colours a lot, selected freely by you !"
200801/msg00349:Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
200801/msg00356:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
> * most simple with regard to processing possibilities>> Instruments do not count, amps count. Ah, and it has to have a looper in it! >> I make the first submission:> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
200801/msg00369:AW: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
pedal + Boss DD20 (using the aux send of a mixer, 25:
So it's Shredmaster, DD20 and mixer! (No cheating, please)
200801/msg00383:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
C: small hardware setup (including DD20, SMM w/Hazari and Korg KP3, 56:
C: It's instrument->Zoom G2.1u->Boss DD20->EH SMM w/Hazari->KP3->Mains. The 70:
using the DD20 (in one of its output modes) and a DL4 in a tricky 71:
combination where you go instrument->DL4->DD20->Mains, but one out (the 72:
effects out) of the DD20 and one in of the DL4 are connected with a volume
200801/msg00736:figured out how to use my MIXER w/ my LOOPER (boss DD20)
figured out how to use my MIXER w/ my LOOPER (boss DD20) 10:
Subject: figured out how to use my MIXER w/ my LOOPER (boss DD20) 18:
so for about 2 yrs i've had my behringer Eurorack UB802 mixer (the small basic 4 input one)-used it sparingly w/ recording, never could figure out how to use it w/ my looper, never seemed to get good results at least. at various times debated selling it, but figured since it's the cheapie model paid 30$something for it, wouldn't get much for it.well w/ my recent set up of using 2 amp modelers (hey can't have enough distortion or effects options right?) + my boss dd20-i thought about sending the stereo outs to different routing options and using the behringer mixer. and last night i set it up. and i will say that i think it worked. did one little test w/ it recording, but was basically able to at various times have 3 different delay loops going, of course coordinating them is an art, i mostly had chaos, but i was just happy it worked. the funny thing is keeping the levels of the different ins in check and remembering what's coming in where (labeling would be good i 19:
think)-at times i thought it would be good to be an octopus w/ 8 arms trying to keep everything thing i did notice was the mixer gave a bit of gain boost, so my "clean guitar" had a real bite to it. but i look fwd to experimenting w/ it more. setup is:gtr/zoom g2/digitech rp150----------------------/ /digitech xdelay------------ // / /boss dd20=========mixer====fostex digital recordercrude drawing, and i'm sure the yahoo email formatting will mess it up.oh well....also-most
figured out how to use my MIXER w/ my LOOPER (boss DD20), January 25, 2008
200801/msg00557:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
200801/msg00355:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
RC50 - ampI win - RC50 is simpler than the EDP ;-).-PaulOn Jan 11, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Raul Bonell wrote:edp-ampi win!!;-)raul.2008/1/12, max valentino <>: Well... my previous post was pretty simple. But, how abou this:Zvex LoFi, Demeter Tube Direct Box......that's it.I am actually planning on using this rig for a solo bit I am to do at an art gallery next week. Lemme amp, two little bitty pieces of gear and one bass.......load in/out will be a pleasure!Max>> This makes me wonder...who does have the most simple looping setup?> Possible metrics for that: > * least number of devices> * least size/weight> * most simple with regard to processing possibilities>> Instruments do not count, amps count. Ah, and it has to have a looper in it! >> I make the first submission:> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20>> Rainer>_________________________________________________________________Put your friends on the big screen with Windows Vista® + Windows Live™. -- The Playing Orchestra: Tape Collective: http://www.ct-collective.comTPO at myspace:
200801/msg00353:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
>> I make the first submission:> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20>> Rainer>_________________________________________________________________Put your friends on the big screen with Windows Vista® + Windows Live™.
200801/msg00808:recent listenings and trouble recording last night
recently received and have been listening to:hartung &killian-mojo at the dojofloratone cd (w/ b. frisell)Eivind Aarset (light extracts & connected)just have cursory 1st listens in on all the above, but what i've heard has been good.funny thing, last night i was experimenting some more w/ new loop recording setup using the behringer mixer-and was doing another guitar loop test, and something wasn't sounding right-saw a loose cable, plugged it in....another test, still wasn't sounding right. so then i start checking and see that i had plugged the boss dd20 out to the wrong place-i had it going to the 2nd lesson of the day-things sound better if you have them properly plugged in-ug!oh well,happy
200801/msg00362:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
>Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
200801/msg00370:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
>> I make the first submission:> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20>> Rainer>_________________________________________________________________Put your friends on the big screen with Windows Vista® + Windows Live™.
to put in the loopers (DD20, 2880). I
200801/msg00359:RE: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20
to put in the loopers (DD20, 2880). I
to put in the loopers (DD20, 2880). I
200801/msg00357:Re: Live Looping signal chain - the most simple looping setup
Actually, for me, the simplest set up is one I'm going to try at an upcoming art gallery gig that's supposed to be acoustic. I'll be playing an acoustic 12 string baritone guitar into a RC50 with 2 powered computer speakers off the RC50. The idea, which is working out pretty well in practice anyway, is to have the speakers under and towards the back of my chair (I play seated) and have the volume equal to or slightly less than the guitar - that way it'll be real acoustic over amplified looped acoustic. Should work out fine unless crowd chatter buries the sound, though it's a small room and shouldn't attract a static gathering - more "browsers".On Jan 11, 2008, at 7:47 PM, Paul Mimlitsch wrote:RC50 - ampI win - RC50 is simpler than the EDP ;-).-PaulOn Jan 11, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Raul Bonell wrote:edp-ampi win!!;-)raul.2008/1/12, max valentino <>: Well... my previous post was pretty simple. But, how abou this:Zvex LoFi, Demeter Tube Direct Box......that's it.I am actually planning on using this rig for a solo bit I am to do at an art gallery next week. Lemme amp, two little bitty pieces of gear and one bass.......load in/out will be a pleasure!Max>> This makes me wonder...who does have the most simple looping setup?> Possible metrics for that: > * least number of devices> * least size/weight> * most simple with regard to processing possibilities>> Instruments do not count, amps count. Ah, and it has to have a looper in it! >> I make the first submission:> Zoom G2.1u, Boss DD20>> Rainer>_________________________________________________________________Put your friends on the big screen with Windows Vista® + Windows Live™. -- The Playing Orchestra: Tape Collective: http://www.ct-collective.comTPO at myspace:
200802/msg00616:Re: late reply to: MULTI-EFFECTS & REVERB
dd20-(kustom 12 watt tube amp or direct to fostex mr8) cheapo set
200802/msg00610:Re: OT: late reply to: MULTI-EFFECTS & REVER
> rp150-digitech synthwah-boss dd20-(kustom 12 watt tube amp or direct to
200802/msg00617:RE: late reply to: MULTI-EFFECTS & REVERB
synthwah-boss dd20-(kustom 12 watt tube amp or direct to fostex
200802/msg00609:OT: late reply to: MULTI-EFFECTS & REVERB
late reply-multi-effects-i will have to agree w/ someone who said: you have an eventide eclipse and lexicon mpx100 and tc fireworks--AND YOU NEED MORE EFFECTS?i thought the eventides where the king of good weird effects? way out of my price range! my setup currently: (guitar or keyboard-)zoom g2-digitech rp150-digitech synthwah-boss dd20-(kustom 12 watt tube amp or direct to fostex mr8) cheapo set up allows me to get normal sounds or anything pretty wacky if i need it. the zoom g2 has some interesting options w/ the ring mod, and then it splits the wahs/ring/phaser/tremolo before amp, and then gives you some other modulations options (chorus-pitch, etc) after, and there are possibility of having 3 different delays going (good if you are only using one effect devise) i think its a good sonic mangler, but i'm not sure if i'd say it would beat an eventide unit, i mean it does only cost 100$!as for REVERBS: i have minimal experience w/ a
200803/msg00052:AW: Using your USA gear in Europe (voltage adapter concerns)
stompboxes (DD20, G2.1u - in the future perhaps also EH SMM w/Hazari) have
Re: DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 tap tempo input 18:
This thread prompted me to try to sync my DD20 to an EDP via the BeatSync jack last night, but it didn't seem to work reliably (sometimes the DD20 picked it up, sometimes not, sometimes yes but it came up with some random-seeming large number). Has anyone else tried this or had it happen? I'm midi-free and hoping I didn't just screw up my DD20 tap tempo input. Since I got both of these units (and many others) used on Ebay, I also never know whether something is functioning "normally" or not.
200803/msg00372:Re: AW: Electro-Harmonix MM w/Hazarai
> already got the DD20, but 1
discontinued yes, whether its something drool worthy i don't know. it was a basic tool that worked pretty well. i think it definitely mulched up sound better than my boss dd20-i'm not too happy with what the dd20 does w/ sound manipulation, but its 2 cents on that device.if you want to hear some other great analog delay devices-watch the adrian belew video from the 80's-HE HAS A HUGE RACK OF VINTAGE STUFF (NOW)-that he used to great effect. most fun watching that at times.i can't speak for the other devices you mentioned.happy hunting...s---
with a Repeater, two by definition d) with a DD20 etc. And I totally agree
RE: DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: RE: DD20 tap tempo input
200803/msg00010:Re: late reply to: MULTI-EFFECTS & REVERB
Pigtronix has some really unique stuff. On Feb 29, 2008, at 1:16 PM, Erdem Helvacioglu wrote:hey, i always need more effects :) just kidding.... i was just wondering if there are any interesting hardware multieffects units on the market besides the fireworx and eclipse. lately i am much more interested in boutique analog pedals like zvex ringtone, fuzz factory etc. i think i will try those soon. as for micropog. i have recently bought in NY. i use it for pitch shifting the delay lines. for that effect, it is very good. but for chords it is pretty useless unfortunately. it has a very organ like sound which some of you may love or hate. thanks a lot and best regards. Erdem* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"Altered Realities" album is out on New Albion Records:chosen as"Album of the year 2007" by All About Jazz Original Message -----From: scott hansenTo: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.comSent: Friday, February 29, 2008 6:59 PMSubject: OT: late reply to: MULTI-EFFECTS & REVERBlate reply-multi-effects-i will have to agree w/ someone who said: you have an eventide eclipse and lexicon mpx100 and tc fireworks--AND YOU NEED MORE EFFECTS?i thought the eventides where the king of good weird effects? way out of my price range! my setup currently: (guitar or keyboard-)zoom g2-digitech rp150-digitech synthwah-boss dd20-(kustom 12 watt tube amp or direct to fostex mr8) cheapo set up allows me to get normal sounds or anything pretty wacky if i need it. the zoom g2 has some interesting options w/ the ring mod, and then it splits the wahs/ring/phaser/tremolo before amp, and then gives you some other modulations options (chorus-pitch, etc) after, and there are possibility of having 3 different delays going (good if you are only using one effect devise) i think its a good sonic mangler, but i'm not sure if i'd say it would beat an eventide unit, i mean it does only cost 100$!as for REVERBS: i have minimal experience w/ a lot of gear, i did like the reverbs on my digitech dsp256xl-it had a real 80's quality to it, but i liked that. had a lot of spacey sounds. i also liked my lexicon mpx100-thought the reverbs were good & all-UNTIL THE THING DIED ON ME!!!!. didn't like that. from what i've read, it appears that the folks who are masters of spacey reverb stuff (Torn, Fripp, et al) all seem to use either the highend Lexicon units or Eventide units. the funny thing about this thread is i have been thinking about my reverb options-i like my multi-effect pedal options, but haven't been loving the reverb sounds in the units and have debated getting another rack unit for reverbs. just don't like the space they take up. and i've also been missing the option of reversing samples that my old dod d12 did so easy w/ the 6 sec samples. always searching i guess....s---Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
200803/msg00288:Re: boss announce a new delay pedal
> Doesn't really seem like it does anything the DD-20 doesn't already. 21:
The DD-20 has more delay effects but you can't control feedback, fx level 22:
etc using an expression pedal. Also, the DD-20 has 23 secs of sample time,
200803/msg00366:AW: Electro-Harmonix MM w/Hazarai
Well, 2 is not so much of a letdown, and for 4 I already got the DD20, but
200803/msg00250:Re: boss announce a new delay pedal
Doesn't really seem like it does anything the DD-20 doesn't already.
If you find one, email them directly.They may not be currently "listening in" to the stream of mail coming from LD.Good luck![BTW I'm and EDP user mostly and sometimes use a DD-20]
RE: DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: RE: DD20 tap tempo input 37:
Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.comSubject: DD20 tap tempo 41:
I really like my Boss DD20, but apart from its ability to (quite precisely) 44:
It has a tap tempo button, though. Has anyone here tried to open the DD20 52:
I haven't opened my DD20 yet, so any info would be greatly appreciated
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Re: Rép : DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: Re: Rép : DD20 tap tempo input 18:
De : Dirk Wilbert <> Date : 16 mars 2008 00:10:43 HNEC À : Objet : Rép : DD20 tap tempo input Hello David, this seems to be a good idea - i got an Anatek Pocket Sync, which was originally used to sync Sequencers to tape machines. Should there be some way for using such a sync signal for tap tempo? I think it's not that easy, as you would have to transform an audio signal into a "close-switch" (maybe using electronics and a fast relais). If you find some "easy" way to do such thing, please let us know! I would really like to modify my dd-6 then...Yep, when I'll find enough time and courage to open my DD20 I'll definitely inform the list if I manage to make something usable ;). What is an "arduino"?'s a small open hardware/open source assembled circuit board with a microprocessor than can easily be programmed using a C-like language through an USB port. It's got several analog and digital inputs and there's a very big community of people who use these boards for very different projects and make their designs available, both hardware (it's usually just a few added components, mostly resistors) and software.In other words it's a great platform to easily develop small devices that can manipulate digital or analog data. And it'd be quite easy to make a small box with an arduino that could output the triggers required to activate a tap tempo function according to an incoming midi clock. </daviD>"Simulating the true styles and making carefully. Many colours a lot, selected freely by you !"
200803/msg00373:Re: AW: Electro-Harmonix MM w/Hazarai
> Well, 2 is not so much of a letdown, and for 4 I already got the DD20,
Re: Rép : DD20 tap tempo input, March 17, 2008 278:
DD20 tap tempo input, March 15, 2008 279:
RE: DD20 tap tempo input, March 16, 2008 299:
Re: DD20 tap tempo input, March 16, 2008 364:
RE: DD20 tap tempo input, March 17, 2008 586:
Re: DD20 tap tempo input, March 16, 2008 678:
RE: DD20 tap tempo input, March 16, 2008 786:
Re: DD20 tap tempo input, March 17, 2008
[BTW I'm and EDP user mostly and sometimes use a DD-20]
RE: DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: RE: DD20 tap tempo input 22:
> Objet : RE: DD20 tap tempo input 32:
Well, even with something like this I'd have to open the DD20 to 37:
I'll keep the list updated if I gather the courage to open up my DD20
DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: DD20 tap tempo input 19:
Hi,I really like my Boss DD20, but apart from its ability to (quite precisely) set the delay length it has no way to sync to the rest of the world...It has a tap tempo button, though. Has anyone here tried to open the DD20 and to add a trigger input in parallel to the tap tempo button ?If this was possible, a sync device that could output the required triggers at the appropriate rate would allow this looper to be synced to a midi clock (something like this could easily be done with an arduino for example). The same should be feasible with any device with a tap tempo button, by the way.I haven't opened my DD20 yet, so any info would be greatly appreciated :).Thanks, </daviD>"Simulating the true styles and making carefully. Many colours a lot, selected freely by you !"
200803/msg00381:Re: AW: Electro-Harmonix MM w/Hazarai
200803/msg00368:Re: AW: Electro-Harmonix MM w/Hazarai
> Well, 2 is not so much of a letdown, and for 4 I already got the DD20,
Re: DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 tap tempo input 38:
Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.comSubject: DD20 tap tempo 42:
I really like my Boss DD20, but apart from its ability to (quite precisely) 45:
It has a tap tempo button, though. Has anyone here tried to open the DD20 53:
I haven't opened my DD20 yet, so any info would be greatly appreciated
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: DD20 tap tempo input 10:
Subject: Re: DD20 tap tempo input 41:
> I really like my Boss DD20, but apart from its ability to (quite 46:
> DD20 and to add a trigger input in parallel to the tap tempo button ? 54:
> I haven't opened my DD20 yet, so any info would be greatly appreciated
200803/msg00264:Re: boss announce a new delay pedal
> Doesn't really seem like it does anything the DD-20 doesn't already.
quirks.Your problem doesn't sound like typical Boomerang behavior.Whatever noise it may generate should not be THAT extreme.Look through the LD archives and find the most recent active poster who mentions the Boomerang as their main looper of choice.If you find one, email them directly.They may not be currently "listening in" to the stream of mail coming from LD.Good luck![BTW I'm and EDP user mostly and sometimes use a DD-20]Cheers,tEd ® kiLLiAn Aeterna: Also check out the BEMF 1 CDs at: "Mojo at the Dojo" CD at: "Experimentus" CD at:
200803/msg00026:RE: late reply to: MULTI-EFFECTS & REVERB
> rp150-digitech synthwah-boss dd20-(kustom 12 watt
200803/msg00406:Re: AW: Electro-Harmonix MM w/Hazarai
200804/msg00364:AW: Reverse Delays - how do they work?
> the DD20 which I also have. But according to the manual, it
200804/msg00267:Reverse Delays - how do they work?
DL4, the TC Electronics D2, the Boss DD20 and the EH SMM w/ Hazari).
> soundscapes together with a TC D2 or DD-20 delay and the output are
200804/msg00278:Re: Reverse Delays - how do they work?
> DL4, the TC Electronics D2, the Boss DD20 and the EH SMM w/ Hazari).
200804/msg00509:Re: Feedback (No, the OTHER kind ...)
The output of the MPX110 was sent to a Boss DD-20 Gigadelay, delay 54:
The output of the MX200 was sent to another Boss DD-20 Gigadelay with 61:
The two DD-20's were triggered simultaneously (as closely as I could 66:
The two stereo pairs from the DD-20's were sent to the four main In's
a TC D2 or DD-20 delay and the output are only send to the MAIN outs. I
200804/msg00317:Re:Reverse Delays - how do they work?
> DL4, the TC Electronics D2, the Boss DD20 and the EH SMM w/ Hazari). 35:
sounds completely different than the DD20 which I also have. But according
200805/msg00594:RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 10:
Subject: RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 30:
Subject: Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 34:
correctly" comment. I seem to have heard this before about the DD-20,
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200805/msg00593:Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 10:
Subject: Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 19:
John, I love my DD-20 and you can do that and more, there are a couple of 33:
Subject: Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 38:
> correctly" comment. I seem to have heard this before about the DD-20,
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200805/msg00596:Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 10:
Subject: Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper, May 22, 2008 28:
RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper, May 22, 2008 341:
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper, May 22, 2008 488:
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper, May 22, 2008 533:
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper, May 22, 2008 667:
FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper, May 22, 2008 670:
RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper, May 22, 2008
200805/msg00597:Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 10:
Subject: Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 32:
One of the stupidest parts of the DD-20 is the fact that the maximum delay
200805/msg00568:FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 10:
Subject: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
200805/msg00589:Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 10:
Subject: Re: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 21:
correctly" comment. I seem to have heard this before about the DD-20,
200805/msg00595:RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper 10:
Subject: RE: FS: Boss DD-20 stereo delay/looper
Well, I dug up my old RC20, have to give it a whirl. The DD20 also sounds very interesting, and I'd been considering trying one anyway.The portable rig I'm using is:National M2 w/hot-rodded Hot Plate -> DL4 -> Lovepedal 2w Plexi. I can balance the amp's volume with the resonator's acoustic level & have some fun timbral interplay. I also have been throwing in Native American flute over the loops. Did you know that a flute causes guitar resonators to resonate, which can then be picked up (as it were) by the magnetic pickup in the Hot Plate? I didn't -- but it's lots of fun!
The Boss DD-20 (= 23 sec stereo delay) runs on bateries
Boss...I totally forgot about those guys! Still limited (even if I can't control feedback levels, I like to have a bit of fade-out over time so I can morph loops, which one cannot do with the Boss RCx boxes, iirc.) The DD20 is a def thought, though.
The DD20 is a def thought, though. 27:
the Zoom G2.1u (version with built-in expression pedal) and DD20 - great,
200807/msg00149:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
Dennis thanks for the details, this is helpful. I have thought several times about the dd20 initially when I got the Digitech delay I have but at the time 100 was easier to come up with than 200 so did the Digitech. The Jamman is calling me a bit for the option of saving work though realize I could analog out of any of the Boss units and bounce it to computer or whatever to capture. 54:
Jim,The DD-20 is a stereo pedal ... I use two of them, sometimes insequence, sometimes in parallel. I can also vouch for their 56:
Sound-On-Sound aspect as well. Setting the DD-20 to 100% feedback and100% level gives you a 23-second loop that you can layer away ...downside is that there is no undo. If you set it up right, you cankick it over to do reverse with what you've recorded. (The real fun 57:
starts with two of them set at different loop lengths, but that's atale for another day ... )I actually owned a Jamman and took it back to buy my first DD-20 ...the only pluses I saw to the Jamman was the outrageous storage 58:
capacity ... 6 hours is a long time, even for me. For some reason, Ijust can't get into the model that the RC-20, RC-50 and Jammamn use... the DD-20's have done what I needed them to do for the most part.
200807/msg00164:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
Dennis thanks for the details, this is helpful. I have thought several times about the dd20 initially when I got the Digitech delay I have but at the time 100 was easier to come up with than 200 so did the Digitech. The Jamman is calling me a bit for the option of saving work though realize I could analog out of any of the Boss units and bounce it to computer or whatever to capture. 64:
Jim,The DD-20 is a stereo pedal ... I use two of them, sometimes insequence, sometimes in parallel. I can also vouch for their 66:
Sound-On-Sound aspect as well. Setting the DD-20 to 100% feedback and100% level gives you a 23-second loop that you can layer away ...downside is that there is no undo. If you set it up right, you cankick it over to do reverse with what you've recorded. (The real fun 67:
starts with two of them set at different loop lengths, but that's atale for another day ... )I actually owned a Jamman and took it back to buy my first DD-20 ...the only pluses I saw to the Jamman was the outrageous storage 68:
capacity ... 6 hours is a long time, even for me. For some reason, Ijust can't get into the model that the RC-20, RC-50 and Jammamn use... the DD-20's have done what I needed them to do for the most part.
200807/msg00134:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
Dennis thanks for the details, this is helpful. I have thought several times about the dd20 initially when I got the Digitech delay I have but at the time 100 was easier to come up with than 200 so did the Digitech. The Jamman is calling me a bit for the option of saving work though realize I could analog out of any of the Boss units and bounce it to computer or whatever to capture. 25:
Jim,The DD-20 is a stereo pedal ... I use two of them, sometimes insequence, sometimes in parallel. I can also vouch for their 27:
Sound-On-Sound aspect as well. Setting the DD-20 to 100% feedback and100% level gives you a 23-second loop that you can layer away ...downside is that there is no undo. If you set it up right, you cankick it over to do reverse with what you've recorded. (The real fun 28:
starts with two of them set at different loop lengths, but that's atale for another day ... )I actually owned a Jamman and took it back to buy my first DD-20 ...the only pluses I saw to the Jamman was the outrageous storage 29:
capacity ... 6 hours is a long time, even for me. For some reason, Ijust can't get into the model that the RC-20, RC-50 and Jammamn use... the DD-20's have done what I needed them to do for the most part.
200807/msg00133:Re: pitch shifting and harmonizing again (emergency)
well-loved DD-20's (*GRIN, see earlier post today ... )
200807/msg00167:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
Dennis thanks for the details, this is helpful. I have thought several times about the dd20 initially when I got the Digitech delay I have but at the time 100 was easier to come up with than 200 so did the Digitech. The Jamman is calling me a bit for the option of saving work though realize I could analog out of any of the Boss units and bounce it to computer or whatever to capture. 84:
Jim,The DD-20 is a stereo pedal ... I use two of them, sometimes insequence, sometimes in parallel. I can also vouch for their 86:
Sound-On-Sound aspect as well. Setting the DD-20 to 100% feedback and100% level gives you a 23-second loop that you can layer away ...downside is that there is no undo. If you set it up right, you cankick it over to do reverse with what you've recorded. (The real fun 87:
starts with two of them set at different loop lengths, but that's atale for another day ... )I actually owned a Jamman and took it back to buy my first DD-20 ...the only pluses I saw to the Jamman was the outrageous storage 88:
capacity ... 6 hours is a long time, even for me. For some reason, Ijust can't get into the model that the RC-20, RC-50 and Jammamn use... the DD-20's have done what I needed them to do for the most part.
200807/msg00132:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
The DD-20 is a stereo pedal ... I use two of them, sometimes in 28:
Sound-On-Sound aspect as well. Setting the DD-20 to 100% feedback and 35:
I actually owned a Jamman and took it back to buy my first DD-20 ... 39:
... the DD-20's have done what I needed them to do for the most part.
200807/msg00400:Re: Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals??
Re: Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals?? 10:
Subject: Re: Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals?? 18:
Hi there Marc,I had the DD-20 briefly. It is the only pedal I ever returned to Musicians Friend. I really despised the sound of the delays. Just my opinion.So you know I'm already biased, but for several other reasons, I don't like Boss/Roland. One of which being the "glitch" on my RC-50...(I changed over the EDP). 24:
I have the DD-20 delay twin pedal already and really like it. It has some nice analog echoes and is adustable in many ways. I watched the demo video of the RE-20 Space Echo on the Boss website and was knocked out, but want to know just how different it is from the echo setting on the DD-20 before I fork over another $250. Anybody out there familiar with both pedals?
200807/msg00123:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
song-oriented, I'd suggest a Boss DD20. But it doesn't have a storage
Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals??, July 21, 2008 665:
Re: Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals??, July 21, 2008
200807/msg00143:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
several times about the dd20 initially when I got the Digitech delay I have 66:
DD-20 is a stereo pedal ... I use two of them, sometimes insequence, 71:
theSound-On-Sound aspect as well. Setting the DD-20 to 100% feedback 77:
back to buy my first DD-20 ...the only pluses I saw to the Jamman was 80:
and Jammamn use... the DD-20's have done what I needed them to do for
200807/msg00148:Re: pitch shifting and harmonizing again (emergency)
> well-loved DD-20's (*GRIN, see earlier post today ... )
200807/msg00130:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
> Rainer wrote:> Taking into account that what I heard from you is not that much> song-oriented, I'd suggest a Boss DD20. But it doesn't have a> storage option. Same goes for the EH SMM w/Hazari. 38:
Hi Jim,I can recommend the DD-20; it was my first looper pedal and I still like it. But it's a 23 sec delay pedal, XL20 and Jamman are phrase the concept differs. What do you want to do with it?
200807/msg00165:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
thought several times about the dd20 initially when I got the Digitech 129:
DD-20 is a stereo pedal ... I use two of them, sometimes 135:
well. Setting the DD-20 to 100% feedback and100% level gives you a 141:
first DD-20 ...the only pluses I saw to the Jamman was the 144:
RC-20, RC-50 and Jammamn use... the DD-20's have done what I
200807/msg00124:Re: Jamman v Boss/self-promotion/new work
> song-oriented, I'd suggest a Boss DD20. But it doesn't have a 25:
I can recommend the DD-20; it was my first looper pedal and I still like
200807/msg00397:Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals??
Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals?? 10:
Subject: Boss DD-20 or Boss RE-20 twin pedals?? 19:
I have the DD-20 delay twin pedal already and really like it. It has some nice analog echoes and is adustable in many ways. I watched the demo video of the RE-20 Space Echo on the Boss website and was knocked out, but want to know just how different it is from the echo setting on the DD-20 before I fork over another $250. Anybody out there familiar with both pedals?
Welcome!! Matt On 25 Aug 2008, at 15:35, Marcus Staniec wrote:Hello all,I joined this list some time ago and may have even participated a fewtimes but I forget.After recently doing some research that led me to this community'sarchive I decided to get back on board to further enlighten myselfand to share whatever it is I can share.Presently I live in Japan and work composing music to media such asdocumentaries, film, TV spots, ect., I teach improvisation to highschool students, and I am also involved in performing.Most of my looping activities go into two bands I have. One band, TheGoodLuck Boys, performs frequently around the Tokyo area. You canhear some old music at - though it hasn't beenupdated for ages. Most of the music on the site dates back to when wewere a duo experimenting with arranging our songs and improvisingdrones. We are a full quartet now working with great musicians with amore distinct sound. One day we will update.BTW, my looping gear consists of a Boss RC-20, Boss DD-20, and aKoass Pad 3.Thanks for reading.Marcus Staniec
with it some more. Meanwhile back to my DD-20, DL 4, 2880 combo.
200808/msg00400:Re: best replacement for Digitech PDS 1002?
I use a Boss DD20 that has a level control for the delay, I love it and it
BTW, my looping gear consists of a Boss RC-20, Boss DD-20, and a
200808/msg01104:OT: Dummy-Plug Trick for SL-20 Slicer...
idea, which he originally used to extend the DD-20 Gigadelay loop
200809/msg00227:my looping Video show on Public Access TV in Iowa City, IA
mexi-strat-trem bridge. i think i was using my boss dd20 to do most of the looping at the time.the funny thing i think all my little "live recording sessions" use the same format:usually start w/ abstract-noise (henry kaiser/torn-like) influence, then it morphs into some wacky metal/rock thingy (probably coming from all my 80's influences), then i usually try to end w/ some clean sounding (bad interpretation of) fahey-like stuff...or something like that.i will say one thing: it is very hard to play w/ a mask on, can barely see my effects setups, gets hot after a few minutes, etc. so i don't know how buckethead or the guys from slipknot perform w/ masks on, they are obviously (way) better than i.the other thing, i realized was the Public access channel was still showing my 2 old videos that I made of me looping, b/c i would see friends in town and they would say, "hey, saw you playing guitar on tv the other day." and then i
Can anyone help me out and give me the skinny on repairing these or where the discussion is kept or whatnot (or if I have to send it away for repair).Thanks, the DD20 is just not as smooth a simple looping solution for me and I feel somewhat lost without the Dl4 now, so sad.
Twist mode on DD-20 10:
Subject: Twist mode on DD-20 27:
color:#1F497D'> Hey everyone- I sold my DD-20 for the Line6 M13, which 28:
implements looping better than the DD-20- I like how all of the effects can be 30:
from the DD-20 for a specific recording. This is essentially some sort of 31:
rising pitch self oscillating sound the DD-20 has, and it seems whatever the 37:
color:#1F497D'>If anyone has a DD-20, and some spare time, if anyone can
200811/msg00051:Re: Video Visualization in Windows Media Player activated by audio
>with a guitar loop from a Boss DD-20 Gigadelay ... flipped back over to
Hello all,I tried to look in the archives but I can never seem to get to the info I want to find. I know this has been discussed before, but what do you have to do to replace a failed button on a DL4? Is this user serviceable repair? I seem to recall this discussion several times in the past but my beloved pedal has never failed in the many years I've had it; until today. I've lost one of the crucial switches and now have no looper.Can anyone help me out and give me the skinny on repairing these or where the discussion is kept or whatnot (or if I have to send it away for repair).Thanks, the DD20 is just not as smooth a simple looping solution for me and I feel somewhat lost without the Dl4 now, so sad.Kevin-- Till now you seriously considered yourself to be the body and to have aform. That is the primal ignorance which is the root cause of all
200811/msg01074:FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete
FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete 10:
Subject: FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete 19:
Selling my little cheap-as-poss. stereo looping rig: A Boss DD-20 with 23:
jacking into the back of the DD-20 to tap tempo, etc. Clean, 30:
200811/msg01036:Re: Free download - dark ambient soundcape "Things we don't know"
soundscape. Details: live recorded at home with a LP1, DD-20 and
200811/msg00067:Re: Video Visualization in Windows Media Player activated by audio
>> > guitar loop from a Boss DD-20 Gigadelay ... flipped back over to
Twist mode on DD-20, November 09, 2008 272:
FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete, November 29, 2008
200811/msg01055:RE: Free download - dark ambient soundcape "Things we don't know"
soundscape. Details: live recorded at home with a LP1, DD-20 and
200811/msg00048:Re: Video Visualization in Windows Media Player activated by audio
In Nicecast I selected "Audio Device" for the source, in this case the USB Audio CODEC from a Behringer XENYX1204 mixer, whihc I was feeding with a guitar loop from a Boss DD-20 Gigadelay ... flipped back over to iTunes and hit "play" ... lo, there was sound. Then I hit "Command/Apple + T" and the visualizer kicked in ...
200811/msg01033:Free download - dark ambient soundcape "Things we don't know"
soundscape. Details: live recorded at home with a LP1, DD-20 and
200811/msg01069:Re: Free download - dark ambient soundcape "Things we don't know"
effect from the DD-20. 43:
programmed and is also processed by the DD-20. I used the low registers to
200811/msg01079:Re: Yamaha UD Stomp w/ Exp. pedal
No, but the DD-20 does. The UD excels at moding the delay times which
200811/msg01063:Re: Free download - dark ambient soundcape "Things we don't know"
soundscape. Details: live recorded at home with a LP1, DD-20 and
200811/msg00058:Re: Video Visualization in Windows Media Player activated by audio
> In Nicecast I selected "Audio Device" for the source, in this case the USB Audio CODEC from a Behringer XENYX1204 mixer, whihc I was feeding with a guitar loop from a Boss DD-20 Gigadelay ... flipped back over to iTunes and hit "play" ... lo, there was sound. Then I hit "Command/Apple + T" and the visualizer kicked in ...
200811/msg01058:Re: Free download - dark ambient soundcape "Things we don't know"
> soundscape. Details: live recorded at home with a LP1, DD-20 and
200811/msg01047:Re: Free download - dark ambient soundcape "Things we don't know"
200812/msg00314:# delays, mods, boss, fx loops, moog... for andrew gallasch
andrew-the boss dd20 does do some delay that allows you 2 independent delay lines for "interesting delay use"-can't remember which mode it was (maybe the tape mode as in 2-heads on old tape machine?)i think i tried to use it once, wasn't something that thrilled me, seemed more complicated than i was willing to mess with (i keep everything at hands reach on a table)for glitching sounds-i thought it was pretty weak, it did not do a budget version of demo of what david torn's lexicon pcm42 unit (which my old dod d12 could do-which is why i loved that thing!)to be fair it could kind of warble the sound, but didn't seem overly usable to me. it really wasn't doing any time pitch-shift that i wanted it to do (slow to fast or fast to slow). yes, it can do 23 sec of delay, but again, that didn't thrill me. hence i put it away when i got an older boss
sole exception being the EDP, and of course any delay effect (DD20, D2
200812/msg00505:Re: here and now / evolving loops
> sole exception being the EDP, and of course any delay effect (DD20, D2
200812/msg00281:Re: delays, mods, boss, fx loops, moog...
so far eventide stomp looks wicked, but your thoughts dd20? dl4? echopark???
200812/msg00280:Re: delays, mods, boss, fx loops, moog...
> so far eventide stomp looks wicked, but your thoughts dd20? dl4?
200812/msg00504:Re: here and now / evolving loops
sole exception being the EDP, and of course any delay effect (DD20, D2
Re: FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete, December 02, 2008
200812/msg00278:delays, mods, boss, fx loops, moog...
hey everyone,i kinda like my dd-6, it's small and everything, I generally use long repeats... and actually I almost exclusively use it for rhythmic complexities like dotted quavers over quarters, 5 quavers over 4 etc... (I should probably have something better with better tap tempo... anyway) I also use it for weird sounds with lots of feedback and delay, as such I want to hook up an expression pedal to each of the feedback AND delay time pots. Does anyone have any tips for this, what expression pedals to use etc? Or other non conventional controllers? I suppose the dd6 would use all 3 terminals of the pots inside (will check) will that complicate things?I've been checking out some different pedals with fx loops, I found these...Moog 104-zKeeley/Boss DD-3Eventide TimeFactor..... if they can be bothered writing the plugin for itI'm really keen to chuck a few pedals/an entire rig into the fx loop of a delay so does anyone have any of the above 3 pedals for sale or know where to get them cheap(ish)? or a boomerang phrase sampler for good measure?Eventide got rid of the delay time change glitch (I love that glitch) does anyone know how the glitch sounds (compared to a dd6) for a dd20, line6 etc... it'd be pretty similar I imagine but if you know...also, it's quite markedly different on analog yeah? smoother...And finally what does everyone use for their complex rhythmic delay stuff, with convenient tap tempo far eventide stomp looks wicked, but your thoughts dd20? dl4? echopark???thanks for any/all helpFind great deals on eBay Net yourself a bargain
There's the small one: Zoom G2.1u into Boss DD20. 27:
And there's the bigger one: Line6 POD X3 Live -> Boss DD20 -> EH SMM 36:
common: the DD20. Which prompts me to ask: any hardcore DSP 37:
programmers here who would like to hack the DD20 so you can switch
200812/msg00508:Re: here and now / evolving loops
> > sole exception being the EDP, and of course any delay effect (DD20, D2
200812/msg00509:Re: here and now / evolving loops
>> > sole exception being the EDP, and of course any delay effect (DD20, D2
200812/msg00317:Re: # delays, mods, boss, fx loops, moog... for andrew gallasch
andrew-the boss dd20 does do some delay that allows
200812/msg00042:Re: FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete
Re: FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete 10:
Subject: Re: FS: Little DD-20 looping rig, complete 24:
> Selling my little cheap-as-poss. stereo looping rig: A Boss DD-20 28:
> switch for jacking into the back of the DD-20 to tap tempo, etc. 36:
> DD-20:
> line (DL4, DD20, RC20xl, Vortex, MPX100, RSP, Adrenalinn) I've got
>>> line (DL4, DD20, RC20xl, Vortex, MPX100, RSP, Adrenalinn) I've got
>> line (DL4, DD20, RC20xl, Vortex, MPX100, RSP, Adrenalinn) I've got
200901/msg00492:OT: BEER budget cd releases.../delay testing...
dd7 time control knob. i guess i need to get out my boss dd20 and see how
200901/msg01187:2 vids of Scott Hansen attempting "LIVE LOOPING"
synthwah-boss rc20 (although i think i use my boss dd20 in some 23:
de7-behringer tweakalizer-boss dd20-custom 12 watt tube ampthe
line (DL4, DD20, RC20xl, Vortex, MPX100, RSP, Adrenalinn) I've got
200902/msg00313:nerds w/ toys (my looping vids on google) // boss dd-7
for some reason over the last few days that i've checked my looping videos on google vids, they keep changing the web address, but it appears that today it is at: guess you can see if i'm just a nerd w/ toys playing around at different times w/ my boss dd20, boss rc20, & behringer tweakalizer.lastly, i decided to sell some of my gear that i haven't been using and bought a boss dd7, it's on the way. i'm sort of
Well, I got my boss dd7 2 nights ago, and i will say that i love it! its a great delay.i have been bouncing around using a # of delays over the last few yrs (ibanez de7, digitech digidelay, boss dd20) and i think it's better for me than those. i like the reverse mode better than my other delays offered, and playing w/ the mix, you can get varying degrees of weirdness, the modulated delay has its uses, as does the analog. i messed just briefly w/ the hold/sound on sound mode-and the dumb looper that i am, i was able to get some nice stuff in the brief time i messed w/ it-i think i did a 2 layer little thing and played over it for a few minutes-was easy to use which is key for me. The main thing i like is the 3 different modes for regular/digital delays, going from short to medium, to the longer delays. these to my ears just sound way better than the above
w/Hazari and the Boss DD20. The former has that great varispeed
believes Boss' DD20 in delay mode is superior for looping than the
200903/msg00578:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
You're missing the Boss DD20 which is also more delay than looper but
200903/msg00619:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
> The SOS of the DD20 is really a bare bones looper. You press the 44:
..but all I hear about DD-20 is that the Delay Mode is more useful,
200903/msg00529:SMM w/Hazari (was: Least Costly Live Looping Solution)
Even in my small bedroom looping setup, there's a DD20 before and a
> time it has? Can this compete with the Boss DD-20?
200903/msg00591:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
...but now I remember Ted Killians killer dd20 moves. 46:
> You're missing the Boss DD20 which is also more delay than looper but
200903/msg00986:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
2. The Roland DD-20 has already been mentioned and I wholeheartedly agree ... I use two of them in series. I work mainly with the "Delay" side of them, using the maximum 23 second delay most of the time and vary the Feedback and E.Level settings. What's fun is to set them at different delay times (say, one at 23" and the other 14.5") and let the two units battle it out with the same phrase ... these are somewhat underated units and they DO have some creative depth to them that will make you smile.
200903/msg00625:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
>> The SOS of the DD20 is really a bare bones looper. You 137:
>> how if you learned the DD20 first if could really be 148:
>>> ...but now I remember Ted Killians killer dd20 moves. 173:
>>>> You're missing the Boss DD20 which is also
well, i guess you could see here: were done last year some time, one w/ boss dd20, one w/ my boss rc20.i also use a delay for time manipulation usually (in past was ibanez de7, or digitech digidelay).my setup now is: guitar--zoom g2--digitech rp150--boss dd7--behringer tweakalizer--boss rc20--lexicon mx200--out to my 2 amps, one marshall 10 watt , other kustom tube 12 (if i'm playing live in my studio-if i need to be
time it has? Can this compete with the Boss DD-20?
200903/msg00585:REVISED 2.0 MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Live Looping Solutions
Boss DD20 *$219 + $20 (PSA 120 - AC)*
200903/msg00452:RE: Least Costly Looping Solution
Boss DD-20 Gigadelay: 2x 23 secs loop, stereo, both digital and analog
200903/msg00618:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
The SOS of the DD20 is really a bare bones looper. You press the 44:
how if you learned the DD20 first if could really be one's primary 54:
> ...but now I remember Ted Killians killer dd20 moves. 78:
>> You're missing the Boss DD20 which is also more delay than looper but
200903/msg00622:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
> The SOS of the DD20 is really a bare bones looper. You 80:
> how if you learned the DD20 first if could really be 91:
> > ...but now I remember Ted Killians killer dd20 moves. 117:
> >> You're missing the Boss DD20 which is also
200903/msg00620:Re: MASTER LIST of Least Costly Live Looping Solutions
> ..but all I hear about DD-20 is that the Delay Mode is more useful, 27:
The DD-20 was my first looper and I have used it for years. I never had
200904/msg00512:Re: MoinSound Live Performance on UStream
service), and will continue as long as it is fun.Basically, it's me playing my old "loop4life" programme with the smallsetup: guitar and vocals into POD X3 into DD20 into SMM w/Hazari intoKP3.
200904/msg00511:Re: MoinSound Live Performance on UStream
service), and will continue as long as it is fun.Basically, it's me playing my old "loop4life" programme with the smallsetup: guitar and vocals into POD X3 into DD20 into SMM w/Hazari intoKP3.
200904/msg00505:Re: MoinSound Live Performance on UStream
service), and will continue as long as it is fun.Basically, it's me playing my old "loop4life" programme with the smallsetup: guitar and vocals into POD X3 into DD20 into SMM w/Hazari intoKP3.
200904/msg00504:MoinSound Live Performance on UStream
setup: guitar and vocals into POD X3 into DD20 into SMM w/Hazari into
200904/msg00509:Re: MoinSound Live Performance on UStream
> setup: guitar and vocals into POD X3 into DD20 into SMM w/Hazari into
200905/msg00524:Stacking Static Parts and 100% Feedback in live looping
options, and for that reason, the DD20 (in delay mode) would be my
Things in stompbox format which come to mind: Boss DD20, Digitech PDS series. 29:
I cannot recommend the DD20 often enough. The looper mode (called 31:
There are a lot of very distinguished DD20 users on this list, and
200905/msg00828:Re: thinking about moving from rack to laptop...advice please!
> DD-20, a mixer/DI and a compressor. It has not replaced my LP1 for a
200905/msg00827:Re: thinking about moving from rack to laptop...advice please!
So far, my Mac and Motu have replaced a big rack with a TC D2, a DD-20, a
I use the DD20 only in delay mode. So if you suddenly turn feedback to 33:
opened my DD20, but it seems to be a pot resistor, not a rotary
> I use the DD20 only in delay mode. So if you suddenly turn feedback to 37:
> opened my DD20, but it seems to be a pot resistor, not a rotary
> Boss DD-20 GigaDelay
Things in stompbox format which come to mind: Boss DD20, Digitech PDS 28:
I cannot recommend the DD20 often enough. The looper mode (called 30:
There are a lot of very distinguished DD20 users on this list, and
>> Boss DD-20 GigaDelay
200906/msg00482:Re: ot: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
> What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,
200906/msg00526:Re: ot: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
>What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,
200906/msg00476:ot: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,
200906/msg00479:Re: ot: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
> What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,
can mangle the loop (speed (pitch) and filter), but i didn't like that to record a loop you have to keep the button pressed the whole time (the boss rc-you press switch to record, press again to stop, which i like-some complain about hard to get accurate time w/ that, not a problem for me, anyway)...but i have liked what i've seen of the EHsmm w/H- in vids & it has 30 sec of loop time....i should say that i keep all my pedals at hands reach on my desk, not a footstomper, the other new option is the digitech timebender, just recently out-i 've heard good things from some folks online, and it's the same price as digitech's jamman ($299)...seems like it has some combos things from the boss slicer...if you need portable-the boss rc-2, single pedal, but it's just loop w/ overdub (up to 16 min), but no real manipulating of it, but the main thing is it is small & portable....oh, and there is the boss dd20, the 23 sec of delay
Before I bought a Nova Delay, I tried out both the BOSS DD-20 and Line6 37:
either the Boss DD-20 or the Eventide TimeFactor.
OT: FS - DD-20 and SP-555, June 17, 2009
200906/msg00477:Re: ot: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
> What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,
OT: FS - DD-20 and SP-555 10:
Subject: OT: FS - DD-20 and SP-555 19:
I have for sale a DD-20, almost new, in box with manual and boss power
200906/msg00487:Re: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
> What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,
200906/msg00480:Re: ot: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
Better than the Splicer? Matt On 18 Jun 2009, at 21:00, Tony K wrote:Adrenalinn III synced AND randomized modulation fx.On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:45 PM, RainerStraschill<> wrote: Dear list,so I've ever so slightly started to turn my back a little to blown-uprack gear and complex computer systems and instead decided to fall inlove with stompboxes a little bit.What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,DL4) a few KAOSS Pads (yes, you can play them with your toes), andthen there's two of those guitar multi-effect thingies (Zoom G2.1u,Line6 POD X3 Live), and a few really old simple things (Ibanez AW-1,Boss OD-2).So what I'm looking for is something that can do fairly normal thingsif wanted, but can be used to completely odd, nonlinear, chaotic stuffwith the right settings - to wreak non-deterministic havoc on my loopsif needed.Any suggestions with a short description?Thanks, Rainer -- -==-=-=-Tony
200906/msg00483:Re: ot: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
> What I already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,
200906/msg00481:Re: In search of suggestions for odd stompboxes
already have are mainly three delay pedals (DD20, SMM w/Hazari,DL4) a few
200907/msg00173:Re: Oberheim Echoplex Footswitch Momentary Switch Replacement Parts?
> DD-20 does not. And how is that RC-50? Am I overlooking another option?
200907/msg00172:Re: Oberheim Echoplex Footswitch Momentary Switch Replacement Parts?
does, but the DD-20 does not. And how is that RC-50? Am I overlooking
200908/msg00077:Re: Boss looper contest in Germany
> event mgt today and yes, a DD20 is "a boss looper" in the
200908/msg00236:Re: RC-50 (was Boss looper contest in Germany)
solution. I could set my DD-20 before the RC 50.
200908/msg00158:Re: Boss looper contest in Germany
While I'll agree that the Boss products (save for the DD20) never did
200908/msg00063:Re: Boss looper contest in Germany
event mgt today and yes, a DD20 is "a boss looper" in the context of
200908/msg00173:Re: RE: Boss looper contest in Germany
but the smoothest looper from boss ive tried is the dd-20 thoguh is not
200908/msg00071:RE: Boss looper contest in Germany
> from the event mgt today and yes, a DD20 is "a boss looper"
200908/msg00152:Re: RE: Boss looper contest in Germany
it, a Boss DD20 doesn't, either.
I am also on the lookout for the following Korg ELectribe, Samplers, Boss RC-2 , Boss Gigadelay DD20 , Digitech Timebender. if you have any of them for sale or swap get in touch.
200909/msg00688:Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 10:
Subject: Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 25:
As for the DD20 in general. I remember a while back when Rick brought 27:
experiences including Headrush, DL4, SMM and the DD20) would recommend 28:
the DD20, while Rick was more on the DL4 side of things (no wonder, as
Any of the delay modes on the DD20 can be used as a looper when you 24:
the DD20 continues to play when its 'off' making the off button more 29:
(who is warming to the DD20 as a looper more and more every time I play) 37:
> wrong) that the dd-20 and the timebender, which looked like they would do
sync. I've found (please correct > me if I'm wrong) that the dd-20 and
200909/msg00676:odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time
odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 10:
Subject: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 19:
Has anyone done a throughout analysis how the Boss DD20 handles its 27:
Played the guitar into the DD20 - mode "smooth" from a memory slot, 36:
During the turning up, I heard some of the DD20-glitching, then after
DD20 is a different beast though, and I really enjoy using it in delay
sync. I've found (please correct > me if I'm wrong) that the dd-20 and
> I was very tempted by the dd20 regardless, nice pedal ... 45:
> Any of the delay modes on the DD20 can be used as a looper when you 50:
> the DD20 continues to play when its 'off' making the off button more 55:
> (who is warming to the DD20 as a looper more and more every time I play) 63:
> > wrong) that the dd-20 and the timebender, which looked like they would
DD20 is a different beast though, and I really enjoy using it in delay
me if I'm wrong) that the dd-20 and the timebender, which looked like
a digitech RDS and still using a DD20 and a SMM a lot)
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time, September 29, 2009 723:
odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time, September 29, 2009 728:
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time, September 29, 2009 868:
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time, September 29, 2009 878:
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time, September 29, 2009
Kaoss PAD KP3 let's you set PBM and the you can record 4 bars( i think) at that BPM.... > From:> To:> Subject: Looper with selectable bpm? > Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 07:51:05 +1000> > Hi all,> Just a quick question. I'm looking for a looper that has a selectable > bpm, rather than a tap tempo or midi sync. I've found (please correct > me if I'm wrong) that the dd-20 and the timebender, which looked like > they would do the job, actually only have a selectable bpm for there > delays and not the looper (sigh). Anyone know of one that exists (that > isn't $1000)??> Thanks!> Alicia >
Ah... Yes that would be right..But I guess you can't stop a loop and start it again while in a delay mode?I was very tempted by the dd20 regardless, nice pedal ... Basically what I'm after is the level of functionality of, say, an RC20xl (with stop start capabilities, undo, and maybe quantize) but with the ability to select the bpm. I'm looking into software loopers as well but I am still too scared of that much live audio processing on the fly!Alicia. Any of the delay modes on the DD20 can be used as a looper when youadjust the feedback. All you have to do (with the delay select OFF)is set the feedback to 100%, set your tempo, press the delay on whenyou're ready to record into it and then press the delay off whenyou're done. Press on again if you want to add more. The delay onthe DD20 continues to play when its 'off' making the off button moreof an open delay/close delay option. Kevin (who is warming to the DD20 as a looper more and more every time I play) On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Alicia <> wrote:> Hi all,> Just a quick question. I'm looking for a looper that has a selectable bpm,> rather than a tap tempo or midi sync. I've found (please correct me if I'm> wrong) that the dd-20 and the timebender, which looked like they would do> the job, actually only have a selectable bpm for there delays and not the> looper (sigh). Anyone know of one that exists (that isn't $1000)??> Thanks!> Alicia> Make ninemsn your homepage! Get the latest news, goss and sport
200909/msg00683:Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 10:
Subject: Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time
200909/msg00682:Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 10:
Subject: Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 19:
> The DD20 is really an underrated device IMHO. 22:
I Agree. The DD-20 was my first looping pedal, it's very simple but 25:
one but it is a very usefull sound. I think I would ask for 2 DD-20's
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200909/msg00677:Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time
Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 10:
Subject: Re: odd Boss DD20 behaviour when reducing/increasing delay time 22:
the DD20. 47:
The DD20 is really an underrated device IMHO. 74:
> Has anyone done a throughout analysis how the Boss DD20 handles its 82:
> Played the guitar into the DD20 - mode "smooth" from a memory slot, 91:
> During the turning up, I heard some of the DD20-glitching, then after
Limit of 10 matched lines per file exceeded...
200911/msg00095:Line6 Europe reduces price for DL4
in the same ballpark as e.g. the DD20, the RC20XL and the SMM
200911/msg00099:AW: Line6 Europe reduces price for DL4
> in the same ballpark as e.g. the DD20, the RC20XL and the
200912/msg00531:Re: looping and the public and categorization
> ...with the exception of the DD20 ;)
200912/msg00522:Re: looping and the public and categorization
...with the exception of the DD20 ;)
201001/msg00040:digitech DL8 (vs boss dd7? etc) (final version)
can it do the varispeed time shifts-no, sadly, but it warps the sound better than most other long delays that i've played w/-i HATED the boss dd20 b/c it's delay time manipulation seemed futile to me (yes, it could do 23 sec, but....). when you have 8 sec delay & zip it to 2 sec it gurgles/warbles the sound, and then when i like to do is then play something over the warble-to my ear-the sound is not really what you originally played accurately slowed down or sped up, it's just digital warbles/gurgles. but i find it usable (more usable than my old digidelay/dd20/dd7)...i should point out that i did think the ibanez de7 did a nice variaspeed fast/slow/slow/fast-but it's delays were only 2.8 sec and i think the most repeats i counted were about 10 (no infinite), but it's fairly cheap pedal (60$ new)-i used it a TON for a # of yrs, probably should have kept it, b/c i would use it and dump the results to a sampler (oh well)...
can it do the varispeed time shifts-no, sadly, but it warps the sound better than most other long delays that i've played w/-i HATED the boss dd20 b/c it's delay time manipulation seemed futile to me (yes, it could do 23 sec, but....). when you have 8 sec delay & zip it to 2 sec it gurgles/warbles the sound, and then when i like to do is then play something over the warble-to my ear-the sound is not really what you originally played accurately slowed down or sped up, it's just digital warbles/gurgles. but i find it usable (more usable than my old digidelay/dd20/dd7)...i should point out that i did think the ibanez de7 did a nice variaspeed fast/slow/slow/fast-but it's delays were only 2.8 sec and i think the most repeats i counted were about 10 (no infinite), but it's fairly cheap pedal (60$ new)-i used it a TON for a # of yrs, probably should have kept it, b/c i would use it and dump the results to a sampler (oh well)...
201002/msg00333:Re: In search for a (cheap, but as long as possible) delay with varispeedpedal - update
to tell, most of the time, I use either a DD20 or D2 ;). Ok, one second
201002/msg00827:Re: Sending program changes from Bidule to external midi devices
last Saturday with my DD-20...the first time I ever used it as a
201002/msg00107:Re: OT Which Desert Island Stomp Box Pedal in each CategoryWould you Choose
Hi Rick,What I'm using is:*DISTORTION/FUZZOVERDRIVE/FEEDBACK/SUSTAIN:*Can't have just one!Voodoo Lab Sparkle DriveBixonic Expandora (most recent reissue)Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face*PHASER*Moogerfooger MF-103 12 stage phaser*COMPRESSORJangleBox*DIGITAL DELAYBoss DD3, DD6 and DD-20 (I'd pick the DD-20 if limited to one)*ANALOGUE DELAY*Moogerfooger MF-104?*WAH WAH*Ibanez WD-7 Weeping Demon (hyper adjustable!)Chris----- Original Message -----From: "Rick Walker" <>To: "LOOPERS DELIGHT (posting)" <>Sent: Wednesday, February 3, 2010 1:38:42 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada EasternSubject: OT Which Desert Island Stomp Box Pedal in each Category Would you ChooseHi all,I have a client who has a fair amount of money.He has asked me to recommend him the best stomp box pedalin one of several different categories. He is a simple metal player sohe's not interested in a lot of the more esoteric pedals that I normally usefor more experimental purposes.I know that, as an example, my brother Bill, really loveshis Zen Drive and also a particular light weight but not-inexpensive compressorthat he uses.So, if you don't mind taking the time,and you had to pick only one stomp box pedal in each of the following categorieswhat would they be? By the way, he's not at all interested large pedals (double pedals) (like the Line 6 or large Boss multi-pedals), He wants small footprintstompbox pedalsFinally, simplicity, small footprint and ease of use are high priorities.Here are my own recommendations for what it's worth:*DISTORTION/FUZZOVERDRIVE/FEEDBACK/SUSTAIN:*DAED DS-1 DISTORTO SYNTH (very inexpensive and wonderful DAED hack of aBoss DS-1 Distortion pedal)*CHORUS*Boss CE-2 (just don't know enough about pricier botique ones.....any suggestions?)*FLANGER*Boss Flanger*PHASER*Electro Harmonix Bad Stone*COMPRESSOR*The cool one my brother has but he's not home right now so I can't remember it's name*DIGITAL DELAY*?*ANALOGUE DELAY*?*PITCH SHIFTER*Boss P-5 Intellishifter*TREMELO*Alesis Ampliton*WAH WAH*DAED 'Juicy Wah' (DAED's inexpensive 'hack of a Crybaby wah pedal)
201002/msg00286:In search for a (cheap, but as long as possible) delay with varispeed pedal,
-i suppose the DD20 is an option-i also didn't love it-in the 23 sec mode, it had a very strange warping sound-like it didn't really hold the information at all
201002/msg00825:Re: Sending program changes from Bidule to external midi devices
last Saturday with my DD-20...the first time I ever used it as a
target="_blank" href="" title="David Gilmour in Concert">David Gilmour in Concert) i thought that was most interesting. so i've been debating my self how much max time do i need?i know that when i went from my 2 sec delays on my digitech rp100 to 12 sec on my dod d-12, i thought that was an eternity. but then when i had 23 sec of delay on the boss dd20-i didn' like how it manipulated the loops-it was much weaker to me than the dod d12. then when i went to the original boss rc20 w/ 5 min of looping time-i remember the 1st time doing a loop and not thinking about 12sec or 23 sec, whatever-it did seem freeing for a moment-but not really being able to do anything to the loops seemed something i wasn't so much interested it. sure-i could put whatever effects before or after, but i think i like the ability to treat my looping device as an
201003/msg00625:Re: for your listening pleasure...
turn on all my stuff and record tonight. (I'vebeen playing acoustic/classical for the last few months.)This appeared. (for those who are interested)Brian Moore iGuitar -> GR-50 -> Korg M3R -> ModFX -> DD20 -> Vortex ->RSP550Enjoy,Tony
201003/msg00275:Re: Anyone messed around with the Boss SL-20?
DD-20 (which is a setting that many of us see as barely useful). 138:
Yeah, I think of the SL-20 -- like the DD-20 before it -- as another
target="_blank" href="" title="David Gilmour in Concert">David Gilmour in Concert) i thought that was most interesting. so i've been debating my self how much max time do i need?i know that when i went from my 2 sec delays on my digitech rp100 to 12 sec on my dod d-12, i thought that was an eternity. but then when i had 23 sec of delay on the boss dd20-i didn' like how it manipulated the loops-it was much weaker to me than the dod d12. then when i went to the original boss rc20 w/ 5 min of looping time-i remember the 1st time doing a loop and not thinking about 12sec or 23 sec, whatever-it did seem freeing for a moment-but not really being able to do anything to the loops seemed something i wasn't so much interested it. sure-i could put whatever effects before or after, but i think i like the ability to treat my looping device as an
201003/msg00635:Re: for your listening pleasure...
> Brian Moore iGuitar -> GR-50 -> Korg M3R -> ModFX -> DD20 -> Vortex ->
with a DD-20 but I was of course limited in terms of pre-looper
I'd definitely check out Mobius. I don't have any of the 'high end' loopers (Looperlative, EDP, etc) but I've got the DL4, DD20, & RC20xl. I can make a hell of a lot of loopy noise with them. :)
Brian Moore iGuitar -> GR-50 -> Korg M3R -> ModFX -> DD20 -> Vortex ->
201003/msg00279:RE: Anyone messed around with the Boss SL-20?
DD-20 (which is a setting that many of us see as barely useful). 154:
Yeah, I think of the SL-20 -- like the DD-20 before it -- as another
> with a DD-20 but I was of course limited in terms of pre-looper
201004/msg00218:wmd geiger counter / jazz teles.../ delay looping (REALLY...)
studio...but in a few interviews i've read over the yrs, he seems to like them...a week ago i decided to actually play around w/ all my gear (again too much & 1/2 the time i'm just going either clean or distorted....) but i decided to set up my rp150 for 5 sec delay, no feedback, had my guyatone md3 at 2.6 sec w/ no feedback, and had my digitech dl8 set at 8 sec w/ no feedback, and i will say that the rhythmic madness and ambient chaos it creates was most wonderful. i probably could have sat there for hrs, but i had to go to was most fun, i should probably record some of this, since talk of David K's "9.9.99" got me thinking i need to get off my lazy ass & do some things (or FOCUS!!!). i will say that i think the dl8 has made me 2nd guess my early judgement of not loving the boss dd20 (oh well, don't go backwards i guess...). the fun thing in setting up these crazy delay loops is it did remind me a bit of the fripp/eno no pussyfooting for fun i then turned on the fuzz face option in my rp150 along w/ a little pitch shifting and boy you can really get some fun faux synth things going---& at times it sounds mildly like what fripp did yrs ago (although i wouldn't put myself in his class at all-i'm just using what he did as a sonic reference....)....guess it makes me wish for the uber delay looper pedal....i can dream....but i do have changes coming...more to report in the near future....
I used to do the same thing with a Boss DD20 pedal in reverse delay mode,
201004/msg00947:Re: other gear that does long delay like EDP?
I'm with Jeff on this ... the DD-20 is one of the best bargains
201004/msg00335:Added Rang(TM)III (Re: Comparing the market's looping devices)
And adjusted some new info on Overdub in a DD-20.
201004/msg00949:other gear that does long delay like EDP?
some already mentioned:boss dd20 (23 sec)boss dd7-(does 6.3 sec in the stereo out mode)digitech dl8-(8 sec) -i love this thingdod d12-(12 sec) my original long looper, 1u rack spacelexicon pcm42 (modded up to 20 sec-david torn and others use)
201004/msg00332:Re: Comparing the market's looping devices
> The DD-20 DOES have an overdub function outside the SOS, in Delay
201004/msg01013:Re: (Mostly, but not entirely) OT: Interviewage
EchoPro, a DD-20 and, to borrow a phrase from long-lost LD listmember 57:
> DD-20 and, to borrow a phrase from long-lost LD listmember
201004/msg00330:Re: Comparing the market's looping devices
The DD-20 DOES have an overdub function outside the SOS, in Delay
201004/msg00956:Re: other gear that does long delay like EDP?
I'm going with DD20 for my immediate need since Craigslist has em. 36:
DD20 for long delays.
201005/msg00032:Delay/loop pedals w "old" style time adjust
I am hoping I can get a list of delays with hold function that have old style time adjust (like the PDS8000) The Roland RE-20 seems to do it but has no hold function as far as I can tell. What about the DD-20? ThanksClifford
201005/msg00037:Delay/loop pedals w "old" style time adjust
has no hold function as far as I can tell. What about the DD-20? Thanks 21:
Cliffordmy answer: yes, the dd20 does do delay looping, you just have to mess w/ the feedback knob, i don't remember it having a lock/hold option (but it was a while back that i had this, & my memory is crap....). i'm not sure about the re-20....does the feedback go to 100%?, if it goes to 100%, you got delay looping..... 23:
FROM MY OLD POST BACK IN APRIL:some already mentioned:boss dd20 (23 sec)boss dd7-(does 6.3 sec
201005/msg00038:Re: Delay/loop pedals w "old" style time adjust
far as I can tell. What about the DD-20? Thanks 35:
my answer: yes, the dd20 does do delay looping, you just have to mess 56:
boss dd20 (23 sec)
201005/msg00070:Delay/loop pedals w "old" style time adjust
in long delay mode (8 sec) the dl8 "sort of works"-or works ok, it sort of has a warping/glitching thing, doesn't really hold the notes per se, but i've sort of gotten use to this and am fine w/ it. now from my memory of owning the boss dd20 (23 sec of delay) it sort of does the same thing w/ trying to manipulate the time-it just sort of warps, but doesn't truly hold the notes when going from long to short, short to long...i wish i was an engineer and could understand this, but it seems that most of the modern long delay pedals the notes aren't truly kept when manipulating them..i don't know if this is a limitation of the memory chip that they use or what...what i'm comparing this to is from seeing david torn use his lexicon pcm42 (19.5 sec of very manipulatable delay) and my dod d12 (12 sec of delay-i called it the budget pcm42) or the old digitech rack 8 sec delays that i've heard in action (is this the rds model?-i can't remember all these letter name gear at my age)...but basically these older delays, you loop something for 2 sec play w/ the time knob and it will stretch the info and get F***ING COOL SOUNDING. or go w/ long delay and shorten it, and it gets all scrunched up in munchkin land was most fun...the new long delays don't do it as well, they just sort of warp the sound w/ this gargle kind of sound...that's why i hated the dd20...i thought it sucked compared to my dod d12 (yes, i shouldn't have sold it!) i continued to search...settled on the dl8...i think i've just adjusted and use it for what it can do...small footprint 8 sec delay....
201005/msg00039:Re: Delay/loop pedals w "old" style time adjust
What about the DD-20? ThanksClifford 39:
my answer: yes, the dd20 does do delay looping, you just have to mess w/
201005/msg00042:Re: Delay/loop pedals w "old" style time adjust
tell. What about the DD-20? ThanksCliffordmy answer: yes, the 58:
dd20 does do delay looping, you just have to mess w/ the feedback knob, i 72:
APRIL:some already mentioned:boss dd20 (23 sec)boss
The Boss DD-20 runs on batteries, and has a 23 second looper
still do the majority of my looping with the DD-20's, by the end of
201006/msg00129:Re: "Nerdville" - a special presentation as part of The MoinSoundStudio Sessions
Then there's a Boss DD20 (on Aux2), and the KP3 (fed by the Alt 3/4 44:
All looping was the DD20 in that example.
201007/msg00248:Re: Multi-tracks loopers questions
> I've been using a Boss DD20 for a few years now and I really like it - 57:
> By the way, I'm using the DD20 to loop several electronic noisemakers
201007/msg00581:Re: Live looping with bass and vocals.
lucky I had a DD-20 with me so I decided to continue with just that. 36:
software so I bought a M13 and re-introduced my beloved DD-20. I use
201007/msg00243:Re: Multi-tracks loopers questions
But you can keep your DD-20 and place it in the effects send of the 28:
powerful. It allows you to use the DD-20 either pre-loop on the 32:
playing on the dd-20 into the repeater for further manipulations (and 33:
then back to dd-20 and so on, lots of options). This way, you can 34:
keep your dd-20 techniques and expand them with all that's available 51:
> I've been using a Boss DD20 for a few years now and I really like it - 66:
> By the way, I'm using the DD20 to loop several electronic noisemakers
Hi,Thanks for all the answers, this is appreciated :).De : andy butler <>À : Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.comObjet : Rép : Multi-tracks loopers questionsDid I miss anything obvious ?Thinking laterally, yes you did,more info about what you actually want to achievemight turn up some interesting answers for you. Why do you need midi-sync?What do you mean by "independent tracks"? different loop lengths?Why do you need multiply?Well, basically so far when I use a looper (i.e. DD20) it's for improvised more or less ambient pieces, noisy droney stuff with some little bit of melodies on top. This works quite well, but I'd like to be able to add some complexity to all that. Right now I can only do some very linear progressions, and I'd perhaps like to move from improvised noisemaking to improvised composition ? And even going into not-completely-improvised stuff too :).So, midi sync would be useful to have the looper running in parallel with a drum machine / a micro modular / a gameboy (if I find the time to build a midi interface for it). Having several tracks (of different length but still synced) would allow me to have other progression options than "delete the previous loop to make a new one".Multiply would basically be there to make sure that things stay more or less coherent...Your list of options and you're assessment seems very thorough,so it's unlikely that anyone's going to pull a magic answer out the hat for you.(ok, the "I have a Repeater for you to buy" may have nailed it for you :-)The repeater is very nice indeed (I borrowed one from Mr Everyday Looper some time ago and really liked it), but I think I'd rather buy something new... Well, I'm not 100% sure of that to be honest :).I've also been doing some research over the week-end, checking if getting an Eee PC or another similar netbook, installing OSX on it and running SooperLooper/Mobius would do the trick.I'd still need a small midi controller (Korg NanoKontrol being the obvious choice) and a small audio/midi interface.I think the total cost would be about 50 000 yens, more or less the same as the price of an RC50/Boomerang/EHX2880...I'm not sure of how practical it would be, but it looks more and more like an option...I've found a couple of discussions on this subject (looper on netbook) in the archives, how do people deal with controllers/audio interfaces to keep things small and easily manageable ?And for people using a (more or less) dedicated OSX setup : how long does it take you to go from "I'm in front of my instruments, nothing is plugged in and I want to play" to "Ok, I'm happily making noisy noises now" ? I remember spending far too much time trying to hook up my macbook, sooperlooper and an Alesis firewire mixer some time ago... :)And last but not least - Mathias : what is this Echoplex follow-up ?I'm very intrigued now :).Thanks again, </daviD>"Simulating the true styles and making carefully. Many colours a lot, selected freely by you !"
201007/msg00275:Re: Multi-tracks loopers questions
On 10 Jul 2010, at 06:21, David Steinberg wrote:> Hi,>> Warning, this is a quite long email... :).>> I've been using a Boss DD20 for a few years now and I really like it - it's intuitive, surprisingly full of possibilities and nice to use. 29:
>> In fact, I'd like somethig with :> - several independant tracks> - a multiply function> - MIDI sync> - storage of loops>> By the way, I'm using the DD20 to loop several electronic noisemakers (small keyboards, effects, gameboys, toys, drum machines, etc.) so a tabletop unit is usually better for me.
I've been using a Boss DD20 for a few years now and I really like it - 36:
By the way, I'm using the DD20 to loop several electronic noisemakers
201008/msg00263:Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
> DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays, Mobius/Sooperlooper/Live/
use DD20s. This time it's only RC series...
201008/msg00236:Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays,
201008/msg00347:RE: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
Given that there are so many live looping solutions that compete (and in my estimation, successfully) with the Boss line of products and given the number of world class live looping artists who don't even use Boss gear, I think it's a little presumptuous to call the finals of this competition an " international championship".Something tells me that Boss' marketing team would not be open to hosting a true and fair international competition for live looping that included loopers (and judges) using other manufacturers of live looping gear, both hardware and software.Am I being over sensitive here or does this sentiment resonate with anyone else here?Well then, here's an idea... ~LET"S HIJACK THE CONTEST~It's a public contest. All the videos are made available on YouTube. Also, somebody on the judging committee at Boss is going to have to screen these entries.Let's add some Art into their commerce. Here's how:Enter the contest, but *PAY NO ATTENTION* to the restriction on Boss-only loopers. Post all the great music you've made using your Looperlative, your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays, Mobius/Sooperlooper/Live/Mainstage/Logelloop/Freewheeling.... WHATEVER.This is even easier for those of you that already have videos on YouTube: simply copy your existing videos, re-label them according to guidelines so they can be easily found by contest-seekers, and enter ALL of them into the contest.Put some notes on the video stating that this is a protest against Boss' marketing, and point the viewers back here to LD if they want to learn more about Looping. Use this as a vehicle for positive education. Use this to promote Loopers-Delight!!!Somebody *will* watch. It may be a potential listener or fan. It may be another musician scanning through the entries, in which case you can help open them up to new possibilities for what can be done. Additionally, the Boss judges will have to screen the entries, and perhaps they'll finally start to pay attention.We can send a message to Boss Marketing that they don't own Looping, that this contest is by no means an "international championship", and that there are thousands of people out there making great Looping music. Some of these people use Boss products. Some use other products and tools in their art. But WE, THE ARTISTS, ARE THE ONES WHO MAKE THE MUSIC and WE ARE THE ONES WHO DEFINE THE FIELD -- not some group of clueless marketing hacks with an advertising budget trying to shill a product.Send a message. Tools don't make great music. People do.There's some incredible talent in this community, and lots of great people.Let's show them! --mech.-- _____"take one step outside yourself. the whole path lasts no longer than one step..."-- Rafa's One Man Band Online:
201008/msg00349:Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
All the videos are made available on YouTube. Also, somebody on the judging committee at Boss is going to have to screen these entries.Let's add some Art into their commerce. Here's how:Enter the contest, but *PAY NO ATTENTION* to the restriction on Boss-only loopers. Post all the great music you've made using your Looperlative, your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays, Mobius/Sooperlooper/Live/Mainstage/Logelloop/Freewheeling.... WHATEVER.This is even easier for those of you that already have videos on YouTube: simply copy your existing videos, re-label them according to guidelines so they can be easily found by contest-seekers, and enter ALL of them into the contest.Put some notes on the video stating that this is a protest against Boss' marketing, and point the viewers back here to LD if they want to learn more about Looping. Use this as a vehicle for
201008/msg00343:Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
Enter the contest, but *PAY NO ATTENTION* to the restriction on Boss-only loopers. Post all the great music you've made using your Looperlative, your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays, Mobius/Sooperlooper/Live/Mainstage/Logelloop/Freewheeling.... WHATEVER.
201008/msg00246:Re: Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
> DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays,
201008/msg00345:Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
Enter the contest, but *PAY NO ATTENTION* to the restriction on Boss-only loopers. Post all the great music you've made using your Looperlative, your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays, Mobius/Sooperlooper/Live/Mainstage/Logelloop/Freewheeling.... WHATEVER.
201008/msg00249:Re: Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
>> your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky,
Slicer, and the Boss DD-20. I won't go into detail (because it's
Enter the contest, but *PAY NO ATTENTION* to the restriction on Boss-only loopers. Post all the great music you've made using your Looperlative, your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays, Mobius/Sooperlooper/Live/Mainstage/Logelloop/Freewheeling.... WHATEVER.
201008/msg00254:Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
On Aug 13, 2010, at 10:41 AM, Rick Walker wrote:F*ck, you are a genius!!!! Great suggestion. Let's do it! Seriously, let's do this everyone.Dustbunnies wrote:Well then, here's an idea... ~LET"S HIJACK THE CONTEST~It's a public contest. All the videos are made available on YouTube. Also, somebody on the judging committee at Boss is going to have to screen these entries.Let's add some Art into their commerce. Here's how:Enter the contest, but *PAY NO ATTENTION* to the restriction on Boss-only loopers. Post all the great music you've made using your Looperlative, your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky, old tape delays, Mobius/Sooperlooper/Live/Mainstage/Logelloop/Freewheeling.... WHATEVER.This is even easier for those of you that already have videos on YouTube: simply copy your existing videos, re-label them according to guidelines so they can be easily found by contest-seekers, and enter ALL of them into the contest.Put some notes on the video stating that this is a protest against Boss' marketing, and point the viewers back here to LD if they want to learn more about Looping. Use this as a vehicle for positive education. Use this to promote Loopers-Delight!!!Somebody *will* watch. It may be a potential listener or fan. It may be another musician scanning through the entries, in which case you can help open them up to new possibilities for what can be done. Additionally, the Boss judges will have to screen the entries, and perhaps they'll finally start to pay attention.We can send a message to Boss Marketing that they don't own Looping, that this contest is by no means an "international championship", and that there are thousands of people out there making great Looping music. Some of these people use Boss products. Some use other products and tools in their art. But WE, THE ARTISTS, ARE THE ONES WHO MAKE THE MUSIC and WE ARE THE ONES WHO DEFINE THE FIELD -- not some group of clueless marketing hacks with an advertising budget trying to shill a product.Send a message. Tools don't make great music. People do.There's some incredible talent in this community, and lots of great people.Let's show them! --mech.
201008/msg00255:Re: Re: Boss "International Championship" [SIC]....
>> your EDP, your JamMan, DL4, M9/M13, EHX SMM, 2880, DD-20, Loop Junky,
✔ A Boss DD-20 (most underrated looping box on the market)
201010/msg00331:Re: Using Vox ToneLab LE for looping (DELAY LOOPING???)
as the Lexicon PCM42 (which DT uses), but it's ok, it has this sort of warping / glitch thing....which reminded me of when i had my boss old dod d12 w/ 12 sec of delay kept the info more intact (but would pitch up or down if you modulated the time, it was sort of a budget pcm42)...
201010/msg00216:Using Vox ToneLab LE for looping (DELAY LOOPING???)
as the Lexicon PCM42 (which DT uses), but it's ok, it has this sort of warping / glitch thing....which reminded me of when i had my boss old dod d12 w/ 12 sec of delay kept the info more intact (but would pitch up or down if you modulated the time, it was sort of a budget pcm42)...
201010/msg00071:Re: Fighting the temptation to noodle
Frequently I use a DD20 "downstream" from the M13 to start things off 37:
in the M13 in the DD20s shorter loop delay and produce interesting 40:
DD20. 45:
loop in the M13 entirely so that only the DD20 is going and I can then
201010/msg00241:Re: Using Vox ToneLab LE for looping (DELAY LOOPING???)
as the Lexicon PCM42 (which DT uses), but it's ok, it has this sort of warping / glitch thing....which reminded me of when i had my boss old dod d12 w/ 12 sec of delay kept the info more intact (but would pitch up or down if you modulated the time, it was sort of a budget pcm42)...
201010/msg00315:Re: Using Vox ToneLab LE for looping
all the time. Anyway, that's why I still use a DD-20. Interesting 35:
DD-20 has 23 sec stereo delay time, with adustable feedback. It's a
201010/msg00318:"Surreal Spaces" - Today's MoinSound Studio Sessions
in there) and Boss DD20 - and perhaps something else as well (like my
201010/msg00255:Re: Using Vox ToneLab LE for looping
I could sell the external Boss DD20 Delay.
the Delay DD-200 Super Delay with 3 extended DD-20's on board, with 29:
looping with the DD-20 and I'm still using it as a spare looper in 39:
Augustus the same way as I use the DD-20, which means a pre-defined 41:
but in case something happens, I have the M13 and DD-20 as a backup 42:
system. The DD-20 saved my ass already once, that was during the 44:
the DD-20 as backup then and 1 synth, that was almost a sort of 50:
the Delay DD-200 Super Delay with 3 extended DD-20's on board, with
Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 19:
The DD-20 is still one of the most affordable and under-rated loopers 44:
> the DD-20 by using this mode and muting one of the two audio outputs. A 59:
> Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 76:
>> Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 89:
>>> So, just treat the DD-20 as a really long delay line? Can one
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Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)
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I still haven't gotten the DD20 actually as it was
Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)
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Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)
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201011/msg00104:Re: Dream looper (was Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3))
Re: Dream looper (was Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)) 10:
Subject: Re: Dream looper (was Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3))
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201011/msg00122:Re: Dream looper (was Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3))
Re: Dream looper (was Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)) 10:
Subject: Re: Dream looper (was Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3))
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Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 19:
So, just treat the DD-20 as a really long delay line? Can one
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I have all my hardware hooked up with a patch bay so I can switch stuff around depending on my mood. :)Hardware -Noisemakers - synths (D50, AX73, Morpheus, EX8000, M3R, GR50), drum machines (SR16, Yamaha DD20), VG8ex, guitars/bass/mandolin (too many) 40:
FX - RP2000, all the ModFX, Vortex, MPX100, Adrenalinn, Bass MicroSynth, uh... err... ok, there's a big pile on the table and a rack of 'em.Loopers - DD20, DL4, RC20XLSoftware - AudioMulch & Mobius (controlled with an FCB1010) and some insane number of freebie VSTs that Kris collected.
Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)
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Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 23:
> Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)
Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 20:
So, just treat the DD-20 as a really long delay line? Can one tap-play-tap-overdub? I take it that when off, the delay will keep playing so you can just set feedback to 100% and turn it off to get a hold effect? Do you have to reach down and grab the feedback knob to adjust feedback?
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> the Delay DD-200 Super Delay with 3 extended DD-20's on board, with
Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 38:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 49:
class=gmail_quote>So, just treat the DD-20 as a really long delay line? Can
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Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 39:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 47:
So, just treat the DD-20 as a really long delay line? Can
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Or the Sonica uses the "Boss DD20 jack detector", as described.
Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3) 10:
Subject: Re: DD-20 (was Re: Boomerang 3)
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Summary for query "dd20,dd-20":
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