Result for query 'repeater'
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ring modulator/fuzz octave doubler/repeater/dirt box/optical synth 100:
repeater/gate fx
>ring modulator/fuzz octave doubler/repeater/dirt box/optical synth 80:
>repeater/gate fx
ring modulator/fuzz octave doubler/repeater/dirt box/optical synth 50:
repeater/gate fx
Repeater = DJRND2 ? 10:
Subject: Repeater = DJRND2 ? 19:
Can anyone tell me whether repeater can record loops with a fixed BPM
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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re: Repeater 10:
Subject: re: Repeater 22:
> >Electrix (who make the Repeater) are principally a DJ-oriented company,
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 40:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info
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Filter Queen (was RE: Repeater) 10:
Subject: Filter Queen (was RE: Repeater) 39:
>Repeater is being designed with the studio musician in mind. We have an
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RE: Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater 21:
this discussion group is because we just revealed repeater to the world. We
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re: Repeater 10:
Subject: re: Repeater
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 43:
(if we're talking about the Repeater here)
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 39:
loop (of the 4 independent ones on the repeater), record/overdub,
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 24:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 48:
>I'm suggesting that the Repeater seems to be less geared towards live,
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re: Repeater 10:
Subject: re: Repeater 22:
>Electrix (who make the Repeater) are principally a DJ-oriented company,
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 26:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re Repeater 10:
Subject: Re Repeater
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 22:
We just checked out the Repeater Webster. This sounds awesome.
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re: Re Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Re Repeater
Repeater 10:
Subject: Repeater 22:
Electrix kicks ass with a new loop box called the Repeater. This is a
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 52:
> >I'm suggesting that the Repeater seems to be less geared towards live,
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 22:
>> >I'm suggesting that the Repeater seems to be less geared towards live,
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re: Repeater 10:
Subject: re: Repeater 64:
I would probably expect the same from the Repeater. I want to try it out,
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RE: Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater 28:
| Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 21:
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Re: Repeater, July 27, 2000 28:
Re: Repeater, July 24, 2000 29:
Re: Repeater, July 27, 2000 71:
Re: Repeater, July 24, 2000
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 18:
Title: Re: New Repeater Info
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 29:
design of the Repeater. If folks missed it before in the text that from me
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 24:
Electrix (who make the Repeater) are principally a DJ-oriented company,
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re: Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Re: Repeater
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 51:
I'm suggesting that the Repeater seems to be less geared towards live,
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New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: New Repeater Info
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 34:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 22:
merits of "live" versus "studio" uses for a Repeater, AND NONE OF US HAS
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RE: Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater 27:
Repeater is being designed with the studio musician in mind. We have an
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And to add to the repeater thread....Kim you are absolutely right, guitar
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re (2): ELECTRIX Repeater 10:
Subject: Re (2): ELECTRIX Repeater 27:
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 21:
>We just checked out the Repeater Webster. This sounds awesome.
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Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
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Re: New Repeater Info 10:
Subject: Re: New Repeater Info 23:
The new Repeater from Electrix:
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Re: ELECTRIX Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: ELECTRIX Repeater
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Re: Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Re: Repeater
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May as well wait and check out the Repeater, I say.
>till fall and get a Repeater than the elusive EDP. Let's hope Electrix
200008/msg00052:Electrix Repeater : a fair shake of the loopy stick
Electrix Repeater : a fair shake of the loopy stick 10:
Subject: Electrix Repeater : a fair shake of the loopy stick 22:
had a look at the Repeater web page .. looks good .. I'm assuming it's 4
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200008/msg00049:Re: Lee Howard checking in with David van T.
> with the Repeater?
200008/msg00652:Re: gearhoundism: cheap 'n easy samplers?
Repeater is our first product to have an instrument input on the front
>Repeater works with CompactFlash ?
way out to market, the Repeater from Electrix:
Repeater vs. Echoplex 10:
Subject: Repeater vs. Echoplex 24:
I've seen the comments on the Repeater and the drool spilling off of your
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200008/msg00638:RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability
RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability 42:
> Electrix? What is the recording capability of the Repeater? Can you arm
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200008/msg00189:RE: Roland handsonic (& battery-powered amp Q)
I've been babbling about this box on various lists more than Repeater
Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List
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200008/msg00031:(LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even getshere.
(LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even getshere. 10:
Subject: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even getshere. 49:
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forward to seeing what the Electrix Repeater will do. 25:
plenty of ads & reviews on the Repeater. Which brings
Re: Query re: Electrix Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Query re: Electrix Repeater 21:
check out the back panel of the Repeater at:
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| >time for me to blow it on a Repeater. Can't wait.
>Repeater... 57:
advanced stuff in the echoplex. (well, we don't know about the repeater
200008/msg00583:Re: Footpedals, Rampant Elitism and unsubscribe instructions.
I think it would be great if the repeater responded to on/off messages via 30:
> The MIDI implementation for Repeater is still open to suggestions. We are
RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 25:
there's no link to the "repeater" demo. Is it somewhere
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Repeater...Let's talk about serious techniques for looping, pre & post
The repeater sounds like an affordable
200008/msg00167:Looper interfaces, (was Re: Damon, Why CF ?)
I suspect that Electrix is using parts in Repeater who's design costs are 66:
We've seen the physical UI of the Repeater, so we know that the machine
time for me to blow it on a Repeater. Can't wait. 40:
> > Repeater is our first product to have an instrument input on the front
>>Repeater is obviously laid out as a 4 track machine which we're
vendor or community support downstream. Later the Repeater may very well
way out to market, the Repeater from Electrix:
200008/msg00636:RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability
RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability 31:
Electrix? What is the recording capability of the Repeater? Can you arm
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RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 23:
>there's no link to the "repeater" demo. Is it somewhere
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till fall and get a Repeater than the elusive EDP. Let's hope Electrix
If you are ONLY going to be doing looping, the Electrix Repeater has
Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List
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>time for me to blow it on a Repeater. Can't wait.
>Repeater works with CompactFlash ?
>Repeater works with CompactFlash ? 50:
that the Repeater will *not* try to play _directly_ from the media, but it
200008/msg00037:Re: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even gets here.
Re: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even gets here. 10:
Subject: Re: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even gets here.
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200008/msg00055:Re: xenakis and "drumming" and Jam Man
200008/msg00050:Re: xenakis and "drumming" and Jam Man
>Repeater is obviously laid out as a 4 track machine which we're _assuming_ 46:
> >>Repeater is obviously laid out as a 4 track machine which we're
Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List 20:
Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List
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>time for me to blow it on a Repeater. Can't wait. 48:
>> > Repeater is our first product to have an instrument input on the front
200008/msg00294:MIDI Data looping, a little help?
Does anyone do this? I'm saving up for an EDP or a Repeater, and if I can 33:
eventual EDP or Repeater, the mere thought of which gives me chills.
200008/msg00192:RE: Roland handsonic (& battery-powered amp Q)
>Repeater wince Winter NAMM. :)
Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: Electrix Repeater Wish List
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'Echoplex' purchase...However, seeing the coming of the Repeater, i will be
If you are ONLY going to be doing looping, the Electrix Repeater has
Re: Repeater vs. Echoplex 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater vs. Echoplex 25:
>I've seen the comments on the Repeater and the drool spilling off of your
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CCs, and I need it to work with the Repeater I'm definately buying in
Re: Todd, Repeater is stereo, August 31, 2000 188:
RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List, August 03, 2000 191:
RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List, August 03, 2000 193:
RE: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even gets here., August 02, 2000
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Fwd: Foot Control for Repeater! 10:
Subject: Fwd: Foot Control for Repeater! 25:
Subject: Re: Foot Control for Repeater!
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>Repeater works with CompactFlash ?
Do you know the Midi implementation of the Repeater? I am planning on 38:
buying the Repeater as well, once i can get my hands on it in a store to 61:
>CCs, and I need it to work with the Repeater I'm definately buying in
RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 37:
something with as many permutations as the Repeater?
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Re: Todd, Repeater is stereo 10:
Subject: Re: Todd, Repeater is stereo 23:
Yes Repeater is stereo. It has 4 tracks per loop that can be armed as 2
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Query re: Electrix Repeater 10:
Subject: Query re: Electrix Repeater
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200008/msg00048:Lee Howard checking in with David van T.
> > Repeater...Let's talk about serious techniques for looping, pre & post
RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List
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> Repeater...Let's talk about serious techniques for looping, pre & post
200008/msg00033:RE: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even gets here.
RE: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even gets here. 10:
Subject: RE: (LONG) Beating up on the Electrix Repeater before it even gets here. 121:
Repeater FX loop.
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200008/msg00613:gearhoundism: cheap 'n easy samplers?
200008/msg00569:Re: Footpedals, Rampant Elitism and unsubscribe instructions.
> The MIDI implementation for Repeater is still open to suggestions. We are 26:
DISCLAIMER: I haven't seen a Repeater or read about it other than our LD 33:
I see from the pix on your website that Repeater has both a MIDI-IN and a 39:
1) Make all Repeater operations controllable via MIDI (except, perhaps, the
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synch to beat feature of the Repeater seems like a great idea. If it's
Repeater is obviously laid out as a 4 track machine which we're _assuming_ 57:
It seems that at "full load" Repeater would be running the media at less
200008/msg00046:Re: xenakis and "drumming" and Jam Man
> CCs, and I need it to work with the Repeater I'm definately buying in
the new electrix repeater and next-generation edp and boomerang . . .
>Repeater is obviously laid out as a 4 track machine which we're
Repeater. If there is ever a hardware update to the EDP (such as stereo,
Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix Repeater Wish List
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Repeater works with CompactFlash ?
>CCs, and I need it to work with the Repeater I'm definately buying in
>>Repeater is obviously laid out as a 4 track machine which we're 46:
Ummm, given that Repeater only has a single stereo pair in, then I don't 50:
recorder world with Repeater, so ... ? 54:
So in the context of Repeater and the original question of CF having
200008/msg00567:RE: Footpedals, Rampant Elitism and unsubscribe instructions.
The MIDI implementation for Repeater is still open to suggestions. We are 24:
P.S. We want to wait until Repeater is out for a while so we can learn a
> Repeater is our first product to have an instrument input on the front
> >Repeater works with CompactFlash ?
200008/msg00640:RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability
RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Stereo Capability 22:
regarding the Repeater...If this hits the shelves when they say it will,
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RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix Repeater Wish List 19:
sorry, no video on repeater yet. Just videos on the performance FX
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The repeater sounds like an affordable
>forward to seeing what the Electrix Repeater will do. 39:
>plenty of ads & reviews on the Repeater. Which brings
I get the feeling the Repeater will offer a DIFFERENT paradigm than the
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 27:
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Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 26:
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Re: Rich's Repeater questions 10:
Subject: Re: Rich's Repeater questions 22:
>I wonder how the Repeater is going to do it? I think it would open up a
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>it's just that what the Repeater is claiming to do is quite complex, and 55:
>Repeater? 59:
But Damon has said that _everything_ on the Repeater is available to MIDI,
*Repeater Mass Purchase* 10:
Subject: *Repeater Mass Purchase* 20:
Okay. Anyone who wants to join the repeater mass purchase program, send
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RE: *Repeater Group Buy Update* 10:
Subject: RE: *Repeater Group Buy Update* 33:
> Subject: Re: *Repeater Group Buy Update*
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Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 23:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
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> Depending how quickly Repeater is able to switch loops, you should be 26:
Exactly. And yes, Repeater will change loops fast enough.
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
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repeater-offer 10:
Subject: repeater-offer 19:
I heard some bird sing about a repeater-special-offer?
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 43:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
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200009/msg00160:RE: loops from instruments in a classical symphony
You will be happy to note that Repeater has a built in phono preamp for
filter to the word "Repeater" is not a solution ´cause maybe one of the 114:
Kyma, Repeater, Upcoming shows by area, etc., and actually this option is
> > > Any chance of that happening with Repeater? Im sure *many* of the
200009/msg00170:Re: loops from instruments in a classical symphony
of the repeater anywhere on the internet?
200009/msg00536:RE: Suggestion to the LD mailing list. (UPDATED)
filter to the word "Repeater" is not a solution ´cause maybe one of the 103:
Kyma, Repeater, Upcoming shows by area, etc., and actually this option is
>repeater because my echoplex has ben totally unreliable and gibson's
I dont see any relation between EDP upgrade and Repeater release. 37:
>Electrix has published a good amount of information on what Repeater 42:
>Repeater since late July, I'd like to know at least the spec'd
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>Electrix has published a good amount of information on what Repeater is 52:
>As someone that's been pushing, supporting and even defending Repeater
>the repeater because my echoplex has ben totally unreliable and
The point is that part of the Repeater's market edge is the real-time
RE: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Group Buy 26:
| Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
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>that the Electrix Repeater is going to be a superior product ? 44:
repeater is actually available, and if you're still not satisfied with
>The Repeater, however...hmmm, totally new beast altogether. Keeping my
*Repeater Group Buy Update* 10:
Subject: *Repeater Group Buy Update* 20:
Remember, to join the Repeater Group Purchase program, send email to
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convince this dude to design a looping device) and the repeater, there's 53:
I'm really curious for the Repeater. If it only offers half the 67:
Repeater this will come of easier...time to dream.
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
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Re: Repeater Babble 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Babble 21:
> I am about to create a filter for any mail with the word "Repeater" in
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> > > Any chance of that happening with Repeater? Im sure *many* of the
Repeater cost?? 10:
Subject: Repeater cost?? 23:
budget, but how much is the repeater going to be on this group buy (alot
200009/msg00176:RE: loops from instruments in a classical symphony
>of the repeater anywhere on the internet?
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 26:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
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RE: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Info Online 20:
You could use Repeater like a delay line by setting an initial loop length
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200009/msg00162:RE: My experiences with the Handsonic (long, reveiw)
I bet this thing would be killer combined with a Repeater. There, I said
Re: Repeater Gang Bang 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Gang Bang
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> but i think [Repeater] will be an addition to my toolset.
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> >The Repeater, however...hmmm, totally new beast altogether. Keeping my
Re: Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Re: Repeater Group Buy
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> I really think that one of these units linked to a Repeater will be the 32:
Jamdudes, EDPs, and (hopefully) the Repeater are ideal input devices. 43:
Repeater for further manipulation.
The Repeater 10:
Subject: The Repeater 19:
There is a very cool ad on the Repeater in the November 2000 Guitar Player.
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>And what's the price range on a REPEATER ?
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 21:
>>Electrix has posted up a TON of info about Repeater.
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RE: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Info Online 20:
>>You could use Repeater like a delay line by setting an initial loop
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200009/msg00650:Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy...
Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 20:
EPD and (future) Repeater compliment each other.
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> > > but i think [Repeater] will be an addition to my toolset.
RE: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Info Online 20:
>You could use Repeater like a delay line by setting an initial loop length
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Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Repeater Group Buy 24:
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Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control 23:
>> wait until we get input from Repeater owners before we embark on such a
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Repeater Babble 10:
Subject: Repeater Babble 19:
I am about to create a filter for any mail with the word "Repeater" in it-
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Ok, here's the on topic question for our yet-to-be-seen Repeater. 55:
I wonder how the Repeater is going to do it? I think it would open up a
Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control 43:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control
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Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
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200009/msg00666:Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy...
Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy...
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Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 23:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
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200009/msg00636:Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy...
Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 10:
Subject: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 29:
The Repeater seems to most closely follow the architecture of Bob Sellon's
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I: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: I: Repeater Group Buy
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 38:
The Repeater looks like it's gonna be a cool tool for some applications,
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Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 30:
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Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 21:
"Repeater can have up to 99 loops with 4 tracks per loop"
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class=795383817-07092000>Let me include Repeater in this 38:
class=795383817-07092000>Repeater will be around 12 mins. (with a 64 MB compact 57:
class=795383817-07092000>Repeater has full tempo control so you can record a 69:
Repeater has full trim capability that is nondestructive until you commit.
Repeater Track Length Workaround 10:
Subject: Repeater Track Length Workaround 19:
Some of us were recently bemoaning the fact Repeater's 4 tracks are all the
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it's just that what the Repeater is claiming to do is quite complex, and 40:
surfaced. Is there potential for the same thing to happen to the Repeater?
Any chance of that happening with Repeater? Im sure *many* of the first
I really think that one of these units linked to a Repeater will be the
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
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Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control 23:
> wait until we get input from Repeater owners before we embark on such a
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> that the Electrix Repeater is going to be a superior product ? 30:
becoming near worthless as soon as the repeater hits the market. My
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
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200009/msg00494:RE: Repeater and foot control feedback
RE: Repeater and foot control feedback 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and foot control feedback 21:
request some feedback on a MIDI foot controller for Repeater. I posted a
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200009/msg00621:Re: Looping Gig in Seattle (Tiktok), 9/24/00
whats this got to do with the edp/repeater wars?.........:).........good
200009/msg00809:Re: Akai MPC 2000 vs. EDP (echoplex)
(which I own) and possibly the forthcoming Electrix Repeater and the 29:
the Repeater is vaporware at this point so there's not much to choose from 48:
concepts yet. Don't hold your breath either. The Repeater ad copy seems to
> Any chance of that happening with Repeater? Im sure *many* of the first
Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control
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RE: Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: RE: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00507:Re: Repeater Track Length Workaround
Re: Repeater Track Length Workaround 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Track Length Workaround 21:
> Some of us were recently bemoaning the fact Repeater's 4 tracks are all
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the Repeater.For anyone wondering I still have loads of Echoplexes on
200009/msg00457:Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000
Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: *Repeater Group Buy Update* 10:
Subject: Re: *Repeater Group Buy Update* 28:
>the Repeater.For anyone wondering I still have loads of Echoplexes on
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00540:Re: Xfade vs. zeroX / HW vs SW (was: dream box)
Hey Damon! How does the Repeater handle loop splice points? 92:
interested in how the Repeater does this. ]
Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 21:
The Repeater is probably a nice piece of equipment, but I'll take my EDP -
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Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Repeater Info Online 20:
Electrix has posted up a TON of info about Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>repeater because my echoplex has ben totally unreliable and gibson's
Re: Repeater Group Buy, September 26, 2000 120:
Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy..., September 24, 2000 177:
Re: Repeater Group Buy, September 21, 2000 178:
Re: Repeater and foot control, September 13, 2000
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>...or just wait another couple of months and THE REPEATER will cut down
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 35:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
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Incidentally, I am looking forward to acquiring either an EDP or Repeater
RE: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and foot control 24:
A Digitech FS-300 (a 3 button TRS foot switch) will work with Repeater's
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Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 27:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00272:making the most of cheap equipment
pedals instead of staring at my calendar waiting for the Repeater to go
Re: Repeater Gang Bang 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Gang Bang 32:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00543:RE: Xfade vs. zeroX / HW vs SW (was: dream box)
>Hey Damon! How does the Repeater handle loop splice points? 24:
>interested in how the Repeater does this. ]
RE: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and foot control 19:
>A Digitech FS-300 (a 3 button TRS foot switch) will work with Repeater's
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Group Buy 32:
> | Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00668:Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy...
Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 18:
Title: Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Musician's Friend is not yet taking orders for the Electrix Repeater,
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater because my echoplex has ben totally unreliable and gibson's
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 39:
all this over the Repeater? (just another 'box', right?..."where's
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>information about the Repeater on their web site. 26:
I would agree here...I might jump on the repeater as fast as i can (tried 51:
The Repeater, however...hmmm, totally new beast altogether. Keeping my
200009/msg00523:Re: Repeater Track Length Workaround
Re: Repeater Track Length Workaround 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Track Length Workaround 20:
>Some of us were recently bemoaning the fact Repeater's 4 tracks are all
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>I really think that one of these units linked to a Repeater will be the 37:
need to add a repeater? Can't Orville do all that by itself? :-)
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00419:Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000
Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Jon -- sign me up for a repeater! 35:
> the Repeater.For anyone wondering I still have loads of Echoplexes on
Repeater Sound Samples 10:
Subject: Repeater Sound Samples 21:
I know the Repeater folks are on here, so I have a suggestion for them...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> > Any chance of that happening with Repeater? Im sure *many* of the
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 32:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 31:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater, I have to admit I didn't have time to look very hard,hopefully
> > but i think [Repeater] will be an addition to my toolset.
200009/msg00525:Re: Repeater and foot control feedback
Re: Repeater and foot control feedback 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control feedback 22:
> request some feedback on a MIDI foot controller for Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00409:Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000
Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000 19:
>No, Repeater isn't a delay line. "Basically" it's a 4 track memory based
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>that the Electrix Repeater is going to be a superior product ? 27:
There isn't really much information about the Repeater out yet. But from
Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>>...or just wait another couple of months and THE REPEATER will cut down 29:
Anyway, having the Repeater join the party is a good thing, IMHO. It will
> >>...or just wait another couple of months and THE REPEATER will cut down 49:
> Anyway, having the Repeater join the party is a good thing, IMHO. It
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00725:My suggestion, About Italo, The Spam, etc...
list who was planning to put a filter to the word "Repeater" is not a 76:
the Electrix Repeater?, at least this guy should practice his playing 78:
waiting for the Repeater, too much about gear and impulse buying, too
Repeater Vendor? 10:
Subject: Repeater Vendor? 20:
Alllrighty then. We've got 13 people and counting on the repeater list,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00665:Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy...
Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater vs EDP plus a little philosophy... 21:
>Repeater is coming and will maybe get one to COMPLIMENT what I can do with
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00623:Re: EDP update Group Buy [Claude Voit vs. The Repeater]
Re: EDP update Group Buy [Claude Voit vs. The Repeater] 10:
Subject: Re: EDP update Group Buy [Claude Voit vs. The Repeater]
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>GREAT, KIM!!! This is the time to let us know what it can do...Repeater
that the Electrix Repeater is going to be a superior product ?
Re: Rich's Repeater questions 10:
Subject: Re: Rich's Repeater questions 21:
>Ok, here's the on topic question for our yet-to-be-seen Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Electrix has published a good amount of information on what Repeater is 42:
As someone that's been pushing, supporting and even defending Repeater
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 34:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00478:Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000
Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online/The Year 2000
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 27:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> becoming near worthless as soon as the repeater hits the market. My 35:
the Repeater site, I think they will be the next bigh thing. Huge! I
Yes numerous questions about the Repeater. 31:
I will set up a call with Damon as the representative of the Repeater (if
RE: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Info Online 27:
favorite delay into Repeater, like say....a MoFX (insert groan).
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 25:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 30:
REPEATER: Product sounds great!
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And what's the price range on a REPEATER ?
This could also relieve some of the Repeater "babble" from the rest of the 49:
>Yes numerous questions about the Repeater. 60:
>I will set up a call with Damon as the representative of the Repeater (if
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy 31:
Subject: RE: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Group Buy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Group Buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
PS: Doesn't REPEATER thrill you all like me ???
RE: Repeater Info 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Info
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> > > Any chance of that happening with Repeater? Im sure *many* of the
RE: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Info Online 35:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200009/msg00561:Re: I have a question (regarding SP-808)
your Repeater loops over to the 808. Personally I would rather have the 36:
REPEATER alongside a regular hard Disk recorder (VS-1680 etc...). I have 38:
computer-based system now, and I intend to use te Repeater for loop
Re: Repeater and foot control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and foot control
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>that the Electrix Repeater is going to be a superior product ? 27:
information about the Repeater on their web site.
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 38:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Echoplex, Jamman or Repeater, including those 2 millions other features 219:
Kim I said that an Orville and a Repeater , if hopefully the second will
200009/msg00467:RE: EVENTIDE users (Now & Future)
No, Italo, sorry. You don't thrill me like the Repeater thrills me. 28:
| PS: Doesn't REPEATER thrill you all like me ???
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater.. (and 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater.. (and 36:
point of interested for me in the Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 25:
No, Repeater isn't a delay line. "Basically" it's a 4 track memory based
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Info Online 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Info Online 20:
>Electrix has posted up a TON of info about Repeater.
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200010/msg00524:New List Member making critical equipment decisions
(I think) down to either an EDP or an electrix repeater. I would be 32:
(understanding that information on the repeater is somewhat harder to come
11/15 is the release date of the Repeater. I'd love to be able to demo 33:
shrimp all day. I emailed the group buy Repeater guy but have not heard
200010/msg00016:Re: I need a better sounding sampler than a Boomerang!
>In your quest for a better looper, Electrix's Repeater will be shipping 34:
> Follow the links for "Repeater"
>11/15 is the release date of the Repeater.
200010/msg00331:Re: OT-fundamentals in sound (was singing bowls)
thanks for your input. now would somebody pull out their "Repeater"
on the Repeater. Unfortunately I have to wait til the end of the month for
Electrix about how this will work with the repeater <g> ?
The Repeater probably can still change its tables at this stage
RE: Hello ... and repeater info 10:
Subject: RE: Hello ... and repeater info 20:
I've been working pretty hard as of late (Repeater stuff) so I haven't been
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater group buy ? 10:
Subject: Repeater group buy ? 20:
Repeater. I sent mail to : inquiring about
> before a much-anticipated new product, the Repeater. The rerelease of
200010/msg00014:Re: I need a better sounding sampler than a Boomerang!
In your quest for a better looper, Electrix's Repeater will be shipping 33:
Follow the links for "Repeater"
> Player mag this month. It's called the Repeater, by Electrix 49:
Mike McGary (EDP and a Repeater on order)
Repeater's stereo FX insert is routable through the front panel track 28:
(Repeater is a new loop based recorder from Electrix due to ship in the
200010/msg00063:Re: speaking waggishly of Echoplexes...
OK... I know it would be FUN to have both and EDP and a Repeater side by 35:
> If you demo an EDP and a Repeater, wouldn't that create some sort of
setup: an EDP, JamMan, Boomerang, or Repeater. One
The Repeater-offer? 10:
Subject: The Repeater-offer? 22:
repeater-special-we-all-go-together-and-save-some-money-offer, and does
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
So, the Repeater. What's up with that?
Re: The Repeater-offer? 10:
Subject: Re: The Repeater-offer? 23:
>Is there any type of repeater-special-we-all-go-together-and-save-some-
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Hello ... and repeater info, October 17, 2000 376:
The Repeater-offer?, October 03, 2000 564:
Re: The Repeater-offer?, October 03, 2000 714:
Hello ... and repeater info, October 17, 2000
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200010/msg00017:Re: I need a better sounding sampler than a Boomerang!
think Repeater fills that role.
before a much-anticipated new product, the Repeater. The rerelease of the
> So, the Repeater. What's up with that?
> before a much-anticipated new product, the Repeater. The rerelease of
And who, btw, did you order your Repeater from? Locally? Catalog? 64:
Mike McGary (EDP and a Repeater on order)
200010/msg00061:Re: speaking waggishly of Echoplexes...
> If you demo an EDP and a Repeater, wouldn't that create some sort of
Player mag this month. It's called the Repeater, by Electrix
Electrix about how this will work with the repeater <g> ?
> And who, btw, did you order your Repeater from?
Hello ... and repeater info 10:
Subject: Hello ... and repeater info 26:
I'm interested in the Electrix Repeater. I've read all the archived
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200010/msg00446:Re: Help looking Guitar Processor
>(Repeater is a new loop based recorder from Electrix due to ship in the
Re: Repeater questions 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater questions 19:
> John Tidwell wrote... In the Repeater manual, on the page showing midi
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 29:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Price. 10:
Subject: Repeater Price.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date 22:
>There has been some questions recently about the ship date of Repeater. We
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date 34:> Subject: RE: Repeater ship
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater group buy - correction 10:
Subject: Repeater group buy - correction 22:
The information that I posted yesterday about the Repeater group buy was
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00028:Re: Repeater availability and price
Re: Repeater availability and price 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater availability and price 19:
>I know that some folks have gotten on "waiting lists" for the Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 29:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater power supply 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater power supply 22:
vaguest of date for when the repeater MIDi foot controller will be for
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Repeater Out Yet? 10:
Subject: Repeater Out Yet? 19:
Is the Repeater available for purchase yet? It's 11/1. Did the group buy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot controller? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot controller? 21:
>I went and ordered a Repeater from Alto music (Don't worry Kim, when the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> I can tell. Repeater looks AWESOME! Blows the EDP UI away!
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date 20:
There has been some questions recently about the ship date of Repeater. We
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 25:
which makes me think of a question, will the repeater "updateable" for new
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
to hit the market (Echoplex, Repeater) for not much more cash. My advise
200011/msg00256:Damon! How many rack spaces is the repeater?
Damon! How many rack spaces is the repeater? 10:
Subject: Damon! How many rack spaces is the repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater price 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 31:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater price 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price 33:
kindly. Folks, if you want a $488 Repeater, please be aware that if Damon
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Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 25:
You Repeater folks should stop complaining - I am still on the wait list
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater price 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price 19:
Can someone forward me the email with the number to call about the repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater power supply 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater power supply 35:
Subject: RE: Repeater power supply
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater street date ? 10:
Subject: Repeater street date ? 25:
the trash, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Repeater. In fact I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater questions 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater questions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Subject: REPEATER FEVER !!! 19:
The manual looks AWESOME!!! Hope Repeater will do all those fireworx!!!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater price {OT} 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price {OT} 49:
I buy a Repeater I'd much rather know that it's been made and checked by
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00133:Re: Repeater price/ Price fixing.
Re: Repeater price/ Price fixing. 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price/ Price fixing.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
this repeater thing 10:
Subject: this repeater thing
Repeater price. 10:
Subject: Repeater price. 26:
product like, maybe a Repeater mark 2.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater (what is it?) 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater (what is it?) 19:
what is this "repeater" thing i've been reading about?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 60:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater questions 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater questions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater manual? 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater manual? 20:
Repeater ALPHA manual is up on our site. For your eyes only! Just click on
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater price {OT} 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price {OT}
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00158:Re: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V00 #367
> > John Tidwell wrote... In the Repeater manual, on the page showing
>> I can tell. Repeater looks AWESOME! Blows the EDP UI away!
Repeater manual? 10:
Subject: Repeater manual? 19:
Whatever happened to posting the Repeater's user manual on the Electrix
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>hopefully my DL4 will get traded in 4 the Repeater.
RE: Repeater price 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater price 20:
I have a general appeal to everyone interested in buying Repeater. Be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 35:
like...could be great if Repeater can behave like a quad motherlooper from
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Foot controller? 10:
Subject: Repeater Foot controller? 21:
I went and ordered a Repeater from Alto music (Don't worry Kim, when the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00275:Re: another Repeater size question
Re: another Repeater size question 10:
Subject: Re: another Repeater size question 25:
><g> I'm trying to figure out whether the repeater will fit in my
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
I can tell. Repeater looks AWESOME! Blows the EDP UI away!
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
As for Repeater as "better" option.... look over recent posts and their 39:
>This repeater device looks interesting. 47:
>maybe this "repeater" device is a better option.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot controller? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot controller? 36:
Subject: Repeater Foot controller?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Does anyone know when will the Electrix repeater
RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 19:
You will be able to set your own custom feedback level on Repeater. This
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater manual? 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater manual? 29:
> Repeater ALPHA manual is up on our site. For your
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
It just struck me that the Repeater may be able to be used as a 26:
the Repeater be configured to each put out one of the four loops?
hopefully my DL4 will get traded in 4 the Repeater.
Australian Repeater Price. 10:
Subject: Australian Repeater Price. 22:
the repeater.
>hopefully my DL4 will get traded in 4 the Repeater.
>think about it. A grand for a full blown Repeater with memory cards
RE: Repeater questions 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater questions 51:
We are planning on developing a MIDI foot controller for Repeater based on
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater), I'd like to hear about it.
Re: Repeater Price. 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Price. 43:
Subject: Repeater Price.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00427:WOT Toto, we're not in Gattaca any more - was RE: OT RE: When??
> think about it. A grand for a full blown Repeater with memory cards
Re: Repeater ship date, November 09, 2000 37:
Re: Repeater Foot controller?, November 03, 2000 47:
Re: Repeater price {OT}, November 04, 2000 62:
Re: Repeater price, November 04, 2000
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
I'm back, btw. Sorry to all who mailed repeater@braincramp to no avail, 54:
> > I can tell. Repeater looks AWESOME! Blows the EDP UI away!
If the Repeater listed for US $700 (I'm not implying it does) then that
Repeater sample start 10:
Subject: Repeater sample start 27:
Looking thru the Repeater manual I didn't notice this, is this available or
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot controller? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot controller? 19:
You are not dreaming, the Repeater does not come with a foot controler.
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Repeater availability and price 10:
Subject: Repeater availability and price 19:
I know that some folks have gotten on "waiting lists" for the Repeater.
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another Repeater size question 10:
Subject: another Repeater size question 20:
<g> I'm trying to figure out whether the repeater will fit in my
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date 19:
No President yet...Repeater delayed a month or more ????
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater power supply 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater power supply
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00278:RE: another Repeater size question
RE: another Repeater size question 10:
Subject: RE: another Repeater size question 19:
Repeater is enclosed in our custom rack-mount table-top design which is 3"
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00018:RE: Repeater availability and price
RE: Repeater availability and price 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater availability and price 27:
> Subject: Repeater availability and price
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 19:
>which makes me think of a question, will the repeater "updateable" for new
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater questions 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater questions 20:
the repeater's loop multiply command.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON 37:
Subject: RE: Repeater question 4 DAMON
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 24:
> There has been some questions recently about the ship date of Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater price 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price 32:
> kindly. Folks, if you want a $488 Repeater, please be aware that if
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>the Repeater be configured to each put out one of the four loops?
This repeater device looks interesting. 31:
maybe this "repeater" device is a better option.
anyone know when will the Electrix repeater EXACTLY ship???I
Re: Repeater Out Yet? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Out Yet? 19:
"Is the Repeater available for purchase yet? It's 11/1. Did the group buy
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 32:
(who reluctantly sets back his Repeater clock)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00277:RE: Another Repeater question (Foot controllers)
RE: Another Repeater question (Foot controllers) 10:
Subject: RE: Another Repeater question (Foot controllers) 35:
Subject: Another Repeater question (Foot controllers)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date 37:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00129:Re: Repeater price/ Price fixing.
Re: Repeater price/ Price fixing. 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price/ Price fixing. 34:
Repeater? No. I'm going to want more. Who will I go to? Possibly the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00260:Another Repeater question (Foot controllers)
Another Repeater question (Foot controllers) 10:
Subject: Another Repeater question (Foot controllers)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater price {OT} 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price {OT}
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater info 10:
Subject: Repeater info 23:
order. They are selling the Repeater for $488. They have 50 on order,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ship date 30:
I'm not complaining about it... the Repeater seems like its going to be a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater ship date 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date 28:
11/17 and looked at getting the Repeater as sort of a reward for a job well
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater sample start 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater sample start 19:
what is this 'repeater'? please steer me in an informative direction. has
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
to I'll send you the info and add your name to the 53:
> >I'm back, btw. Sorry to all who mailed repeater@braincramp to no avail, 82:
> > > > I can tell. Repeater looks AWESOME! Blows the EDP UI away!
Re: Repeater price {OT} 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price {OT} 36:
a Repeater as described that worked perfectly for $600 than an unreliable
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater question 4 DAMON 10:
Subject: Repeater question 4 DAMON 21:
on its abilities. My question is...can Repeater work as 4 different delay
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00172:Anticipation (was Repeater ship date)
Anticipation (was Repeater ship date) 10:
Subject: Anticipation (was Repeater ship date) 24:
Subject: RE: Repeater ship date
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater (what is it?) 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater (what is it?) 22:
>what is this "repeater" thing i've been reading about?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
think about it. A grand for a full blown Repeater with memory cards
Repeater questions 10:
Subject: Repeater questions 19:
In the Repeater manual, on the page showing midi cc
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00428:RE: WOT Toto, we're not in Gattaca any more - was RE: OT RE: When??
> think about it. A grand for a full blown Repeater with memory cards
Re: Repeater price {OT} 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater price {OT} 19:
I think Steve got it right! As Matthias points out Repeater's price is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200011/msg00257:Re: Damon! How many rack spaces is the repeater?
Re: Damon! How many rack spaces is the repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Damon! How many rack spaces is the repeater? 24:
Repeater is two spaces tall and, from the website:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>I'm back, btw. Sorry to all who mailed repeater@braincramp to no avail, 69:
> > > I can tell. Repeater looks AWESOME! Blows the EDP UI away!
RE: Repeater questions 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater questions 23:
We are planning on developing a MIDI foot controller for Repeater based on
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: Re: RE:Repeater update... 20:
> The update on Repeater would be as Leonardo said. We are aiming to Ship
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200012/msg00086:Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update
Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update 10:
Subject: Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update 22:
>do? From the alpha manual the repeater seems to be able to do loop copy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
ideas? Should I just shut up and buy a EDP or Repeater?
Repeater Most Desireable 10:
Subject: Repeater Most Desireable
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200012/msg00098:Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update...
Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update... 20:
>Repeater: Loop Copy sounds like it doubles the loop... and they don't
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater hype evaporates 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater hype evaporates 35:
> I use to see so much stuff regarding the new Repeater and lately
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200012/msg00094:Re: please send me a 'repeater' link for product information ...
Re: please send me a 'repeater' link for product information ... 10:
Subject: Re: please send me a 'repeater' link for product information ... 26:
Click "Repeater" in the left frame
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>>> Should I just shut up and buy a EDP or Repeater?
Repeater hype evaporates 10:
Subject: Repeater hype evaporates 19:
I use to see so much stuff regarding the new Repeater and lately
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: Re: RE:Repeater update... 26:
Subject: Re: RE:Repeater update...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater hype evaporates 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater hype evaporates 23:
> I use to see so much stuff regarding the new Repeater and lately
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Now the Repeater is the new object of my affection ! 57:
Looking forward to more "just for fun" experiences with the Repeater,
200012/msg00097:Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update...
Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200012/msg00102:My Looper Can Beat Up Your Looper
I asked Kim what the EDP could do that the (vaporware) Repeater could not. 28:
Of course I want the Repeater! But I guess the EDP is plenty of
after Repeater comes out.
Repeater function question 10:
Subject: Repeater function question 19:
Will the repeater undo midi controller function allow you to do as
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater update 10:
Subject: Repeater update 20:
Repeater in hand, I've yet to hear of any of them hitting the streets.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200012/msg00095:To kim flint RE:Repeater update...
To kim flint RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: To kim flint RE:Repeater update... 27:
> From the alpha manual the repeater seems to be able to do loop copy and
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater? 10:
Subject: Repeater? 19:
hey, remember that Repeater thingamagig? It would seem to me that we're
200012/msg00192:Women in live looping and Producing Live Solo Looping Shows
REPEATER in the first place this will probably not be to painful ;-)~
RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: RE:Repeater update... 59:
>-Insert CFC - New Repeater OS. No service people, no screw drivers, no
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: RE:Repeater update..., December 06, 2000 181:
RE: Repeater hype evaporates, December 14, 2000 182:
RE: Repeater function question, December 09, 2000 183:
RE:Repeater update..., December 06, 2000
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater update 20:
They told me that the "repeater has been delayed until early January and
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
To kim flint RE:Repeater update 10:
Subject: To kim flint RE:Repeater update 24:
do? From the alpha manual the repeater seems to be able to do loop copy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200012/msg00091:please send me a 'repeater' link for product information ...
please send me a 'repeater' link for product information ... 10:
Subject: please send me a 'repeater' link for product information ...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater hype evaporates 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater hype evaporates 22:
>I use to see so much stuff regarding the new Repeater and lately
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Let us know how the Repeater sits with you. I may have to get one of them 28:
> Looking forward to more "just for fun" experiences with the Repeater
Re: Repeater update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater update 21:
>Repeater in hand, I've yet to hear of any of them hitting the streets.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Should I just shut up and buy a EDP or Repeater?
RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: RE:Repeater update... 20:
The update on Repeater would be as Leonardo said. We are aiming to Ship
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Should I just shut up and buy a EDP or Repeater?
RE: Repeater function question 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater function question
RE: Repeater update 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater update 23:
you see between the two products - EDP and Repeater. What will be the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200012/msg00100:Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update...
Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update... 10:
Subject: Re: To kim flint RE:Repeater update... 19:
>>Repeater: Loop Copy sounds like it doubles the loop... and they don't
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
had been organized for the Electrix Repeater. I'd like to participate. 23:
Repeater is now scheduled for release in March.
200101/msg01003:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 21:
> to that the ability for Repeater to work as master clock, and
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater 10:
Subject: repeater 21:
does anybody already bought one of the new Elecrtix Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 24:
>organizing for a group purchase of the Electrix - Repeater. If anyone may
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted! 29:
Damon and playing with the Repeater. It was very cool...Damon asked
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01005:Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 31:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Does anyone have the dirt on the Electrix Repeater Loop/Phrase Sampler? I
Subject: Re: R: FORGET REPEATER!!!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Subject: Re: repeater... 35:
> >panels to tweak my sounds and the same might be true of the Repeater
Isn't the lack of "insert" on the Repeater easily overcome by the fact that
>repeater, headrush, etc... They are simply different machines that perform
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00606:crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater
crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 10:
Subject: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 22:
complex as an EDP/Boomerang/Repeater which is only now in alpha/beta could
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01040:Digitech FS-300 footswitch for Repeater
Digitech FS-300 footswitch for Repeater 10:
Subject: Digitech FS-300 footswitch for Repeater 20:
mentioned on page 8 of the Repeater manual (Digitech FS-300) is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00726:Re: new "radiaL" from Cycling '74
> cards, would it not be possible to produce a Repeater/EDP like emulation
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Repeater spotted! 19:
Saw and played with the infamous Repeater at NAMM- all I can say is hold on
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
mistakes, lies and Repeater 10:
Subject: mistakes, lies and Repeater 32:
can make donations to a Repeater Developers Late Night Jolt and Pizza Fund.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Subject: R: FORGET REPEATER!!! 21:
list....Electrix is advertising Repeater on most magazines since many
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00986:Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Subject: Re: FORGET REPEATER!!! 30:
we all have, but the fact remains that the repeater is the answer to a lot
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01038:Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 21:
>> There _is_ a display on Repeater which shows Measure, Beat and Clock.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01126:Re: OT: Integrity of Performance and the Sample
>Repeater's release, this is my justification: a four-track loop sampler
200101/msg00638:Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater
Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 10:
Subject: Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 22:
>>for them to compete w/ Repeater will be to sell EDPs at about half what
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 25:
The one thing that seems a bit weak in the Repeater feature set is the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00461:Re: Critiquing the critics (was: Re: Responding to "gig spam")
Re: Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Does anyone have the dirt on the Electrix Repeater Loop/Phrase Sampler? I
R: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: R: Repeater spotted! 24:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00797:Re: Any More Info on New BOSS Looping pedal
>I'm getting one for sure. OK , I'd like a Repeater too, but it costs
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 24:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Video 10:
Subject: Repeater Video 19:
I just watched the Repeater video............ This thing is so worth the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 19:
Have they released an actual price on the Repeater??
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01011:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 27:
If I remember right, Repeater can handle tempo changes through MIDI a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: mistakes, lies and Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: mistakes, lies and Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Subject: Re: FORGET REPEATER!!! 29:
I think Repeater has it over the EDP in one way for sure: Damon has now
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
re: Repeater 10:
Subject: re: Repeater 23:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 30:
Subject: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: RE: RE: Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Repeater 28:
Repeater's case the units can be fully built before completing software
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the Repeater as well- <<
200101/msg01025:Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 19:
>> I get the impression from the manual that Repeater is only going to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Repeater NAMM Demo 20:
I posted a video of one of our NAMM Repeater demos to our web site. It's
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01121:Re: Integrity of Performance and the Sample
>Repeater's release, this is my justification: a four-track loop sampler
specs on the Repeater, it seems self-evident to me that this essentially slaps
Subject: Re: R: FORGET REPEATER!!! 29:
Subject: Re: R: FORGET REPEATER!!!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00577:Loopers with Midi clock capabilities
I am aware of the EDP and the upcoming Repeater.
200101/msg00253:Re: SsTtEeRrEeOo EDP SsYyNnCc issues......
The Repeater was announced just after I purchased the EDP's and I thought, 44:
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00994:Re: How to place Looper in audio path?
>looper (whether its an EDP, Jamman, or Repeater). Should the signal
RE: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater spotted! 30:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01004:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 22:
>> to that the ability for Repeater to work as master clock, and
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00636:Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater
Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 10:
Subject: Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 21:
>for them to compete w/ Repeater will be to sell EDPs at about half what
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>current POD vs. Johnson argument is as bad than the EDP vs. Repeater.
200101/msg00607:Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater
Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 10:
Subject: Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Isn't the lack of "insert" on the Repeater easily overcome by the fact that
200101/msg01015:Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 19:
> If I remember right, Repeater can handle tempo changes through MIDI a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
if the Repeater does what it promises...
repeater... 10:
Subject: repeater... 19:
FYI: I have had a few very detailed talks with Elextrix about the Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00717:RE: new "radiaL" from Cycling '74
> cards, would it not be possible to produce a Repeater/EDP like emulation
200101/msg00985:Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 22:
>Would it be too rude to ask what the Repeater is going to be used for
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 21:
> Subject: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater? 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater? 22:
Here is the scoop on Repeater. We resolved our power supply issues with
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00970:Re: How to place Looper in audio path?
>looper (whether its an EDP, Jamman, or Repeater). Should the signal
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 31:
Subject: Re: repeater...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the instrument around the stereo field. when Repeater arrives, or with a
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted! 29:
> Saw and played with the infamous Repeater at NAMM- all I can say is hold
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Subject: RE: FORGET REPEATER!!! 34:
> live looper recently, the repeater has been looking good to me as a unit
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 20:
so where would one find some info on this repeater. sounds interesting.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01088:OT: Integrity of Performance and the Sample
Repeater's release, this is my justification: a four-track loop sampler
Echoplex vs. Electrix Repeater 10:
Subject: Echoplex vs. Electrix Repeater 44:
Repeater? It looks like it has some incredible features. But again,
200101/msg01030:Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 29:
feeling it would be stupid to dump the EDP for the Repeater... they'll
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> > Subject: Re: repeater... 46:
> > >panels to tweak my sounds and the same might be true of the Repeater
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 34:
> Subject: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 20:
>panels to tweak my sounds and the same might be true of the Repeater as
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater, headrush, etc... They are simply different machines that perform
Re: repeater..., January 18, 2001 44:
Re: FORGET REPEATER!!!, January 19, 2001 45:
Re: Repeater spotted!, January 19, 2001 106:
Re: Repeater spotted!, January 19, 2001
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00979:RE: How to place Looper in audio path?
> > >looper (whether its an EDP, Jamman, or Repeater). Should the signal
How the Repeater compares to those two for multiple loop functions is 25:
something that will have to be seen after the Repeater is out and people 43:
Isn't the lack of "insert" on the Repeater easily overcome by the fact
see the Electrix Repeater and get my greasy little fingers on the
200101/msg01017:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 27:
> Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater, EDP, Jamman 10:
Subject: Repeater, EDP, Jamman 25:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00995:Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 29:
Damon or Jamie will have to... I don't have a Repeater. :)
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Jeesh, Reapeter this, Repeater that, whine, whine, whine. Can we please
200101/msg00272:Re: no-frills loopers? Boomerang competition?
AND functionality with JamMan, EDP and Repeater (given that all of these
200101/msg00675:native instruments spektral delay
repeater, radial, or boss, but Native Instruments Spektral Delay:
Re: Repeater/EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater/EDP 19:
Wow- glad to see a foot controller is in the works for the Repeater- looks
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01077:Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00967:How to place Looper in audio path?
looper (whether its an EDP, Jamman, or Repeater). Should the signal
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00951:Best location in signal chain for Looping?
looper (whether its an EDP, Jamman, or Repeater). Should the signal
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RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 29:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo
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suggests the soon-to-be-released (?) Electrix Repeater. The best time to add 33:
repeater (which offers four ins and four outs), I'd suggest (using three 35:
bus to the repeater (ins 1&2), the repeater outs 3&4 used with a 39:
connect four microphones (mixer channels 1-4), the repeater (stereo channel
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00605:Re: Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted!
Re: Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted! 83:
> > They had a demo setup with a guitar into POD into the Repeater. I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Subject: Re: FORGET REPEATER!!! 27:
live looper recently, the repeater has been looking good to me as a unit
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01033:Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 32:
There _is_ a display on Repeater which shows Measure, Beat and Clock. You
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 36:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00716:Re: new "radiaL" from Cycling '74
cards, would it not be possible to produce a Repeater/EDP like emulation in
200101/msg01035:Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 30:
> There _is_ a display on Repeater which shows Measure, Beat and Clock.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 22:
doing isn't amazing but given the source material the repeater does seem to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00974:RE: How to place Looper in audio path?
> >looper (whether its an EDP, Jamman, or Repeater). Should the signal
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 22:
>so where would one find some info on this repeater. sounds interesting.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01018:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 28:
> If I remember right, Repeater can handle tempo changes through MIDI a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01010:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: repeater... 10:
Subject: RE: repeater... 27:
> > >Tell him that you want in on the Repeater group purchase from
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 22:
organizing for a group purchase of the Electrix - Repeater. If anyone may
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00656:Re: crystal balls and looper fixes
a Digitech RDS 7.6. I'll have a Repeater also if they 44:
> And the Repeater was going to be it. In Nov, I mean 48:
> They should, and when the Repeater does 59:
> EDP taking a price nosedive once Repeater hits the
the foot controller. I'm waiting for the Repeater, myself, but I
200101/msg00847:RE: Sync (was Re: Any More Info on New BOSS Looping pedal)
What's anyone kmow about the Electrix Repeater?
200101/msg00633:Re: Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted!
Re: Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 33:
panels to tweak my sounds and the same might be true of the Repeater as
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
I know my Line 6 doesn´t do that, does the Jamman? Or the Repeater, or the
200101/msg00603:Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted!
Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Future Repeater Users Manifesto (was Re: Repeater spotted! 75:
> They had a demo setup with a guitar into POD into the Repeater. I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01013:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater shows up of course I'll want it to be placed in a stable case as
Repeater? 10:
Subject: Repeater? 22:
Remember that Repeater doo-hicky? Well, my calculations tell me that
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00660:Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater
Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 10:
Subject: Re: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater 23:
>>>for them to compete w/ Repeater will be to sell EDPs at about half what
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Demo sound 10:
Subject: Repeater Demo sound 23:
Repeater demo video, or you might miss out on the audio track.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
And the Repeater was going to be it. In Nov, I mean in Jan, I mean in ... 36:
Repeater does 47:
EDP taking a price nosedive once Repeater hits the streets. So, do I 70:
> Subject: crystal balls, software development, product reps & repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 28:
Subject: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
After reading the specs on the Repeater, it seems self-evident to me that
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted! 36:
does Repeater compare to the Echoplex." I can't pretend to offer a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00595:Repeater in March??? (was Group buy of Electrix Reapeater?)
Repeater in March??? (was Group buy of Electrix Reapeater?) 10:
Subject: Repeater in March??? (was Group buy of Electrix Reapeater?) 26:
> Repeater is now scheduled for release in March.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted! 45:
They had a demo setup with a guitar into POD into the Repeater. I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> After reading the specs on the Repeater, it seems self-evident to me that
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 19:
Would it be too rude to ask what the Repeater is going to be used for
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater spotted! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater spotted! 21:
> Saw and played with the infamous Repeater at NAMM- all I can say is hold
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg01026:Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP
Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater feature set ... and EDP 29:
> >> I get the impression from the manual that Repeater is only going to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
That pesky repeater! 10:
Subject: That pesky repeater!
200101/msg00991:Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: Re: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 19:
Can someone repost this original review of the Repeater Demo...I must have
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo 41:
Subject: Re: Repeater NAMM Demo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo's 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo's 20:
night on some drum related Repeater demo's. Jamie has posted them on our
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200101/msg00789:Re: Any More Info on New BOSS Looping pedal
Repeater too, but it costs three times at much.
repeater 10:
Subject: repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the new Repeater by Electrix loops in stereo. It has four outputs, two of which can be used as a stereo effect loop.
RE: repeater... 10:
Subject: RE: repeater... 25:
> Subject: Re: repeater...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
of thinking why not wait for a Repeater? cuz we all know that it the
Subject: REPEATER 23:
Is it possible to get a repeater through the group?
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Repeater Delay 10:
Subject: Repeater Delay 26:
intelligent members of this list have had to the Repeater's delay.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>repeater shows up of course I'll want it to be placed in a stable case as
200101/msg01008:RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo)
RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 10:
Subject: RE: Using Repeater (was RE: Repeater NAMM Demo) 27:
> >How is the tempo for the Repeater set? Is it a tap tempo
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
current POD vs. Johnson argument is as bad than the EDP vs. Repeater.
Re: repeater... 10:
Subject: Re: repeater... 21:
> >Tell him that you want in on the Repeater group purchase from the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater NAMM Demo 21:
> Would it be too rude to ask what the Repeater is going to be used for
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
one linked to Electrix's Repeater page on their web site.....
Time to invest in that Repeater you've had your eye on . . .
will the Repeater (when it's finally available, ETA yet to be
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 47:
the edp, repeater and the dl4.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00109:Re: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater
Re: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory 20:
>Imagine what a Repeater 5 might be like!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 24:
Repeater which brings the prices to the same level again.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00750:Re: In/Out, Labeling, Media Intelligencia, and other things...
> When's the Repeater coming out? Is the Echoplex upgrade happening?
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00632:Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Re: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
My Repeater is on order, and I'll make do with other toys until its 32:
> Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 38:
> ships. For a complex device like the Repeater, it's almost a given
RE: Repeater Demo's 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo's 31:
Repeater has 4 mono tracks (also configurable as two stereo tracks), each
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 27:
> >Repeater which brings the prices to the same level again.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00869:repeater loop multiply limitation?
repeater loop multiply limitation? 10:
Subject: repeater loop multiply limitation? 20:
>Version 1.0 of the Repeater beta manual is up on our site now.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00180:Re: CMC with Repeater and break music
Re: CMC with Repeater and break music 10:
Subject: Re: CMC with Repeater and break music 25:
It's a good idea, but Repeater doesn't know about MP3 files... It stores
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
and the near-release of the Repeater, I'm kind of thinking the old prices
RE: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and EDP 20:
Digitech's web site for $49.95! (according to the Repeater beta manual)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00771:Re: that AABA thing; inherent probs in looping
memory in the EDP and the Repeater is intriguing). But rather I would like
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 24:
Subject: Boomerang vs. Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00882:RE: repeater loop multiply limitation?
RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 10:
Subject: RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 28:
>early Repeater will finish the cycle for you. Once the multiply is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater 10:
Subject: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00013:Cheating (was: Turn All That S**t Off)
I think that with the Repeater being able to store samples on the CRCs,
200102/msg00619:experience with group buys and repeater
experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: experience with group buys and repeater 20:
I called Alto music about the Repeater group buy. Since we would be buying
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the EDP or Repeater will do a lot will 'rang I suppose) but for
200102/msg00631:RE: experience with group buys and repeater
RE: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: RE: experience with group buys and repeater 21:
when the Repeater was finally in. I would sure like to know there group
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 21:
really GC) and there is the Repeater big as fact taking up a half
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00088:RE: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater
RE: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 34:
> EDP Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 20:
For a complex device like the Repeater, it's almost a given that there
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
switches flawlessly.....even if you get the repeater keep the rang.....the
Repeater.. ballpark figure? 10:
Subject: Repeater.. ballpark figure? 22:
to really get the most out of the Repeater as far as cards (and reader
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater 27:
>>> As far as I can tell, Repeater looks Amazing.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 26:
should be possible on repeater, methinks, but:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00237:Re: simultaneous, multiple-length loops
> then they both start together? If so, then the Repeater will do
200102/msg00245:Re: simultaneous, multiple-length loops
Considering the relatively reasonable list price on Repeater vs. it's
RE: Repeater concepts 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater concepts 20:
Version 1.0 of the Repeater beta manual is up on our site now. Just go to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00637:Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Re: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: Re: experience with group buys and repeater
200102/msg00625:Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Re: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 20:
years. i don't know much about the repeater yet.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00060:RE: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos)
RE: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos) 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos) 20:
with Repeater and you´re recording a loop larger than
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 32:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater concepts 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater concepts 30:
Arguably, that criteria makes the EDP and Repeater musical instruments.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00512:Re: Gear suggestions - re: Lexicon Vortex
> Headrush, DL4, AX1000G and hopefully soon a repeater for synths, bass,
200102/msg00133:Re: Cheating (was: Turn All That S**t Off)
>control of the sound design. (with the Repeater's 46:
Ok, sorry, of course its brilliant that the Repeater can also take
(check the continuing thread here about the soon-to-be Repeater), but they
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 21:
>Electrix Repeater. The Repeater sounds like
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00251:Fwd: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those)
Fwd: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those) 10:
Subject: Fwd: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those) 33:
>>With the Repeater's feature to be able to slow/speed up your loop
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 22:
Repeater was due out over a month ago, but has been delayed. Electrix
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Electrix Repeater group buy 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix Repeater group buy 21:
>I am planning to get the Repeater, and am interested in a group
200102/msg00748:Re: In/Out, Labeling, Media Intelligencia, and other things...
When's the Repeater coming out? Is the Echoplex upgrade happening?
Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 10:
Subject: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
R: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: R: Repeater and EDP 23:
Repeater is not out yet, so comparisons are no possible now but the local
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 29:
Repeater, the answer is "yes, you can drop into overdub mode with just a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
although with the advent of the Repeater I won't use it for looping that
PS: Whens the repeater coming out? ... DOH!! Sorry!
** yeah - - and i'm probably just as interested in his pedal as i am in the repeater or boss thingie . . .
200102/msg00253:Re: simultaneous, multiple-length loops
price for the Repeater can do.
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 45:
02/08/01 Subject: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Boomerang vs. Repeater 20:
or the Electrix Repeater. The Repeater sounds like
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Of course there is--buy a Repeater
Of course there is--buy a Repeater
200102/msg00855:Re: Looper Construction Kit (was Re: 1U PC for Kyma)
Depending on the feature set of the Repeater, I'd like to build a similar 76:
"Repeater Assistant" that would let you easily integrate Kyma, EDPs, and
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 29:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00084:Re: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater
Re: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 22:
EDP Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater question 10:
Subject: repeater question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 29:
>something). So, for Repeater, the answer is "yes, you can drop into
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater availability 10:
Subject: Repeater availability 24:
has heard if the Repeater will be available within 30 days or
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 19:
It's an easy choice now as the Repeater isn't available.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00437:Gear suggestions - re: Lexicon Vortex
Headrush, DL4, AX1000G and hopefully soon a repeater for synths, bass,
200102/msg00624:Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Re: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: Re: experience with group buys and repeater 45:
> I called Alto music about the Repeater group buy. Since we would be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater can be operated from either a typical 3-button pedal for the
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 31:
>>So, for Repeater, the answer is "yes, you can drop into overdub mode
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00889:Electrix interfaces (was: Boomerang vs. Repeater)
Electrix interfaces (was: Boomerang vs. Repeater) 10:
Subject: Electrix interfaces (was: Boomerang vs. Repeater)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: repeater 10:
Subject: RE: repeater 25:
| Subject: RE: repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00055:RE: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos)
RE: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos) 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory 25:
So if I just bought my Repeater, and have not recorded anything into it,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo's 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo's
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re:Re:Re:Repeater 10:
Subject: Re:Re:Re:Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00931:RE: repeater loop multiply limitation?
RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 10:
Subject: RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 28:
>early Repeater will finish the cycle for you. Once the multiply is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00095:RE: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater
RE: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Comparisons of EDP to Repeater 22:
Repeater looks great... Does stuff slightly differently than the EDP,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> the EDP or Repeater will do a lot will 'rang I suppose) but
200102/msg00900:RE: repeater loop multiply limitation?
RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 10:
Subject: RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 27:
early Repeater will finish the cycle for you. Once the multiply is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00126:Re: How to place Looper in audio path?
>looper (whether its an EDP, Jamman, or Repeater). Should the signal
Repeater concepts 10:
Subject: Repeater concepts 22:
concepts/ideas/improvements with regard to Repeater. Perhaps you could
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>one linked to Electrix's Repeater page on their web site..... 46:
Repeater can stream straight off of the Compact Flash Card. There is no 56:
Repeater will work with/from most any TRS (Tip Ring Sleeve) 3 button
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00629:Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Re: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: Re: experience with group buys and repeater 21:
>I called Alto music about the Repeater group buy. Since we would be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00880:RE: repeater loop multiply limitation?
RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 10:
Subject: RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 26:
early Repeater will finish the cycle for you. Once the multiply is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater section, it certainly does mention about the
200102/msg00038:Re: Cheating (was: Turn All That S**t Off)
control of the sound design. (with the Repeater's
JamMan, EDP, Repeater, the new Boss unit, DL4, Headrush, Boomerrang, and 88:
BTW: yes...I would love to get a Repeater, an EDP, a 'rang, and an 8bit,
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
in a looper (Repeater will do that when its out)
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater, February 26, 2001 28:
RE: Repeater Demo's, February 01, 2001 48:
Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos), February 01, 2001 49:
RE: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos), February 02, 2001
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Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 21:
> >And that's exactly why we will not ship Repeater until everything is
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RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory
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RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory 39:
>Repeater can stream straight off of the Compact Flash Card. There is
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200102/msg00017:Re: Cheating (was: Turn All That S**t Off)
>I think that with the Repeater being able to store samples on the CRCs, 25:
I will interject and say that this was not my intention with the Repeater,
200102/msg00635:Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Re: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
I'm looking forward to get the Repeater and maybe the midipedal you suggest
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 21:
>Does anyone actually HAVE both a repeater and an EDP? Or does nobody
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00769:OT: Laptop Soundcards Query for loopbased music
back to the states to start really lusting after the enigmatic repeater or
200102/msg00749:Re: In/Out, Labeling, Media Intelligencia, and other things...
> When's the Repeater coming out? Is the Echoplex
And am still also curious about this Repeater thing.......and wanting to
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory 21:
>Repeater records and reads in real time straight to and from the CFC card.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> in a looper (Repeater will do that when its out)
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 26:
>Repeater which brings the prices to the same level again.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 20:
really GC) and there is the Repeater big as fact taking up a half
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00019:Re: Cheating (was: Turn All That S**t Off)
>I think that with the Repeater being able to store samples on the CRCs,
>JamMan, EDP, or Repeater it does have some very cool features in a
Re: Repeater concepts 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater concepts
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 24:
>Repeater was due out over a month ago, but has been delayed. Electrix
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repeater 10:
Subject: repeater 22:
Wondering if there is new info on the Repeater since NAMM. Can't find any
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 32:
>>>So, for Repeater, the answer is "yes, you can drop into overdub mode
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00242:Re: repeater question/Record-Overdub?
Re: repeater question/Record-Overdub? 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question/Record-Overdub? 19:
I asked Electrix about this early on and was told yes, Repeater will allow
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 26:
> Musicians Friend lists the Repeater for $599 in the last catalog. The
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Boomerang vs. Repeater 36:
> guaranteed sales of the Repeater! It's a small price
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater concepts 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater concepts 26:
>the Repeater. Doing so would allow a user using say the simple Boss FC-50
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: repeater 10:
Subject: RE: repeater 20:
Repeater is coming soon. The software has come a long way since Winter NAMM
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater 21:
>> As far as I can tell, Repeater looks Amazing.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater concepts 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater concepts 33:
> Subject: Re: Repeater concepts
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00399:RE: simultaneous, multiple-length loops
the other idea I had was to use the repeater's slip function to fake it.
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 24:
And that's exactly why we will not ship Repeater until everything is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the features of JamMan, EDP, or Repeater it does have some very cool
Re: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater memory 25:
> Repeater will give you 190 seconds of "track" record time. so you could
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 25:
> the Repeater, it's almost a given that there WILL be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00210:Re: simultaneous, multiple-length loops
then they both start together? If so, then the Repeater will do
section up yer sleeve on the Repeater Smart Media card is gonna be tough to
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater 24:
> Wondering if there is new info on the Repeater since NAMM. Can't find any
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00881:RE: repeater loop multiply limitation?
RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 10:
Subject: RE: repeater loop multiply limitation? 28:
>early Repeater will finish the cycle for you. Once the multiply is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00058:Re: Cheating (was: Turn All That S**t Off)
>I think that with the Repeater being able to store samples on the CRCs,
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 28:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> one linked to Electrix's Repeater page on their web site..... 39:
start looping with the Repeater, it's gonna be a whole new ballgame.
200102/msg00623:Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Re: experience with group buys and repeater 10:
Subject: Re: experience with group buys and repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00254:RE: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those)
RE: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those) 10:
Subject: RE: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those) 32:
> Subject: Fwd: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00802:Re: In/Out, Labeling, Media Intelligencia, and other things...
That said, I am planning to get the Repeater, and am interested in
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory 21:
>>Imagine what a Repeater 5 might be like!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 26:
>And that's exactly why we will not ship Repeater until everything is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 29:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00005:Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos)
Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos) 10:
Subject: Repeater memory (& Suggestions for more demos) 19:
The repeater manual says that Repeater has 8Mb of
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater concepts 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater concepts
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
R: Repeater controller 10:
Subject: R: Repeater controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200102/msg00166:CMC with Repeater and break music
CMC with Repeater and break music 10:
Subject: CMC with Repeater and break music
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo's 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo's
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Repeater and EDP 19:
Does anyone actually HAVE both a repeater and an EDP? Or does nobody
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
else to do until your Repeater or EDP arrives.
200102/msg00207:simultaneous, multiple-length loops
Repeater or, should I be lucky enough to find one, an EDP. However
Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Boomerang vs. Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP 19:
Musicians Friend lists the Repeater for $599 in the last catalog. The EDP
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater memory 26:
NO this does not mean Repeater can play loops of different lengths at the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo's 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo's 31:
changes on Repeater are global across tracks, pitch changes can happen per
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo's 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo's
Re: Repeater memory 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater memory 23:
Repeater will give you 190 seconds of "track" record time. so you could
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
(no rush on the Repeater!)
200102/msg00255:RE: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those)
RE: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those) 10:
Subject: RE: RE: Repeater Question (as if you don't get enough of those) 28:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Boomerang vs. Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Boomerang vs. Repeater 27:
guaranteed sales of the Repeater! It's a small price to pay for a certain
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater 22:
Don't worry, Repeater will be shipping way before Christmas 2001...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater and EDP 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and EDP 22:
bringing a lower street price for the Repeater. Or maybe since the EDP
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> > one linked to Electrix's Repeater page on their web site.....
200103/msg00054:Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
> look at getting a Repeater (whenever they become available) rather than a
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Uses Note On
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater MIDI Limitations 10:
Subject: Repeater MIDI Limitations 21:
of the latest hardware. And so I finally RTFM (Repeater Beta), and
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00324:Re: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On)
Re: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On) 10:
Subject: Re: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Uses Note On
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 10:
Subject: Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 24:
talking about the Repeater until it ships.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Uses Note On 20:
> >The Repeater uses note on to shift pitches--good for something, but????
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Repeater Uses Note On 20:
The Repeater uses note on to shift pitches--good for something, but????
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00049:Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
look at getting a Repeater (whenever they become available) rather than a 36:
music now. With the Repeater you can only think about making music!
Echoplex/Boomerang/Repeater... 10:
Subject: Echoplex/Boomerang/Repeater... 25:
mainly at the Echoplex and Boomerang+ until I heard about the Repeater. To
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater grouse 10:
Subject: Repeater grouse 22:
Amen on that! The Repeater will get her when it gets here.
>the repeater group buy!
(or thereabouts) for the Repeater. That ought to make
Re: Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Uses Note On
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00328:RE: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On)
RE: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On) 10:
Subject: RE: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On) 32:
> Subject: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 43:
> > >I've lost my last bit of optimism. The Repeater, at it's projected
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 35:
>progress of Repeater. It will be posted on the site later today, but I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Delay 10:
Subject: Repeater Delay 20:
big sell off of EDPs, DL-4s etc WHEN (not if) the Repeater finally ships.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Thanks for all the great input. I've just read up on the Repeater 49:
> > Of course there is--buy a Repeater
>list? I signed up for the Repeater group buy without having to put any
Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 10:
Subject: Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 24:
> I am sick of hearing about Repeater, this is a board for and about
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00122:Re: Digitech 2120 and looping (Belewps)
enough for this looper. Where the hell is that Repeater?
Re: Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Uses Note On
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Vaporware???? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Vaporware???? 25:
until the Repeater comes out (it's the only one).
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Endless Repeater Updates... 10:
Subject: Endless Repeater Updates... 20:
about Repeater. I'm tired of hearing Electrix make delivery promises about
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00010:fdbk control/dt goes astray, again.....
impending Repeater, it's still in its infancy, w/most looping-instruments
200103/msg00492:Re: new moog machine (was) Repeater Update
Re: new moog machine (was) Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: new moog machine (was) Repeater Update
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater beta ships! 10:
Subject: Repeater beta ships! 21:
I just read that the Repeater beta models have shipped. I'm not sure but
Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 10:
Subject: Re: Endless Repeater Updates...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 10:
Subject: Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 20:
I am sick of hearing about Repeater, this is a board for and about loopers
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater (oops sorry!)
Re: Repeater Delay 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Delay 20:
it in the market, the repeater looks like a good product and to those of
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 21:
>I've lost my last bit of optimism. The Repeater, at it's projected price,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
you have 4 loops (like the Repeater), each loop is "only " 45 seconds long, or
200103/msg00322:MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On)
MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On) 10:
Subject: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On) 26:
Might be a bit convoluted to make it all happen. Repeater has an extensive
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 19:
Mark, I had a personal demo of the REPEATER at the Frankfurt
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00494:Re: new moog machine (was) Repeater Update
Re: new moog machine (was) Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: new moog machine (was) Repeater Update
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> list for the Repeater.
200103/msg00067:Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
either an EDP or Repeater in Belgium ;^) )
>impending Repeater, it's still in its infancy, w/most looping-instruments
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00082:Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
>whether the route to stereo is get another EDP or to wait for a Repeater 42:
possible with a single echoplex or a single repeater. 73:
>>music now. With the Repeater you can only think about making music!
Repeater beta ships!, March 07, 2001 83:
RE: Echoplex/Boomerang/Repeater..., March 27, 2001 141:
Re: Endless Repeater Updates..., March 20, 2001 212:
Re: Endless Repeater Updates..., March 20, 2001
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00477:Re: Repeater Update - Get over it!
Re: Repeater Update - Get over it! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update - Get over it! 19:
Like some on this list I saw a demo of Repeater at NAMM, and despite
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
course there will be the obligitory repeater enthusiasm, but let's say I don't 23:
have a repeater, and I do have an EDP, and I am looking to find a reliable
200103/msg00119:Armatron Sound Laboratory Spring Cleaning Sale
buttons. Create massive feedback loops. Be prepared for Repeater. 6
> repeater. It's coming; it's not coming. I'm waiting; I'm not
Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Repeater Update 22:
progress of Repeater. It will be posted on the site later today, but I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
(Answer: a repeater!)
I signed up for the Repeater group buy without having to put any money
40:'s not as if anyone is losing money on repeater being slower
200103/msg00053:Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
whether the route to stereo is get another EDP or to wait for a Repeater 41:
>music now. With the Repeater you can only think about making music!
Re: Repeater MIDI Implementation 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater MIDI Implementation 24:
capabilities seems to be the best choice for Repeater. (I have to dig for
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Delay 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Delay 25:
>Subject: Repeater Delay
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00403:Re: fretless, gratitude- recommended loop box?
repeater......:).....there are a lot of choices and they all do different
200103/msg00480:RE: Repeater Update - Get over it!
RE: Repeater Update - Get over it! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Update - Get over it! 33:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update - Get over it!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater. It's coming; it's not coming. I'm waiting; I'm not
the repeater group buy!
200103/msg00685:RE: Echoplex/Boomerang/Repeater...
RE: Echoplex/Boomerang/Repeater... 10:
Subject: RE: Echoplex/Boomerang/Repeater... 23:
The Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 20:
Mark, I had a personal demo of the REPEATER at the Frankfurt
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00332:RE: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On)
RE: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On) 10:
Subject: RE: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses Note On) 18:
Title: RE: MIDI Solutions Remapping (was: Repeater Uses
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Sell your EDP and buy a Repeater.
it seems like the best way for people to deal with their lack of interest in the repeater is to hit the delete key when they see "repeater" in the subject header. i do whenever i see stuff about edp foot pedals, etc., that i know of is no use or interest to me.
list for the Repeater.
200103/msg00046:Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
look at getting a Repeater (whenever they become available) rather than a
Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 10:
Subject: Re: Endless Repeater Updates...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200103/msg00058:Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
hahaha...oh well, Ford vs. Chevy, EDP vs. Repeater, Bush vs. Gore,
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 10:
Subject: Re: Endless Repeater Updates... 33:
If the Repeater is delayed to ensure that I get a a cadillac at sub-compact
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 19:
I've lost my last bit of optimism. The Repeater, at it's projected price,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
REPEATER at MusikMesse 10:
Subject: REPEATER at MusikMesse 19:
Just got a personal demo of REPEATER at Frankfurt musikmesse...people
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 28:
> >I've lost my last bit of optimism. The Repeater, at it's projected
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Uses Note On
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 19:
Saddened by the delay, but in my opinion: the REPEATER
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Update 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Update 28:
> >I've lost my last bit of optimism. The Repeater, at it's projected
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Uses Note On 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Uses Note On 23:
>The Repeater uses note on to shift pitches--good for something, but????
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater 58:
> >>Subject: Re: Electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200104/msg00258:Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question
Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200104/msg00065:OT: My set-up (was: 'Rang? EDP? 01V?)
Electrix Repeater Beta
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater 27:
so, Damon? Jamie? Have you had a chance to use the Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Wait for Repeater....the personal demo I had in Frankfurt was
200104/msg00328:Re: Anyone interested in a jam man?
Repeater finally (!) gets released, it will drive down the asking price of
200104/msg00429:Re: mega-ultra cassette player - does such a thing exist?
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200104/msg00236:Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question
Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question 19:
well i roadie for a band that uses all <electrix> stuff(except repeater,yet
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Dsp4000, H3000D/SX, Lexicon Pcm80 and Jamman...and hopefully Repeater if
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater 44:
>>Subject: Re: Electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> the party, Repeater.
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200104/msg00035:Re: Electrix repeater - Please Not Again!
Re: Electrix repeater - Please Not Again! 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater - Please Not Again! 28:
>so, Damon? Jamie? Have you had a chance to use the Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> >All I can say is what I know about Repeater, since I had a demo of it!!!
200104/msg00378:Re: Anyone interested in a jam man?
> > >Repeater finally (!) gets released, it will drive
> All I can say is what I know about Repeater, since I had a demo of it!!! 83:
> > > > Wait for Repeater....the personal demo I had in Frankfurt was 132:
It is not exactly the same market like Repeater which seems to be more
200104/msg00515:Unofficial voluntary loopfest sponsoring
10. you don't have a repeater yet
> > Wait for Repeater....the personal demo I had in Frankfurt was
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater 57:
>>Subject: Re: Electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater 44:
>Subject: Re: Electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200104/msg00034:Re: Boomerang, what do you guys think ????
> So I already own a 32sec. Jamman, a Line 6 DL4. and I have a "Repeater"
Re: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix repeater 23:
> Anybody had a chance to use the new Electrix Repeater? ...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Electrix repeater 29:
| Subject: Electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Electrix (NOT Repeater) question 10:
Subject: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Electrix repeater, April 03, 2001 237:
Re: Electrix repeater, April 03, 2001 420:
RE: Electrix repeater, April 03, 2001 438:
Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question, April 09, 2001
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Stop apologizing. At least you didn't ask about the Repeater.
other and sync up to MIDI. It won't supplant the Repeater, providing the 28:
Repeater works up to spec, because Repeaters are stereo and have similar
>All I can say is what I know about Repeater, since I had a demo of it!!!
Mark (Who must admit that he too is enthused by Repeater, and is anxiously 38:
>All I can say is what I know about Repeater, since I had a demo of it!!! 95:
>> > > Wait for Repeater....the personal demo I had in Frankfurt was
200104/msg00033:Boomerang, what do you guys think ????
So I already own a 32sec. Jamman, a Line 6 DL4. and I have a "Repeater" on
Wait for Repeater....the personal demo I had in Frankfurt was
200104/msg00376:Re: Anyone interested in a jam man?
> >Repeater finally (!) gets released, it will drive
>other and sync up to MIDI. It won't supplant the Repeater, providing 34:
>Repeater works up to spec, because Repeaters are stereo and have similar
Besides the repeater (not yet out), and oberheim (too pricey), what can I
> Besides the repeater (not yet out), and oberheim
200104/msg00163:Here's something you can't buy yet, to go with the Repeater you don't have yet!
Here's something you can't buy yet, to go with the Repeater you don't have yet! 10:
Subject: Here's something you can't buy yet, to go with the Repeater you don't have yet!
All I can say is what I know about Repeater, since I had a demo of it!!! 78:
> > > Wait for Repeater....the personal demo I had in Frankfurt was
200104/msg00370:Re: Anyone interested in a jam man?
>Repeater finally (!) gets released, it will drive down the asking price of
Electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Electrix repeater 23:
Anybody had a chance to use the new Electrix Repeater? I haven't toyed
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200104/msg00257:Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question
Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix (NOT Repeater) question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Hugo (back to lurking, and waiting for the EDP/Repeater in Belgium)
200104/msg00397:Re: Newbie needs help with his sampling scenario
also: soon coming: the electrix repeater.
hey, he's right to suggest repeater. 30:
> > Buy a Repeater
200105/msg00187:Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00474:Re: playing w/ dj's: a playlist is not a song
sure, turn that pitch/time stretch knob on your Repeater all ya's
RE: Repeater in Oz 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in Oz
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Repeater Demo in Marin! 21:
Just got back from the demo of Repeater in Marin today.
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200105/msg00270:Re: Boomerang----->alesis air-synth
>they had no idea what a "repeater" might be, go figure 23:
*especially* the repeater.
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 28:
>wanted to know what the Repeater is. I'm fairly new to the list but have
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 25:
>i *really* like repeater's 'sound' when slowing down/speeding up a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00184:Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00203:Re:Does the repeater really exist?
Re:Does the repeater really exist? 10:
Subject: Re:Does the repeater really exist? 21:
> >Seriously, is the Repeater finally for sale in the Northern Califronia
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
I would think the repeater would be prone to the exact same sort of 32:
> Get a Repeater instead.
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 19:
I missed the beginning of this thread. Is the Repeater a hardware or
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 21:
>Who makes the repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 26:
> >I missed the beginning of this thread. Is the Repeater a hardware or
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repeater 10:
Subject: repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 23:
Subject: Re: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00372:feedback loops (was RE: repeater)
feedback loops (was RE: repeater) 10:
Subject: feedback loops (was RE: repeater) 21:
just mentioning the repeater becomes a feedback loop
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 27:
> Who makes the repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00183:Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>Repeater or the Alesis airSynth -- but I'm not holding my breath for 25:
Think "June" for the Repeater.
Re: Repeater in San Rafael 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in San Rafael 27:
Subject: Repeater in San Rafael
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00189:Re:Does the repeater really exist?
Re:Does the repeater really exist? 10:
Subject: Re:Does the repeater really exist? 21:
>Seriously, is the Repeater finally for sale in the Northern Califronia
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 19:
ON Saturday, the 19th, Electrix will be demonstrating the Repeater at
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 25:
>Subject: Re: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
an EDP or a Repeater, primarily because of its price. Is it as easy an 34:
Repeater. TIA,
class=600395814-27052001>Get a Repeater instead.
Repeater in San Rafael 10:
Subject: Repeater in San Rafael 21:
As posted a few days ago - there will be a demo of Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater in San Rafael 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in San Rafael
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RE: Repeater in Oz 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in Oz
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 22:
Subject: Re: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
holding out for a Repeater), get the 'rang. I'm not sure which I'll see 50:
in my local music store first -- a Repeater or the Alesis airSynth -- but
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater 19:
Actually, know what's really gonna be funny? When the Repeater is released
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00511:What the Repeater makes me long for in my EDP
What the Repeater makes me long for in my EDP 10:
Subject: What the Repeater makes me long for in my EDP 19:
Overall, the Marin Repeater demo was one of the better product demos I've
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater 10:
Subject: Repeater 19:
Who makes the repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater 20:
> Actually, know what's really gonna be funny? When the Repeater is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 26:
wanted to know what the Repeater is. I'm fairly new to the list but have
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater 10:
Subject: Repeater 20:
to know that Repeater will very likely be shipping in June. The unit
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater 19:
>Actually, know what's really gonna be funny? When the Repeater is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 29:
Subject: Re: Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
"Buy a Repeater" 24:
Has anyone ever even seen a repeater?
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 21:
>It's kinda funny, I think we all assumed, because Repeater allows variable
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00490:Re: playing w/ dj's: a playlist is not a song
>sure, turn that pitch/time stretch knob on your Repeater all ya's
> > ps. i've seen a repeater. i liked it very much. 67:
> > >"Buy a Repeater" 70:
> > >Has anyone ever even seen a repeater?
and the Boomerang, not the repeater or EDP. It certainly isn't intended for 40:
>alternative to an EDP or a Repeater, primarily because of its price. Is 46:
>an affordable Echoplex, let alone a Repeater. TIA, Stephen. PS: If
RE: Repeater in Oz, May 08, 2001 216:
Re: Repeater, May 08, 2001 231:
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin!, May 22, 2001 255:
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!, May 20, 2001
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00205:Re: Does the repeater really exist?
Re: Does the repeater really exist? 10:
Subject: Re: Does the repeater really exist?
200105/msg00241:Re: Boomerang----->alesis air-synth
I'm not sure which I'll see in my local music store first -- a Repeater or 28:
they had no idea what a "repeater" might be, go figure.....m
Re: Repeater in San Rafael 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in San Rafael
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the tardiness of the Repeater appearance ;-)
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 25:
i *really* like repeater's 'sound' when slowing down/speeding up a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 23:
Repeater... I thought I had coined a funny phrase, albeit at your expense.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00188:Re:Does the repeater really exist?
Re:Does the repeater really exist? 10:
Subject: Re:Does the repeater really exist? 20:
Seriously, is the Repeater finally for sale in the Northern Califronia
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater in San Rafael 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in San Rafael 26:
> Subject: Repeater in San Rafael
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 24:
Looking forward to some massive looping fun w/ Repeater!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> ps. i've seen a repeater. i liked it very much. 55:
> >"Buy a Repeater" 58:
> >Has anyone ever even seen a repeater?
RE: repeater 10:
Subject: RE: repeater 18:
Title: RE: repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 21:
>I missed the beginning of this thread. Is the Repeater a hardware or
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 19:
In his review of the Repeater demo at Bananas-At-Large, Mark Landman
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00480:Re: playing w/ dj's: a playlist is not a song
>sure, turn that pitch/time stretch knob on your Repeater all ya's
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00064:Boss RC-20 user review on Harmony Central
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 30:
REQUEST. With the power that the Repeater packs, can this not be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater 25:
Who makes the repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
for a little self-reflection, please see the 'repeater' (or: boomerang /
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 19:
Yes, I was also there and saw all the wondrous things the Repeater does
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 19:
During the repeater demo, Don made a point of the fact that Electrix has a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 37:
>>me getting a Repeater...maybe more than one. The only reason i've
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00483:Re: playing w/ dj's: a playlist is not a song
>sure, turn that pitch/time stretch knob on your Repeater all ya's
200105/msg00185:Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on... 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on... 48:
> Subject: Re: Repeater and on... and on... and on...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> hey, he's right to suggest repeater. 40:
> > > Buy a Repeater
RE: Repeater in Oz 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in Oz 28:
Subject: RE: Repeater in Oz
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater 21:
>speaking of repeater, it's turned up in the catalog of the australian
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater 22:
speaking of repeater, it's turned up in the catalog of the australian
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater demo in Marin Co. CA. 10:
Subject: Repeater demo in Marin Co. CA. 21:
memory serves, I think it's on 4th St.) and there's going to be a Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00484:Re: playing w/ dj's: a playlist is not a song
sure, turn that pitch/time stretch knob on your Repeater all ya's
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 19:
It's kinda funny, I think we all assumed, because Repeater allows variable
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 19:
The Repeater is a forthcoming hardware looping device by
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200105/msg00640:Re: a couple of quickie questions...
Looks like the Repeater is true stereo, but racked...
A repeater is a gun from the wild west that would shoot multiple could he loop with that.......???? 22:
Buy a Repeater" 25:
>Has anyone ever even seen a repeater?
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 21:
>me getting a Repeater...maybe more than one. The only reason i've
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
ps. i've seen a repeater. i liked it very much. 42:
>"Buy a Repeater" 45:
>Has anyone ever even seen a repeater?
RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Demo in Marin! 20:
It seems like Don had a good time demoing Repeater on the weekend and it
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>for a little self-reflection, please see the 'repeater' (or: boomerang /
Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin! 25:
>Subject: Re: Repeater Demo in Marin!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 21:
>> >>Has anyone been studying the Repeater manual?(or would Damon like to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200106/msg00908:Re: electrix stuff and indulge me
well as the forthcoming (?) repeater, i know i may have many
200106/msg00909:OT: Electrix forum created on Delphi
> >tools as well as the forthcoming (?) repeater, i know i may have many
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 22:
>me it isn't in the same class as the echoplex or repeater(I think).
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> and bought a Repeater
200106/msg00128:Re: Electrix going out of business?
offerings) to focus on looping devices (i.e. Repeater), it would be a
200106/msg00103:Re: Newbie Guitarist :RC-20, Boomerang and Echoplex Digital Pro
andy's post)- and Repeater, when Electrix releases it. 35:
Repeater plusses: multitrack paradigm (2x stereo / 4 'tracks'), storage &
Repeater?EDP?Boss? 10:
Subject: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 25:
released Electrix Repeater, but since the Echoplex's are rare and the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200106/msg00521:Re: [GIG] NYON CH Claude Voit & Matthias Grob [Chill outGardenParty 2]
NOT perfect. Electrix Repeater. I'm guessing you live in Boulder and
Repeater 10:
Subject: Repeater
Re: repeater 10:
Subject: Re: repeater 21:
I ordered my repeater from musicians friend today. they were willing to do
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Electrix? Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix? Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
barefoot so I can buy a Repeater...the loops are top priority!
200106/msg00226:Re: Electrix Repeater website update
Re: Electrix Repeater website update 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix Repeater website update 18:
Title: Re: Electrix Repeater website
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Delay again? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Delay again?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200106/msg00239:Newbie multiple loop playing question....
the forthcoming Repeater. One thing that I really thought I heard in a
Re: Electrix? Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix? Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 20:
>Has anyone been studying the Repeater manual?(or would Damon like to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200106/msg00495:Re: [GIG] NYON CH Claude Voit & Matthias Grob [Chill outGardenParty 2]
> there will also be a very private Repeater test/ride for those from the
I want a Repeater but nobody last night had one and there was plenty of
>Frankly, I don't know why many people are so ga-ga over the Repeater 40:
gonna use a repeater, too. 49:
>True, there are things that may be easier done with the Repeater (e.g. 60:
EDP / Repeater:
>of Repeater. What can I say, we needed to turn the inventory into cash. 42:
>Repeater... Yes it's comming very soon...
electrix has decided to ship the repeater then,when it works acceptable for 92:
>>of Repeater. What can I say, we needed to turn the inventory into cash. 102:
>>Repeater... Yes it's comming very soon...
grin. Who knows... maybe they wait until the repeater is available in order to
And it will *still* be so after the Repeater becomes available. Which I'm
of Repeater. What can I say, we needed to turn the inventory into cash. Our 29:
Repeater... Yes it's comming very soon...
> My missus bought one of each for her rig (sans the Repeater) - that's
the Repeater)? 33:
>BTW, I notice they're taking orders for the Repeater, and quote a ship
I really hope that they have a success with the Repeater. They've been a
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss 22:
features of the Repeater that looks very appealing - the ability to dump
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Electrix? Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix? Repeater? 21:
i'm on the repeater order list. do you know what the price is going to be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
BTW, I notice they're taking orders for the Repeater, and quote a ship
Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 22:
> >>Has anyone been studying the Repeater manual?(or would Damon like to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Delay again? 10:
Subject: Repeater Delay again?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
development of the Repeater, something I did not know, but should have
Anybody used Electrix "Repeater". What are its capabilities or
200106/msg00139:Re: Electrix going out of business?
(ie: Repeater missing ship dates). 33:
untested Repeater if the company/support/sw updates are going to be 40:
>Electrix would delete the revenue stream, especially now that Repeater is 43:
>My guess would be manufacture of all the Repeater boxes and the attendant
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Eve 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Eve
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Electrix Repeater website update 10:
Subject: Electrix Repeater website update
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater?EDP? Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP? Boss? 18:
Title: Re: Repeater?EDP? Boss?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Eve 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Eve 31:
Subject: Repeater Eve
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 25:
>Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Called electrix today, asked when and if the repeater was shipping soon, I
Re: Repeater Eve 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Eve
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200106/msg00141:Re: Electrix going out of business?
>Repeater missing ship dates). 42:
>Repeater if the company/support/sw updates are going to be nonexistent. 45:
Repeater?" thread) but I see your point in hearing it straight from them.
Re: Repeater?EDP? Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP? Boss? 20:
>The thing I'm worried about with the Repeater is that
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
My missus bought one of each for her rig (sans the Repeater) - that's 45:
on looping boxes, i.e., Repeater. 47:
Repeater is still coming.
200106/msg00117:Re: Electrix going out of business?
offerings) to focus on looping devices (i.e. Repeater), it would be a serious
200106/msg00232:Re: Electrix Repeater website update
Re: Electrix Repeater website update 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix Repeater website update
Re: Electrix? Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix? Repeater? 18:
Hello all-This is Jon from Alto-The Repeater is coming!It should be shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200106/msg00494:Re: [GIG] NYON CH Claude Voit & Matthias Grob [Chill outGardenParty 2]
>there will also be a very private Repeater test/ride for those from the
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 25:
>Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Anybody used Electrix "Repeater". What are its capabilities or 50:
Not many here have used the "Repeater." (Ok, that's sort of an "inside 52:
Repeater. But the release is behind schedule leading to lots of discussion
200106/msg00156:Re: Electrix going out of business?
> Electrix would delete the revenue stream, especially now that Repeater is 36:
> My guess would be manufacture of all the Repeater boxes and the attendant 37:
> delay in Repeater's shipping (and thus bringing in $) may have 50:
> Repeater looks to be an absolute beauty, and I've got units on order. I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Quad Looping? 21:
>>Has anyone been studying the Repeater manual?(or would Damon like to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200106/msg00491:Re: [GIG] NYON CH Claude Voit & Matthias Grob [Chill outGardenParty 2]
there will also be a very private Repeater test/ride for those from the
200106/msg00910:RE: electrix stuff and indulge me
tools as well as the forthcoming (?) repeater, i know i may have many
200106/msg00121:Re: Electrix going out of business?
Electrix would delete the revenue stream, especially now that Repeater is 23:
My guess would be manufacture of all the Repeater boxes and the attendant 24:
delay in Repeater's shipping (and thus bringing in $) may have temporarily 36:
Repeater looks to be an absolute beauty, and I've got units on order. I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Eve 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Eve
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss?, June 21, 2001 572:
Re: Electrix? Repeater?, June 03, 2001 577:
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss?, June 21, 2001 578:
Re: Electrix Repeater website update, June 07, 2001
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater... Yes it's comming very soon...
I don't know why many people are so ga-ga over the Repeater anyway. I'm 40:
there are things that may be easier done with the Repeater (e.g. saving
Frankly, I don't know why many people are so ga-ga over the Repeater anyway. 29:
True, there are things that may be easier done with the Repeater (e.g. saving
last day for Repeater in June! 10:
Subject: last day for Repeater in June! 19:
So, today's the last business day in June and no Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
of the Againinator. With all the ruckus surrounding the Repeater, and the
Electrix? Repeater? 10:
Subject: Electrix? Repeater? 28:
Repeater, others augured it was the last deed by a company struggling with
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I want a Repeater but nobody last night had one and there was plenty of
Repeater Quad Looping? 10:
Subject: Repeater Quad Looping? 19:
Has anyone been studying the Repeater manual?(or would Damon like to
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Re: Electrix? Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix? Repeater? 27:
>the Repeater, others augured it was the last deed by a company struggling
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Electrix....hmmmm....something besides the Repeater on the way? 30:
fullsize units do all kinds of fun midi sync stuff. At the Repeater 52:
>BTW, I notice they're taking orders for the Repeater, and quote a ship
> of the Againinator. With all the ruckus surrounding the Repeater, and the
> Called electrix today, asked when and if the repeater was shipping soon,
And i want to buy an Electrix repeater to make some new-original live gigs
and bought a Repeater
200106/msg00471:Re: OT: Electrix at Musician's Friend
off the manufacturers too - i.e. what if someone on here buys a Repeater a
200106/msg00129:Re: Electrix going out of business?
>>Repeater looks to be an absolute beauty, and I've got units on order. I
...that a final version of the Repeater software has apparently
200106/msg00108:Re: Newbie Guitarist :RC-20, Boomerang and Echoplex Digital Pro
>andy's post)- and Repeater, when Electrix releases it. 34:
>Repeater plusses: multitrack paradigm (2x stereo / 4 'tracks'), storage &
tools as well as the forthcoming (?) repeater, i know i may have many
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 20:
>The thing I'm worried about with the Repeater is that
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200106/msg00115:Re: Electrix going out of business?
focus on new looping products, i.e., Repeater. Repeaters are built, packed
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 24:
of the looping-devices, only the repeater offers easy storage/media
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200106/msg00907:Re: electrix stuff and indulge me
>tools as well as the forthcoming (?) repeater, i know i may have many
Re: Repeater Delay again? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Delay again?
> Electrix....hmmmm....something besides the Repeater on the way? 41:
> fullsize units do all kinds of fun midi sync stuff. At the Repeater 65:
> >BTW, I notice they're taking orders for the Repeater, and quote a ship
200106/msg00125:Re: Electrix going out of business?
Repeater looks to be an absolute beauty, and I've got units on order. I
Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater?EDP?Boss? 20:
return it and I am now deciding between the echoplex, repeater and boomerang.
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re: Repeater Eve 10:
Subject: re: Repeater Eve 19:
Mark Sottilaro wrote about the impending Repeater onslaught:
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200106/msg00157:Re: Electrix going out of business?
> Electrix would delete the revenue stream, especially now that Repeater is 47:
> My guess would be manufacture of all the Repeater boxes and the attendant 48:
> delay in Repeater's shipping (and thus bringing in $) may have 61:
> Repeater looks to be an absolute beauty, and I've got units on order. I
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Repeater Eve 10:
Subject: Repeater Eve 20:
Repeater was due in stores on the 15th of this month. As I look at my
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Re: Electrix? Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Electrix? Repeater?
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Please Damon...put out Repeater or we die here!!!
>Repeater because Electrix is such a small company. I also heard some 28:
>effects units and make the Repeater their number one priority. This does 32:
focus on Repeater (and future looping products) came fairly recently.
200107/msg00086:What is the latest on the Repeater?
What is the latest on the Repeater? 10:
Subject: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater or the Rackmounted Line6 delay modeler for not much more? If
smaller customers, but I bet you'll find a Repeater in at least one of 34:
> shure) will sell "the Repeater" from Electrix.thanks in advancePieter
However, knowing that the Repeater will have an
> semi-mythical Repeater pretty viable as loopers.
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> smaller customers, but I bet you'll find a Repeater in at least one of 38:
NB: if you are here in two weeks, the Repeater just might
200107/msg00823:Re: Too many loopers, not enough auxes...
the repeater into all of this.
200107/msg00093:Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Re: What is the latest on the Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: What is the latest on the Repeater? 22:
the Repeater, mainly because it has the ability to save loops on Flash
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00456:Re: QUEERY: What samplers are out there let you record and instantaneously play back from a keyboard
repeater, with pitch-mapping.
the "Repeater" from Electrix in The USA, especially
RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 38:
> Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00352:Re: Does anyone got Electrix ears from Musician's Friend??
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 24:
Large demo) that the Repeater would be in stores the 15th of June. That
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the "Repeater" from Electrix in The USA, especially
the "Repeater" from Electrix in The USA,
> However, knowing that the Repeater will have an
RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 26:
> Subject: RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Hello you Repeater hungry loopers--
200107/msg00966:Re: release spam new CD "repeater"
Re: release spam new CD "repeater" 10:
Subject: Re: release spam new CD "repeater" 25:
> repeater / sunao inami
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 32:
I know nothing of the repeater particulars, I was just confused by the
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Repeater, for example, lets you record right to a
200107/msg00096:Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Re: What is the latest on the Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: What is the latest on the Repeater? 22:
> the Repeater, mainly because it has the ability to save loops on Flash
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Though I realize we are now all officially in Repeater lust again, I'd
200107/msg00827:SV: Loopfest in New York, getting together
>> and the K2600 and, conceivably, a Repeater, a new looper,
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00141:Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Re: What is the latest on the Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
'when is the Repeater coming out', 'when will the EDP Update be ready',
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 22:
frolic with a nice new Repeater! /t
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00485:Re: QUEERY: What samplers are out there let you record and instantaneously play back from a keyboard
you use yer edp or repeater.
the Repeater, I have to say that the Againinator thread is totally
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
who (for shure) will sell "the Repeater" from
200107/msg00697:Re: repeater rumor- shipping in next two days?
Re: repeater rumor- shipping in next two days? 10:
Subject: Re: repeater rumor- shipping in next two days?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
compromise for the flexibility. However, knowing that the Repeater will
beat the Repeater to market? We will see. 34:
> GR30.... Who needs the Repeater? Well
RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 35:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 23:
a search on "Repeater" and then click on the item name. It will show you
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
who (for shure) will sell "the Repeater" from
semi-mythical Repeater pretty viable as loopers.
release spam new CD "repeater" 10:
Subject: release spam new CD "repeater" 26:
repeater / sunao inami
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 18:
Title: RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
What is the latest on the Repeater?, July 03, 2001 20:
repeater rumor- shipping in next two days?, July 18, 2001 90:
RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!, July 16, 2001 91:
RE: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!, July 13, 2001
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00120:Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Re: What is the latest on the Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater - Where the heck is it? 10:
Subject: Repeater - Where the heck is it? 18:
Title: Repeater - Where the heck is
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00831:RE: Too many loopers, not enough auxes...
> > the repeater into all of this.
Repeater because Electrix is such a small company. I also heard some 25:
effects units and make the Repeater their number one priority. This does
200107/msg00346:Re: Simple Question about Looping Live
Repeater to be released this month. If it does half of what it's supposed 55:
of the Repeater (again, I just subscribed, so I may be wrong). Even though
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 48:
Yeup. Which is basically why this test cycle with Repeater is taking a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00335:RE: Simple Question about Looping Live
I'm new to the group (hi everyone). I'm waiting for the Electrix Repeater 30:
the Repeater (again, I just subscribed, so I may be wrong). Even though a
200107/msg01164:enough of this! (was RE: EMUSIC Playlist #224)
how about that Repeater, eh, guys?
> the Repeater, I have to say that the Againinator thread is totally
will also be in the Repeater. The Whammy pedals that
Yo guys, I have the pretty purple line 6 filter modeler and it is whacky for sure. I have it running through one of my Godin Guitar outputs to the filter modeler through DL4 into a Boomerang into an amp. The other guitar output runs through a GT 5, EDP, jamman, and GR30.... Who needs the Repeater? Well oooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The more the merrier............. Hey Rick You coming over yet???? I am trying to get the Handsonic to control the Korg synth moduals Haven't figured it out yet.... Nice problem to have.....I wanna quit my job and work in my Looping Labratory......I'm getting wayyyyyyyyyyyyyout there.......... Miko come over and check it out!!!!!!!! Om and OUT
> Though I realize we are now all officially in Repeater lust again, I'd
>the Repeater, I have to say that the Againinator thread is totally
> > smaller customers, but I bet you'll find a Repeater in at least one of 44:
> NB: if you are here in two weeks, the Repeater just might
200107/msg00694:repeater rumor- shipping in next two days?
repeater rumor- shipping in next two days? 10:
Subject: repeater rumor- shipping in next two days?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> image (you didn't think that Repeater we've been looking at 68:
> >> the Repeater, I have to say that the Againinator thread is
200107/msg00826:R: Too many loopers, not enough auxes...
> the repeater into all of this.
image (you didn't think that Repeater we've been looking at for a year was 48:
>> the Repeater, I have to say that the Againinator thread is totally
Repeater yet. They deserve to be applauded for waiting until the product
200107/msg00125:Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Re: What is the latest on the Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: What is the latest on the Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00813:Re: Loopfest in New York, getting together
> and the K2600 and, conceivably, a Repeater, a new looper,
> will also be in the Repeater. The Whammy pedals that
who (for shure) will sell "the Repeater" from
Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 35:
to frolic with a nice new Repeater!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>Repeater or the Rackmounted Line6 delay modeler for not much more?
Moreover, I saw the Repeater demoed at Winter NAMM with Mo-FX. Seems to me 32:
that Repeater and some of the other Electrix products have a synergistic 38:
The Repeater was first promised for delivery in October of last year. As 43:
advertising for Repeater kick in, thereby providing some proof that
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Repeater in 10 days!?!?! 10:
Subject: Repeater in 10 days!?!?!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200107/msg00800:Re: Loopfest in New York, getting together
and the K2600 and, conceivably, a Repeater, a new looper,
know it was a very long corner, but my Repeater should arrive in a few
Re: Repeater is Here! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater is Here! 29:
> new Repeater from Alto Music! I mean, I actually have my hands on one!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00959:Re: purpose of "Feedback" (was RE: repeater question)
Re: purpose of "Feedback" (was RE: repeater question) 10:
Subject: Re: purpose of "Feedback" (was RE: repeater question) 20:
> multi looper set up (presently 2 DL4s, RDS8000, Vortex) the "Repeater"
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: RE: Where's The Repeater? 46:
> > Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> **different lengths**, which Repeater doesn't do. 35:
None-the-less, having multiple tracks is GREAT & the Repeater is a groove.
RE: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: RE: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01092:Re: Repeater answer: dry/wet mix option NOT avaliable
Re: Repeater answer: dry/wet mix option NOT avaliable 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater answer: dry/wet mix option NOT avaliable 29:
> as a brand new RepeaTer operator, let me echo the original poster's
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01294:Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 32:
Subject: R: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater shipped today! 24:
Elby (who's seriously bummed that he's in the *second* group of Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater price + taxes in europe 10:
Subject: repeater price + taxes in europe
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01298:Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
200108/msg01097:Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly.
Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly. 10:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly. 21:
>i must say i'm rather shocked that the repeater does not have a mix knob.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: RE: Where's The Repeater? 42:
> Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> > **different lengths**, which Repeater doesn't do.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: The first Repeater owner 10:
Subject: Re: The first Repeater owner 19:
i like the repeater, a lot, both for what it does & for what it's capable
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
circulation that may not be compatible with Repeater. We are working with 29:
any Repeater user has bought an incompatible card, it will be replaced 52:
to providing CFC media that is compatible with Repeater.
200108/msg01128:Re: more RepeaTer 1st impressions
Re: more RepeaTer 1st impressions 10:
Subject: Re: more RepeaTer 1st impressions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01109:Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly.
Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly. 10:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly. 63:
I haven't used a repeater, so I don't know, but it seems to me that with
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater? 34:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00672:Re: Repeater page now available on Looper's Delight
Re: Repeater page now available on Looper's Delight 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater page now available on Looper's Delight 24:
> Be among the first three to do a (good) review of the fabled Repeater and
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
to an external source. Will be even nicer when I get my hands on a Repeater
Re: Best Repeater Deals 10:
Subject: Re: Best Repeater Deals
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>any Repeater user has bought an incompatible card, it will be replaced 29:
>commitment to providing CFC media that is compatible with Repeater.
RE: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and the CFC 18:
Title: RE: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 21:
Repeater where so much extra functionality can be had with software
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Syncing the EDP to the Repeater 10:
Subject: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater 20:
I'm having a problem syncing the EDP to the Repeater. I read the
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Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01278:RE: Vintage CFC and Repeater first impressions
RE: Vintage CFC and Repeater first impressions 10:
Subject: RE: Vintage CFC and Repeater first impressions 35:
> Subject: Vintage CFC and Repeater first impressions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller 39:
> Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
electrix repeater, w/each track's length the same.....
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 84:
Glad to have some more Repeater rumours to waste our
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 29:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Problem 10:
Subject: Repeater Problem 20:
With all the posts about what the Repeater can't or doesn't do, I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00791:Electrix routing (was Re: Repeater frenzy)
Electrix routing (was Re: Repeater frenzy) 10:
Subject: Electrix routing (was Re: Repeater frenzy) 34:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01325:Re: mo' EDP Tutorial, pleas! (re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
Re: mo' EDP Tutorial, pleas! (re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 10:
Subject: Re: mo' EDP Tutorial, pleas! (re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion 45:
the Repeater on a mixer aux buss... I can't believe that's true. I'd think
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: repeater question 10:
Subject: RE: repeater question 25:
> Subject: Re: repeater question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 22:
electrix handled this whole repeater thing badly. they still are. recall
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00939:Re: Repeater in first live performance
Re: Repeater in first live performance 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater in first live performance 30:
>Well, we went on at midnight. The Repeater performed flawlessly.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC 21:
and mount the repeater upside down! Ha ha ha I'm drunk with power!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00052:Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game
Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 10:
Subject: Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 21:
> I am about to set a filter to delete any post with the word "repeater" in
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 19:
I don't own a Repeater, so I can't address that issue.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
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200108/msg00652:(OT) NYC (& environs) tornic GIGSPAM
i'll be looping various 'input' w/repeater, EDP, pcm42.
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion 37:
So the Repeater is interesting in that it does a bit of sound editing,
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Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater? 28:
Note to Repeater reps on this list: the crying and screaming
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Repeater and EDP (d/t) 10:
Subject: Repeater and EDP (d/t) 19:
Well, I must be really lucky! I have a Repeater and an EDP! And... I have
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: RE: A Repeater suggestion 18:
Title: RE: A Repeater suggestion
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00969:EDP feedback (was Re: repeater question)
EDP feedback (was Re: repeater question) 10:
Subject: EDP feedback (was Re: repeater question)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion 44:
Doesn't it seem like the Repeater is designed as more of an "all-in-one"
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater shipped today! 27:
>Repeater has left the building!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller 18:
Title: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
The first Repeater owner 10:
Subject: The first Repeater owner 20:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01142:Re: more RepeaTer 1st impressions
Re: more RepeaTer 1st impressions 10:
Subject: Re: more RepeaTer 1st impressions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01284:Re: Repeater and MIDI Foot Control
Re: Repeater and MIDI Foot Control 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and MIDI Foot Control 19:
I am using the Repeater with a Ground Control Pedal. There are LOTS of
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Problem 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Problem 21:
at each start of the repeater's loop?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 26:
to the OS of Repeater, as it is usually stored as General Settings,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01251:RE: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater
RE: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater 23:
clock from Repeater, and any changes to tap tempo will be transmitted and
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 30:
> Yes, we did approach Repeater more like a recording device
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00986:RE: feedback (was RE: repeater question)
RE: feedback (was RE: repeater question) 10:
Subject: RE: feedback (was RE: repeater question)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01163:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 36:
Currently the Repeater acts as a spiffy digital 4-track recorder. If I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
options than all other loop units have, including the Repeater which 33:
More or less. I wonder how well the Repeater solves it. Maybe thats
Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater, 35:
> It does not seem to want to work with the Repeater. ..... So far it
200108/msg01254:RE: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
RE: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 34:
Subject: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>side by side comparison of supposed features between the repeater and EDP? 40:
yet. I figured once the repeater finally showed up all sorts of people
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: RE: the electrix repeater 19:
Not yet, as nobody has ever actually got their hands on a Repeater to know
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 24:
> breath for the Repeater. Save your money and go for the Againinator,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01261:Re: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater
Re: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and the CFC 35:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater: Track Bleed Through? 10:
Subject: Repeater: Track Bleed Through? 23:
in my new Repeater (Thanks Alto!).
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater shipped today! 30:
- waiting for repeater c.2000/1
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Memory 10:
Subject: Repeater Memory 29:
Regarding the compact flash limitations and features on the Repeater:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC 31:
> able to be ejected? will it damage the Repeater and/or the CFC card?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00797:Re: CompactFlash (was: Re: Where's The Repeater?)
Re: CompactFlash (was: Re: Where's The Repeater?) 10:
Subject: Re: CompactFlash (was: Re: Where's The Repeater?) 49:
gonna be REAL pricey. Repeater is designed to handle up to 512MB of
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller 18:
Title: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01044:Repeater question: dry/wet mix option avaliable?
Repeater question: dry/wet mix option avaliable? 10:
Subject: Repeater question: dry/wet mix option avaliable? 23:
I just had a glance at the repeater features, and i've noticed that
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 24:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 19:
To add to the new slew of Repeater rumors, I heard Repeater was seen at a
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and the CFC 27:
speed limitations with Repeater. With the cards tested, I was only able to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00122:Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater] 10:
Subject: Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater] 28:
> Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00669:Repeater page now available on Looper's Delight
Repeater page now available on Looper's Delight 10:
Subject: Repeater page now available on Looper's Delight 21:
The Electrix Repeater information overload page is now available on the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
continued clarifications on the use of the Repeater. 25:
As a Repeater owner (I have the "collectable" upside-down CFC)
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 33:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 50:
> Any hints about how you have the EDP and Repeater setup together? Are
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Here we go, Repeater on Ebay 10:
Subject: Here we go, Repeater on Ebay
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>It does not seem to want to work with the Repeater. ..... So far it
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 23:
of benevolent father figure aliens. the repeater's coming is much talked
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01152:RE: more RepeaTer 1st impressions
RE: more RepeaTer 1st impressions 10:
Subject: RE: more RepeaTer 1st impressions 19:
Just got my Repeater yesterday. Short time to effuse here:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 20:
I wasn't expecting to control my Repeater via
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00811:Re: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V01 #465
> > Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Repeater is leaving the building tomorrow.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Best Repeater Deals 10:
Subject: RE: Best Repeater Deals 25:
grand for a Repeater) and after a list member emailed me with pricing info.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> **different lengths**, which Repeater doesn't do. Bob Sellon's mythical
Re: Repeater - First Impressions 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater - First Impressions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Boomerang, Repeater (soon). Go to the loopers site and look on the tools
**different lengths**, which Repeater doesn't do. Bob Sellon's mythical
200108/msg00051:Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game
Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 10:
Subject: Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 19:
I am about to set a filter to delete any post with the word "repeater" in
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01186:Re: Andre LaFosse vs. Mark Sottilaro: The BAD DESIGN SLAPDOWN
Anyway, the same holds true for the Repeater, I've been talking it up to 34:
the Repeater is 38:
Repeater posts, 58:
> being entirely applicable to the Repeater situation, however.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01312:Re: Bob Sellon's Jamman stereo multitrack upgrade
>>> **different lengths**, which Repeater doesn't do. Bob Sellon's mythical 53:
>> to license the product. Now that the Repeater is out, maybe he should
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01178:Andre LaFosse vs. Mark Sottilaro: The BAD DESIGN SLAPDOWN
> Now, I'm sorry if you're frustrated at the Repeater being something 128:
> Perhaps the utter and complete absence of a Repeater footcontroller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: RE: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: RE: repeater question 42:
Whoa!!! Now we're talkin! Looks like an EDP/ Repeater combo set-up may be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: repeater question 10:
Subject: RE: repeater question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater frenzy 18:
Title: RE: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Foot pedal for Repeater 10:
Subject: Foot pedal for Repeater 19:
I was reading through the Repeater Manual off the web site and saw the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion 30:
problems with the lack of a wet/dry mix control. Granted the Repeater has
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater - First Impressions 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater - First Impressions 19:
Actually it is possible to change Pitch and Time with Repeater together via
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00966:feedback (was RE: repeater question)
feedback (was RE: repeater question) 10:
Subject: feedback (was RE: repeater question)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00785:Re: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V01 #465
> Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
200108/msg00131:Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater] 10:
Subject: Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00356:RE: RE: RE: Repeater ships Thursday!!!
RE: RE: RE: Repeater ships Thursday!!! 10:
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Repeater ships Thursday!!! 25:
Repeater is leaving the building tomorrow.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Where's The Repeater? 19:
Hi there. Has anyone gotten a Repeater from the regular channel? I'm
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01151:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 31:
>> PC and then drop them on the card and have the repeater discover them.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01148:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 42:
>PC and then drop them on the card and have the repeater discover them.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00805:Re: CompactFlash (was: Re: Where's The Repeater?)
Re: CompactFlash (was: Re: Where's The Repeater?) 10:
Subject: Re: CompactFlash (was: Re: Where's The Repeater?)
Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: Repeater shipped today! 20:
Repeater has left the building!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater request idiocy 10:
Subject: Repeater request idiocy 18:
Title: Repeater request idiocy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01145:Re: Repeater suggestions and criticisms
Re: Repeater suggestions and criticisms 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater suggestions and criticisms 20:
lack of certain features on the Repeater, I'd like to
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>Thanks, is the name of that "Electrix Repeater?"
200108/msg01295:RE: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
RE: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00083:Integrating an EDP (or looper) into live rig, was RE: EDP foot switch.
about getting the Repeater (of which I have one on order). But, like many 53:
Repeater is stereo and connecting it into my signal (I assume after my
Repeater No-sell on Ebay 10:
Subject: Repeater No-sell on Ebay 19:
I find it odd that the high bid on the Repeater on ebay was only $430US.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP (d/t) 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP (d/t) 19:
i believe the repeater will be my main love when i finally
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
repeater shipment question 10:
Subject: repeater shipment question
200108/msg00114:Re: OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs
Re: OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs 10:
Subject: Re: OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01305:Re: Bob Sellon's Jamman stereo multitrack upgrade
It seems that Repeater actually beats it up, and it has dozens of
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater ships Thursday!!! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater ships Thursday!!! 31:
> Repeater is leaving the building tomorrow.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>It does not seem to want to work with the Repeater. ..... So far it
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 59:
> > looking forward to a fully-functional repeater's imminent arrival!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00877:Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question
Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question 10:
Subject: Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01246:Re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
Re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 10:
Subject: Re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 41:
How quickly does the Repeater repond to MIDI?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01113:Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly.
Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly. 10:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? that's silly.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> >You mean activate the Repeater? ........... You have not been 51:
> Repeater, that's going to apply power to pins on the card that aren't
200108/msg01153:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 22:
>>> your mac or PC and then drop them on the card and have the repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Frenzy 26:
darn email came from electrix saying the againinator...oops, repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01154:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 23:
> PC and then drop them on the card and have the repeater discover them. I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater - First Impressions 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater - First Impressions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 27:
fix. BTW, I go and pick up my Repeater at Banana's At Large in San
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01272:Vintage CFC and Repeater first impressions
Vintage CFC and Repeater first impressions 10:
Subject: Vintage CFC and Repeater first impressions 22:
Large and picked up my Repeater. I must say that Rik my salesman was VERY
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00506:Repeater Footcontroller, Oatmeal, Bodily Music
Repeater Footcontroller, Oatmeal, Bodily Music 10:
Subject: Repeater Footcontroller, Oatmeal, Bodily Music 20:
recommend to try with (or Electrix recommends with?) the Repeater.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> files from our repeater and edp in timecode? 69:
Is this too off-topic? If so I may ask something about the Repeater...;-}
Subject: RE: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 39:
> Copy works while Repeater is playing.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01273:mo' EDP Tutorial, pleas! (re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
mo' EDP Tutorial, pleas! (re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 10:
Subject: mo' EDP Tutorial, pleas! (re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Echoplex and Repeater will merge features (or companies?) to deliver a
RE: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: RE: the electrix repeater 21:
side by side comparison of supposed features between the repeater and EDP?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 21:
I'll buy Repeater as soon as such a feature will be avaliable!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater vs. RC-20 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater vs. RC-20 19:
the Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
It does not seem to want to work with the Repeater. ..... So far it
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller 18:
Title: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01211:Re: What's the time stretch like on a repeater
Re: What's the time stretch like on a repeater 10:
Subject: Re: What's the time stretch like on a repeater 19:
Though this is not a feature I bought the Repeater for,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC 37:
> Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
the Repeater), which I'd be willing to sell for a reasonable price. 32:
> Subject: Repeater Foot Controller
repeater question 10:
Subject: repeater question
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC 19:
What I said was "the Repeater needs to be upside down for the card to be
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01255:Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: Re: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01073:RE: Repeater question: dry/wet mix option avaliable?
RE: Repeater question: dry/wet mix option avaliable? 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater question: dry/wet mix option avaliable? 31:
>I just had a glance at the repeater features, and i've noticed that
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 20:
electrix handled this whole repeater thing badly. they still are. recall
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and the CFC 25:
being the early adopters of Repeater, loopers on this list will probably
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00970:EDP pseudo-multi-tracks (was Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question)
EDP pseudo-multi-tracks (was Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question) 10:
Subject: EDP pseudo-multi-tracks (was Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question) 45:
For example, the Repeater seems to be coming from a recording studio
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 21:
the repeater, it will be pretty well the ultimate stand-alone looping tool
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Repeater Now Shipping
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 33:
My one and only comment on this year-old Repeater handwringing: When it
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01221:An guitar palyer s have repeater yet in their rig?
An guitar palyer s have repeater yet in their rig? 10:
Subject: An guitar palyer s have repeater yet in their rig? 19:
I am wondering if any guitar players have incorporated the repeater in
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 20:
you new Repeater ...... You will put your pants back on! ......... To
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00369:Re: oh... you HAD to ask, din'cha?
>> > arrived.....Repeater will starting shipping Thursday!!!!!!! 39:
>> It'll be kinda sad if the Repeater DOES actually ship.
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Best Repeater Deals 10:
Subject: Best Repeater Deals 26:
have my Repeater on Tuesday! Yeah baby! Great people to deal with, IMO.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 27:
w/repeater, a single loop is comprised of all 4 tracks.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 27:
Come on folks! Assuming the Repeater does everything it says it will -
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 21:
> Yes, we did approach Repeater more like a recording device than an FX
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 26:
> Yes, we did approach Repeater more like a recording device than an FX
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater No-sell on Ebay 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater No-sell on Ebay 23:
> I find it odd that the high bid on the Repeater on ebay was only $430US.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 35:
at the Repeater demo. He looked me straight in the eye and assured me
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01201:Re: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater
Re: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater 10:
Subject: Re: Syncing the EDP to the Repeater 21:
>I'm having a problem syncing the EDP to the Repeater. I read the
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater and EDP (d/t) 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and EDP (d/t)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00875:Another Conceptual Looper question
different lengths. (I thought Repeater might do this but it turns out, 30:
seperate devices? Could this function be integrated into Repeater in a 38:
PS: Looking forward to picking up a Repeater, not only for it's live,
200108/msg01166:RE: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
RE: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: RE: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 22:
Copy works while Repeater is playing.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: RE: the electrix repeater 20:
more than the repeater will be, but definitely worth it IMHO.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Suddenly the endless Repeater posts don't seem so bad...
RE: repeater shipment question 10:
Subject: RE: repeater shipment question 37:
Subject: repeater shipment question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00383:Re: Echoplex manual discussion--how many people use several loops?
Hi Potential Repeater owners,
200108/msg01175:RE: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
RE: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 10:
Subject: RE: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 35:
Subject: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater No-sell on Ebay 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater No-sell on Ebay 21:
>I find it odd that the high bid on the Repeater on ebay was only
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Don't hold your breath for the Repeater.
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
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Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
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RE: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and the CFC 18:
Title: RE: Repeater and the CFC
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200108/msg01150:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 27:
>Yeup, in regards to raw audio. Data that Repeater uses for time and pitch
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Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
more RepeaTer 1st impressions 10:
Subject: more RepeaTer 1st impressions 31:
microphones. doesn't work well w/ RepeaTer on fx send of a mixer.
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200108/msg00112:OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs
OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs 10:
Subject: OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: repeater question 10:
Subject: RE: repeater question 25:
> I don't own a Repeater, so I can't address that issue.
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Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater in the UK 10:
Subject: Repeater in the UK 19:
I seem to remember someone enquiring a few days ago about the Repeater's
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200108/msg00222:Re: SUPER LOOPERS TEE SHIRT OF JOY!!!!!!!
Conceptual "Repeater" question, August 23, 2001 20:
Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question, August 24, 2001 21:
Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question, August 23, 2001 22:
An guitar palyer s have repeater yet in their rig?, August 30, 2001
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00113:Re: OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs
Re: OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs 10:
Subject: Re: OT Re: the electrix repeater/estimating software jobs
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
R: Repeater Frenzy 10:
Subject: R: Repeater Frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> **different lengths**, which Repeater doesn't do. Bob Sellon's mythical 30:
to license the product. Now that the Repeater is out, maybe he should try
200108/msg00120:Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater] 10:
Subject: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater] 24:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00227:Re: Choose loops tools fo saxophone and acoustique guitare
champion of looper. The Repeater is still a rumor. Lot's love the
200108/msg00057:Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game
Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 10:
Subject: Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 19:
Hey, does anyone know when the Repeater will be available?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00982:RE: feedback (was RE: repeater question)
RE: feedback (was RE: repeater question) 10:
Subject: RE: feedback (was RE: repeater question)
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion 37:
> the core concepts for Repeater was to make "a hardware version of ACID."
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater in the UK? 10:
Subject: Repeater in the UK?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater shipped today! 37:
> Subject: Re: Repeater shipped today!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00871:Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question
Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question 10:
Subject: Re: Conceptual "Repeater" question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Repeater is Here! 10:
Subject: Repeater is Here! 20:
new Repeater from Alto Music! I mean, I actually have my hands on one! So,
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00244:Re: Repeater Now Shipping -- view from the other side
Re: Repeater Now Shipping -- view from the other side 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping -- view from the other side
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01183:Re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP)
Re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 10:
Subject: Re: Feature Comparison (Repeater & EDP) 25:
quite different than the Repeater's?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>circulation that may not be compatible with Repeater. We are working with 80:
So if Repeater can't work with the whole range of possible card specs out
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater and the CFC 27:
able to be ejected? will it damage the Repeater and/or the CFC card?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01096:RE: Repeater answer: dry/wet mix option NOT avaliable
RE: Repeater answer: dry/wet mix option NOT avaliable 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater answer: dry/wet mix option NOT avaliable 18:
Title: RE: Repeater answer: dry/wet mix option NOT avaliable
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00079:Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game
Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 10:
Subject: Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 26:
Subject: Re: The Great Electrix Repeater Game
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01155:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Question [Feedback] 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Question [Feedback] 21:
>the same as "recording" with the Repeater?
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200108/msg00961:EDP and Repeater Together At Last
EDP and Repeater Together At Last 10:
Subject: EDP and Repeater Together At Last 19:
Doug:"Any hints about how you have the EDP and Repeater setup
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 19:
Yes, we did approach Repeater more like a recording device than an FX
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00091:RE: Echoplex manual discussion online
to the T shirt, the upgrade and a Repeater (probably in that
Re: repeater question 10:
Subject: Re: repeater question 40:
Any hints about how you have the EDP and Repeater setup together? Are you
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
R: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: R: A Repeater suggestion 24:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 18:
Title: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00812:Re: Repeater frenzy/speaking of music
Re: Repeater frenzy/speaking of music 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy/speaking of music
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 22:
sold the jamman to make financial room for the repeater and this is mostly
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00948:purpose of "Feedback" (was RE: repeater question)
purpose of "Feedback" (was RE: repeater question) 10:
Subject: purpose of "Feedback" (was RE: repeater question) 22:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
The Great Electrix Repeater Game 10:
Subject: The Great Electrix Repeater Game 29:
> My one and only comment on this year-old Repeater handwringing: When it
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01164:Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: Re: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 23:
I tried it this morning. The Repeater didn't see the file. As I said, I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater shipped today! 42:
> Repeater has left the building! If there are any doubters out there, you
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 28:
exactly! you just described what electrix did with the repeater (except
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater - First Impressions 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater - First Impressions 19:
Copied from the Repeater manual PDF:
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
understand this.....but enuf of this, lets read more "repeater" posts.....:)m
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> Hi there. Has anyone gotten a Repeater from the regular channel? I'm
Re: Repeater Now Shipping 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Now Shipping
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Foot pedal for Repeater 10:
Subject: RE: Foot pedal for Repeater 29:
> >(non midi) pedal to control the Repeater like the one that
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01132:RE: more RepeaTer 1st impressions
RE: more RepeaTer 1st impressions 10:
Subject: RE: more RepeaTer 1st impressions
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater Foot Controller 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater Foot Controller
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
>comes our way? Can I now sell mine for far too much and get a repeater
Re: Repeater and the CFC 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater and the CFC
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 26:
>electrix handled this whole repeater thing badly. they still are. recall
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy 31:
>exactly! you just described what electrix did with the repeater (except
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: RE: no repeater wet/dry mix? 39:
> But, with Repeater in the effects sends, this would still
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater shipped today! 22:
>Repeater has left the building!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater shipped today! 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater shipped today!
bashing evidenced in the "Repeater" threads. Besides, if you find the
200108/msg01253:repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix? 10:
Subject: repeater price, was Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
> arrived.....Repeater will starting shipping 28:
It'll be kinda sad if the Repeater
Re: the electrix repeater 10:
Subject: Re: the electrix repeater 71:
looking forward to a fully-functional repeater's imminent arrival!
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: repeater question 10:
Subject: RE: repeater question
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion 21:
>feature sets, with the Repeater more geared towards multi-track-style
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: A Repeater suggestion 10:
Subject: Re: A Repeater suggestion 25:
(got my Repeater from Alto on Monday. I've only had
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01035:Yet another MIDI controller (for Repeater or whatever)
Yet another MIDI controller (for Repeater or whatever) 10:
Subject: Yet another MIDI controller (for Repeater or whatever)
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater?
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01068:Re: Another Repeater MIDI Controller >bof<
Re: Another Repeater MIDI Controller >bof< 10:
Subject: Re: Another Repeater MIDI Controller >bof<
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01180:Re: Andre LaFosse vs. Mark Sottilaro: The BAD DESIGN SLAPDOWN
being entirely applicable to the Repeater situation, however. 31:
commisioned for. Whereas the Repeater is (finally!) very much a 43:
Could it be that some of the Repeater customers, in fact, didn't 62:
Anyway... there's not much more I can say without having a Repeater in
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00135:Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater] 10:
Subject: Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00974:RE: repeater question>>EDP feedback
RE: repeater question>>EDP feedback 10:
Subject: RE: repeater question>>EDP feedback
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Don't hold your breath for the Repeater.
200108/msg01174:RE: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests
RE: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 10:
Subject: RE: Yet even more Repeater 1st impressions, requests 19:
>I tried it this morning. The Repeater didn't see the file. As I said, I
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
RE: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: RE: Repeater frenzy 18:
Title: RE: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg00143:OT Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
OT Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater] 10:
Subject: OT Re: Tones [was Re: the electrix repeater]
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Where's The Repeater? 10:
Subject: Re: Where's The Repeater? 23:
> Hi there. Has anyone gotten a Repeater from the regular channel? I'm
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
200108/msg01324:Re: Bob Sellon's Jamman stereo multitrack upgrade
Tuesday from Alto music, I'll get a Repeater. You can never have too many 31:
looping devices, I say. Other than the Repeater, which I haven't used yet, 37:
looping architecture of the Repeater but the JamMan still only has a total 42:
After I get the Repeater I'll try and post my impressions.
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Re: Repeater frenzy 10:
Subject: Re: Repeater frenzy
Limit of 5 matched lines per file exceeded...
Limit of 1500 files exceeded...
Summary for query "repeater":
Found at least 9979 matches in at least 1501 files.
2329 matches in HTML tags ignored.
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