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Re: Technohoploops?

>>(it is possible to connect an infinite number of pedal boards or single
>>overdub pedals to the ECHOPLEX, so you can operate it from various points
>>on the stage!)
>I have been using one footpedal to control multiple echoplexes, using an
>A/B box (or an A/B/C box for three units).  I imagine that this would work
>just as well to have multiple footpedals control one echoplex.  THe
>important thing is that the footpedals are not in the circuit AT THE SAME
>TIME.  AS you probably know, the footpedal works as a resistor in the
>circuit, with different resistances corresponding to the different
>footpedal functions, so I don't think you can have multiple footpedals
>connected at the same time, without screwing up the resistances.

You can have multiple foot switches hooked up, just so long as you don't
press multiples switches at the same time.

>Your idea would be great, using multiple echoplexes, all "brother synced"
>together!  In this case, any one of them could be used to start the first
>loop.  Then, you could jump around stage, adding loops which would be
>synced to the "master".
>- Chris

Yeah, that's the idea! A big point of the BrotherSync in the echoplex is to
do just this, hopefully more people will give it a try!


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com