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Teed/Geist in Concert

I probably should have posted this ages ago, but I'm doing a concert with 
on Wednesday September 18th at 8:00 at Strings. Strings is in Oakland, CA 
6320 San Pablo. Take the Ashby Exit from ROute 80, then turn left on San 
and go about 5 or 6 blocks. There is a blank sign, because technically this
place is not a club at all, but someone's living room. Consequently, there 
is no
admission charge, but a donation box, in which you can put whatever you can
spare. A great sound system, and a nice receptive audience. I will be 
doing one
piece using my Oberheim digital echoplex pro; The rest of the evening will 
Geist, which is Harp, Chapman Stick, and Percussion.

        On September 28th at 7:00, The Echoplex and I will be playing Solo,
opening for the Band  Zero at the Marijuana Medicine show in Golden Gate 
Watch this space for further details to be posted nearer the date.

Teed Rockwell