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Re: speakers

>>Assuming you're using a mixer, you can use it with the monitors to
>>track your own sound, then send your mixer outputs to the PA for
>>everyone else to listen to.  This is good, because sometimes when
>>looping, you don't want the audience to hear the next bit you're
>>preparing.  At least I wouldn't.  :}
>I forgot to mention that, using studio monitors, you can always record and
>reproduce your recordings anywhere.
>I visit sometimes someone with my rack and give a concert on their Hifi
>system and record it on their tape deck. See how they are amazed. And if I
>had to carry speakers, I would end up not playing there.
>You can use headphones and hear the same - I mean there is just one sound
>and you are always used to what comes out.
>- the compatibility of flatness.
>I wrote a sheet called "New Musical Concept" in '88, when I was in Rio, 
>I think its happening about now...
>How about puting it on the page, Kim? You have it?

yes, found it. I put in my folder of "stuff to add to the web page," which
is growing quite large! I did manage to put one thing up over the weekend,
from Gary Hall. Almost done html-izing some other stuff. Anyone want to


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com