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Re: Technohoploops?


Yes, please send me your Max patches.  I perhaps I can use parts of them.
I just got back my echolplexes from Oberheim (probably w/o the upgrade,
though -- they didn't specify whether or not they put the upgrade in.)  I
will send you any Max patches I come up with.  Thanks!

- Chris

>I used Max for testing all the midi functions during the echoplex
>developmet. The patch is a bit messy, but it is capable of executing all 
>the midi stuff. You could easily lift pieces of it out to make sub-patches
>for what you are talking about here. Want it? I'd be interested in any Max
>patches you do.

Chris Chovit                                          
AVIRIS Experiment Coordinator              ph: (818) 354-8077
JPL M/S 306-336                                 FAX: (818) 393-4406
4800 Oak Grove Dr.               pager #: (800) 759-8255 PIN 834-3869
Pasadena, CA 91109