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Re: Bug or Feature -- anyone else experience this?

Dave K. wrote:
>Clipped Off Sounds
>OK.  Here's something I experience with my Echoplex that I find 
>I often use a volume pedal and a 400ms delay so that I can very gradually
>bring in a "sound" and fade it down.  Kinda non-revolutionary, I know.  
>works for what I do.
>The trouble is when I bring in the note quietly, my Echoplex -- while 
>the sound to my amp -- waits until there is enough gain to RECORD it so 
>beginning of the sound seems to be clipped-off.
>Now I know there IS a very cool feature to turn RECORD on when a note is
>played  and the "trigger-gain-sensitivity" can be set.  I've used it once 
>twice.  But I turned this feature off.  In fact, I've RESET the machine 
>to make sure I've turned it off.

This is the same noisegate thing that caused Andre his weekend of
suffering. The parameter called "threshold" is only for starting a record
when you actually start playing. The noisegate is different. It's on all
the time and has nothing to do with the "threshold" setting. The noisegate
is there to make Undo a much more usable function, so that each press of
Undo takes away a real overdub rather than some unintentional noise. It
also keeps the echoplex from squandering its memory.

Matthias and I have discussed ways to make the noisegate smarter, as well
as adding a parameter for it. Its tricky, since the user can cause himself
troubles with the undo function without realizing it.


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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