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Re: exchanging ideas/PROPOSAL

>2. Dan proposed to put it all on a web page which he would do as a school
>survey project. This would be an elegant solution, wouldn't involve any
>money, get us some publicity, and would nicely supplement our web page.
>Kim asked how permanent this page would be. Dan?

This is a brilliant option because you can teach anyone easily about what
we are doing, better than with words as we do now. Words work well for
those who did
some similar stuff, but we want to play shows for the others, too.

>3. David brought up the idea to do a CD. This would require some work
>from someone who would realize the CD, and some money from the 
>"Imagine if a CD costs $2500 and 10 musicians divided 76minutes and the
>total cost..."
>Ray Peck offered to do the work, "I can put together a comp CD of 
>(What about your looppool project Matthias?)

Well, the idea was exactly this. The participants would have been the LOOP
delay users, we had no net to comunicate and I did not get the money form
Oberheim I intended to invest. I did not have the guts to propose to share
the investment, but its very fine for me.
So there are 4 DAT tapes with contributions here, 3 accousic an one el. 
I can ask the guys if they are interested even paying.
I want percussion woodwind, voice... on it!! You really ALL play guitar???

The title LOOP POOL seams to be taken by Torn.
Any suggestions?
