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Re: Analog Loops

>>So as you can see we have a good analog base to our loops, but also 
>>and FM synths. We've also used acoustic guitar and a vase filled with
>>marbles and water. Whatever the music requires is what drives us.

On 10/31/96 Matthias asked:
>So the music required marbles and water? How interesting.
>How do you mike the vase?
>Do you loop it on stage, too?
>Curious Matthias

Well the vase was sort of a goblet shape, had aproximately twenty marbles
in it and was 1/3 filled with water. I swished it around in my bathroom,
picke dit up with a stereo mic that was feeding a Jam Man. A complex very
cool sound, at least to Steev and I. We've not done this live, at least not
