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Re[4]: Vortex Applications Notes

Vortex Pedals?

What's that?  Just kidding.  I also have not plugged one in - I'm hoping
for a Christmas pedal excursion.  More news as it develops.


P.S. I have actually used the A-B channel switching capabilities to
switch channels on my Mesa Boogie preamp.  It's the slickest thing
I've ever seen in my life.  One footswitch now controls dozens of
parameters on my rig.  To quote guitar player: my rig can now "make
theoretical mathemeticians have option anxiety" (yes, they were 
talking about Torn's rig, but mine is getting there.

> The Vortex vets on here probably won't believe this, but after having 
> had the unit for a couple of months and having used it in two or three 
> performances, I *still* haven't tried plugging a pedal into the thing.  
> I'm sure it'll increase the possibilities exponentially -- which is 
> one reason why I'm holding off on it until after finals week.

> --Andre

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From: The Man Himself <altruist@shoko.CALARTS.EDU>
To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
Subject: re:Re[2]: Vortex Applications Notes
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