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Re: PCM 80: to morph or not to morph

I'm curious about Jon's comment:

>The new MPX-1 is a Lexichip/2110 combi platter, better suited to
>Vortex-like oddness. But don't expect anyone to be doing them soon. Bring 
>up the
>naughty M-word, and you're likely to be run out of town.

Why should the M-word not be brought up?

I'm very interested in this unit.  They had one already in a rack at
Sam Ash, Cherry Hill NJ, but I didn't get a chance to hear it.  I did
look through the manual however, and the specs and the *numerous*
algorithms (including, I seem to recall, something that looked like
Cycloid [??]) seemed very impressive.  It looks to be a *lengthy*
and *well written* manual, from what I could glean by flipping through
it for a few minutes.  They were having a store-wide sale on Saturday,
and I thought about picking one up for $950, but opted for a more-needed
DAT.  But my instincts tell me that this is a *very* nice box for
the home studio owner who wants to get great Lex reverbs and other
effects.  I like the reverbs in the LXP-15 and, at least on paper,
this unit blows it away (18-bit A/D, 24 bit [??] internal path, 20-bit D/A,
and 44.1 kHz sample rate).  Also, the interface looks well designed,

I'm guessing that I will add this box to my wish list.

Mickey Angel