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Re: JamMan stereo?

John Durant wrote:

>Another area of disagreement over how useful stereo pass through can be. 
>As an
>example of this, my rig is set up in such a way that an Echoplex with it's
>single jack wouldn't work. My effects run as follows: FX Out from Maverick
>Amp>JamMan1>LXP-15>>Vortex>>JamMan2>>FX Return Maverick/Lab Series amp.
>(>=mono;>>=stereo). This allows me to make a loop in JamMan 2 which has
>sounds, and play over the top with a different set of (stereo) effects.
>Can't do
>that with a Plex. The only way to get a similar result would be to get a
>More money spent. Now who's being deceptive?

chris chimes in with his 2 cents:

My bro and I used to use a similar setup, with the JamMan with the Art
SGX2000, which has a stereo effects loop (which occurs after all the other
effects, in the signal path).  Placing the Jam man here allowed us to play
stereo sounds on top of mono loops -- I think this is DEFINTELY better than
having only mono -- you can use only mono, if you want to -- and if someone
bought the unit thinking it was a "true stereo" device, he/she better do
his/her homework a little better next time.  I imagine that if the Jam Man
were "true stereo", it would cost significantly more -- and then there'd be
folks griping about the price.  Alas, you can't please everybody.

I'm probably not the only one who would love to provide
input/feedback/design specs for a customized looping device.  And in all
fairness, I have to say that the Echoplex DP is not far off from being an
"ultimate looper", in my mind.  Its MIDI implementation provides lots of
potenitals, that I have only speculated about, and have not yet explored.
It is obvious that a lot of thinking and musical experience went into its
design.  And maybe, one day, the bugs will be fixed.......

- chris

Chris Chovit                                          
AVIRIS Experiment Coordinator              ph: (818) 354-8077
JPL M/S 306-336                                 FAX: (818) 393-4406
4800 Oak Grove Dr.               pager #: (800) 759-8255 PIN 834-3869
Pasadena, CA 91109