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Re: dj loopers

Thanks for the info, re: DJ-oriented samplers/loopers, I''' try to check
some out next time I'm in a city

Kim Flint wrote:
>The MC-303 definitly has me intrigued. I think it was reviewed in keyboard
>recently, and it looked very cool. It looked like a great way to integrate
>a lot of techno/dance sounds and approaches into my music without spending
>a fortune on samplers and funky old analog synths.
It's an interesting box, definitely try to spend some time with one before
commiting to it, it's got a very quirky interface, I love it, but some
people get frustrated very quickly with it. It won't replace the funky old
analog synths, at least not to my ears, but it does complement analog
synths well, and it's the only sample playback synth I've ever gotten
excited about. The filters sound great, some of the best digital filters
I've ever heard. While there are tons of techno/dance/jungle/whatever
preprogrammed patterns in the box, some of them almost frighteningly hip,
it lends itself to other kinds of music as well, especially Germanic
synth/space/prog ala kraftwerk/T-dream/Pete Namlook. (that last sentence
has to win some kind of award for the most /'s without quoting a web
address). However, if you plan to integrate it into a computer midi system,
it's got some wierd quirks that make it less desirable. My normal use is to
develop interesting sounds/loops/beats on it and record the audio to hard
disk instead of controlling it via midi.

>>>And since the dj subject has tentatively resurfaced, does anyone know 
>>>dj types that would be interested in joining the list? There is a whole
>>>world of looping in that genre, with an assortment of well developed
>>>techniques not found in the soundscape/guitar-loop variety that tends to
>>>get focused on here. I think some articulate dj types could give us a 
>>>interesting (and probably needed) perspective.
>>The liner-notes to DJ Spooky's records have some pretty interesting
>>thoughts on the african influence on the sampling/looping/manipulating
>>esthetic. Would it be a breach of copyright for me to quote some here?
>I think its ok to quote it, although probably iffy to reproduce the whole
>thing. I'd love to see it. He doesn't happen to list an email address or
>anything, does he? Maybe we could just ask him. Even better, maybe we 
>get him to join the list....
no e-mail on his records. His label (Asphodel) is at

I'm especially thinking of some material from the 40-some page book that
accompanies his "Death in the Light of the Phonograph" disc. I'll type up
the quotes when I get some time, next week probably.

Dave Trenkel, NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: improv@peak.org
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and bulbous, got me?"
                                     -Captain Beefheart