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Re: JamMan Stereo - D'oh!

Jason Joseph said:
>>You're quite correct: it's not your fault that you were given incorrect
>information from these retailers. And I'm personally very sorry if you 
>you were mislead. <
>Ah, therein lies the rub. You're right of course; it's the retailers who,
>represented themselves as products experts & etc, did the bulk of the
>misleading. Apparently my fury has been misdirected... Please accept my
>humble apologies for the rant... Should have waited a few days before
>writing that one.

Jason is replying to a letter from Greg Hogan of Lexicon, which was sent to
a few of us. Greg's statement on the matter ought to be public, since he
sent it before he actually joined the list. Here it is:

>Dear sirs,
>Jonathan Brainen forwarded your recent postings in loopers-delight 
>the JAMMAN to me.  It was not the intention of Lexicon to be deceiving in
>offering stereo in and out of the JAMMAN while the processing is mono.  I 
>not no why no one thinks that it is useful for your dry signal to remain 
>stereo allowing you to play over your (mono)loop in stereo.
>I would also like to know where the deception lies in the owners manual.  
>am responsible for customer service here at Lexicon and I would be happy 
>address any of your questions and concerns.
>Best regards,
>Greg Hogan
>Lexicon Customer Service
>Phone 617-280-0372
>FAX 617-280-0499

Jason continues:
>I also shouldn't have fallen into the trap of believing anything a 
>says... how stupid of me. I do still feel, however, that the fact that the
>looping capabilities of the JamMan are mono only should be CLEARLY
>and prominently displayed on the unit, in advertising, etc... Again, any
>musician who sees such a device, and sees that it has "stereo" outputs,
>is going to naturally assume, unless knocked over the head with a brick
>(d'oh!) that the output will be in stereo. If this was clearly displayed 
>unit then we wouldn't have to rely on the misleading input of sales 

This is basically my point as well. Many people were apparently confused by
this aspect of the Jamman. Its sort of a moot point now, obviously, but in
the future, all I ask is that Lexicon try to make their products such that
people can easily determine what they are getting and whether or not it
meets their needs. Whether that means better labeling, or better sales
training, or what, is up to the folks at Lexicon. We'll just sit here and
self-righteously judge the results!   :-)


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com