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New stuff on the web site

Just uploaded a buncha new junk to the web site. We've got:

My eagerly anticipated novella on the fascinating subject of Footpedals for
the Echoplex. It includes everything I could think of on the subject, and
then some. This will also be my topic for "What I did on my Christmas
Holiday."  Take it all in at:


Also, in response to Trevor Bajus' request for a comparison between the
Echoplex and Jamman, Matthias dug up such a thing that he wrote a couple of
years ago. Michael promptly html-ized it, I added a bit or two, and there
ya go. This is version 1.0, and certain to get updated as it contains some
large info voids. Whatever you see lacking, send it on in. It may be a tad
biased too, considering the authors. Hopefully future additions will
correct that. See the controversy brewing at:


Also, I created the beginnings of a JamMan page. Hopefully some articulate
JamMan users will fill it with useful tidbits. Right now it just has links
to the aforementioned comparison sheet and the Harmony Central page, which
is pretty informative. Gaze in awe as your future in web page creation
beckons you at:


A new version of the profiles page was also uploaded, so you can learn all
the latest about your fellow Looper's Delighters at:


Plus, I updated a link or two here and there.

Oh, as far as the question of whether looping is growing in popularity or
not, and what the future holds, Looper's Delight has received 474 hits in
the 5 days since January 1. Not as many as my friend's porno site, but the
sexiness of our obscure little corner of the net is clearly growing.



Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com