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Re: music just for musicians?

>At 09:02 PM 2/2/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 2/2/97 8:24:51 PM, Kim wrote:
>><<Joe Perry and Slash have never
>>made any remarkably creative or innovative artistic statements,>>
>>Woa! How do you know what they do in their off time when their not 
>>the corporate/commercial anything for a buck game? --Paul
>awww, c'mon now - let's not descend into a slagging war !! Like him or 
>Joe Perry has put the hard time in - playing his brand of blues-soaked 
>rock - there's a place for simple - straight into the amp stuff too !!
>Slash - well - he seems into his music enough to have quit G 'n R to due a
>more blues-based thing with his "snake pit"... anyway - let's not fall 
>what the "other side" does - when they slag everything within a mile of a
>rack of any sort.

oops. More cyber juju. My quote there got slightly decontextualized, therby
making me look like an ass. I probably didn't word it very well in the
first place. I'll go out on a limb and admit that I've really enjoyed music
made by both G'nR and Aerosmith. I've also met Slash and found him to be a
really nice fellow. I honestly wish I could rock out with even a fraction
of the attitude that comes from the fingers of these two.

What I was trying to say was this: they make music that, while often times
quite good, is also quite conventional. This combination of good and
conventional has translated into enormous popularity for both. This
popularity coupled with the use of Les Pauls translated into huge revenue
for Gibson. The point of all this was that if you want to sell huge numbers
of a product in the MI industry (like a lot more than 8000, I guess) it
helps to have endorsers who reach a huge audience. Especially if your
product is of the inexpensive variety where it is likely to appeal to
younger musicians and impulse buyers.

Now with a thing like looping, it is a new idea for much of the music
world. That's where the musician's musician and experimental avant-garde
types come in. They try new things and invent ways to use them creatively.
Some of those ideas trickle into the mainstream, causing a resulting
interest in that idea/product from more mainstream players. This takes
time, because you are essentially creating a market. To profit from this, a
manufacturer needs a clear vision of what the market is doing, and

One misperception that has come up in this thread several times is the idea
that looping hasn't yet appeared in popular music. I totally disagree with
that. Run-DMC's version of "Walk this Way" in the early eighties was a huge
hit, and that was all about looping. Hiphop and rap has been looping away
ever since, and I think both Lexicon and Oberheim/Gibson missed a giant
opportunity there. One DJ Jazzy Jeff endorsement would easily eclipse all
the guitarists that have endorsed either product. The problem was a failure
to connect the products with the obvious market. I don't know what
Lexicon's excuse is, but you can probably imagine how far my suggestions of
using rap artists as endorsers went at a guitar company based in Tennessee.

And then there are heavy bands like Ministry and White Zombie, using tons
of loops and getting tons of airplay on MTV every day. And there's Beck's
Odelay album, proving that even alternative rockers can figure this out.
And there's Chet Atkins and Phil Keagey. And there's the huge techno scene
which is only just starting to happen in the US but has been all over
Europe for years. (How do you explain the Orb to people who have never even
heard of Trent Reznor?)

Another misperception I'd like to skewer is the idea that there are no
other companies making loopers and that there is no money in it. Just about
every dj mixer I saw at NAMM had a looper built in. They were primitive
compared to jamman/echoplexes, but there they were. Akai had dedicated
loopers that were really quite cool. So did Denon. They were making high
profile showings with this stuff, and obviously see a big market in the
techno/dance/hiphop arena. Some big name companies who weren't showing such
products expressed a very great desire to get into it. So there will
probably be more loopers in the future. You'll just have to go to the
keyboard and dj sections of the music store to find them because they
aren't being marketed to guitar players. The people at Denon didn't seem to
even know who Robert Fripp was, nor did they really seem to care. The
popularity of guitar music is currently dropping like a brick, and all the
manufacturers are tripping over themselves to try and figure out how to
make cheap products for all the kids making techno in their bedrooms.

Anyhoo, enough spewing for this evening.....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com