Hey Hayden! >Making looped music on the web interesting: >I think it would be difficult to make a single short duration audio file, >that loops over and over, sound interesting. There are other options >though. There's Phil Miller and I doing a 9 beat sample loop experiment on the frameset at < http://musart.co.uk/fram/samfram.htm > There are a couple of looping samples on this page..... Is this what you mean....? >From before O_O MUSIC CLIPS ON THE WEB We're going to go for MPEGS.... Mainly because the studio ISDN lines use MPEG layer 2 for inter-studio streaming.... Kinda seems neat...... P&L>M °°° MARK HEWINS °°° < http://www.musart.co.uk/hewins.htm > (/markcv1.htm) (try the new CHORD PICKER) < http://www.musart.co.uk/script/chords.htm > °°° °°° OR MUSART - THE CANTERBURY SCENE MUSICIANS http://musart.co.uk/ (www) 350+webpages - 14,000+ hits a week ********************************************* Subscribe to "What's Rattlin'" the weekly CANTERBURY MUSIC ON-LINE NEWSLETTER ***************** just email *********** bigbang@mail.alpes-net.fr (with the message-subscribe) ************* ************ WHAT'S RATTLIN' ? BACK ISSUES - ONLINE ARCHIVE (MUSART) http://www.musart.co.uk/watrat/watrat.htm NEW!! MUSART SOUND SERVER http://www.musart.co.uk/fram/samfram.htm ********************************************** FACELIFT; THE CANTERBURY SCENE-AND BEYOND http://www.musart.co.uk/face1.htm