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An extension. (Re: Bach as a looper)

Hello Carlos and Loopers in gral,
I'd like to add something:

On  7 May 97 at 19:08, Carlos R. Carrillo wrote:
> The Canon is the most obvious form to single out since it was often
> built up from a repeating ostinato bassline with sort of a call and
> response harmonic movement riding up on top.
That's an excellent loop comparision!
Not only they sang a loop but they also used some pitch-shifting!

> The Fugue is another important form which makes use of repetition.
> In a fugue, a theme called the subject, is announced by one voice then
> subsequently repeated by various voices.
It's not actually repetition. I would say that it works like a "long delay"
rather than a loop. Remember how the fugue works:
1¼ Voice   A B C D E F....
2¼ Voice   -- A B C D E....
3¼ Voice   ----- A B C D....
Plus the intrument variations and arrangements to make it work.
No voice will repeat itself, but they will rather, delay the previous one.
On the canon each voice repeats itlsef.

> I am sure many of you would find a great deal of similarities between
> looping and these early musical forms.
Perhaps, but barroque styles, and specially BACH, hate to repeat 

But today's looping is mostly a "trance" or "hypnotic" way of music.
And it shouldn't be compared to those occidental types of music,
because it's done with another purpouse.

We can find better (and much older) "loop forms" of music in different
tribal "songs" or musical styles from very distant, non occidental, places.
Most of this tribes had used music to fall into trance, to put themselves 
contact with the spirits, gods, etc. An that music is just that: LOOPS

Don't fool yourselves thinking that BACH was better that neolitic music
because there are so many notes.
Music don't get better. It just changes, like people do.

And please, correct me if I'm wrong.

Juan Manuel Aguirre
thE negativE eyE