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ob echoplex dp - where to buy? us$$$?

hello.  i'm new to the list & am just beginning to explore looping, though
i've followed its use in recordings for quite a while.

can anyone recommend good places to purchase the echoplex + foot controller
in the US?  

what are street prices that folks have paid recently?  

do current units include the new firmware, or how long til that's 

i will summarize responses to the list if there's interest.


dan mcmullen                               don't worry - pay attention
dog@well.com                                              415.681-0712
pgp public key id  =  0A25C54D   (finger dog@well.com for current key)
      fingerprint  =  E4 F9 24 00 8C 1F 69 48  3B 09 C4 9A 09 59 43 0E