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Re: Zoom 508 delay vs. Steinway pianos vs. Klein guitars

mgsam@wave.net wrote:
> Thanks for your informative post about the Zoom 508 but the LoOpDoctOrs
> must take issue with this destructive notion that looping is largely in 
> realm of the studio.  We want equipment that words LIVE and in the 
> We are not happy with the mindset that produces technology that can only 
> accessed if you "have the instructions."
> We are excited about both the Jamman and Echoplex, however, at the same
> time, we are deeply disgruntled with the state of their ergonomic art.
> In short, the Loopdoctors while not starving exactly, remain darn hungry
> when it comes to looper ergonomics.
> The LoOpDoctOrs

  OK, I'm going to take off the flack jacket and open myself up. What do
the LoOpDoctOrs think of the user interface/use-ability/ergonomics of
the Boomerang Phrase Sampler?

Humbly waiting,
