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RE: Bob's steroidal JamMan implant

At 1:08 PM +0100 6/5/97, Dr M. P. Hughes wrote:
>>The A-D converter (input) on JamMan is mono while the D-A (output)
>>converter is stereo so all loops are recorded in mono.
>This surprises me - why were stereo DACs included when only one is used?
>Was this upgrade planned, or is it because the JamMan shares gubbins with
>mono-in /stereo out processors?

I can probably answer that. Audio DACs typically only come as stereo
devices. ADCs are the same. There are many good, low-cost audio converters
out these days, and they are all stereo. When looking for a reasonable
quality part at a reasonable price, this is what a designer will probably
end up using.

Even if it means half of the converter is wasted, there are lots of other
parts necessary to acheive full stereo. Not to mention a greater processing
load! So depending on the application, a designer might need to use a more
powerful processor to handle stereo, plus additional opamps, pots, passive
components, etc. The price could go up quite a bit. If you are making a low
cost mono device, you will almost certainly end up using stereo ADCs and
DACs, even though half is unused. The Echoplex is the same way, actually.
In the Jamman it probably has more to do with sharing hardware with the
Alex/Vortex; the cost saving mono decisions were probably made for those


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
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