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Re: RE: Improving LEXICON interfaces

It is actually very simple to make a footpedal for the echoplex. (or any
sort of control interface, it doesn't have to be for feet.)  The
electronics involved are real simple, just a switch and a resistor for each
function. More details are available on the web site, in the "echoplex
footpedal tutorial" I wrote up last winter.

It seems there are a few people out there who want somehow customized
pedals. Some handy person with a little initiative ought to start up a
little side business doing this for folks. I've turned down several offers
to do custom plex pedals, since I don't have the time or motivation. (or
the mechanical skills, actually)  But there seems to be a small market out
there. I know a certain guitar player in Journey who will buy at least

Don't count on Oberheim to redo the existing footpedal for you. Most people
are satisfied with it, they have it all designed, and it's reasonably easy
to manufacture. There's no financial incentive for them...


At 6:20 PM -0400 6/13/97, BlkSwan03@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 6/12/97 8:57:26 PM, you wrote:
><<the well conceived
>footcontroller making the biggest impact!>>
>I like the foot controller, however the buttons should have been a bit 
>spaced.  I often have a big problem just hitting one.  This can be a big
>problem.  The thing just is not made for large, wide shoes.  (and no, I'm 
>wearing clown shoes.  Just Doc Martens.) I kind of wonder if this problem
>might perhaps be rectified in a future version?

Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com