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Re: Ground Control

At 06:56 AM 6/22/97 -0400, you wrote: I aquired the
>Ground Control so I could treat the 2101/Jman independantly. It worked as 
>as getting rid of the noise artifacts but the only probem I'm having is 
>when I hit one of the 2 pedals I assigned to send midi pgm.chg. 10 or 11 
>the Jman I have to tap the pedal twice before the Jman picks up the
>message-ie: three vertical lights on display. 

  You need the EEPROM update chip from Digital Music Corp {sorry I don't
have the address here}. It's about $20 and allows the same patch change to
be sent twice from the same GC switch. It also gives you a couple of new
options with the GC... altho I haven't found them useful. I thought it was
cool that they specifically mention the Jamman in the upgrade blurb. By the
way, the chip is very easy to change, so certainly don't pay someone to
change it even if you have no experience with electronics. Just use
reasonable care pulling out the old chip... use a small screwdriver to
gently pry it up.
"Where the artists keep free no other sort or condition of man long remains
                                                             --Horace Meyer
John Michael Beard