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new plexer: blinking undo?

hello all!

just found an echoplex dp in a small music shop in northern california: 

i am a bit confused by the undo led: often it seems that i can
long-press-undo back to a certain point at which the undo light will come
on at the beginning of the loop, then go off somewhere before the loop
ends.  at this point long-press or short press seems to have no effect,
even when short pressing while the undo led is on: the on-off cycle time
seems to be fixed.

what's going on here?  why is the led on at all if no effect can be
obtained using the button?

also, if rumors of rom updates "real soon now" are true, does anyone know
if there be a grace period for recent purchasers to upgrade at minimal 

dan mcmullen                               don't worry - pay attention
dog@well.com                                              415.681-0712
pgp public key id  =  0A25C54D   (finger dog@well.com for current key)
      fingerprint  =  E4 F9 24 00 8C 1F 69 48  3B 09 C4 9A 09 59 43 0E