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Re: music

as for the humor in looping,maybe content of the loop will work. we 
found a line from a movie, Doom Generation, in which a young man is 
explaining " I feel like a gerbal smothering in Richard Gere's 
butthole". This was looped repeatatively and a lot of noise and drums 
placed behind in. I for one found the segment extremely funny. When 
played live, it was hard to judge the audiences reation.

>From lists@slip.net Thu Sep 18 16:21:58 1997
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>Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 19:18:44 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Pete Koniuto <pkoniuto@bu.edu>
>To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>Subject: Re: music
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>Resent-Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 16:21:48 -0700
>Ed Chang wrote:
>>   Anyway, my theory is that 'alien/possibly great' sounds/concepts 
>>   sound bad even to the genius-composer at the time of creation 
because it
>>   doesn't fit comfortably in his/her familiar sound-world...
>Exactly, Ed.  It's that uncharted territory thing.  I
>sometimes hear something i've just worked on, be it a loop
>or something else (but usually a loop, since other
>pieces and parts happen more slowly, a little more
>methodically, or are perhaps more premeditated), and
>i'll think, no, there isn't enough high end in this
>to make it sound all nice and balanced.  It sounds dull,
>lo-fi, swampy.  It isn't until later that i realize,
>i've never heard something so damn swampy--this is stinky
>swampy, and it's scaring me, not boring me.  IT'S HAVING
>Often a good clue early on about what is effective, what
>has impact musically is when i find myself either 
>laughing or proverbially scared shitless.  Sometimes both.  
>But if i can immediately sense the humor in a piece, or the
>terror, these are probably reflexes to something that
>doesn't quite sit easily with that sound-world with which 
>i'm familiar and all to comfortable.
>Unfortunately, i KNOW i'm much better at the scarey stuff.
>At least that's a reaction others often have to my 
>material, especially my looping.
>Can anyone suggest how to invoke more humor in the looping
>process?  Either the kind of humor that brings with it 
>tears; or the kind that pulls out that Cheshire grin to
>the listener's lips, like yeah, i get it.
>Torn can do it.  During the Polytown sessions, he would
>pull schitt out that had everyone in the control room
>laughing themselves silly.  And he knew it.  And i think
>he may have even been aiming for that.  Or maybe he was
>just trying to crack himself up.
>Suggestions on how to bring humor (even the nervous kind)
>into the loop? 
>Pete Koniuto
>Music Library
>Boston University

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