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>>CE totally hosed a lot of small american manufacturers, by the way. Doing
>>the design changes, getting EMI tests, managing the paperwork, etc. was 
>>expensive, so a lot of them had to stop selling in europe.
>Serves ya right for making substandard gear!  Ha!

It wasn't substandard when we designed it, just after you guys changed the
laws! It had already been shipping for quite a while before that, meaning
it had to be changed in production. Huge pain.

It was those damned EMI regulations. Do you know how much it costs just to
find out if you have an EMI problem? The scan labs charge at least $200 an
hour, plus another $200/hour for a consultant since you almost certainly
don't know what you're doing. And you're gonna be sitting in there for a
while! And then you've got to pay some other bunch of overpriced
consultants who may or may not know what they're doing to recommend design
changes to correct any problems, then you've got to redesign a shipping
product, build new prototypes, scan them again, probably do it over again
since the consultant turned out to be a flake, redo all the production
engineering, fill out all the paperwork, etc. That's a lot of cash for a
small company and a low volume product.

I mean, jeez. If the music is good, who cares if it stops a pacemaker or
two? :-)

>> The bigger companies could afford to make the changes and had the sales
>>volume > to make it worthwhile; they just bumped the price way up.
>I'm amazed.  Aren't there decent standards held in the States?

Ha! In the land of the free-market-no-matter-how-much-damage-it-causes?

Don't get me wrong, I think the standards are a good thing. It's just that
the economic reality was pretty severe for small companies already dealing
with the expense of competing in a foreign market. I knew of several small
companies that just didn't bother.

>> That's why synths in europe cost way more than in the US now.
>Nah, that's just taxes and stuff.  Strats cost more here than there.  
>strat price is over $1000 right now.

Strats have to pass CE too! At Gibson, we were actually scanning Les Pauls
for EMI problems. It was crazy.

anyway, back to looping....


Kim Flint                   | Looper's Delight
kflint@annihilist.com       | http://www.annihilist.com/loop/loop.html
http://www.annihilist.com/  | Loopers-Delight-request@annihilist.com