Have any of you folks had a chance to play with the Korg DL-8000 looper yet? I read that the price in the UK is going to be UKP500 ($800) or so - not bad for an imported high-tech device over here! I'm still waiting for Yamaha to release some details about what they'll be doing with FireWire. They have a plan called "mLan", which sounds like the kind of thing you're talking about - multiple channels of audio, perhaps in a live setting? (This may still come back round to looping after all...) See http://www.analog.com/publications/press/misc/press_061296A.html and http://www.vxm.com/21R.35.html for more info I found on the net... Cheers, --- frivolous@mailexcite.com London, UK http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/3242/ See my XLChords project - MS Excel does chords? Free web-based email, Forever, From anywhere! http://www.mailexcite.com