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RE: marimba, kalimba, steel drum sounds

Here are the settings for the Steel Drum patch on the original Peavey 
ProFex preamp.  You can probably get a similar sound with a similar 
collection of stomp boxes or another multi-effects unit.

Attack = extra fast
Release = slow
Sustain = 6 (maximum)
Level = 100%
Noise Gate Through = 10 (maximum)

3 Band EQ
Type = Drastic
Low = 0 (flat)
Mid Frequency = 2.1 KHz
Mid Gain = -33 (where 0 = flat, 100 = maximum boost, -100 = maximum cut)
High = -34

Pitch Shifter
Course Pitch = +12 (one octave up)
Cents = +50
Pre-Delay = 0 ms
Feedback = 48%
Mix = 62%

Type = Tunnel
Size = Huge
Pre-Delay = 0 ms
Time = 0.2 sec.
Damp = 1 KHz
Mix = 100%

I hope this helps.

Mark Kata

From:   Len Seligman[SMTP:seligman@mitre.org]
Sent:   Wednesday, October 22, 1997 12:33 AM
To:     Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
Subject:        marimba, kalimba, steel drum sounds

Hi folks,

I'm a looping guitarist/vocalist that plays with a looping electric
violinist/vocalist. Additional sounds/textures I'd like to bring in include
marimbas, kalimbas (African thumb piano), and steel drums. Any suggestions
about effects that could be used to get these or related sounds from an
electric guitar or violin?

Len Seligman