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Re: Pt. 3

I get a similar click when I bow my bass with the echoplex.  I thought
it was well-known that there is a gate on the input, it doesn't start
recording until you send it a certain level.  Maybe this gate is
defeated at extremes of feedback.  Couldn't this have created your


At 12:09 AM -0800 10/29/97, Andre LaFosse wrote:
>If this Echoplex's entire collection of circuitry was indeed replaced,
>then I would have to extend a partial retraction of my criticisms to
>Oberheim, as the sound would certainly have to be an indiginous element of
>the Echoplex's software.  I've noticed this on both the original software
>and the current upgraded version, so if all of the circuitry in this unit
>was freshly installed within the last month, there's really no other

Curtis Bahn
iEAR Studios, DCC 135
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  
Troy, New York, 
office  (518) 276-4032
fax     (518) 276-4780
email    crb@rpi.edu