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Fripp and FSOL

)n 11/7/97 Kim Flint wrote:

>Didn't Fripp do something with FSOL too? Like on Lifeforms? I can't recall
>actually noticing what he contributed, but I thought I remembered seeing 
>name on the cd book. Some soundscapes or something?

 Funny I was listening to this this morning as my wife and I were cleaning.
I totally forgtot that RF contrubuted anything to this release, so I just
grabbed the CD and he is on track 3 of disc 1, a piece called Flak. There
is about 14 seconds of an instantly recognizable loop by RF. I'm unsure if
any other parts are his. I seem to remember an interview where he sadi he
gave them a fair amount of material to work with, but most was not used.

He also appeared on one or two tracks of the FSOL release ISDN. Robert's
contrubtions on FFWD are much more prominent. Both Lifeforms and FFWD are
worthwhile music to check out.


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