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Top ten list with quotes

Top Ten:
Good Idea...I checked out Mr.Bungle (*!) ..finally upon the
Nudging of another 10 list.
It is always nice to know what one regards as their "top ten"
If they think its that good then mabey I should check it out
for hoopla (l?) ...
These are My Favorites ::::
_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1)Mozart - Fantasia in F minor *s preformed by Murray Perahia(piano), and
Radu Lapu (piano),* cd is done by the English Chamber Orchestra
well...this one is #1 the rest are too hard to reserve place

2)Herbie Hankcock - Head Hunters

3)James Brown - 20 greatest hits ( and lots of great drummin')

4)Jeff Beck - Wired

5)Hendrix-Live at winterland

6)Wagner - symphony of the air  *especially the part whose name i dont
                               **But is featured in "larry Flint" in the
scene where Woody is talking
                                 infront of a movie screen playing 
at a demonstation
                              ***quote from Wagner-"I am the German
Spirit".Consult the incomparable
                                 magic of my works;hold them side by side
with everything else;
                                 you have no choice but to say - this is

7)Miles Davis - Kind of Blue,Pangea

8)Genesis - Nursery Crimes

9)Coltrane - A love supreme

10)Pink Floyd - Ummagumma

final quote:"Don't bother to look,Ive composed this already."

           ** Gustav Mahler, to Bruno Walter who had
              stopped to admire mountain Austria

thanks for the record "to buy" lists !!
