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Re: simm upgrade/ CD recorders

Matthias Grob <matthias@bahianet.com.br> intoned:

>>BTW, I read the specs on that philips CD-RW jobbie, damn that looks cool!
>>Who needs DAT anymore?
>I use mine to record what I do on stage :-)
>Those RW media are a lot more expensive and the machines about doubble,
>too. So calculate how many CDRs you record that are not worth saving and
>how many CDRs you can trash until its worth working with CD-RW...

I concur!  I think a fast hard drive with a lot of free space works just
fine for immediate recording, and CDRW would be fine if it weren't so
expensive.  What does anyone have against 'regular old' CDR?  :)  It would
seem that the media cost (or costs incurred by the media, like perhaps
speed/capacity) is still the issue.

Stephen Goodman           * http://www.earthlight.net/Studios
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