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Re: Data compression, twitch factors, knee jerks and God

>In short, we trust our ears and nobody's spec sheets.  And we are HIGHLY
>suspicious of faux scientific explanations as to why we should accept 
>as "more."  That includes marketing/compression schemes.  Bang for the 
>buck is
>one thing, but don't tell our ears they're related to jerky knees.   The
>"twitch factor" for marketing types with profit line incentives is much 
>then the 
>"knee jerk" factor in musicians.

Every form of recording technology has its limitations.
"Sergeant Pepper" recorded on an MD still manages to get the point across.
Hack engineers will yield poor results with unfamiliar technology, 
digital or analog, regardless.
All compression, analog or digital, represents a loss of information.
All professional recordings are compressed in several ways before the 
final product reaches the consumer.  Despite this, music still finds its 
way into the world.
Anything which is considered "state of the art" today will be viewed as 
hopelessly outdated within five years, including ADAT, the Echoplex, 
24-bit sampling, etc.
If you wait for the perfect technology to arrive, you'll never get 
anything done.
Take what you can afford now, and make the most of it.
