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LiSa (was Re: New to looping/processing)

As Dan pointed out:

>>If you feel like dealing with a computer (a Mac), the software 
sampler LiSa 
will do all this stuff and more. Checkout a demo at www.xs4all.nl.<<

I recently saw British violinist Kaffe Matthews play a solo set with LiSa 
a Powerbook at Harvestworks in NYC.  She played a pretty mind-bending
polyphonic loop improvisation, and gave a short demo/lecture on her methods
and tools (oddly enough, I saw Fripp the following evening, using a stack 
TC2290s and Eventides in order to achieve similar multitrack looping 

LiSa itself is a pretty impressive piece of software, allowing for realtime
record and play of five voices, with pitch/speed control and some 
DSP functions for each (and at $250 or so, it costs less than any available
hardware looper--not including the Powerbook, of course).
