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Bay Area Event Saturday!

Attention Bay Area AH'ers, snugglers, and loopers:  you may be interested
in the event below.  Plenty of your fellow analogue enthusiasts,
experimental sound-collage artists and loop freaks will be performing, and
having a great time.  Come on out and meet us!

Apologies, of course, to those not local to the Bay Area, or not 


AirSickBags Omnimedia+(NOISIA) & Ovenguard Music Present:

                    [OMNIMEDIA v.03]

~An Evening of Overlapping Experimental Electronic Mayhem~

Featuring electronic musicians, visual artists, and modifyers of technology
in a massive train wreck of son-optic proportions.

Saturday, January 24th, 8pm-1:30am
@ cell
2050 Bryant St, between 18th/19th
$7-10 slide
(all proceeds benefit the cell video projector fund!)
come early, there's a lot to see/hear

******electronix musicians:

Space Mesa-gourmet blend of sauteed samples gently tossed on a crisp bed of
vintage analogs, served with fresh-baked beats moderately sprinkled with
freshly-filtered reverb

univac&modrn-mind-controlled drum machines, modified toys, proximity
detector, powerbook, and analog madness

Gustavo and His MetaGraph-multi-armed, multi-output turntable, minimalism
through 16mm

Bran Flakes-Fractured Fragmented Formatted Flavor, featuring Rev. Otis F.
Odder, Das (of Big City Orchestra) and Phineas Narco

Wobbly-the workers' movement unites with the looming spectre of children's
stories for a twisted march toward a brighter, wobblier tomorrow

Involution-The "Hall & Oates" of experimental noise return from their
travels east with tantalizing textures and sizzling soundbits for a rare
San Francisco appearance

Wet Gate-multiple 16mm projector foundsoundsource collage

******electronix installations:

Wild Vectors-examine stark naked system software up-close and personal.
Presented LIVE in ACTION! -for your viewing pleasure, by Chris de Monterey
and Mike Kan

Memory Tank-languid dreams projected like memory onto your frontal lobes;
an audiovisual representation constructed by David Washington

Peter King-life-sized analog fractals, step on up!

Dan Doerner-Visual Sampling; Projections of Digital Art &
Animation...courtesy of Steinberg's Expose

EyeTribe-live multisource kaleidoscopic video degeneration

Imaja-the creator of "Bliss Paint" Greg Jalbert mixes up some algorithmic
goo for your visual pleasure

OptikalNutraSweet-a bucket of slides and a barrowful of 16mm

PLUS: Drive the Video Feedback Tractor!!

info: univac@sirius.com, cstecker@ovenguard.com

All acts and exhibits embrace the tenet of Trickle-Down Technology: The
tech you covet today, you'll find at a swap meet or garage sale tomorrow...


Chris Stecker


Graduate Student, Psychoacoustics
3210 Tolman Hall, #1650
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley CA 94720-1650

Auditory Lab, B-50 Tolman Hall, (510)642-5352   http://ear.berkeley.edu

!!Ask me about Space Mesa, Ovenguard Music, Receptacle Culture, and CELL!!