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Re: The LoOpDoctOrs suggest worthy Looping device candidates

Rx of Loop-

Can't afford to be giving away the Loop John B, but an old spicy word in
the ear of an Oregon-o to call me in Nashville at 800-777-0795 ext. 527
would be appreciated. 

Tom "On my way again to Gomorrahritaville, lookin' for my pillar of salt"

At 11:27 AM 1/27/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Dear Loopers:
>We saw the group Oregon last night.  We are in awe.
>One thing, they could all use a really great looper to expand some sonic
>possibilities.  Has any company ever thought about just sending them
>interesting in the mail?  We know where they are for the next two weeks.  
>the LoOpDoctOrs