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Re: craft project

Jeff's scheme is solid, if you're into sewing.  Also, there are
commercially available cable bundlers (shielded and unshielded) that can be
of use, as well as cheap garden hose (get the large diameter black rubber
stuff if possible--cut the ends off, thread your cables through--if they're
too thick to thread through, slit the hose longitudinally, stuff yer cables
in, seal it with black tape, and hey presto! instant snake.)  I would
however suggest the following:  Don't bundle signal cables and power cables
in one snake if you can avoid it at all.  In fact, don't run signal and
power cables next to each other under any circumstance where it can be
avoided--cross one over the other at 90 degrees if you must and keep the
gaffer tape handy.

By the way, MIDI Solutions will reportedly be shipping the R8 in
February--it's a 1U rack-mounted midi-controlled giz with eight relays that
open and close eight 1/4" jacks.  Thus, you can control stuff that uses a
1/4" phone-plug footswitch via midi.  (http://www.midisolutions.com).  That
might be a solution to rack spaghetti for some of us.  (I want one for my
Mesa/Boogie V-Twin, and there'll still be two jacks left over to run, like,
the fog machine and the disco ball...)

Scott Bullerwell
Boulder, Colorado, USA