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Re: Drum and Percussion Looping

Tom Roady wrote:
>Rob, Tell me more about the VINX/Calhoun Project. I assume you are
talking Will Calhoun.<

Sorry bout the delay, I've been busy in the last while ...
I actually didn't get to check this band out when they were here for one 
of the jazz fests last summer, so all I have is second hand info. They 
had Doug Wimbish in the band, too, so I guess they were pretty funky. 

Does anyone else know about this project/band (Andre'?)? Didn't 
they record something together?

Tom also asked:
>I have been mostly using it (as at NAMM) with the ZENDRUM but 
I just aquired a Wavedrum and I am going to be getting some 
microphones for acoustic congas etc... Any hints on getting the 
acoustics into the loop at the correct input levels?<

That's one of my ongoing challenges...  :-(
I don't currently have a very elaborate microphone setup (a single 
condenser overhead). I'm using headphones to monitor my sound 
to eliminate getting the the two other guys on my loops. I'm not totally
satisfied with this approach, though. It tends to cut me off from the 
"liveness" of a gig and I don't hear my kit acoustically the way I'd like 
to. I s'pose mic'ing each source and sending it to a mixer would be 
ideal. I'm about to buy a Mackie 1402 mixer, so that should improve my 
situation, well not until I buy meself some microphones! I'm also using
an expander/compressor (Behringer Composer - thanks to those on 
the list who sent their advice!) to even out the peaks and troughs.

PS: Wow - Wave drums, Zendrums ... envy ... me want some too! 
What are some of the differences between the two?

Later, Rob