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RE: You people are gonna LOVE this... The Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Not to refute Joe Satriani's praise, but maybe some of us ambient
loopers should contact Mr. Satriani and let him know how many of us
folks are also "doing something nobody else is doing."

Reminds me of some writing by Leacock.  "I saw a solitary horseman
coming over a hill in the distance.  Then another solitary horseman, and
then... another solitary horseman.  Pretty soon I was surrounded by
hundreds of solitary horsemen..."

David Kirkdorffer

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Andre LaFosse [SMTP:altruist@earthlink.net]
        Sent:   Sunday, February 22, 1998 1:38 AM
        To:     loopers-delight@annihilist.com
        Subject:        You people are gonna LOVE this...

        Just saw the following quote in the current _Guitar_ magazine
        story with Joe Satriani, regarding Fripp's presence on the G3


        "When you sit down and you really let yourself in and you open
        heart to Robert's performance, I guarantee it puts your spirit
through a
        cathartic experience.  It's a music that draws things out of you
        would never come out listening to any other kind of music...
What he is
        doing on his guitar and with his gear is something that needs to
        covered in detail because it's something that nobody else is


        Some post-script to our latest Fripp-a-thon from last week, huh?
